Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1478 Demonstrating the Economic Impacts of Michigan DOT's Highway Program economic impact, economy, investment, five-year program, SPR-1478-Spotlight.pdf
TPF - 5(254) TPF-5(254)-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1712 Tools to protect coastal roadways from high water climate change; global warming; environmental policy; environmental risk assessment; coastal zone management; multiple criteria decision making; planning; evaluation and assessment; economic impacts; SPR-1712-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1572 Sharing the road : optimizing pedestrian and bicycle safety and vehicle mobility John LaPlante Pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, vehicle mobility, sharing the road, best practices SPR-1572-Report.pdf
SPR-1593 - 1594 Final Steps Toward Using MEPDG in Michigan - Parts 1 and 2 - Spotlight SPR-1593-1594-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1441 mdot_RC-1441Appendix_I_103021_7.xls
MATES-88-26 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 1988-December-MATES-26.pdf
RR-384 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Statewide Travel Impact Analysis Procedures - Vol 10-A RR-384-Report.pdf
RR-351 West Branch Area External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report RR-351-Report.pdf
SPR-1623 Tow Plows Could Help Michigan Save Time and Money On Winter Maintenance SPR-1623-Spotlight.pdf
RES-UP-13 Research Update MDOT 2013-July-Research-Update.pdf
RR-785D Pavement Demonstration Program Project Finalization Full-Depth Reconstructed Perpetual Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement ? M-84 & I-96 Zhanping You, Lei Yin, Syed W. Haider, Dongzhao Jin, Kwadwo Ampadu Boateng Perpetual pavement; full-depth reconstruction; HMA overlay; distress; performance analysis, cost analysis; maintenance RR-785D-Report.pdf
SPR-1740 Electronic Water Level Sensors for Monitoring Scour Critical Structures Branko Kerkez, Kate Kusiak Galvin, Travis Dantzer 02/06/2025 Bridge scour monitoring, Water level sensors, Real-time data, Open-source technology, Bridge inspection, Sensor networks, Wireless communication SPR-1740-Report.pdf
SPR-1735 Enhancing MDOT?s digital vision to support construction processes CTC & Associates 12/30/2024 Digital delivery, Digital Reality Solution, AASHTOware Data Integration SPR-1735-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1704 Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs Effectively Improve Driver Behavior CTC & Associates 11/25/2024 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Implementation-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1741-Appendix C Appendix C - Python Coding Aditi Misra, Krista Nordback, Shubhayan Ukil, Mike Vann, Garrett Fardon, Meghna Chakraborty, Wesley Marshall 11/14/2024 Crowdsourced data, Active transportation volume, SPR-1741-Python-Coding.pdf
SPR-1741 Leveraging Crowd-sourced Data in Planning, Design, Analysis, and Evaluation of Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic Aditi Misra, Krista Nordback, Shubhayan Ukil, Mike Vann, Garrett Fardon, Meghna Chakraborty, Wesley Marshall 11/14/2024 Crowdsourced data, Active transportation volume, SPR-1741-Report.pdf
SPR-1726 Eastern massasauga rattlesnake's use of roadside space in southern Michigan CTC & Associates 10/03/2024 Roads, Maintenance, Eastern massasauga rattlesnake, SPR-1726-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1742 Multimodal Airport Charging Station Deployment - Phase I John Trendowski, Kelly Jost, Mia Held, Matthew LaRue, Corey Johnson, Basil Yap, Chris Fernando, Bhoomin Chauhan 10/01/2024 Airport multimodal charging stations, electric aircraft SPR-1742-Report.pdf
SPR-1738 Improving Road Safety with Video Analytics Technology CTC & Associates 09/25/2024 Video analytics, connected vehicles, ITS, technology, technology assessments SPR-1738-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1732 Enhanced Bridge Cost Estimating Christopher D. Eamon Kazuhiko Shinki Ihab Darwish Jose Garcia Kin Hang Wong Ahmad Alsendi Erika Hozeski 09/24/2024 Bridges, Construction, Cost, Cost Estimation SPR-1732-Report.pdf
RR-785A Pavement Demonstration Program Project Finalization Thin Unbonded Concrete Overlay Projects ? M-3 & M-1 Zhanping You, Lei Yin, Syed W. Haider, Dongzhao Jin, Kwadwo Ampadu Boateng 08/21/2024 Concrete overlay; joint; sealed; panel; unsealed; pavement; crack; distress; joint; separator; maintenance RR-785A-Report.pdf
RR-785B Pavement Demonstration Program Project Finalization Low Volume (Thin) Concrete Reconstruction Projects ? M-13 & M-99 Zhanping You, Lei Yin, Syed W. Haider, Dongzhao Jin, Kwadwo Ampadu Boateng 08/21/2024 Fault; concrete; panel; pavement; crack; distress; cost; low-volume; maintenance RR-785B-Report.pdf
RR-785C Pavement Demonstration Program Project Finalization Perpetual Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Over Rubblized Concrete Project ? I-75 Zhanping You, Lei Yin, Syed W. Haider, Dongzhao Jin, Kwadwo Ampadu Boateng 08/21/2024 Perpetual pavement; rubblized concrete; HMA overlay; distress; performance analysis, cost analysis; maintenance RR-785C-Report.pdf
SPR-1726 Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (sistrurus catenatus) Detection and Space Use Near Roads in the Southern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA Jillian A. Rajewski, Henry R. Campa III, Gary J. Roloff, Steven M. Gray 08/05/2024 Roads, Maintenance, Eastern massasauga rattlesnake, SPR-1726-Report.pdf
SPR-1735 Construction Digital Delivery Technology Scan 07/31/2024 Digital delivery, Digital Reality Solution, AASHTOware Data Integration SPR-1735-Report.pdf
SPR-1733 Best practices and specifications for stabilizing pavement subgrades CTC & Associates 07/01/2024 Subgrade stabilization, construction, pavement, performance, SPR-1733-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1705 Transportation agencies pool ideas and resources for technology-enabled solutions CTC & Associates 06/26/2024 ENTERPRISE, evaluation, applied research, exploratory research, intelligent transportation systems, ITS, Highway safety; Pooled funds; Research; Technological innovations SPR-1705-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1738 Utilizing Video Analytics with Connected Vehicles for Improved Safety Amanda Good, Sarah Butler Jeffery Dale, Stacie Phillips 05/31/2024 Video analytics, connected vehicles, ITS, technology, technology assessments SPR-1738-Report.pdf
SPR-1736 Design flexibility produces more cost-effective transportation projects CTC & Associates 05/01/2024 Design, Analysis, Data-Drive Safety Analysis, DDSA, Performance Based Practical Design, PBPD, Benefit/Cost SPR-1736-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1728 Evaluation of Bridge Deck Winter Weather Warning Systems Timothy J. Gates, Sagar Keshari, Jonathan J. Kay, Julie L. Schaffer, Peter T. Savolainen, Dario Babic, Md. Shakir Mahmud, Myles Overall, Deniada Nikollari, Ali Zockaie 04/09/2024 Bridge, weather, icy, warning, system, sign, W8-13 SPR-1728-Report.pdf
SPR-1733 Establish Policies and Procedures for Use of Subgrade Stabilization in Michigan Nishantha Bandara, Elin Jensen, and Stephen Sebesta 03/07/2024 Subgrade stabilization, construction, pavement, performance, SPR-1733-Report.pdf
SPR-1730 New methods for preventing and repairing bridge deck fascia damage CTC & Associates 03/01/2024 Deck fascia; deterioration mechanism; corrosion; freeze-thaw; repair; barrier; crashworthiness; surface treatment; corrosion resistant reinforcement; field investigation; coring; testing SPR-1730-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1692 Green Strobes Added to MDOT Winter Maintenance Vehicles Increase Visibility CTC & Associates 02/23/2024 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare, implementation SPR-1692-Implementation-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1723 Refining data and tools to design cost-effective, sustainable pavement CTC & Associates 02/01/2024 Pavement-ME, local calibration, resampling techniques, pavement analysis, and design SPR-1723-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1734 Making high-speed corridors safer for pedestrians and cyclists CTC & Associates 01/23/2024 Pedestrian-vehicle crashes, Bicycle crashes, Higher speed roads, Nighttime crashes, Light level readings, High crash corridors, Highway factors in crashes, Crash site visits SPR-1734-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1736 Corridor and Systemwide Application of Performance Based Practical Design Andrew H. Ceifetz; Matt Wendling; Peter T. Savolainen; Timothy J. Gates; Anshu Bamney; Emma Hagel; Sunday Imosemi; Hisham Jashami; Nusayba Megat-Johari 12/06/2023 Design, Analysis, Data-Drive Safety Analysis, DDSA, Performance Based Practical Design, PBPD, Benefit/Cost SPR-1736-Report.pdf
SPR-1734 Effective Pedestrian/Non-Motorized Crossing Enhancements Along Higher Speed Corridors Ron Van Houten, Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Sia Mwende, and Baraah Qawasmeh 10/30/2023 Pedestrian-vehicle crashes, Bicycle crashes, Higher speed roads, Nighttime crashes, Light level readings, High crash corridors, Highway factors in crashes, Crash site visits SPR-1734-Report.pdf
SPR-1730 Repair of Bridge Deck Fascias Furkan Cakmak, Fatmir Menkulasi, Christopher Eamon, Hwai-Chung Wu 10/30/2023 Deck fascia; deterioration mechanism; corrosion; freeze-thaw; repair; barrier; crashworthiness; surface treatment; corrosion resistant reinforcement; field investigation; coring; testing SPR-1730-Report.pdf
SPR-1723 Testing Protocol, Data Storage, and Recalibration for Pavement-ME Design Syed Waqar Haider, M. Emin Kutay, Bora Cetin, Rahul Raj Singh, Hamad Bin Muslim, Celso Santos, Zhanping You, Dongzhao Jin, Kai Xin, Will Hansen, and Yuguo Zhong 10/26/2023 Pavement-ME, local calibration, resampling techniques, pavement analysis, and design SPR-1723-Report.pdf
SPR-1724 Modernizing Right of Way Maps with Geographic Information System Technology CTC & Associates 10/01/2023 Right of Way, Geographic Information Systems SPR-1724-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1727 New tool helps MDOT customize roadway designs for all users CTC & Associates 09/01/2023 Ferry Operators, Funding Maintenance and Operations, Island Residents, Marine Mobility, Economic Welfare, Social Welfare, Tribal Communities, Ferry Governance, Ferry Boat Program, Marine Capital Fundi SPR-1727-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1722 Evaluating Pavements Designed for Longer Life CTC & Associates 08/01/2023 Long life pavements, perpetual pavements, flexible and rigid pavements, mechanistic-empirical pavement design SPR-1722-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1718 MDOT UAS Connected Corridor Feasibility Analysis Final Report 08/01/2023 UAS SPR-1718-Report.pdf
SPR-1698 Revised Concrete Cure Times Reduce Duration of Bridge Closures CTC & Associates 07/13/2023 Bridge deck, Bond strength, Concrete, Cracking, Curing, Epoxy overlay, Healer sealer, Moisture, Road user cost SPR-1698-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1725 Maximizing the safety, economic and environmental benefits of Michigan roundabouts CTC & Associates 07/01/2023 Roundabouts, yielding behavior, speed selection, safety, empirical SPR-1725-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1727 Determining State and Federal Transportation Responsibilities to Residents on Islands Ali Zockaie, Farish Jazlan, Amirali Soltanpour, Mehrnaz Ghamami, Timothy Gates, Peter Savolainen 06/30/2023 Ferry Operators, Funding Maintenance and Operations, Island Residents, Marine Mobility, Economic Welfare, Social Welfare, Tribal Communities, Ferry Governance, Ferry Boat Program, Marine Capital Fundi SPR-1727-Report.pdf
SPR-1716 Measuring Michigan?s highway network performance is critical for planning CTC & Associates 05/01/2023 Performance measures, performance management, performance-based planning, mobility measures, reliability measures, MAP-21 SPR-1716-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1724 Modernizing right of waymaps with geographic information system technology Erin L. Bunting, Robert F. Goodwin, Tim Weir 04/28/2023 Right of Way, Geographic Information Systems SPR-1724-Report.pdf
SPR-1722 Evaluation of MDOT's Long-Life Pilot Projects Muhammed Emin Kutay 04/03/2023 Long life pavements, perpetual pavements, flexible and rigid pavements, mechanistic-empirical pavement design SPR-1722-Report.pdf
SPR-1720 Understanding the impacts of wide base tires on Michigan?s pavements CTC & Associates 04/03/2023 Wide base tire; dual tire; pavement design; mechanical-empirical design; AASHTO 93 design; flexible pavements; rigid pavements SPR-1720-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1725 Evaluating the Performance and Safety Effectiveness of Roundabouts - An Update 01/30/2023 Roundabouts, yielding behavior, speed selection, safety, empirical SPR-1725-Report.pdf
SPR-1721 Safety Enhancements at Short-Storage-Space Railroad Crossings Subasish Das; Jeff Warner 12/31/2022 Short-Storage-Space Railroad Crossings, Naturalistic Driving Study, Natural Driving Simulation, MUTCD, Behavioral Score, Passive Control Devices SPR-1721-Report.pdf
SPR-1720 Quantifying the Impact of Wide Base Tires on Pavement Performance in Michigan Zhanping You; Lei Yin 12/31/2022 Wide base tire; dual tire; pavement design; mechanical-empirical design; AASHTO 93 design; flexible pavements; rigid pavements SPR-1720-Report.pdf
SPR-1717 Competitive Bidding in Construction Contracting Hexa Liu; Valerian Kwigizile 12/21/2022 Competitive Bidding, Cost Estimation, Construction MarketCompetition, Best Practices, Traffic Control, Post-bidAnalysis, Bidding Experiment SPR-1717-Report.pdf
SPR-1716 Assessing System Performance of the Michigan Trunkline: Measures and Analytical Procedures for Planning and Operations Ali Zockaie, Ehsan Kamjoo, Farish Jazlan, William (Bill) Eisele, Mehrnaz Ghamami, Timothy Gates, Peter Savolainen 12/21/2022 Performance measures, performance management, performance-based planning, mobility measures, reliability measures, MAP-21 SPR-1716-Report.pdf
SPR-1565 Assessing the Impact of Passing Relief Lanes - Spotlight 12/11/2022 SPR-1565-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1566 Assessing the Performance of Michigan Roundabouts - Spotlight 12/11/2022 SPR-1566-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1694 Innovative contracting Provides Flexibility to Customize Project Results David Chenault; John Bale; Scott Sh 10/01/2022 StatementTransportation, Planning and Design, Facilities, Design-Build, Innovative Con-tracting, Alternative Project Delivery, Innovation, Public-Private-Partnership, Construction Manager/General Cont SPR-1694-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1719 Developing a Consistent Data Driven Methodology to Multimodal, Performance Based and Context Sensitive Design Peter Savolainen, Timothy Gates 09/30/2022 Context sensitive design; pedestrian; bicyclist; decision-support tool SPR-1719-Report.pdf
SPR-1713 Integrating drones into MDOT?s day-to-day traffic and asset management CTC & Associates 09/01/2022 Unmanned / uncrewed aerial system, UAS, bridges, traffic, lidar, construction, information models, operations, BIM SPR-1713-Spotlight.pdf
SPR - 1703 Concrete Deterioration of Prestressed Bridge Beams Upul Attanayake, Neil Berke, Harsha 07/31/2022 Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, Alkali-Silica Reactivity, Concrete, Coatings, Beams, Delayed Ettringite Formation, Distress, Freeze-thaw, Prestressed, Rating, Sealants SPR-1703-Report.pdf
SPR-1714 Evaluating the Impacts of the 2017 Legislative Mandated Speed Limit Increases Peter Savolainen; Tomothy Gates 06/30/2022 speed limit increase, freeways, two-lane highways, COVID-19 SPR-1714-Report.pdf
SPR-1698 Effects of Concrete Cure Time on Epoxy Overlay and Sealant Performance Upul Attanayake, Neil Berke, Abul F 06/15/2022 Bridge deck, Bond strength, Concrete, Cracking, Curing, Epoxy overlay, Healer sealer, Moisture, Road user cost SPR-1698-Report.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix D 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-D.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix E 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-E.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix A 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-A.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix B 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-B.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix G 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-G.pdf
SPR 1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix F 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-F.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels - Appendix C 05/01/2022 SPR-1712-Appendix-C.pdf
SPR-1709 Quantifying Effectiveness and Impacts of Digital Message Signs on Traffic Flow Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Ro 04/01/2022 Digital Message Signs, Traffic Flow, DMS messages, Advanced traveler information systems; Traffic flow; Traffic signs; Variable message signs SPR-1709-Report.pdf
SPR-1709 Benefits of dynamic message signs on driver behavior and traffic flow 04/01/2022 Digital Message Signs, Traffic Flow, DMS messages, Advanced traveler information systems; Traffic flow; Traffic signs; Variable message signs SPR-1709-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1708 Updating best practices to keep pedestrians and bicyclists safe 04/01/2022 Pedestrian design, bicycle design, towards zero death, vision zero, crossing enhancements, COVID-19 impacts, bicycle facilities, safety programs SPR-1708-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1706 Evaluating safety and traffic improvements along Michigan?s first flex route CTC & Associates 04/01/2022 US-23, Flex route, performance, safety, public perception SPR-1706-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1704 Dynamic signs along Michigan's freeway ramps improve driver behavior CTC & Associates 04/01/2022 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1707 Evaluation of 0.7 Inch Diameter Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Pretensioning Strands in Prestressed Beams Nabil Grace, Mena Bebawy, Mohamed 03/31/2022 CFRP; Prestressed Highway Bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; FreezeThaw SPR-1707-Report.pdf
SPR-1705 Evaluating New Technologies for Roads Program Initiatives in Safety and Efficiency (ENTERPRISE) - Phase II Dean Deeter, Linda Preisen, Tina Ro 03/22/2022 ENTERPRISE, evaluation, applied research, exploratory research, intelligent transportation systems, ITS, Highway safety; Pooled funds; Research; Technological innovations SPR-1705-Report.pdf
SPR-1712 Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels Craig K. Hebebrand; Christopher S. 03/17/2022 climate change; global warming; environmental policy; environmental risk assessment; coastal zone management; multiple criteria decision making; planning; evaluation and assessment; economic impacts; SPR-1712-Report.pdf
SPR-1711 Innovative Contracting Risk Management Best Practices Andrew R. Keetley, Glenn A. Goldste 03/11/2022 Alternative Project Delivery, Best Practices, Contingency, Innovative Contracting, Risk Management, Risk Register, Transportation SPR-1711-Report.pdf
SPR-1713 Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems Data Collection into Day-to-Day Usage for Transportation Infrastructure ? A Phase III Project C. Brooks, C.Cook, R. Dobson, T. Oommen, K. Zhang, A. Mukherjee, R.Samsami, A.Semenchuk, B.Lovelace, V.Hung, Y.Yang, Y.Tan, A.Jenkins, J.Graham, V.C. Lekha, M.Billmire, V.Barber. 03/11/2022 Unmanned / uncrewed aerial system, UAS, bridges, traffic, lidar, construction, information models, operations, BIM SPR-1713-Report.pdf
SPR-1711 Risk management tools help MDOT deliver projects on time and on budget CTC & Associates 03/01/2022 Alternative Project Delivery, Best Practices, Contingency, Innovative Contracting, Risk Management, Risk Register, Transportation SPR-1711-Spotlight.pdf
SPR- 1702 Measuring the Effect and Value of Intermediate Diaphragms on Bridges 02/01/2022 SPR-1702-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1708 Synthesis of National Best Practices on Pedestrian and Bicycle Design, Guidance, and Technology Innovations Timothy Gates, Tongbin Teresa Qu, J 01/27/2022 Pedestrian design, bicycle design, towards zero death, vision zero, crossing enhancements, COVID-19 impacts, bicycle facilities, safety programs SPR-1708-Report.pdf
SPR-1704 Measure the Operational Cost and Benefit of Speed Feedback Signs Timothy J. Gates, Peter T. Savolain 01/23/2022 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Report.pdf
SPR-1706 US-23 Performance, Safety, and Perception Assessment Eva Kassens-Noor, Peter T. Savolain 01/21/2022 US-23, Flex route, performance, safety, public perception SPR-1706-Report.pdf
SPR-1699 Recruit and Maintain/Upgrade a High-Tech Workforce for Emerging Technologies Zahra Bahrani Fard, Eric Paul Denni 12/01/2021 Emerging Transportation Technology, Department of Transportation, Workforce Strategic Planning, Talent Pipeline Management SPR-1699-Report.pdf
SPR-1699 MDOT prepares its workforce for emerging transportation technologies 12/01/2021 SPR-1699-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1686 Insights into the Effective Use of Dynamic Message Signs for Traffic Safety 11/01/2021 Safety message; dynamic message sign; changeable message sign SPR-1686-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1693 Michigan-specific construction cost index improves highway project planning CTC & Associates 09/01/2021 Highway Construction, Cost Estimating, Price Index, Construction Market Condition, Forecast, Data Analytic, Automation SPR-1693-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1686 Effectiveness of Crash Fact/Safety Message Signs on Dynamic Message Signs Peter T. Savolainen, Timothy J. Gat 08/11/2021 Safety message; dynamic message sign; changeable message sign SPR-1686-Report.pdf
SPR-1701 New standards foster successful roadside plantings - Spotlight 08/01/2021 SPR-1701-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1702 Development of Guidelines for the Use of Intermediate Diaphragms on Precast Concrete Beam Superstructures Christopher D. Eamon Fatmir Menkula 08/01/2021 diaphragms; bridges; prestressed concrete; instability; buckling; finite element analysis SPR-1702-Report.pdf
SPR-1694 Innovative Contracting Best Practices David J Chenault, John Bale, Scott 08/01/2021 Transportation, Planning and Design, Facilities, Design-Build, Innovative Contracting, Alternative Project Delivery, Innovation, Public-Private-Partnership, Construction Manager/General Contractor SPR-1694-Report.pdf
SPR-1701 Slope restoration on urban freeways Bert Cregg. Robert Schutzki and Mad 08/01/2021 Site preparation, compost, mulch, tillage, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, grasses SPR-1701-Report.pdf
SPR-1700 ITS Evaluation Tool Calculates Value and Impact of Highway Technology 07/01/2021 SPR-1700-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1700 Development of a Network-Level Evaluation Tool for Managing ITS Infrastructure Van Hecke, Samuel; Gallagher, Mark 06/30/2021 Intelligent Transportation Systems, Operations, Benefit/Cost Analysis, Project Prioritization SPR-1700-Report.pdf
SPR-1688 Revised Bridge Scour Calculations Help MDOT Better Allocate Finite Resources CTC & Associates 04/01/2021 Bridge Scour, Cohesive Soils, Scour-susceptible Rock,Scour Analysis SPR-1688-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1696 Treatments for Recycled Concrete Aggregate Reduce pH of Roadway Drainage CTC & Associates 04/01/2021 Environment, construction, recycled aggregate, pavement, bases, drainage SPR-1696-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1697 Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders 04/01/2021 SPR-1697-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1697 Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders Furkan Cakmak, Fatmir Menkulasi, Ch 03/31/2021 Prestressed concrete beam; steel beam; camber; deflection; rebound; creep; shrinkage; prestress loss; time-dependent behavior SPR-1697-Report.pdf
SPR-1691 Structural Analysis Tools Help Strealine Review of Bridge Construction Plans CTC & Associates 02/01/2021 Bridge construction, calculation tools, check lists, constructability evaluation, constructability review, Mathcad, quality control and quality assurance SPR-1691-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1651 New Safety Tool Highlights Crash Risks for Pedestrians and Bicyclists Across the State. CTC & Associates 02/01/2021 non-motorized users, bicyclist, pedestrian, risk models, risk score, safety performance functions, highway safety, manual, Empirical Bayes, geographic information systems SPR-1651-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1696 Reduction of pH Levels from Underdrain Outlets Nishantha Bandara, Elin Jensen, Nic 12/31/2020 Environment, construction, recycled aggregate, pavement, bases, drainage SPR-1696-Report.pdf
SPR-1684 Knowledge management system enables easy access to bridge policy and design updates WSU 12/01/2020 SPR-1684-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1692 Green warning lights make winter maintenance trucks more visible 12/01/2020 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare SPR-1692-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1688 Improved Calculation of Scour Potential on Cohesive Soils and Scour Susceptible Rock 12/01/2020 Bridge Scour, Cohesive Soils, Scour-susceptible Rock,Scour Analysis SPR-1688-Report.pdf
SPR-1684 Best Practices for Modernizing MDOT Bridge Design Manual, Guides, and Policy Documentation 12/01/2020 Bridge, Design Policies, Design Manual, Design Guides, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Legacy Documents, Standard Plans SPR-1684-Report.pdf
SPR-1693b Michigan Transportation Construction Price Index Hexu Liu, Valerian Kwigizile, and W 10/21/2020 Highway Construction, Cost Estimating, Price Index, Construction Market Condition, Forecast, Data Analytic, Automation SPR-1693b-Report.pdf
SPR-1689 Protocol manual helps guide traffic modeling projects 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1689 Development of a Michigan Specific VISSIM Protocol for Submissions of VISSIM Modeling Matthew Hill, Jason Pittenger, Andr 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Report.pdf
SPR-1689 Development of a Michigan Specific VISSIM Protocol for Submissions of VISSIM Modeling - Appendix Matthew Hill, Jason Pittenger, Andr 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1692 Effectiveness of Green Strobes on Winter Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment Ali Zockaie, Ramin Saedi, Fatemeh F 08/31/2020 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare SPR-1692-Report.pdf
SPR-1693a Michigan Transportation Construction Price Index Hexu Liu, Valerian Kwigizile, Wei-Chiao Huang 06/01/2020 Highway Construction, Cost Estimating, Price Index, Construction Market Condition, Forecast, Data Analytic, Automation SPR-1693a-Report.pdf
SPR- 1691 Bridge Structural Analyses for Staged Construction and Constructability Reviews Haluk M. Aktan, Upul Attanayake 05/31/2020 Bridge construction, calculation tools, check lists, constructability evaluation, constructability review, Mathcad, quality control and quality assurance SPR-1691-Report.pdf
RR-784 Pavement Demonstration Program Project Finalization I-75 Northbound Unbonded Concrete Overlay 05/01/2020 RR-784-Report.pdf
SPR-1685 Freeze-thaw Decision Tool Helps Determine Seasonal Load Restriction Dates 04/01/2020 SPR-1685-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1685 Develop and Implement A Freeze Thaw Model Based Seasonal Load Restriction Decision Support Tool 04/01/2020 SPR-1685-Report.pdf
SPR-1687 Accelerated Bridge Preservation Techniques 04/01/2020 Bridge preservation, bridge maintenance, user delay costs SPR-1687-Report.pdf
SPR-1676 Asset Management of Retaining Walls 03/01/2020 Retaining Walls, Asset Management, Field Monitoring, Ground Settlement Thresholds SPR-1676-Report.pdf
SPR-1676 New tools allow proactive management of Michigan?s retaining walls 03/01/2020 SPR-1676-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1681 Pilot signal performance software improves driver travel times and traffic engineering safety. 12/01/2019 Transportation Operations, Traffic Signals, Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures SPR-1681-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1681 Signal Performance Measures Pilot Implementation Stephen Remias, Jonathan Waddell, M 12/01/2019 Transportation Operations, Traffic Signals, Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures SPR-1681-Report.pdf
SPR-1683 Michigan draws from effective safety strategies nationwide to reduce road deaths and injuries 11/01/2019 Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Towards Zero Deaths, Highway Safety Improvement Program, SHSP, TZD, HSIP, Vision Zero SPR-1683-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1690 Appendix B 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Appendix-B.pdf
SPR-1690 Appendix A 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Appendix-A.pdf
SPR-1690 Beam Video 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Beam-Video.mp4
SPR-1690 Evaluating Long Term Capacity and Ductility of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressing and Post Tensioning Strands 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Report.pdf
SPR-1690 Extensive testing of carbon polymer for highway bridge reinforcement provides guidance for improved designs 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1690 Fire Beam Video 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Firebeam-Video.MOV
SPR-1683 Evaluation of the Michigan Department of Transportation?s Highway Safety Programs Jonathan Kay, Timothy Gates, Andrew 07/26/2019 Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Towards Zero Deaths, Highway Safety Improvement Program, SHSP, TZD, HSIP, Vision Zero SPR-1683-Report.pdf
SPR-1682 Remote-controlled vessel provides safe and accurate inspection for bridge scour 07/01/2019 SPR-1682-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1682 Applying Multi-Beam Sonar for Inspection for Bridge Scour and Performance of Bridge 07/01/2019 Monitor, bridge, scour, countermeasure, footing, pile, sonar, side scan, drone, unmanned surface vessel, Hydronalix, EMILY, underwater, remote SPR-1682-Report.pdf
SPr-1682 Applying Multi-Beam Sonar for Inspection for Bridge Scour and Performance of Bridge - Video 07/01/2019 SPR-1682-Video.mp4
SPR-1683b Assessment of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) for MDOT Jonathan Kay, Timothy Gates, and An 05/31/2019 TSMO, Transportation Systems Management and Operations, CMM, SPR-1683b-Report.pdf
SPR-1680 3D Highway Design Model Cost Benefit Analysis WSP 04/01/2019 3D, digital project delivery, risk mitigation, construction, BIM, AMG, LOD, LOV, ROI, risk, benefit cost analysis SPR-1680-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1680 3D Highway Design Model: Cost Benefit Analysis 04/01/2019 3D, digital project delivery, risk mitigation, construction, BIM, AMG, LOD, LOV, ROI, risk, benefit cost analysis SPR-1680-Report.pdf
SPR-1648 Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Increases on Identified Case Studies 12/01/2018 Speed limits, freeways, increasing, crashes, operational speeds SPR-1648-Report.pdf
SPR-1670 MDOT Research Develops Generic Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Mixing in Field 12/01/2018 SPR-1670-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1670 Commercial production of Non-Proprietary Ultra High Performance Concrete 12/01/2018 Ultra-high performance concrete, non-proprietary, durability, strength, mixing, field pour, bridge, freeze-thaw SPR-1670-Report.pdf
SPR-1679 UTC Center for Highway Pavement Preservation 10/01/2018 SPR-1679-Report.pdf
SPR-1678 Updated Analysis of Michigan Traffic Inputs for Pavement ME Design 10/01/2018 SPR-1678-Report.pdf
SPR-1678 Improving traffic data inputs for mechanistic-empirical pavement design software - Spotlight 10/01/2018 SPR-1678-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1617C Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway 10/01/2018 SPR-1617C-Report.pdf
SPR-1617C Improved Asset Management of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks 10/01/2018 SPR-1617C-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1677 Evaluation/Report for Collision Avoidance & Mitigation System (CAMS) on Winter Maintenance Trucks (WMT) 09/21/2018 Collision avoidance and mitigation systems, winter maintenance operation, driver behavioral analysis, encroachment rate, response time, relative headway, safety improvement, warning light SPR-1677-Report.pdf
SPR-1674 Implementation of UAVs for Assessment of Transportation Infrastructure ? Phase II 09/01/2018 Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, transportation, operations, maintenance, asset management, bridges, traffic, GIS, remote sensing SPR-1674-Report.pdf
SPR-1674 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assess Highways and Bridges Faster with Reduced Cost and Risk MTU 09/01/2018 Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, transportation, operations, maintenance, asset management, bridges, traffic, GIS, remote sensing SPR-1674-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1645 Site-Specific Data will Improve Safety Decisions for Michigan Rural Roads 08/01/2018 Safety performance function; SPF; intersections; segments; signalized; stopcontrolled; crash modification factor; CMF; severity distribution function; SDF SPR-1645-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1654 Advanced Applications of Intellidrive Data Use Analysis and Processing 2 (DUAP 2) 07/01/2018 SPR-1654-Report.pdf
SPR-1651 Developing Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Models Robert C. Hampshire 07/01/2018 non-motorized users, bicyclist, pedestrian, risk models, risk score, safety performance functions, highway safety, manual, Empirical Bayes, geographic information systems SPR-1651-Report.pdf
SPR-1651 User Manual Developing Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Models - User Manual 07/01/2018 SPR-1651-User-Manual.pdf
SPR-1655 Michigan's Traffic Incident Management Effort: Progress and Future Vision 07/01/2018 TIM, traffic incident management, first responder, incident, performance measures, program evaluation, training, social media, funding, After Action Reviews, Steer it Clear it, move over, slow down, h SPR-1655-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1654 DUAP System Creates Framework for Sharing Data throughout MDOT Lee T. Mixon, Jeffrey Brown 07/01/2018 DUAP, VIDAS SPR-1654-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1675 Sidepath Application Criteria Development for Bicycle Use 06/29/2018 Bicycles, bikeways, sidepaths, crosswalks, crash analysis, surveys, guidelines SPR-1675-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1675 Sidepath Application Criteria Development for Bicycle Use Rebecca Sanders 06/29/2018 Bicycles, bikeways, sidepaths, crosswalks, crash analysis, surveys, guidelines SPR-1675-Report.pdf
SPR-1672 Identifying Potential Workzone Countermeasures Using Connected-Vehicle and Driving Data 06/04/2018 Workzone Safety, Connected Vehicle, Workzone Crash, Workzone Speed, DSRC, V2V, V2I SPR-1672-Report.pdf
SPR-1655 Further Assessments of Safe, Quick Clearance Strategies, Phase II 05/04/2018 TIM, traffic incident management, first responder, incident, performance measures, program evaluation, training, social media, funding, After Action Reviews, Steer it Clear it, move over, slow down, h SPR-1655-Report.pdf
SPR-1673 Bridge Scour Conference Shares Knowledge and Innovations 05/01/2018 SPR-1673-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1673 Bridge Scour Technology Transfer 05/01/2018 Bridge scour, technology transfer workshop SPR-1673-Report.pdf
SPR-1647 Implementing 3-D and 4-D modeling software to enhance bridge design 05/01/2018 SPR-1647-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1647 Development of 3D and 4D Bridge Models and Plans 05/01/2018 Advanced technology, Bridge design, 3D modeling, Level of development, Bridge modeling software, CADD, Innovation, Technology, Training materials. SPR-1647-Report.pdf
SPR-1671 An Evaluation of Michigan's Continuous Count Stations (CCS) Distribution Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile 05/01/2018 Continuous Count Stations (CCS), ITS Site Evaluation, Traffic Monitoring Program SPR-1671-Report.pdf
SPR-1671 Enhancing Michigan's Traffic Monitoring Network with Intelligent Transportation Systems Sensors WMU 05/01/2018 Continuous Count Stations (CCS), ITS Site Evaluation, Traffic Monitoring Program SPR-1671-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1645 Michigan Rural Segment Safety Performance Function (SPFs) Development and Support 03/31/2018 Safety performance function; SPF; intersections; segments; signalized; stopcontrolled; crash modification factor; CMF; severity distribution function; SDF SPR-1645-Report.pdf
SPR-1666 Identify Best Practices in Pavement Design, Materials, Construction, and Maintenance in Wet Freeze Climates Similar to Michigan 03/01/2018 SPR-1666-Report.pdf
SPR-1669 Evaluation of Cost/Benefits of Standardization of Secondary Route Bridges 03/01/2018 Bridges, Steel, Prestressed Concrete, Box Beam, Bulb-Tee, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Standardization, Plans SPR-1669-Report.pdf
SPR-1669 Ready-to-use Designs Help Local Agencies Build Cost-Effective, Quality Bridges WSU 03/01/2018 SPR-1669-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1666 Study identifies best pavement practices in wet-freeze climates - Spotlight 03/01/2018 SPR-1666-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1640 Developing Representative Michigan Truck Configurations for Bridge Load Rating 02/01/2018 Bridges, WIM, Load Rating, Live Load, Reliability SPR-1640-Report.pdf
SPR-1640 Developing Representative Michigan Truck Configurations for Bridge Load Rating 02/01/2018 SPR-1640-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1667 The Use of Bridge Managements Software in the Network Analysis of Big Bridges 12/01/2017 SPR-1667-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1667 The Use of Bridge Managements Software in the Network Analysis of Big Bridges 12/01/2017 Bridges, bridge management systems, element level data, bridge inspection, complex bridges SPR-1667-Report.pdf
SPR-1668 Analysis of Need for Recalibration of Concrete IRI and HMA Thermal Cracking Models in Pavement ME Design 11/01/2017 SPR-1668-Report.pdf
SPR-1618C Research on Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques 09/01/2017 SPR-1618C-Report.pdf
SPR-1653 Design Enhancements Make Roads Safer For Older Drivers 07/01/2017 Older drivers, crashes, roadway features, roadway design guidance. SPR-1653-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1646 MDOT's Successful Road Delineation Program Will Become Even Better 06/01/2017 delineation, short range, long range, pavement markings, benefit-cost, safety SPR-1646-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1643 Gateway treatment makes crosswalks safer for pedestrians 05/01/2017 SPR-1643-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1646 Evaluation of Road Delineation of Practices in Michigan 03/31/2017 delineation, short range, long range, pavement markings, benefit-cost, safety SPR-1646-Report.pdf
SPR-1653 Association of Michigan's Older Adult Crashes with Roadway Features 03/31/2017 Older drivers, crashes, roadway features, roadway design guidance. SPR-1653-Report.pdf
SPR-1652 Concrete Pavement Performance Center of Excellence (CPP-COE) ? Supplemental Services 03/01/2017 SPR-1652-Report.pdf
SPR-1652 US-23 Aggregate Test Road - Spotlight 03/01/2017 SPR-1652-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1634 New 3-D App Speeds Bridge Inspection 02/01/2017 SPR-1634-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1634 Wireless Data Collection Retrievals of Bridge Inspection / Management Information 02/01/2017 Bridges, tablets, inspection, element, 3D, database, data, interactive, Unreal Engine 4 SPR-1634-Report.pdf
SPR-1649 Development of an Acceptance Test for Chip Seal Projects 01/01/2017 SPR-1649-Report.pdf
SPR-1643 Comparison of Alternative Pedestrian Crossing Treatments: Follow-Up Report Ron Van Houten, Jonathan Hochmuth 12/01/2016 In-street sign, R1-6 Sign, Gateway Treatment of SPR-1643-Report.pdf
SPR-1650 UTC: National University Rail Transportation Center (NURail) - Tier I 10/17/2016 Rail Transportation, Life Cycle Analysis, Economic SPR-1650-Report.pdf
RES-UP-16 Research Update MDOT 10/01/2016 2016-Oct-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1617B Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management ? Pilot Project 09/01/2016 NDE, bridge deck, condition assessment, thermography, photogrammetry, delamination, spall, concrete deck, 3DOBS SPR-1617B-Report.pdf
SPR-1642 Bridge Design System Analysis and Modernization 09/01/2016 SPR-1642-Report.pdf
SPR-1642 Updated Bridge Design System Endures as a Unique, Powerful Tool for MDOT's Design Division 09/01/2016 SPR-1642-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1623 Evaluating the Use of Tow Plows 09/01/2016 SPR-1623-Report.pdf
SPR-1639 Local Data Will Help Michigan Make Better Safety Investment Decisions 07/01/2016 SPR-1639-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1639 Michigan Urban Trunkline Segments Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) Development and Support 07/01/2016 SPR-1639-Report.pdf
SPR-1637 MDOT Aims for Lower-Cost Ultra-High Performance Concrete 03/01/2016 SPR-1637-Spotlight.pdf
Roads Innovation Task Force Report MDOT 03/01/2016 Roads-Innovation-Task-Force-Report.pdf
SPR-1637 Development, Characterization and Applications of a Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Highway Bridges 03/01/2016 Ultra-high performance concrete, non-proprietary, durability, strength, bond, joints, precast concrete, bridge freeze-thaw SPR-1637-Report.pdf
SPR-1635 Soil Stabilization with Recycled Materials Improves Subgrade Performance 02/01/2016 SPR-1635-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1635 Performance Evaluation of Subgrade Stabilization with Recycled Materials 02/01/2016 SPR-1635-Report.pdf
SPR-1638 Comparison of Alternative Pedestrian Crossing Treatments 02/01/2016 SPR-1638-Report.pdf
SPR-1638 Gateway Treatment Alternatives for Pedestrian Crossings 02/01/2016 SPR-1638-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1632 Evaluating Prestressing Strands and Post-Tensioning Cable in Concrete Structures using Nondestructive Evaluation Methods 11/01/2015 Corrosion, Concrete, Prestressed, Post-tensioning, Nondestructive testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic flux leakage; laboratory and field investigation SPR-1632-Report.pdf
SPR-1632 Nondestructive Bridge Evaluations Guide Repair Decisions 11/01/2015 SPR-1632-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1626 Improving of Michigan Climatic Files in Pavement ME Design 10/01/2015 SPR-1626-Report.pdf
SPR-1626 Improving of Michigan Climatic Files in Pavement ME Design 10/01/2015 SPR-1626-Report.pdf
SPR-1618A Speeds for Effective Asset Management 09/01/2015 Accelerated Bridge Construction, ABC, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Foundation Construction, Foundation Reuse, Scoping Framework, Standardizing SIBC SPR-1618A-Report.pdf
SPR-1618A Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques 09/01/2015 SPR-1618-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1636 New Signs and Signals Make Roads Safer for Older Drivers 09/01/2015 SPR-1636-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1636 Evaluation of Michigan?s Engineering Improvements for Older Drivers 09/01/2015 SPR-1636-Report.pdf
SPR-1619 Predictive Modeling of Freezing and Thawing of Frost-Susceptible Soils - Spotlight 09/01/2015 SPR-1619-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1619 Predictive Modeling of Freezing and Thawing of Frost-Susceptible Soils 09/01/2015 SPR-1619-Report.pdf
SPR-1625 Infrastructure Monitoring Data Management A. Benesch 07/01/2015 Cut River Bridge, Structural Health Monitoring, Wireless Infrastructure SPR-1625-Report.pdf
SPR-1631 Cost and Benefits of MDOT Intelligent Transportation System Deployments 07/01/2015 SPR-1631-Report.pdf
SPR-1631 ITS Technologies Reduce Delay, Crashes and Emissions, With Significant Returns On Investment 07/01/2015 SPR-1631-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1621 Evaluating Roadway Surface Rating Technologies U of M 06/01/2015 PASER, IRI, road roughness, accelerometer, smartphone, DataProbe SPR-1621-Report.pdf
SPR-1628 Local Data Will Help Michigan Make Better Safety Investment Decisions 06/01/2015 SPR-1628-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1630 Balancing the Costs of Mobility Investments in Work Zones ? Phase 1 Peter T. Savolainen, Timothy J. Gat 06/01/2015 Work zone, safety, crashes, mobility, delay, cost-effectiveness SPR-1630-Report.pdf
SPR-1628 Michigan Urban Trunkline Intersections Safety Performance Function (SPFs) Development and Support 06/01/2015 SPR-1628-Report.pdf
SPR-1624 A Method to Assess the Use of New and Recycled Materials in Pavements 04/01/2015 SPR-1624-Report.pdf
SPR-1609B Evaluating Outcomes of Raising Speed Limits on High Speed Non-Freeways 04/01/2015 SPR-1609B-Report.pdf
SPR-1616 Taking Flight with Sensing Equipment will Deliver Benefits Across MDOT 04/01/2015 SPR-1616-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1616 Evaluating the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) for Transportation Purposes 04/01/2015 SPR-1616-Report.pdf
SPR-1624 Software Offers Transparent, Straightforward Assessment of Pavement Additives 04/01/2015 SPR-1624-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1620 New Bridge Design Promises to Lengthen Service Life 03/01/2015 SPR-1620-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1629 Remote Monitoring of Fatigue-Sensitive Details on Bridges 03/01/2015 Acoustic emission, bridge, fatigue, fatigue life; hot spot stress; monitoring SPR-1629-Report.pdf
SPR-1627 Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Highways Shown to Cut Crashes in Half 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Spotlights.pdf
SPR-1627 Evaluation of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase II 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Report.pdf
SPR-1622 Evaluating Michigan Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Strategies and Facilities Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh 03/01/2015 Commercial vehicle enforcement, strategies, facilities, technologies SPR-1622-Report.pdf
SPR-1617 Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management Theresa M. Ahlborn; Colin Brooks 03/01/2015 inspection, concrete, concrete bridge deck, remote sensing, condition assessment, field demonstration SPR-1617-Report.pdf
SPR-1617 Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management 03/01/2015 SPR-1617-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1620 Evaluation & Analysis of Decked Bulb-T Beam Bridge 03/01/2015 Decked bulb T beam, bridges, transverse post-tensioning, longitudinal cracks, transverse diaphragms, ultra high performance concrete. CFRP prestressing strands, Un-bonded strands SPR-1620-Report.pdf
SPR-1627 Evaluation of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase II - Implementation Guidelines 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Implementation-Guidelines.pdf
SPR-1595 Preparation for Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Michigan ? Part 3: Calibration and Validation 11/01/2014 SPR-1595-Report.pdf
SPR-1612 Cable Median Barriers: A Cost-Effective Means To Save Lives 10/01/2014 SPR-1612-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1612 Study of High Tension Cable Barrier on Michigan Roadways 10/01/2014 SPR-1612-Report.pdf
SPR-1613 Measuring Michigan Local and Statewide Transit Levels of Service 09/30/2014 Transit, level of service, performance measure SPR-1613-Report.pdf
SPR-1614 Design and Construction Guidelines for Strengthening Bridges using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) Christopher Eamon; Hwai-Chung Wu 09/01/2014 Bridges, Strengthening, FRP, CFRP, Composites, laminates; design; construction SPR-1614-Report.pdf
SPR-1615 Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Beams in Shear Christopher Eamon; Gustavo Parra-Mo 09/01/2014 Bridges, Prestressed Concrete, Beams, Shear, Finite Element Analysis, Field Testing SPR-1615-Report.pdf
SPR-1614 Guidelines for Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Materials to Extend Bridge Life 09/01/2014 SPR-1614-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1618B Research on Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques ? Bridge Slide Showcase 08/01/2014 Accelerated Bridge Construction, ABC, Lateral SPR-1618B-Report.pdf
SPR-1601 Part 2 Side By Side Probability for Bridge Design and Analysis, Part 2 08/01/2014 SPR-1601-Part2-Report.pdf
SPR-1601 Part 1 Side By Side Probability for Bridge Design and Analysis Christopher D. Eamon; Vahid Kamjoo 08/01/2014 Bridges, Reliability, Load Model, Live Load SPR-1601-Report.pdf
SPR-1606C Rural Freight Rail and Multimodal Transportation Improvements ? the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 07/18/2014 Freight Rail, Commodity Flows, Upper Peninsula SPR-1606C-Report.pdf
SPR-1607 Monitoring Highway Assets Using Remote Sensing Technology 07/01/2014 SPR-1607-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1607 Monitoring Highway Assets with Remote Technology 07/01/2014 SPR-1607-Report.pdf
SPR-1609A Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Policy Alternatives 07/01/2014 SPR-1609A-Report.pdf
SPR-1609A Evaluating the Impacts of Proposed Speed Limit Increases in Michigan 07/01/2014 SPR-1609A-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1608 Synthesis of Methods for Procurement and Developing Transit Vehicle Specifications 06/10/2014 SPR-1608-Report.pdf
SPR-1604 Remanufacturing, Repurposing, and Recycling of Post-Vehicle-Application Lithium-Ion Batteries 06/01/2014 SPR-1604-Report.pdf
SPR-1606B Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Surface Material Performance 04/30/2014 Highway-Rail Grade Crossing, Surface SPR-1606B-Report.pdf
SPR-1599G The Role of Media and Public Opinion Efforts in the Transit Field: The Detroit Region Case Study 03/01/2014 SPR-1599G-Report.pdf
SPR-1599F Funding Structures and Competing Priorities for Regional Transit in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599F-Report.pdf
SPR-1599D Social Equity, Mobility, and Access 03/01/2014 SPR-1599D-Report.pdf
SPR-1599B Regional Transit Stew: Consensus Building and Transit Building in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599B-Report.pdf
SPR-1599C Detroit Regional Transit Legal Structures and Governance 03/01/2014 SPR-1599C-Report.pdf
SPR-1599E Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599E-Report.pdf
SPR-1599A Detroit Regional Transit Study: A Study of Factors that Inhibit and Enable Effective Development of Sustainable Regional Transit Systems in Southeastern Michigan 03/01/2014 SPR-1599A-Report.pdf
SPR-1610 Accelerated Bridge Construction and Structural Move ? Workshop Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Abdul 03/01/2014 Accelerated bridge construction, ABC, bridge, PBES, slide, self-propelled modular transporter; SPMT SPR-1610-Report.pdf
SPR-1569 Re-Examination of the 1994 and Subsequent sewer and Culvert Installations of Various Pipe Types, Sizes and Depths 02/01/2014 SPR-1569-Report.pdf
SPR-1580 Evaluating the Financial Cost and Impact on Long Term Pavement Performance of Expediting Michigan?s Road Construction Work 02/01/2014 SPR-1580-Report.pdf
SPR-1606A Assessment of Aggregate Sources in Michigan for High Speed Railroad Ballast 01/01/2014 SPR-1606A-Report.pdf
SPR-1602 Accelerating Bridge Construction to Minimize Traffic Disruption 12/01/2013 SPR-1602-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1602 Improving Bridges with Prefabricated Precast Concrete Systems 12/01/2013 SPR-1602-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1603 Development of Performance Measures for Non-Motorized Dynamics Jun-Seok Oh 12/01/2013 Performance Measure, Safety, Non-Motorized Pedestrian, Bicyclist SPR-1603-Report.pdf
SPR-1602 Improving Bridges with Prefabricated Precast Concrete Systems Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake 12/01/2013 Accelerated bridge construction, Concrete, Connection, Constructability, Decision-making, PBES, Performance, Reduced-weight SPR-1602-Report.pdf
SPR-1600 Effect of Pile-Driving Induced Vibrations on Nearby Structures and Other Assets 11/01/2013 SPR-1600-Report.pdf
RES-UP-13 Research Update MDOT 11/01/2013 2013-Nov-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1598 Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the Michigan Department of Transportation 11/01/2013 SPR-1598-Report.pdf
SPR-1598 Greenhouse Gas Inventory of the Michigan Department of Transportation - Brochure 11/01/2013 SPR-1598-Brochure.pdf
SPR-1600 Effect of Pile-Driving Induced Vibrations on Nearby Structures and Other Assets 11/01/2013 SPR-1600-Spotlight.pdf
RR-783 Keys to Green Streets: Collaboration and Sound Engineering 11/01/2013 RR-783-White-Paper.pdf
RR-783 Keys to Green Streets: Collaboration and Sound Engineering - Case Study 11/01/2013 RR-783-Case-Study.pdf
RR-783 Keys to Green Streets: Collaboration and Sound Engineering - Video 11/01/2013 RR-783-Video.html
RR-783 Keys to Green Streets: Collaboration and Sound Engineering - Bioretnetion Sign 11/01/2013 RR-783-Bioretention-Sign.pdf
SPR-1605 Twenty Year Performance Review of Michigan?s European Concrete Pavement 10/01/2013 SPR-1605-Report.pdf
SPR-1597 Research on Non-Destructive Evaluation Seminar ? Workshop Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Abdul 09/01/2013 Assessment, bridge, NDE SPR-1597-Report.pdf
SPR-1594 Preparation for Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Michigan ? Part 2: Rehabilitation Evaluation 08/01/2013 SPR-1594-Report.pdf
SPR-1596 A Framework for Planning Right-of-Way Development 08/01/2013 SPR-1596-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1596 Decision Framework for Corridor Planning within the Roadside Right-of-Way Timothy J. Gates 08/01/2013 Roadside development, corridor planning, contextual; analysis, right-of-way SPR-1596-Report.pdf
SPR-1541 Skewed Highway Bridges Gongkang Fu; Pang-jo Chun 07/01/2013 SPR-1541-Report.pdf
SPR-1574 Improved Performance of JPCP Overlays 07/01/2013 SPR-1574-Report.pdf
SPR-1587B Development and Validation of Deterioration Models for Concrete Bridge Decks ? Phase 2: Mechanics-based Degradation Models Nan Hu; Syed W. Haider; Rigoberto B 06/01/2013 Bridge deck; Chloride; corrosion; Predictions; Structural reliability; Monte Carlo method; NBI Rating SPR-1587B-Report.pdf
SPR-1578A Development and Validation of Deterioration Models for Concrete Bridge Decks ? Phase 1: Artificial Intelligence Models and Bridge Management System Emily K. Winn; Rigoberto Burgueno 06/01/2013 Bridge decks; Bridge inspection; Deterioration; Databases; Evaluation; Neural networks, Predictions, Ratings SPR-1587A-Report.pdf
SPR-1579 Cost Effectiveness of the MDOT Preventive Maintenance Program Applied Pavement Technologies 04/01/2013 preventive maintenance, pavement preservation, surface treatments, cost effectiveness, performance models SPR-1579-Report.pdf
SPR-1593 Preparation for Implementation of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Michigan ? Part 1: HMA Mixture Characterization 03/01/2013 SPR-1593-Report.pdf
SPR-1578 Improving Safety Through Traffic Signal Coordination Near Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings 02/01/2013 SPR-1578-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1578 Timing Issues for Traffic Signals Interconnected with Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings 02/01/2013 SPR-1578-Report.pdf
SPR-1589 Updating Overload Permit Analysis to Better Serve MDOT and Local Agencies CTC & Associates 02/01/2013 Bridge Software, LRFR, LFR, Load Rating, overload, permit load SPR-1589-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1589 Review and Revision of Overload Permit Classification Mark Mlynarski, Bryan Spangle 02/01/2013 Bridge Software, LRFR, LFR, Load Rating, overload, permit load SPR-1589-Report.pdf
SPR-1590 Assessment of ODOT Culvert Load Rating Spreadsheets for use in Michigan Theresa M. Ahlborn 01/01/2013 Bridge Load Rating, Culverts, LFR, LRFR SPR-1590-Report.pdf
SPR-1585 Evaluating Pedestrian Safety Improvements Ron Van Houten, 12/03/2012 Pedestrian Safety, PHB, RRFB, In Street Signs, Pedestrian Countdown timer, gateway treatment SPR-1585-Report.pdf
SPR-1592 Recommendations for Meeting the Mobility Needs of Older Adults in Rural Michigan 12/01/2012 SPR-1592-Report.pdf
SPR-1586 Implementation of Sustainable and Green Design and Construction Practices for Bridges Matt Syal; Ronald Harichandran; Sin 12/01/2012 Sustainable and Green Bridges, LCA, LCCA SPR-1586-Report.pdf
SPR-1592 Improving Mobility and Transportation Options for Michigan's Rural Seniors 12/01/2012 SPR-1592-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1584 Transportation Reliability and Trip Satisfaction 10/01/2012 SPR-1584-Report.pdf
SPR-1583 Spreading the Word About the Quick Clearance Law 09/01/2012 SPR-1583-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1583 Implementation of Quick Clearance in Michigan 09/01/2012 SPR-1583-Report.pdf
SPR-1581 Best Practices for Emergency Rerouting 09/01/2012 SPR-1581-Report.pdf
SPR-1567 Investigate Causes and Develop Methods for Preventing Falling Concrete from Bridge Decks Nabil Grace; Elin Jensen 09/01/2012 Falling concrete, bridge decks, corrosion, spalling, nondestructive testing; field and laboratory investigations SPR-1567-Report.pdf
SPR-1582 Improving Communications for MDOT's DBE Program CTC & Associates 09/01/2012 Disadvantaged business enterprises; Recommendations; Best practices SPR-1582-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1582 Examining the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Tomothy A. Davis 09/01/2012 Disadvantaged business enterprises; Recommendations; Best practices SPR-1582-Report.pdf
SPR-1591 Alternative Materials for Sustainable Transportation 08/01/2012 SPR-1591-Report.pdf
RES-UP-12 Research Update MDOT 07/01/2012 2012-July-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1571 Identification of Causes and Solution Strategies for Deck Cracking in Jointless Bridges David J. Stringer; Rigoberto Burgue 07/01/2012 bridge; jointless; deck; cracking; shrinkage; experiment; finite element SPR-1571-Report.pdf
SPR-1557 Cameras Instead of Sieves for Aggregate Characterization 06/01/2012 SPR-1557-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1575 Evaluating the Benefits of Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Highways 06/01/2012 SPR-1575-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1575 Impact of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase 1 06/01/2012 SPR-1575-Report.pdf
SPR-1557 Feasibility of Digital Imaging to Characterize Earth Materials 06/01/2012 SPR-1557-Report.pdf
SPR-1573 Slippery Road Detection is a Promising Benefit of Connected Vehicles 05/01/2012 SPR-1573-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1573 Slippery Road Detection and Evaluation 05/01/2012 SPR-1573-Report.pdf
RES-UP-12 Research Update MDOT 05/01/2012 2012-May-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1570 Evaluating the Appropriate Level of Service for Michigan Rest Areas and Welcome Centers Considering Safety and Economic Factors 04/01/2012 SPR-1570-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1572 Sharing the Road: Optimizing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Vehicle Mobility 04/01/2012 Pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, vehicle mobilit, sharing the road, best practices SPR-1572-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1576 A Framework for Statewide Roadway Asset Management 04/01/2012 Asset management, condition level, costs per lane mile, funding level, projected needs, recommendations, TAMC, Transportation Asset Management Council, Updatable Workbook, local agencies SPR-1576-Report.pdf
SPR-1568 Usage and Impact of the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program 03/01/2012 SPR-1568-Report.pdf
RES-UP-12 Research Update MDOT 01/01/2012 2012-January-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1564 Development and Validation of a Sensor-Based Health Monitoring Model for Parkview Bridge Deck Haluk Aktan; Ikhlas Abdel-Qader; Up 01/01/2012 Sensor Network, Structural Health Monitoring, Rapid Bridge Construction; vibrating wire gauges, full-depth deck panels, stress envelopes, defect signature, finite element modeling SPR-1564-Report.pdf
SPR-1555 Safety Analysis of 4-Lane to 3-Lane Conversions (Road Diets) in Michigan 01/01/2012 SPR-1555-Report.pdf
SPR-1555 Safety and Operational Analysis of Four-Lane to Three-Lane Conversions (Road Diets) in Michigan 01/01/2012 SPR-1555-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1566 Evaluating the Performance and Effectiveness of Roundabouts 12/01/2011 SPR-1566-Report.pdf
SPR-1560 Stainless and Stainless-Clad Reinforcement for Highway Bridge Use Steve Kahl 12/01/2011 Stainless steel, stainless-clad reinforcement, life cycle cost, corrosion, bridge deck, service life, sustainability SPR-1560-Report.pdf
SPR-1565 Evaluating Performance and Making Best Use of Passing Relief Lanes 11/01/2011 SPR-1565-Report.pdf
RES-UP-11 Research Update MDOT 10/01/2011 2011-Oct-Research-Update.pdf
RES-UP-11 Research Update MDOT 09/01/2011 2011-Sept-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1563 High Skew Link Slab Bridge System with Deck Sliding over Backwall or Backwall Sliding over Abutment Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake 09/01/2011 Abutment, Concrete, Finite Element, Jointless Bridge, Link Slab, and skew SPR-1563-Report.pdf
SPR-1556 Laboratory Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) 09/01/2011 SPR-1556-Report.pdf
SPR-1561 Improving Driver Safety with Behavioral Countermeasures 09/01/2011 SPR-1561-Report.pdf
SPR-1561 Changing the Behavior to Improve Driver Safety 09/01/2011 SPR-1561-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1562 Recommendations for Meeting the Transportation Needs of Michigan?s Aging Population 09/01/2011 SPR-1562-Report.pdf
SPR-1562 Enhancing the Safety and Mobility of Michigan's Older Residents 09/01/2011 SPR-1562-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1554 Reducing Traffic Congestion on a Budget 09/01/2011 SPR-1554-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1563 Spotlight Improving the Design of High-Skew Jointless Bridges 09/01/2011 SPR-1563-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1544 Using Recycled Concrete for Sustainable Roadways - Spotlight 08/01/2011 SPR-1544-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1544 Using Recycled Concrete in MDOT?s Transportation Infrastructure ? Manual of Practice 08/01/2011 SPR-1544-Report.pdf
SPR-1588 VII Data Use Analysis and Processing (DUAP) Final Project Report (Phase II) 07/01/2011 SPR-1588-Report.pdf
RES-UP-11 Research Update MDOT 07/01/2011 2011-July-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1553 Carbon Footprint for Hot Mix Asphalt and Portland Cement Concrete Pavements 06/01/2011 SPR-1553-Report.pdf
RES-UP-11 Research Update MDOT 05/01/2011 2011-May-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1551 Targeted Strategies to Extend the Life of Asphalt Pavements - Spotlight 05/01/2011 SPR-1551-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1551 Extending the Life of Asphalt Pavements 05/01/2011 SPR-1551-Report.pdf
SPR-1458 Backcalculation of Unbound Granular Layer Moduli 03/01/2011 SPR-1548-Report.pdf
SPR-1540 Assessment of Pavement Acceptance Criteria and Quantifying its As-Constructed Material and Structural Properties 03/01/2011 SPR-1540-Report.pdf
SPR-1542 Roundabouts: How to Get Around a Safer Intersection 03/01/2011 SPR-1542-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1542 Improving Driver?s Ability to Safely and Effectively Use Roundabouts: Educating the Public to Negotiate Roundabouts 03/01/2011 SPR-1542-Report.pdf
SPR-1550 Sustainable Recycled Materials for Concrete Pavements 03/01/2011 SPR-1550-Report.pdf
SPR-1547 A Critical Evaluation of Bridge Scour for Michigan Specific Conditions Carol Miller; Donald Carpenter 02/01/2011 Bridge Scour, Soil Erosion, HEC-18, HEC-RAS SPR-1547-Report.pdf
RES-UP-11 Research Update MDOT 02/01/2011 2011-February-Research-Update.pdf
SPR-1549 Spotlight 1 Moving Toward Electronic Testing for Invisible Bridge Deck Damage 01/01/2011 SPR-1549-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1549 ECR Bridge Decks: Damage Detection & Assessment of Remaining Life for Various Overlay Repair Options (Parts I & II) Ronald S. Harichandran; Gang Zhang 01/01/2011 delamination, noise cancelling, feature extraction, pattern recognition SPR-1549-Report.pdf
SPR-1544A Efficient Use of Recycled Concrete in Transportation Infrastructure 01/01/2011 SPR-1544A-Report.pdf
SPR-1546 Spotlight Strand Debonding Helps Minimize Bridge Beam End Cracking 01/01/2011 SPR-1546-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1549 Spotlight 2 Testing Epoxy-Coated Rebar Helps Refine Bridge Maintenance Strategies 01/01/2011 SPR-1549-Spotlight2.pdf
SPR-1559 Strategies for Improving Traveler Information 01/01/2011 SPR-1559-Report.pdf
SPR-1546 Effects of Debonded Strands on the Production and Performance of Prestressed Concrete Beams Rigoberto Burgueno; Yi Sun 01/01/2011 Strand; Debonding; Sheathed; Blanketed; Prestresss; Pre-tension; Concrete, Box Beams; Experiment; Finite Element SPR-1546-Report.pdf
SPR-1545 Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center ? Multiple Reports 12/01/2010 SPR-1545-Report.pdf
SPR-1534 Durability Study of the US-23 Aggregate Test Road and Recent JPCP Projects with Premature Joint Deterioration 12/01/2010 SPR-1534-Report.pdf
SPR-1543 Evaluation of Steady-Burn Warning Lights on Channelizing Drums in Work Zones 12/01/2010 SPR-1543-Report.pdf
RR-782 Live Load Distribution Factors for Closely Spaced Prestressed Concrete Box Beams S. Kulkarni 10/01/2010 RR-782-Report.pdf
SPR-1533 Evaluation of Concrete Pavements with Materials-Related Distress 03/01/2010 SPR-1533-Report.pdf
SPR-1538 Fifteen Year Performance Review of Michigan?s European Concrete Pavement 02/01/2010 SPR-1538-Report.pdf
SPR-1536 Spotlight Michigan Gains Valuable Experience from Demonstration of Rapid Bridge Construction 01/01/2010 SPR-1536-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1536 A Sensor Network System for the Health Monitoring of the Parkview Bridge Deck Osama Abudayyeh 01/01/2010 Sensor Network, Structural Health Monitoring, Rapid Bridge; Construction, vibrating wires straing gauges, load testing full-depth deck panels SPR-1536-Report.pdf
ORBP-10 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 01/01/2010 2010-January-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1537 Fitting Traffic Data into Mechanisitc-Empirical Pavement Design - Spotlight 12/01/2009 SPR-1537-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1537 Characterization of Truck Traffic in Michigan for the New Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide 12/01/2009 SPR-1537-Report.pdf
SPR-1535 Development of New Test Procedures for Measuring Fine and Coarse Aggregate Specific Gravities 12/01/2009 SPR-1535-Report.pdf
SPR-1535 New Lab Tests Show Promise in Verifying Pavement Mix Designs 12/01/2009 SPR-1535-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1539 An Evaluation of Right-Turn-In/Right-Turn-Out Restrictions in Access Management Richard W. Lyles; Bilal Z. Malik 09/01/2009 Access Management; Right-Turn-In/Right-Turn-Out Restrictions SPR-1539-Report.pdf
SPR-1524 Value Affect of Construction Incentive Payments on Pavement Performance Gilbert Baladi; Brent Leveret 08/01/2009 Incentives, disincentives, rigid and flexible pavement performance SPR-1524-Report.pdf
SPR-1523 Performance Evaluation of JRCP with Stabilized Open-Graded Drainage Course 08/01/2009 SPR-1523-Report.pdf
SPR-1531 Pavement Subgrade MR Design Values for Michigan?s Seasonal Changes 07/01/2009 SPR-1531-Report.pdf
SPR--1532 Development of Specifications for Superpave Simple Performance Tests 05/01/2009 SPR-1532-Report.pdf
SPR-1530 Cement Kiln Dust Stabilized Test Section on I-96/I-75 in Wayne County ? Construction Report 05/01/2009 SPR-1530-Report.pdf
SPR-1529 Overload Truck Wheel Load Distribution on Bridge Decks Roger Till 04/01/2009 Load Rating, Live Load, Overload, Permit Load, Bridge SPR-1529-Report.pdf
SPR-1527 Condition Assessment and Methods of Abatement of Prestressed Concrete Box-Beam Deterioration ? Phase II Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Evren 04/01/2009 Box-Beam Bridge, Concrete, Deterioration, Finite Element, Transverse Posttension, Rational Design SPR-1527-Report.pdf
SPR-1528 Absorption Capacity of Coarse Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 02/01/2009 SPR-1528-Report.pdf
SPR-1505 Development of a Simple Diagnosis Tool for Detecting Localized Roughness Features 02/01/2009 SPR-1505-Report.pdf
SPR-1504 Effect of Michigan Multi-Axle Trucks on Pavement Distress and Profile, Volume I to III 02/01/2009 SPR-1504-Report.pdf
SPR-1525 Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Michigan Bridges, Material Performance ? Phase I, Final Report Theresa M. Ahlborn; Erron Peuse; Do 11/01/2008 Ultra High Performance Concrete, UHPC, Bridge Materials, Compressive Strength, Modulus, Poisson?s Ratio, Flexure, Rapid Chloride Penetration, Freeze-Thaw SPR-1525-Report.pdf
SPR-1516 Implementing the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide in Michigan - Spotlight 10/01/2008 SPR-1516-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1516 Evaluation of the 1-37A Design Process for New and Rehabilitated JPCP and HMA Pavements 10/01/2008 SPR-1516-Report.pdf
SPR-1519 Calculating the Critical Buckling Stress for Plates With One Free Edge Under Combined Axial and Flexural Forces Rebecca Curtis; Roger Till 09/01/2008 critical buckling stress; gusset plate; free edge; combined axial and flexural stress SPR-1519-Report.pdf
SPR-1517 Analysis of Stress Distribution in Link Plates Used for Suspending Bridge Beams Peter O. Jansson 09/01/2008 Link plate, pin and hangers, steel bridges, finite element analysis SPR-1517-Report.pdf
ORBP-08 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 09/01/2008 2008-September-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1520 Methodology of Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains for Modeling Bridge Element Deterioration Gongkang Fu; Dinesh Devaraj 08/01/2008 SPR-1520-Report.pdf
SPR-1526 Estimate of Cliff Recession Rates for the Baraga Cliffs Stanley Vitton 08/01/2008 cliff recession, erosion SPR-1526-Report.pdf
SPR-1510 Location and Stability Analysis of the Michigamme Underground Mine for the US-41 Re-Alignment in Marquette County, Michigan 08/01/2008 SPR-1510-Report.pdf
SPR-1514 Combining Link Slab, Deck Sliding over Backwall, and Revising Bearings Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Evren 07/01/2008 Approach Slab, Abutment, Concrete, Deterioration, Finite SPR-1514-Report.pdf
SPR-1515 Performance of Isotropic Bridge Decks Peter O. Jansson 06/01/2008 Isotropic, empirical, bridge deck, AASHTO SPR-1515-Report.pdf
ORBP-08 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 05/01/2008 2008-May-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1512 Evaluation of Grout-Filled Mechanical Splices for Precast Concrete Construction 05/01/2008 SPR-1512-Report.pdf
SPR-1511 Recommendations for Michigan Specific Load and Resistance Factor Design Loads and Load and Resistance Factor Rating Procedures 04/01/2008 SPR-1511-Report.pdf
SPR-1511 Calibrating National Bridge Standards for Michigan's Unique Truck Loading - Spotlight 04/01/2008 SPR-1511-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1506 Field Demonstration of Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites ? Phase 3: Shrinkage Control Victor C. Li; En-Hua Yang; Mo Li 03/01/2008 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening, Durability; shrinkage control; crack width control; implementation; demonstration SPR-1506-Report.pdf
SPR-1506 Spotlight Engineered Cementitious Composite May Replace Bridge Deck Joints 03/01/2008 SPR-1506-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1518 Evaluating the Economic Benefits to Michigan of Alternative Road-Bridge Investment Mixes George A. Fulton; Donald R. Grimes 03/01/2008 economic benefits, REMI, Regional Economic SPR-1518-Report.pdf
SPR-1507 Evaluation of Prefabricated Composite Steel Box Girder Systems for Rapid Bridge Construction Rigoberto Burgueno; Benjamin S. Pav 02/01/2008 Steel, Box Beams; Prefabricated Bridges; Rapid Construction; Analysis; Deck Joints; Transverse Post-Tensioning SPR-1507-Report.pdf
SPR-1509 Use of Unbonded CFCC for Transverse Post-Tensioning of Side-by-Side Box-Beam Bridges Nabil Grace; Elin Jensen 02/01/2008 Box-beam bridges, transverse post-tensioning, longitudinal cracks; transverse diaphragms SPR-1509-Report.pdf
SPR-1570 Evaluation of Prefabricated Composite Steel Box Girder Systems for Rapid Bridge Construction Timothy J. Gates 02/01/2008 Rest Areas, Welcome Centers, Economics, B/C Ratio, Functional Values SPR-1570-Report.pdf
SPR-1509 Spotlight Carbon Fiber Post-Tensioned Cables Reduce Bridge Deck Cracking, Extend Service Life 02/01/2008 SPR-1509-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1502 Improved Shallow Depth Patches for Concrete Structures 02/01/2008 SPR-1502-Report.pdf
SPR-1481 PCC Pavement Acceptance Criteria for New Construction when Built-In Curling Exists 02/01/2008 SPR-1481-Report.pdf
SPR-1508 Identification Of Causes And Development Of Strategies For Relieving Structural Distress In Bridge Abutments Rigoberto Burgueno; Zhe Li 02/01/2008 Abutments, ANN, bridges, damage, damage models, distress, field inspections, neural networks, prediction models. SPR-1508-Report.pdf
SPR-1503 Quantifying Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Values of Typical Hydraulic Cement Concrete Paving Mixtures 01/01/2008 SPR-1503-Report.pdf
ORBP-08 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 01/01/2008 2008-January-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1497 Resilient Modulus at the Limits of Gradation and Varying Degrees of Saturation 11/01/2007 SPR-1497-Report.pdf
SPR-1501 Investigation of Early Cracking on Selected JPCP Projects 11/01/2007 SPR-1501-Report.pdf
SPR-1500 Evaluation of the Dynamic Late Lane Merge System at Freeway Construction Work Zones 09/01/2007 SPR-1500-Report.pdf
SPR-1499 Corrosion Resistant Alloy Steel (MMFX) Reinforcing Bar in Bridge Decks Steve Kahl 09/01/2007 MMFX, reinforcement, corrosion resistant, life cycle cost; alloy steel; epoxy coated; bridge deck SPR-1499-Report.pdf
SPR-1499 Spotlight Corrosion-Resistant Alloy Steel Extends Life of Bridges 09/01/2007 SPR-1499-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1513 Evaluation of Economic Impacts of Michigan VII Program (Vehicle Infrastructure Integration) 09/01/2007 SPR-1513-Report.pdf
SPR-1500 New Dynamic Signage Makes Lane Merges Smoother and Safer 09/01/2007 SPR-1500-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1490 Bridge Deck Corner Cracking on Skewed Structures Gongkang Fu, Jihang Feng, Jason Dim 09/01/2007 Skew bridge, concrete deck, corner cracking, causes, cures SPR-1490-Report.pdf
SPR-1513 Making the Economic Case for IntelliDrive 09/01/2007 SPR-1513-Spotlight.pdf
ORBP-07 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 09/01/2007 2007-September-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1498 Spotlight In-House Research Improves Concrete Bridge Barriers 08/01/2007 SPR-1498-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1498 Performance of Michigan?s Concrete Barriers 08/01/2007 SPR-1498-Report.pdf
ORBP-07 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 08/01/2007 2007-August-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1496 Reconstructing the Michigan State Police Test Tracks to Enable Evaluation of Advanced Traffic and Pavement Engineering Concepts 07/01/2007 SPR-1496-Report.pdf
SPR-1495 Effects of Deicing Salts on the Chloride Levels in Water and Soil Adjacent to Roadways 07/01/2007 SPR-1495-Report.pdf
SPR-1489 Experimental Evaluation and Field Monitoring of Prestressed Box Beams for SCC Demonstration Bridge Rigoberto Burgueno; David A. Bender 07/01/2007 Box Beams; Monitoring; Flexure; Prestressed Concrete; SCCl Self-Consolidating-Concrete; Shear; Testing SPR-1489-Report.pdf
SPR-1494 Graphical Analysis of Iowa Pore Index Test Results 05/01/2007 SPR-1494-Report.pdf
SPR-1491 Chloride Content in Segments of the Zilwaukee Bridge Roger Till 05/01/2007 chloride content, segmental bridge, latex, overlay SPR-1491-Report.pdf
SPR-1493 Graphical Analysis of Freeze-Thaw Test Results 05/01/2007 SPR-1493-Report.pdf
ORBP-07 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 04/01/2007 2007-April-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1488 Analytical Investigation of the Effects of Aligned Dowel Bars Coated with Corrosion Protective Systems on Initial Dowel Concrete Bond Stresses 02/01/2007 SPR-1488-Report.pdf
SPR-1487 A Laboratory Evaluation of Alignment Tolerances for Dowel Bars and Their Effect on Joint Opening Behavior 02/01/2007 SPR-1487-Report.pdf
SPR-1492 Developing Guidelines for Use of Pedestrian Countdown Traffic Signals Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh 01/01/2007 Countdown pedestrian signals, pedestrian crossing behavior, pedestrian compliance, signalized intersections SPR-1492-Report.pdf
SPR-1484 High Performance Material for Rapid Durable Repair of Bridges and Structures Victor C. Li; Mo Li; Michael Lepech 12/01/2006 HES-ECC, Concrete repair, Strain-hardening, High early SPR-1484-Report.pdf
SPR-1482 Absorption Capacity of Coarse Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 09/01/2006 SPR-1482-Report.pdf
ORBP-06 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 09/01/2006 2006-September-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1466 LRFD Load Calibration for State of Michigan Trunkline Bridges Gongkang Fu; John W. van de Lindt 08/01/2006 Structural reliability, design load, bridge design, capacity, resistance, reliability index, LRFD SPR-1466-Report.pdf
ORBP-06 Office of Research & Best Practices MDOT 04/01/2006 2006-April-ORBP.pdf
SPR-1521 Development of Simple Performance Tests Using Laboratory Test Procedures to Illustrate the Effects of Moisture Damage on Hot Mix Asphalt 04/01/2006 SPR-1521-Report.pdf
SPR-1474 Investigation of Breakaway Light Standards 04/01/2006 SPR-1474-Report.pdf
SPR-1473 Analysis of the Benefits of Bulk Pre-Wetting Solid Salt with Several Different Liquids 01/01/2006 SPR-1473-Report.pdf
SPR-1475 Deer-Vehicle Collisions: Understanding of Accident Characteristics and Drivers Attitude Awareness and Involvement 01/01/2006 SPR-1475-Report.pdf
SPR-1476 Environmental Factors Affecting the Rate of Deer Vehicle Crashes in Southern Michigan 01/01/2006 SPR-1476-Report.pdf
SPR-1471 Field Demonstration of Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Victor C. Li; M. Lepech; M. Li 12/01/2005 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening, Durability; Crack width control, implementation, demonstration SPR-1471-Report.pdf
SPR-1522 Development of Acceptance Criteria of Compacted Hot Mixture Asphalt Bulk Specific Gravity Based on Vacuum Sealed Specimens: Final Report 10/01/2005 SPR-1522-Report.pdf
RES-05-101 Research Record MDOT 09/01/2005 2005-September-Research-Record-101.pdf
RES-05-102 Research Record MDOT 09/01/2005 2005-September-Research-Record-102.pdf
RES-05-100 Research Record MDOT 08/01/2005 2005-August-Research-Record-100.pdf
SPR-1469 Multi-State Coarse Aggregate Freeze Thaw Comparison 07/01/2005 SPR-1469-Report.pdf
SPR-1364 Implementing Superpave in Michigan 06/01/2005 SPR-1364-Report.pdf
SPR-1464 Report on the 1992 U.S. Tour of European Concrete Highways 06/01/2005 SPR-1464-Report.pdf
SPR-1465 Unbonded Concrete Overlay Demonstration Project on I-75 in Ogemaw County ? Construction Report 06/01/2005 SPR-1465-Report.pdf
SPR-1472 A Study of the Effectiveness of the Use of Steady Burn Warning Lights on Drums in Construction Work Zones 06/01/2005 SPR-1472-Report.pdf
SPR-1084 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Champion, Inc. Dishneau Pit No. 52-1 05/01/2005 SPR-1084-Report.pdf
SPR-1083 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Arthur #2 Pit No. 72-5 05/01/2005 SPR-1083-Report.pdf
SPR-894 Investigation of Chemical and Physical Properties of Structural Steel, B03 of 51021- Cooley Bridge, M-55 over Pine River K. A. Allemeier 05/01/2005 SPR-894-Report.pdf
SPR-912 Specifications for Polyvinylchloride Rumble Strips 05/01/2005 SPR-912-Report.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction 01/01/2005 Aggregates; Chemical properties; Concrete pavements; Databases; Durability; Physical properties; Portland cement concrete; Quarries; Road construction; Thermal expansion SPR-1459-Report-Vol-I.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction - Appendix 01/01/2005 SPR-1459-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1454 Development of Steel Beam End Deterioration Guidelines John W. van de Lindt and Theresa M. 01/01/2005 Steel, deterioration, beam end SPR-1454-Report.pdf
SPR-1478 Economic Benefits of the Michigan Department of Transportation?s 2005-2009 Highway Program G Fulton; D Grimes; L Petraglia 01/01/2005 economic impact, economy, investment, five-year program, SPR-1478-Report.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction 01/01/2005 Aggregates; Chemical properties; Concrete pavements; Databases; Durability; Physical properties; Portland cement concrete; Quarries; Road construction; Thermal expansion SPR-1459-Report-Vol-II.pdf
SPR-1458 Research Annual Reports, FY00-01; FY02-03; FY04 S. Kulkarni, N. Crider 12/01/2004 SPR-1458-Report.pdf
SPR-1468 Development of a Pavement Marking Management System 12/01/2004 SPR-1468-Report.pdf
SPR-1455 Inspection and Deterioration of Bridge Decks Constructed Using Stay-in-Place Metal Forms and Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement Nabil Grace; Jim Hanson 10/01/2004 Bridge decks; Compressive strength; Concrete bridges; Durability; Epoxy coatings; Freeze thaw durability; Metals; State of the practice SPR-1455-Report.pdf
SPR-1410 Development of Laboratory Performance Test Procedures and Trial Specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt, Final Report Williams, R Chris 10/01/2004 Asphalt mixtures; Hot mix asphalt; Laboratory tests; Mix design; Performance tests; Quality assurance; Quality control; Superpave SPR-1410-Report.pdf
SPR-1457A Determine the impact of the AASHTO LRFD bridge code and transition the department into the use of the AASHTO LRFD design code A Nowak; A Naaman; G Parra-Montensi 09/01/2004 bridges, LRFD, design code, limit states, load and resistance factors SPR-1457A-Report.pdf
SPR-1452 Freeze-Thaw Evaluation of Large Coarse Aggregate Using MDOT?s Confined and Unconfined Methods 09/01/2004 SPR-1452-Report.pdf
SPR-1441 A Preliminary Mechanistic Evaluation of PCC Cross-Sections Using ISLAB2000 ? A Parametric Study 08/01/2004 Finite element method; Lateral supports; Pavement design; Portland cement concrete; Sensitivity analysis; Axle configurations; Pavement response data; mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide SPR-1441-Report.pdf
SPR-1448 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? WSU Study 08/01/2004 Concrete bridges; Shrinkage; Structural deterioration and defects; Tensile strength; Transverse cracking; Concrete barriers; Early age (Concrete); Premature failure SPR-1448-Report.pdf
SPR-1450 Development of a Computer Program for Dynamic Back Calculation of Flexible Pavement Layer Moduli 06/01/2004 SPR-1450-Report.pdf
SPR-1423 Concrete Surface Texture Study 05/01/2004 Coarse aggregates; Concrete; Durability; Fine aggregates; Pavement grooving; Polishing (Aggregates); Surface texture tests; Turf; Wearing course (Pavements) SPR-1423-Report.pdf
RR-779 Bridge Deterioration and Its Impact on Bridge Rating: A Parametric Study S. Kulkarni 05/01/2004 RR-779-Report.pdf
SPR-1431 Perpetual Pavement Demonstration Project on US-24 in Detroit 04/01/2004 SPR-1431-Report.pdf
SPR-1445 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? MTU Study - Appendix 04/01/2004 SPR-1445-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1445 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? MTU Study 04/01/2004 SPR-1445-Report.pdf
SPR-1444 Preliminary Investigation of the Role of Bacteria in Concrete Degradation 04/01/2004 SPR-1444-Report.pdf
SPR-1449 Report on the Risk Assessment of the I-196 Interstate Section Located over the former Domtar Mine, Grand Rapids - Appendices 03/01/2004 SPR-1449-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1443 Petrographic Evaluation of Cores from the Mosel Avenue Bridge Thomas Van Dam; Karl R. Peterson 03/01/2004 concrete deterioration, freez-thaw deterioration, alkali-silica reactivity; Alkali silica reactions; Bridge decks; Cores (Specimens); Deterioration; Fine aggregates; Freeze thaw durability; Mix design SPR-1443-Report.pdf
SPR-1449 Report on the Risk Assessment of the I-196 Interstate Section Located over the former Domtar Mine, Grand Rapids 03/01/2004 SPR-1449-Report.pdf
SPR-1451 Development and Evaluation of an Advanced Dynamic Lane Merge Traffic Control System for 3 to 2 Lane Transition Areas in Work Zones 01/01/2004 Aggression; Highway safety; Highway traffic control; Merging traffic; Traffic control devices; Work zone traffic control; Work zones SPR-1451-Report.pdf
RR-778 Comparison of Steel Overhead Sign Support Structures MTU 12/01/2003 RR-778-Report.pdf
SPR-1437 Investigative Causes and Develop Methods to Minimize Early-Age Deck Cracking on Michigan Bridge Decks Haluk Aktan; Gongkang Fu 12/01/2003 Bridge deck, early-age concrete, reinforced concrete; tensile strength; shrinkage; mix design SPR-1437-Report.pdf
SPR-1437 Investigative Causes and Develop Methods to Minimize Early-Age Deck Cracking on Michigan Bridge Decks 12/01/2003 SPR-1437-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1436 Development of Alternative Pavement Distress Index Models 11/01/2003 Data collection; Pavement distress; Pavement maintenance; Pavement performance; Service life; local linear regression model SPR-1436-Report.pdf
SPR-1438 Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Victor C. Li; G. Fischer 11/01/2003 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening; Bridge decks; Cement; Concrete bridges; Deterioration; Durability; Freeze thaw durability; Jointless bridges; Strain hardening SPR-1438-Report.pdf
SPR-1435 Sensors to Monitor Bond in Concrete Bridges Rehabilitated with FRP Ronald S. Harichandran 10/01/2003 NDE; EIS; CFRP sheet; sensors; debonding; Beams; Carbon fibers; Chloride content; Debonding; Electrochemical corrosion; Freeze thaw durability; Nondestructive tests; Reinforcing bars; Sensors SPR-1435-Report.pdf
RES-03-98 Research Record MDOT 10/01/2003 2003-October-Research-Record-98.pdf
SPR-1467 Field Test of Variable Speed Limits in Work Zones in Michigan 09/01/2003 Highway traffic control; Speed limits; Tapers (Work zone traffic control); Traffic control; Traffic safety; Traffic speed; Variable speed limits; Work zone traffic control SPR-1467-Report.pdf
SPR-1440 Determining the Causes of Top-Down Cracks in Bituminous Pavements 08/01/2003 Asphalt concrete; Asphalt mixtures; Asphalt pavements; Bituminous pavements; Moisture damage; Nondestructive tests; Segregation (Aggregates); Transverse cracking SPR-1440-Report.pdf
SPR-1446 Safety Performance Evaluation of Michigan?s 4x5 Portable Sign Support 06/01/2003 SPR-1446-Report.pdf
SPR-1434 Analysis of Bystander Noise Generated by Vehicle/Road Surface Interaction 05/01/2003 SPR-1434-Report.pdf
SPR-1429 Verification of Girder Distribution Factors for Continuous Steel Girder Bridges Andrzej S. Nowak; Junskiik Eom; Dav 05/01/2003 Bridge decks; Continuous girder bridges; Dynamic loads; Flexural strength; Girder bridges; Heavy duty trucks; Live loads; Long span bridges SPR-1429-Report.pdf
SPR-1430 Analytical Design Procedures and Load Rating for Isotropic Bridge Decks U of M 05/01/2003 isotropic bridge deck; stress analysis; restrained shrinkage SPR-1430-Report.pdf
SPR-1428 Research Annual Report FY 00, 01, 02 T&R Section 03/01/2003 SPR-1428-Report.pdf
RES-03-97 Research Record MDOT 02/01/2003 2003-February-Research-Record-97.pdf
SPR-1422 Field Performance of Polymer Bridge Deck Overlays in Michigan Russ Alger; Scott Gruenberg; Joe We 01/01/2003 Polymer overlays; bridge decks; epoxy; Anti-icing; Benefit cost analysis; Bridge decks; Bridges; Concrete overlays; Epoxy coatings; Field tests; elastomeric concrete SPR-1422-Report.pdf
SPR-1442 The Evolution and Application of MDOT Aggregate Specifications 01/01/2003 SPR-1442-Report.pdf
SPR-1418 Agricultural By-Products for Anti-icing and Deicing Use in Michigan 12/01/2002 Agricultural products; Anti-icing; Corrosion; Deicing chemicals; Winter maintenance; prewetting SPR-1418-Report.pdf
SPR-1425 A Study of Materials-Related-Distress (MRD) in Michigan?s PCC Pavements ? Phase 2 12/01/2002 SPR-1425-Report.pdf
SPR-1425 A Study of Materials-Related-Distress (MRD) in Michigan?s PCC Pavements ? Phase 2 - Appendices 12/01/2002 SPR-1425-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1424 Criteria and Benefits of Penetrating Sealants for Concrete Bridge Deck Upul Attanayake; Haluk Aktan; Simon 12/01/2002 concrete bridge deck; durability; electrical resistivity; methacrylate; hyrdrophobic; penetrating sealants; permeability; silane; siloxane; water repellents SPR-1424-Report.pdf
SPR-1415 Evaluation of the Dynamics of Fracture Characteristics of Aggregate in PCC Pavement 12/01/2002 SPR-1415-Report.pdf
RES-02-96 Research Record MDOT 11/01/2002 2002-November-Research-Record-96.pdf
SPR-1416 Identify Causes for Under Performing Rubblized Concrete Pavement Projects; Volume I and Volume II - Appendices 08/01/2002 SPR-1416-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1416 Identify Causes for Under Performing Rubblized Concrete Pavement Projects; Volume I and Volume II 08/01/2002 SPR-1416-Report.pdf
SPR-1413 Investigation of the Adequacy of Current Bridge Design Loads in the State of Michigan MTU & WSU 07/01/2002 structural reliability; design load; bridge design; capacity; resistance; reliability index SPR-1413-Report.pdf
SPR-1400 Field Evaluation of Experimental Low VOC Bridge Paints Byron D. Beck 07/01/2002 SPR-1400-Report.pdf
RES-02-95 Research Record MDOT 07/01/2002 2002-July-Research-Record-95.pdf
SPR-1420 A Comparison of MDOT Schedules as a Result of Special Provision for Progress Schedule FUSP102G 06/01/2002 SPR-1420-Report.pdf
SPR-1421A Investigation of Steel Box Girder Pier Caps on S05 of 63103 06/01/2002 SPR-1412A-Report.pdf
SPR-1412 A Investigation of Steel Box Girder Pier Caps on S05 of 63103 - Appendices 06/01/2002 SPR-1412-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1419 Work Item Production Rates for MDOT Projects 06/01/2002 SPR-1419-Report.pdf
SPR-1412A Investigation of Steel Box Girder Pier Caps on S05 of 63103 Roger Till 06/01/2002 Fatigue; web penetrations; steel pier cap; toughness; fracture critical SPR-1412A-Report.pdf
RR-776 Dix-Toledo Road Stress Relieving/Waterproofing Membrane Project K. Jost, S. Minton, E. Muller II, S. Paris 04/01/2002 RR-776-Report.pdf
RES-02-94 Research Record MDOT 04/01/2002 2002-April-Research-Record-94.pdf
SPR-1421 Detecting and Quantifying Segregation in Bituminous Pavements and Relating its Effect Condition; Final Report and Appendix E - Appendices 03/01/2002 SPR-1421-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1409 Synthesis and Review of Superpave Implementation 03/01/2002 SPR-1409-Report.pdf
SPR-1412 Detecting and Quantifying Segregation in Bituminous Pavements and Relating its Effect Condition; Final Report and Appendix E 03/01/2002 SPR-1421-Report.pdf
SPR-1417 Three Year Evaluation of Whitetopping Project on M-46 02/01/2002 Bituminous mixtures; Concrete overlays; Deterioration; Overlays (Pavements); Pavement distress; Pavement maintenance; Road construction; Whitetopping SPR-1417-Report.pdf
SPR-1406 A Comparative Bond Study of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Theresa M. Ahlborn; Timothy C. DenH 01/01/2002 Stainless steel; concrete reinforcement; bond; development length; bridge decks; 316LN stainless; duplex 2205 SPR-1406-Report.pdf
RR-775 Marketing and Implementation of Research Results (MIRR) - Best Practices Review 12/01/2001 RR-775-Report.pdf
SPR-1411 Development and Evaluation of the Lane Merge Traffic Control System at Construction Work Zones Tapan Datta, Kerrie Schattler, and 12/01/2001 Work zone, aggressive driver, dynamic traffic control SPR-1411-Report.pdf
RES-01-93 Research Record MDOT 10/01/2001 2001-October-Research-Record-93.pdf
RR-774 Identification of Locations Suitable for Raising the Speed Limit on Full Access Roads in Michigan 09/01/2001 RR-774-Report.pdf
SPR-1404 Transverse Crack Propagation of JPCP as Related to PCC Toughness 08/01/2001 SPR-1404-Report.pdf
SPR-1397 Analysis of the Bridge Barrier Railing Barrier Railing, Type 5; and Bridge Railing, Aesthetic Parapet Tube. R. D. Till 07/01/2001 barrier; railig; parapet; bridge; adhesive; anchors; yield line theory; strength; capacity; crash test SPR-1397-Report.pdf
RES-01-92 Research Record MDOT 07/01/2001 2001-July-Research-Record-92.pdf
SPR-1395 Evaluation of Alignment Tolerances for Dowel Bars and their Effects on Joint Performance 06/01/2001 Dowels (Fasteners); Load transfer; Pavement cracking; Pavement performance; Rigid pavements; Transverse joints; Longitudinal profile (Pavement roughness); Misalignments SPR-1395-Report.pdf
SPR-1396 Development of Roughness Thresholds for the Preventive Maintenance of Pavements based on Dynamic Loading Considerations and Damage Analysis ? Volume I and Volume II 06/01/2001 SPR-1396-Report.pdf
SPR-1394 Evaluation of Minimum Surface Preparation Coatings for Bridge Painting B. Beck 05/01/2001 minimal surface preparation (MSP; structural steel; overcoat; red lead SPR-1394-Report.pdf
SPR-1393 Verification of Girder Distribution Factors for Steel Girder Bridges U of M 05/01/2001 steel girder bridges; girder distribution factors; dynamic load factors; finite element analysis SPR-1393-Report.pdf
SPR-1390 Inspection of Pavement Problems on I-275 and on I-75 from the Ohio Line Northerly to the Huron River 02/01/2001 SPR-1390-Report.pdf
SPR-1384 Electrochemical Chloride Extraction Steve Kahl 02/01/2001 Bridge substructures; Chloride content; Concrete structures; Corrosion resistance; Deterioration; Electrochemical corrosion; Service life; Electrochemical chloride extraction SPR-1384-Report.pdf
SPR-1391 Investigation of Prestressed Box Beam Plaza Structures Z01, Z02, and Z03 of 63102 over I-696 in Southfield, Michigan 02/01/2001 Box beams; Carbon fibers; Concrete structures; Cracking; Parapets; Prestressed concrete; Reinforcement (Engineering) SPR-1391-Report.pdf
RR-773 Guidelines for Four-Lane to Three-Lane Conversions 01/01/2001 RR-773-Report.pdf
SPR-1403 Evaluation of Concrete Permeability by Ultrasonic Testing Techniques Haluk Aktan 01/01/2001 Permeability; Durability; Nondestructive testing; ultrasonic pulse velocity; Figg's test; BRidge decks SPR-1403-Report.pdf
SPR-1392 Non Metallic Reinforcement of Concrete Bridge Decks MSU 01/01/2001 composite bars; durability; concrete reinforcement; glass fibers; aramid (Technora); fibers; bridge decks; steel corrosion SPR-1392-Report.pdf
SPR-1398B Crash Testing of Michigan?s Type B (W-Beam) Guardrail System ? Phase II 12/01/2000 SPR-1398B-Report.pdf
SPR-1386 Repair of Corrosion-Damaged Columns Using FRP Wraps MSU 12/01/2000 SPR-1386-Report.pdf
SPR-1388 Load Test of the Bridge on Old US-27 over Holden Creek in Clinton County (B02 ? 19031) U of M 11/01/2000 bridge slab decks; deterioration; evaluation; degradation scenarios SPR-1388-Report.pdf
SPR-1389B Michigan Deck Evaluation Guide U of M, MDOT 11/01/2000 bridge slab decks, deterioration, evaluation, degradation SPR-1389B-Report.pdf
SPR-1389A Development of the Procedure for Efficient Evaluation of Bridge Decks A Nowak; M Szerszen; L Kwasniewski 11/01/2000 bridge slab decks; deterioration; field inspection; field tests; material models; failure scenarios; finite element analysis; punching shear SPR-1389A-Report.pdf
SPR-1387 Whitetopping Project on M-46 Between Carsonville and Port Sanilac 10/01/2000 Bituminous mixtures; Concrete overlays; Deterioration; Overlays (Pavements); Pavement distress; Pavement maintenance; Road construction; Whitetopping SPR-1387-Report.pdf
RR-772 Research Program Strategic Direction to Support and Improve the Transportation Program Objectives S. Kulkarni 10/01/2000 RR-772-Report.pdf
RR-771 The Impact of Raising the Speed Limit on Freeways in Michigan ? Vol 1 & 2 08/01/2000 RR-771-Report.pdf
RES-00-90 Research Record MDOT 07/01/2000 2000-July-Research-Record-90.pdf
SPR-1374 Study of Michigan?s Continuous Span Variable Depth T-Beam Bridges D. Juntunen 06/01/2000 T-Beam; Bridge; Reinforced Concrete Load Testing; Bridge superstructures; Cracking; Deterioration; Load tests; Long span bridges; Reinforced concrete; T beams SPR-1374-Report.pdf
SPR-1382 Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using CFRP Laminates M. del Mar Lopez, A. 06/01/2000 bond; carbon fiber; composites materials; laminates; rehabilitation; reinforced concrete; repair; strengthing systems SPR-1382-Report.pdf
SPR-1376 Evaluation of Various Concrete Pavement Joint Sealants Michael Eacker; Andrew Bennett 05/01/2000 Concrete construction; Concrete pavements; Joint sealing; Neoprene; Polyurethane resins; Sealing compounds; Silicon; Test sections SPR-1376-Report.pdf
SPR-1381 Cost Effectiveness of European Demonstration Project: I-75 Detroit 05/01/2000 SPR-1381-Report.pdf
RES-00-88 Research Record MDOT 03/01/2000 2000-March-Research-Record-88.pdf
RR-770 Effect on Crashes Due to Construction of Directional Crossovers to Replace Bidirectional Crossovers 02/01/2000 RR-770-Report.pdf
SPR-1408 A-588 Bridge Mounted Sign Failure Investigation David Juntunen 01/01/2000 weathering steel; ASTM A-588; sign support; pack rust; pack out; failure investigation; bolted connection; short bolts; bolt fracture SPR-1408-Report.pdf
RR-769 Parking on the State Trunkline System U of M 01/01/2000 RR-769-Report.pdf
SPR-1378 Development of a Guide for Evaluation of Existing Bridges, Phase 2 A Nowak; A Sanli; J Eom 01/01/2000 SPR-1378-Report.pdf
SPR-1380 Prestressed Concrete Beam End Report D. E. Needham 01/01/2000 Bridge superstructures; Dowels (Fasteners); I beams; Latex modified concrete; Prestressed concrete; Repairing; Bridge maintenance; In service performance SPR-1380-Report.pdf
RR-768 Conversion of Streets from One-Way to Two-Way Operation 01/01/2000 RR-768-Report.pdf
RR-765 MDOT 201: An Introduction to Transportation Issues in Michigan 12/31/1999 RR-765-Report.pdf
SPR-1405 Construction Project Scheduling at MDOT Rhett Gronevelt; Kris G. Mattila 12/01/1999 Scheduling; construction projects; construction scheduling SPR-1405-Report.pdf
SPR-1398A Crash Testing of Michigan?s Type B (W-Beam) Guardrail System 11/01/1999 SPR-1398A-Report.pdf
SPR-1373 Prestressed Concrete Beam End Repair D. Needham 10/01/1999 Bridge superstructures; Dowels (Fasteners); I beams; Latex modified concrete; Prestressed concrete; Repairing, Bridge maintenance; In service performance SPR-1373-Report.pdf
RR-767 An Evaluation of Speed Control Techniques in Work Zones 07/01/1999 RR-767-Report.pdf
RES-99-87 Research Record MDOT 06/01/1999 1999-June-Research-Record-87.pdf
RR-766 An Evaluation and Calibration of MDOT's Work Zone Delay Model: Draft Final Report 05/01/1999 RR-766-Report.pdf
SPR-1370 Field Inspection of Traffic Signal Strain Poles 05/01/1999 SPR-1370-Report.pdf
SPR-1372 Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using CFRP Laminates T. Gillespie 04/01/1999 bond; carbon fiber; composites materials; laminates; rehabilitation; reinforced concrete; repair; strengthening systems SPR-1372-Report.pdf
SPR-1368 Comparison of Standard and Deep Bridge Deck Overlay Performances B. D. Beck 02/01/1999 bridge deck overlay; standard versus deep SPR-1368-Report.pdf
RR-764 Grand River Ave (M-43) Pedestrian Study 01/01/1999 RR-764-Report.pdf
RES-98-86 Research Record MDOT 12/01/1998 1998-December-Research-Record-86.pdf
RR-762 Michigan's State of the System Report: Congestion Profile 12/01/1998 RR-762-Report.pdf
RR-763 Logo Signing Pilot Program 12/01/1998 RR-763-Report.pdf
RR-761 Reconstruction of Rigid Pavements Using Asphalt Pavement Alternatives MSU 11/01/1998 RR-761-Report.pdf
SPR-1401 Investigation of Transverse Cracking on Michigan PCC Pavements over Open-Graded Drainage Courses - Appendices 11/01/1998 SPR-1401-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1401 Investigation of Transverse Cracking on Michigan PCC Pavements over Open-Graded Drainage Courses 11/01/1998 SPR-1401-Report.pdf
SPR-1367 Monitoring Both Short & Long Term Mechanical Properties for Large Stone Mixtures 10/01/1998 SPR-1367-Report.pdf
SPR-1341 Inspection and Performance Evaluation of Prefabricated Drainage System V. T. Barnhart 10/01/1998 SPR-1341-Report.pdf
SPR-1399 Concrete Mix Design, Process Manual 08/01/1998 SPR-1399-Report.pdf
RR-759 1997 Work Zone Speed Study 08/01/1998 RR-759-Report.pdf
SPR-1350 Development of a Mobile System for Measuring Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity 08/01/1998 SPR-1350-Report.pdf
RES-98-85 Research Record MDOT 08/01/1998 1998-August-Research-Record-85.pdf
SPR-1361 Design Procedures for Concrete Anchors (Mechanical Expansion and Bonded Anchors) 06/01/1998 Anchor bolts; Anchors (Structural connectors); Concrete construction; Design engineering; Expansion joints; Bonded anchors; Concrete anchors; Post-installed concrete anchors SPR-1361-Report.pdf
SPR-1362 Development of a Guide for Evaluation of Existing Bridges Part I A.S. Nowak, S. Kim 05/01/1998 bridges; field testing load distribution; proof load; dynamic load SPR-1362-Report.pdf
SPR-1358 Study of Michigan?s Link Plate and Pin Assemblies D. A. Juntunen 04/01/1998 link plates; steel bridges; pin and hangers; fatigue SPR-1358-Report.pdf
SPR-1356 Bituminous Crack Filling Test Section on US-10 Near Evert 04/01/1998 Bituminous pavements; Latex; Pavement maintenance; Polymers; Rubber; Ruts (Pavements); Sealing compounds; Spalling; Test sections SPR-1356-Report.pdf
SPR-1359 Bituminous Pavement Resurfacing at Snowmobile Crossings First Year Review 03/01/1998 SPR-1359-Report.pdf
RR-757 An Evaluation of the Michigan Urban Diamond Interchange with respect to the Single Point Urban Interchange 02/01/1998 RR-757-Report.pdf
SPR-1357 Comparison of Methods Used to Produce Hot-Dipped Galvanized W-Beam Guardrail 01/01/1998 SPR-1357-Report.pdf
RES-97-84 Research Record MDOT 12/01/1997 1997-December-Research-Record-84.pdf
SPR-1426 Mechanistic Design Implementation Plan for Flexible Pavements and Overlays 11/01/1997 SPR-1426-Report.pdf
SPR-1456A Premature Deterioration in Michigan Jointed Concrete Pavements on Open Graded Drainage Courses Draft Report Amit H. Varma; Keith Kowalkowski 11/01/1997 Steel bridges; heat straightening; structural properties; fracture toughness; surface hardness; microstructure SPR-1456A-Report.pdf
RR-56 The Safety Effects of Signalizing Intersections 11/01/1997 RR-756-Report.pdf
SPR-1353 Investigation of Calcium Hydroxide Depletion as a Cause of Concrete Pavement Deterioration 11/01/1997 Additives; Alkalinity; Calcium hydroxide; Concrete pavements; Construction; Corrosion; Corrosion resistance; Deterioration; Leaching; Pavement cracking; Permeability; Repairing; Sealing compounds SPR-1353-Report.pdf
SPR-1456 Premature Deterioration in Michigan Jointed Concrete Pavements on Open Graded Drainage Courses Draft Report - Appendices 11/01/1997 SPR-1456-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1456 Premature Deterioration in Michigan Jointed Concrete Pavements on Open Graded Drainage Courses Draft Report 11/01/1997 SPR-1456-Report.pdf
RR-755 Development of a Crash Reduction Model for Horizontal Curves 10/01/1997 RR-755-Report.pdf
SPR-1363 Test Method to Determine the Existence of Segregation in Bituminous Mixtures 09/01/1997 SPR-1363-Report.pdf
RES-97-83 Research Record MDOT 09/01/1997 1997-September-Research-Record-83.pdf
SPR-1360 Polymers in Bituminous Mixtures ? Phase II 08/01/1997 SPR-1360-Report.pdf
SPR-1355 Glued-On Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Sheets for Repair and Rehabilitation 08/01/1997 SPR-1355-Report.pdf
RES-97-82 Research Record MDOT 06/01/1997 1997-June-Research-Record-82.pdf
SPR-1352 Performance Evaluation of Isotropic Bridge Decks (Ontario Design), Interim Report D. E. Needham 05/01/1997 Alternatives analysis; Bridge decks; Concrete; Costs; Cracking; Design methods; Isotropy; Performance evaluations SPR-1352-Report.pdf
SPR-1351 Investigation of Precast Deck Panels Used in Spread Box Beam Bridges R. D. Till, D. E. Needham 04/01/1997 Box beams; Bridge decks; Forming; Panels; Plywood; Precast concrete; Deck panels; Replacement (Bridges); Stay in place SPR-1351-Report.pdf
SPR-1343B Third Year Performance of European Concrete Pavement on Northbound I-75, Detroit, Michigan 03/01/1997 SPR-1343B-Report.pdf
SPR-1349 Instruction of Concrete T-Beam Bridge During Deck Replacement Partello Road over I-94 Structure No. S04 of 1383 D. A. Juntunen, P. W. 02/01/1997 Beams; Bridge decks; Concrete curing; Live loads; Reinforced concrete; Static loads; T beams, bridge spans SPR-1349-Report.pdf
SPR-1348 Investigation of Condition of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Michigan D. E. Needham, D. A. 01/01/1997 Beams; Bridge superstructures; Prestressed concrete bridges; Reinforced concrete; Reinforced concrete bridges; Steel structures SPR-1348-Report.pdf
RR-754 An Evaluation of the Michigan 70 MPH Speed Limit 12/01/1996 RR-754-Report.pdf
RES-96-81 Research Record MDOT 12/01/1996 1996-December-Research-Record-81.pdf
RR-753 Congestion Analysis of Southfield Freeway 12/01/1996 RR-753-Report.pdf
SPR-1347 Load Testing of Bridges A. S. Nowak, V. K. Saraf 10/01/1996 SPR-1347-Report.pdf
SPR-1346 Cause of Concrete Pier Cap Deterioration on the I-75 Bridge over River Rouge (B01 of 82194) in Detroit and Effectiveness of Repair Methods U of M 09/01/1996 SPR-1346-Report.pdf
RES-96-80 Research Record MDOT 09/01/1996 1996-September-Research-Record-80.pdf
SPR-1342 Inspection and Repair of High-Mast Luminaires (HML) 08/01/1996 Corrosion resistance; Cracking; Deterioration by environmental action; High mast lighting; Lighting systems; Luminaires; Night visibility; Street lighting SPR-1342-Report.pdf
SPR-1344 Effect of Elevated Temperature on Fracture Critical Steel Members R.D. Till 07/01/1996 Bascule bridges; Beams; Bridge design; Bridge members; Salvage; Steel structures, Bridge maintenance; Elevated temperatures; Fracture critical members SPR-1344-Report.pdf
RES-96-79 Research Record MDOT 06/01/1996 1996-June-Research-Record-79.pdf
SPR-1345 Adoption of a Rapid Test for Determining Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete 06/01/1996 SPR-1345-Report.pdf
SPR-1343 Second Year Performance of The European Concrete Pavement on Northbound I-75, Detroit, Michigan 06/01/1996 Concrete pavements; Innovation; Life cycle costing; Pavement design; Pavement performance; Reconstruction; Rigid pavements; Service life SPR-1343-Report.pdf
RR-752 Field Condition Review of Completed Highway Preventative Maintenance Projects 06/01/1996 RR-752-Report.pdf
RR-751 Roadway Warning System Study for Michigan Department of Transportation - Phase 1 & 2 05/01/1996 RR-751-Report.pdf
RES-96-78 Research Record MDOT 03/01/1996 1996-March-Research-Record-78.pdf
SPR-1457 Uses of Recycled Concrete in Michigan 11/01/1995 SPR-1457-Report.pdf
RES-95-77 Research Record MDOT 10/01/1995 1995-October-Research-Record-77.pdf
SPR-1336 Proof Load Test of R01 of 61131 M-37 over CSX Railroad, South of Bailey, Michigan 10/01/1995 SPR-1336-Report.pdf
SPR-1334 Evaluation of Glasgrid Bituminous Pavement Reinforcement Mesh and a Bituminous Separation Course With and Without Latex 10/01/1995 SPR-1334-Report.pdf
RR-749 Direct Observation of Safety Belt Use in Michigan - Fall 1995 10/01/1995 RR-749-Report.pdf
SPR-1340 Evaluation of the Uretek Method for Pavement Undersealing 08/01/1995 SPR-1340-Report.pdf
RES-95-76 Research Record MDOT 08/01/1995 1995-August-Research-Record-76.pdf
SPR-1335 Evaluation of Galvanized Pedestrian Bridges D.C. Long; E.M. Phifer 05/01/1995 SPR-1335-Report.pdf
SPR-1427 Factors Affecting the Deterioration of Transverse Cracks in JRCP 03/01/1995 SPR-1427-Report.pdf
SPR-1321 A Comparison of the Corrosion Performance of Uncoated, Galvanized, and Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Bridge Decks R. L. McCrum, R. R. 03/01/1995 SPR-1321-Report.pdf
SPR-1332 Investigation of the Air Content of Plastic vs. Hardened Concrete 02/01/1995 SPR-1332-Report.pdf
SPR-1338 First Year Performance of the European Concrete Pavement on Northbound I-75, Detroit, MI 02/01/1995 SPR-1338-Report.pdf
SPR-1331 Advance Warning Arrow Panel Evaluation 02/01/1995 SPR-1331-Report.pdf
RR-746 Bus Preemption Signal (BPS): An Application of an Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) 01/01/1995 RR-746-Report.pdf
RR-747 Moments Due to Trucks Measured on Selected Bridges in the Detroit Area UoM 01/01/1995 RR-747-Report.pdf
RR-747 Moments Due to Trucks Measured on Selected Bridges in the Detroit Area 01/01/1995 RR-747-Report.pdf
SPR-1327 Concrete Pavement Restoration, Final Report 01/01/1995 SPR-1327-Report.pdf
RR-745 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase III) 12/01/1994 RR-745-Report.pdf
SPR-1433A Effect of Truck Loading on Bridges Andrzej S. Nowak; Jeffrey A. Laman; 12/01/1994 SPR-1433A-Report.pdf
SPR-1433B Truck Loads on Selected Bridges in the Detroit Area Andrzej S. Nowak; Sangjin Kim 12/01/1994 SPR-1433B-Report.pdf
RR-744 The Michigan Transportation Conformity Air Quality State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision 11/01/1994 RR-744-Report.pdf
SPR-1330 The Relationship Between Torque, Tension, and Nut Rotation of Large Diameter Anchor Bolts 10/01/1994 Anchor bolts; Anchorages; Cantilevers; Nuts (Fasteners); Sign supports; Tension; Torque SPR-1330-Report.pdf
RR-743 Direct Observation of Safety Belt Use in Michigan - Fall 1994 10/01/1994 RR-743-Report.pdf
SPR-1333 Construction of European Concrete Pavement on Northbound I-75 ? Detroit, Michigan 09/01/1994 SPR-1333-Report.pdf
RR-741 Lansing Transit Coordination Study 08/01/1994 RR-741-Report.pdf
RR-740 A Report on the Development of an Emission Particulate Trap System for Diesel Bus Engines 06/01/1994 RR-740-Report.pdf
RR-739 Study of Institutional Impacts of New Technology Applications - St. Clair & Detroit Rivers Highway Crossings 05/01/1994 RR-739-Report.pdf
SPR-1477 Evaluation of Exhaust Gas Emissions and Worker Exposure from Asphalt-Rubber Binders in Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures 05/01/1994 SPR-1477-Report.pdf
MATES-94-76 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1994 1994-April-MATES-76.pdf
MATES-94-75 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1994 1994-March-MATES-75.pdf
MATES-94-74 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1994 1994-February-MATES-74.pdf
SPR-1328 Evaluation of the Delamination of the Polyurethane Topcoat 02/01/1994 SPR-1328-Report.pdf
RR-738 Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Tested with Neoprene Capping Versus Hydrostone Capping 01/01/1994 RR-738-Report.pdf
RR-737 Assessment of the Benefits of Two-Way Center Left Turn Lanes - Phase 1 01/01/1994 RR-737-Report.pdf
RR-736 The Use of Selected Deicing Materials on Michigan Roads: Environmental and Economic Impacts 12/01/1993 RR-736-Report.pdf
RR-735 Evaluation of the Dynamic Strength of Guardrail Posts Made from Recycled Plastic 10/01/1993 RR-735-Report.pdf
SPR-1326 Interior Vehicle Noise From Shoulder Rumble Strips 09/01/1993 SPR-1326-Report.pdf
SPR-1324 Evaluation of Experimental Painting of A588 Steel Bridges E.M. Phifer 08/01/1993 SPR-1324-Report.pdf
SPR-1463 Specifications for European Concrete Pavement 08/01/1993 SPR-1463-Report.pdf
MATES-93-73 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1993 1993-July-MATES-73.pdf
RR-733 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase II) 06/01/1993 RR-733-Report.pdf
RR-734 Effect of Large Trucks on Traffic Safety and Operations 06/01/1993 RR-734-Report.pdf
SPR-1325 Evaluating Low Dusting Abrasives on the Bridge Carrying Covert Road Over US-127 E.M. Phifer 05/01/1993 SPR-1325-Report.pdf
SPR-1323 Development of an Instrumented Vehicle to Measure Roadway Curve and Grade 04/01/1993 SPR-1323-Report.pdf
SPR-1322 Effects of Deicing Salts on the Chloride Levels in Water and Soil Adjacent to Roadways, Interim Progress Report 03/01/1993 SPR-1322-Report.pdf
SPR-1320 Evaluation of Simulated Bridge Deck Slabs Using Uncoated, Galvanized, and Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel R.L. McCrum 02/01/1993 SPR-1320-Report.pdf
MATES-93-72 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1993 1993-January-MATES-72.pdf
MATES-93-71 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1993 1993-January-MATES-71.pdf
RR-732 Methods for Estimating Truck Exposure Richard W. Lyles; William C. Taylor 01/01/1993 Trucks; Exposure; Vehicle-miles of travel; Quasi-induced exposure; Surveys RR-732-Report.pdf
MATES-92-70 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1992 1992-December-MATES-70.pdf
SPR-1317 Alleged Damage to Susan Shilander?s House Due to Traffic-Induced Vibrations 12/01/1992 SPR-1317-Report.pdf
MATES-92-69 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1992 1992-November-MATES-69.pdf
SPR-1462 European Concrete Pavement Tour 11/01/1992 SPR-1462-Report.pdf
RR-731 Cell-Probe: An Operational Field Test in Metro Detroit to Evaluate the Mobile Cellular Phone as a Traffic Probe 10/01/1992 RR-731-Report.pdf
MATES-92-68 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1992 1992-October-MATES-68.pdf
RR-730 Comparison of Speed Zoning Procedures and Their Effectiveness 09/01/1992 RR-730-Report.pdf
MATES-92-67 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 09/01/1992 1992-September-MATES-67.pdf
SPR-1319 Cantilever Sign Structure Inspection, Final Report B. W. Ness, R. D. Till 08/01/1992 SPR-1319-Report.pdf
MATES-92-66 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1992 1992-August-MATES-66.pdf
MATES-92-65 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1992 1992-July-MATES-65.pdf
SPR-1311 Freeze-Thaw Durability and Pore Characteristics of the Major Rock Constituents in Glacial Gravel 07/01/1992 SPR-1311-Report.pdf
MATES-92-64 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1992 1992-June-MATES-64.pdf
SPR-1318 The Lightweight Pavement Profile Instrument Development and Applications 06/01/1992 SPR-1318-Report.pdf
MATES-92-63 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1992 1992-May-MATES-63.pdf
MATES-92-62 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1992 1992-April-MATES-62.pdf
RR-729 16-ft Wide Mobile Home Study - Vol 1 & 2 03/01/1992 RR-729-Report.pdf
MATES-92-61 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1992 1992-March-MATES-61.pdf
SPR-1316 Evaluation of Ice Detection and Highway Weather Information Services, Final Report 03/01/1992 SPR-1316-Report.pdf
MATES-92-60 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1992 1992-February-MATES-60.pdf
RR-727 Michigan-Ontario Railroad Border Crossing Infrastructure: An Evaluation of Modernization Proposal Benefits and Recommendations for Future Action 12/01/1991 RR-727-Report.pdf
RR-728 Michigan-Ontario Railroad Border Crossing Infrastructure: An Evaluation of Modernization Proposal Benefits and Recommendations for Future Action J. C. Taylor 12/01/1991 RR-728-Report.pdf
MATES-91-59 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1991 1991-December-MATES-59.pdf
MATES-91-58 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1991 1991-November-MATES-58.pdf
MATES-91-57 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1991 1991-October-MATES-57.pdf
RR-726 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: FY 1992 10/01/1991 RR-726-Report.pdf
SPR-1315 Corrosion and Alternate Deicers, Interim Report 10/01/1991 SPR-1315-Report.pdf
RES-00-91 Research Record MDOT 10/01/1991 2000-October-Research-Record-91.pdf
SPR-1314 Determination of the Slip Coefficient for Organic and Inorganic Primers in Bolted Connections 09/01/1991 SPR-1314-Report.pdf
SPR-1313 Evaluation of United Salt?s Corrosion Inhibitor Intended for Use with Sodium Chloride Deicing Salt 09/01/1991 SPR-1313-Report.pdf
MATES-91-56 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 09/01/1991 1991-September-MATES-56.pdf
RR-725 Safety and Structural Implications of Seat Belts on Transit Buses ? Phase II & III 09/01/1991 RR-725-Report.pdf
MATES-91-55 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1991 1991-August-MATES-55.pdf
SPR-1312 Fine Aggregates Tested on the Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track 07/01/1991 SPR-1312-Report.pdf
RR-724 Planning the Metropolitan Transportation Center (MTC) 07/01/1991 RR-724-Report.pdf
SPR-1310 Evaluation of Lime, Fly Ash Base Course Mixtures, Final Report 06/01/1991 SPR-1310-Report.pdf
MATES-91-54 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1991 1991-June-MATES-54.pdf
MATES-91-53 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1991 1991-May-MATES-53.pdf
RR-723 Truck Weight Enforcement and Safety Inspection Study ? Vol 1 & 2 Wilbur Smith Associates 05/01/1991 Weigh stations; Size and weight regulations RR-723-Report.pdf
SPR-1309 An Evaluation of A Highway Advisory Radio System in Rest Areas, I-94, Calhoun, Berrien and Van Buren Counties L. DeFrain, J. Foran, F. 04/01/1991 SPR-1309-Report.pdf
MATES-91-52 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1991 1991-April-MATES-52.pdf
RR-722 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase I) 03/01/1991 RR-722-Report.pdf
MATES-91-51 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1991 1991-March-MATES-51.pdf
RR-721 Factors Affecting Deterioration of Transverse Cracks in Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavements MSU 01/01/1991 RR-721-Report.pdf
MATES-91-50 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1991 1991-January-MATES-50.pdf
RR-720 A Comparison of Routing Algorithms for Demand Activated Bus Service 01/01/1991 RR-720-Report.pdf
MATES-90-49 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1990 1990-December-MATES-49.pdf
SPR-1308 Evaluation of Ice Detection and Weather Information Systems, Progress Report 12/01/1990 SPR-1308-Report.pdf
MATES-90-48 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1990 1990-November-MATES-48.pdf
SPR-1307 Evaluation of Tensar Bituminous Pavement Reinforcement, Final Report 10/01/1990 SPR-1307-Report.pdf
RR-719 Transportation: A Foundation for the Future-MDOT's Vision for the 1990's 10/01/1990 RR-719-Report.pdf
MATES-90-47 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1990 1990-October-MATES-47.pdf
MATES-90-46 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1990 1990-August-MATES-46.pdf
RR-718 1989 Michigan Air Carrier Statistics 08/01/1990 RR-718-Report.pdf
MATES-90-45 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1990 1990-July-MATES-45.pdf
MATES-90-44 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1990 1990-June-MATES-44.pdf
SPR-1306 Evaluation of MDOT Maintenance Division Seal Coat Projects, Final Report 06/01/1990 SPR-1306-Report.pdf
RR-716 Specialized Services Coordinated Plan for Southeast Michigan 06/01/1990 RR-716-Report.pdf
RR-715 A High Pressure Method of Bitumen Extraction from Asphalt Pavement T. J. Houser 06/01/1990 RR-715-Report.pdf
RR-714 Value of Capital City Airport to the Greater Lansing/Tri-County Area 05/01/1990 RR-714-Report.pdf
RR-713 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: FY 1991 05/01/1990 RR-713-Report.pdf
MATES-90-43 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1990 1990-May-MATES-43.pdf
RR-711 A Study of Road Damage Due to Dynamic Wheel Loads Using a Load Measuring Mat U of M 04/01/1990 RR-711-Report.pdf
MATES-90-42 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1990 1990-April-MATES-42.pdf
RR-710 The Michigan Heavy Truck Study Richard W. Lyles; Daniel F. Blower 04/01/1990 Trucks; Truck tractors; Travel; Crash rates RR-710-Report.pdf
RR-712 Action Plan for Cantilever Sign Problem J. D. Culp, M. Witteveen, H. L. Won 04/01/1990 RR-712-Report.pdf
RR-709 State Trunkline Accident Surveillance Program - City of Detroit 03/01/1990 RR-709-Report.pdf
MATES-90-41 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1990 1990-March-MATES-41.pdf
SPR-1305 Evaluation of ?Glasgrid? Bituminous Pavement Reinforcement 03/01/1990 SPR-1305-Report.pdf
MATES-90-40 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1990 1990-February-MATES-40.pdf
RR-708 State Trunkline Accident Surveillance Program - St. Clair County 01/01/1990 RR-708-Report.pdf
RR-707 UPTRAN Technical Assistance Needs Assessment and Action Plan 01/01/1990 RR-707-Report.pdf
SPR-1304 Legibility and Visibility of Retroreflective Sign Materials 01/01/1990 SPR-1304-Report.pdf
MATES-90-39 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1990 1990-January-MATES-39.pdf
MATES-89-38 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1989 1989-December-MATES-38.pdf
SPR-1303 Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Overlays, Final Report 12/01/1989 SPR-1303-Report.pdf
RR-706 Standing Committee on Planning Technical Seminar Proceedings: Detroit, MI, Nov 2-3, 1989 11/01/1989 RR-706-Report.pdf
MATES-89-37 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1989 1989-November-MATES-37.pdf
MATES-89-36 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1989 1989-October-MATES-36.pdf
SPR-1302 Inspection of Sign Support Structures S. Jadun 09/01/1989 SPR-1302-Report.pdf
MATES-89-35 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 09/01/1989 1989-September-MATES-35.pdf
MATES-89-34 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1989 1989-August-MATES-34.pdf
SPR-1301 Freeze-Thaw Evaluation of Selected Rock Types from a Composite Sample of Michigan Gravel 08/01/1989 SPR-1301-Report.pdf
RR-704 Value of Airports to their Communities - Economic Impact of Aviation on Michigan ? Vol 1 & 2 08/01/1989 RR-704-Report.pdf
RR-703 1988 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Operations 08/01/1989 RR-703-Report.pdf
MATES-89-33 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1989 1989-July-MATES-33.pdf
SPR-1300 Field Evaluation of Experimental Fabrics to Prevent Reflective Cracking in Bituminous Resurfacing, Final Report 07/01/1989 SPR-1300-Report.pdf
MATES-89-32 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1989 1989-June-MATES-32.pdf
SPR-1298 PCC Pavement Joint Restoration and Rehabilitation (FHWA NEEP Project 27), Final Report 06/01/1989 SPR-1298-Report.pdf
RR-702 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1989-90 05/01/1989 RR-702-Report.pdf
MATES-89-31 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1989 1989-May-MATES-31.pdf
RR-701 Examination of Features Proposed for Improving Truck Safety Aaron Adiv; Robert D. Ervin 05/01/1989 Safety; Trucks; Underride; Identification; On-Board-Recorders RR-701-Report.pdf
MATES-89-30 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1989 1989-April-MATES-30.pdf
SPR-1299 Battery Operated Strobelights 03/01/1989 SPR-1299-Report.pdf
SPR-1297 Calcium Carbonate Precipitate From Crushed Concrete 03/01/1989 SPR-1297-Report.pdf
MATES-89-29 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1989 1989-March-MATES-29.pdf
RR-700 Pavement Marking Management Information System (PM-MIS) & Users Guide 02/01/1989 RR-700-Report.pdf
MATES-89-28 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1989 1989-February-MATES-28.pdf
RR-697 Transportation Safety in Michigan - Annual Report 01/01/1989 RR-697-Report.pdf
RR-699 US-131, Cadillac to Manton - Wexford County Project Justification Report 01/01/1989 RR-699-Report.pdf
RR-698 Senior and Handicapper Assessment Project: Final Report 01/01/1989 RR-698-Report.pdf
MATES-89-27 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1989 1989-January-MATES-27.pdf
SPR-1296 Evaluation of Improved Calcium Magnesium Acetate as an Ice Control Agent, Final Report 01/01/1989 SPR-1296-Report.pdf
RR-683 Rebuilding the Lodge: The Role of Communication in Rebuilding Detroit's John R Lodge Freeway 12/31/1988 RR-683-Report.pdf
RR-696 Design Review of Breakaway Sign Supports Used by MDOT FHWA 12/01/1988 RR-696-Report.pdf
SPR-1295 Corrosion Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA), Salt (NaCI), and CMA/Salt Solutions 12/01/1988 SPR-1295-Report.pdf
MATES-88-25 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1988 1988-November-MATES-25.pdf
MATES-88-24 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1988 1988-October-MATES-24.pdf
SPR-1293 Comparison of Cracked and Uncracked Flexible Pavements in Michigan, Final Report 10/01/1988 SPR-1293-Report.pdf
SPR-1294 Low-Slump High-Density Concrete Bridge Deck Overlay J. E. Simonsen 10/01/1988 SPR-1294-Report.pdf
MATES-88-23 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 09/01/1988 1988-September-MATES-23.pdf
RR-695 Traffic Signal Installation and Safety 09/01/1988 RR-695-Report.pdf
SPR-1292 Concrete Pavement Restoration ? Construction Report 09/01/1988 SPR-1292-Report.pdf
MATES-88-22 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1988 1988-August-MATES-22.pdf
RR-694 An Analysis of Current and Future Deterioration of Michigan's State, County and City Roads Michigan Road Builders Association 08/01/1988 RR-694-Report.pdf
RR-693 15th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1987-1988 08/01/1988 RR-693-Report.pdf
MATES-88-21 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1988 1988-July-MATES-21.pdf
RR-692 The Safety of Farm Truck Operations 06/01/1988 RR-692-Report.pdf
MATES-88-20 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1988 1988-June-MATES-20.pdf
RR-689 Analysis of 53' Trailer Usage in the United States 06/01/1988 RR-689-Report.pdf
RR-690 Cost Effectiveness Pavement Markings 06/01/1988 RR-690-Report.pdf
RR-691 An Evaluation of the Detroit Freeway Operations (Scandi) Project 06/01/1988 RR-691-Report.pdf
RR-687 An Investigation of the Suitability of Great Lake States Timber Species for Guardrail Posts 05/01/1988 RR-687-Report.pdf
SPR-1291 Investigation of Steel Beam Guardrail Chemistries 05/01/1988 SPR-1291-Report.pdf
MATES-88-19 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1988 1988-May-MATES-19.pdf
RR-688 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1988-89 05/01/1988 RR-688-Report.pdf
RR-686 Analysis of Accident Rates of Heavy-Duty Vehicles 04/01/1988 RR-686-Report.pdf
MATES-88-18 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1988 1988-April-MATES-18.pdf
RR-685 Analysis of Speed Zoning Effectiveness 03/01/1988 RR-685-Report.pdf
SPR-1289 Evaluation of Boschung Ice Early Warning System 03/01/1988 SPR-1289-Report.pdf
SPR-1290 Solar Hot Water Systems in Michigan Rest Areas, Second Report F. Harwood, R. Holcom 03/01/1988 SPR-1290-Report.pdf
MATES-88-17 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1988 1988-March-MATES-17.pdf
MATES-88-16 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1988 1988-February-MATES-16.pdf
RR-684 Southwestern Michigan Employer/Work Commuter Study 02/01/1988 RR-684-Report.pdf
RR-682 Transportation Safety in Michigan - Annual Report 01/01/1988 RR-682-Report.pdf
MATES-88-15 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1988 1988-January-MATES-15.pdf
SPR-1284 Bridge Girder Butt Welds ? Resistance to Brittle Fracture, Fatigue and Corrosion J. D. Culp 01/01/1988 SPR-1284-Report.pdf
RR-668 Transportation In Michigan History - Sesquicentennial Series P. P. Mason 12/31/1987 RR-668-Report.pdf
SPR-1288 Investigation of Bituminous Compaction Requirements for Cold Weather Paving, Final Report 12/01/1987 SPR-1288-Report.pdf
RR-681 Mastic Asphalt for Maintenance 12/01/1987 RR-681-Report.pdf
MATES-87-14 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1987 1987-December-MATES-14.pdf
RR-680 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Project Prioritization Modeling System - Vol I-S 11/01/1987 RR-680-Report.pdf
SPR-1285 Load Tests of the Zilwaukee Bridge, Final Report S. R. Kulkarni 11/01/1987 SPR-1285-Report.pdf
MATES-87-13 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 11/01/1987 1987-November-MATES-13.pdf
SPR-1286 Development of Test for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Aggregates 10/01/1987 SPR-1286-Report.pdf
MATES-87-12 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1987 1987-October-MATES-12.pdf
RR-679 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study 09/01/1987 RR-679-Report.pdf
MATES-87-11 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 09/01/1987 1987-September-MATES-11.pdf
RR-678 The Use of Funneling as a Traffic Control Device to Reduce Speeds Within Freeway Construction Zones 08/01/1987 RR-678-Report.pdf
MATES-87-10 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 08/01/1987 1987-August-MATES-10.pdf
MATES-87-9 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 07/01/1987 1987-July-MATES-9.pdf
RR-676 Program Review of Local Efforts in Transportation Services 07/01/1987 RR-676-Report.pdf
RR-677 Sampling and Analysis of Structural Steel Member of a Highway Bridge - Case Studies 1974-1987 S. R. Kulkarni, L. Pearson 07/01/1987 RR-677-Report.pdf
SPR-1283 Static and Dynamic Properties of Anchor Bolts for Sign Supports, Final Report 06/01/1987 SPR-1283-Report.pdf
MATES-87-8 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 06/01/1987 1987-June-MATES-8.pdf
SPR-673 Truck Safety in Michigan: Background and Proposed Actions Bureau of Transportation Planning 05/01/1987 Safety RR-673-Report.pdf
MATES-87-7 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 05/01/1987 1987-May-MATES-7.pdf
RR-675 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Statistics 1982-1986 05/01/1987 RR-675-Report.pdf
SPR-1282 Experimental Resurfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks with Microsilica Modified Concrete, Initial Report H. L. Patterson 04/01/1987 SPR-1282-Report.pdf
RR-670 Michigan Intercity Bus Terminal / Station Study 03/01/1987 RR-670-Report.pdf
RR-672 St. Mary's River Ferry System Analysis - Fare Impact and Demand Estimation 03/01/1987 RR-672-Report.pdf
RR-674 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1987-88 03/01/1987 RR-674-Report.pdf
MATES-87-5 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 03/01/1987 1987-March-MATES-5.pdf
RR-671 The Indirect Tensile Test - A New Apparatus MSU 03/01/1987 RR-671-Report.pdf
MATES-87-4 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 02/01/1987 1987-February-MATES-4.pdf
MATES-87-3 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 01/01/1987 1987-January-MATES-3.pdf
RR-667 Travel Information Division: Annual Report Management Services Division 01/01/1987 RR-667-Report.pdf
RR-669 Vehicle/Tree Accident Risk and Management of Roadside Trees A. J. Zeigler 01/01/1987 RR-669-Report.pdf
RR-669 Vehicle/Tree Accident Risk and Management of Roadside Trees 01/01/1987 RR-669-Report.pdf
SPR-1281 Evaluation of Lime, Fly Ash Base Course Mixtures ? Construction Report 01/01/1987 SPR-1281-Report.pdf
MATES-86-2 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 12/01/1986 Hot mix asphalt 1986-December-MATES-2.pdf
RR-666 Michigan Public Transit - Profiles in Service 12/01/1986 RR-666-Report.pdf
RR-665 Operations Evaluation Study of the Harbor Transit System 12/01/1986 RR-665-Report.pdf
MATES-86-1 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 10/01/1986 Ride quality; Prestressed concrete 1986-October-MATES-1.pdf
SPR-1280 Bridge Barrier Rail-to-Guardrail Anchoring System L. J. Pearson 10/01/1986 SPR-1280-Report.pdf
SPR-1279 Effects of Deicing Salts on the Chloride Levels in Water and Soil Adjacent to Roadways, Interim Progress Report 10/01/1986 SPR-1279-Report.pdf
SPR-687 Protection of Substructure Concrete from Staining by A 588 Type Steel During Construction 10/01/1986 SPR-687-Report.pdf
RR-664 UPTRAN State Assistance to Transit Agencies Project Needs Assessment and Organization Study 09/01/1986 RR-664-Report.pdf
RR-663 Michigan University / College Student Home Location Study 09/01/1986 RR-663-Report.pdf
RR-660 13th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1986 RR-660-Report.pdf
RR-662 Analysis of Drummond Island Ferry System 08/01/1986 RR-662-Report.pdf
RR-661 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Population Projections - Vol I -P/A 08/01/1986 RR-661-Report.pdf
SPR-1277 Evaluation of Weathering Steel in a Detroit Freeway Environment, Second Eight-Year Study G. L. Tinklenberg 08/01/1986 SPR-1277-Report.pdf
SPR-1276 A Study to Evaluate the Performance of Bituminous Wearing Course Containing Sandy Limestone, Final Report 08/01/1986 SPR-1276-Report.pdf
SPR-1275 The Development of Michigan?s Bridge Painting Specification G. L. Tinklenberg 07/01/1986 SPR-1275-Report.pdf
SPR-1274 Use of Boni Fibers on M-99 in Lansing, Final Report 07/01/1986 SPR-1274-Report.pdf
RR-659 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1986-87 07/01/1986 RR-659-Report.pdf
RR-658 Forces Affecting Highway Transportation Revenue & Costs in Michigan A. R. Friend, G. J. Phillips 07/01/1986 RR-658-report.pdf
SPR-1257 Cost and Energy Considerations Involved in the Recycling of Portland Cement Concrete 06/01/1986 SPR-1257-Report.pdf
RR-657 Revenue and Expenditure Inventory and Retrieval Process for Michigan Counties or Incorporated Cities and Villages: I-R Bureau of Transportation Planning 06/01/1986 RR-657-Report.pdf
RR-656 Michigan Control Tower Operations - 1981-1985 05/01/1986 RR-656-Report.pdf
RR-655 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Statistics 1981-1985 05/01/1986 RR-655-Report.pdf
RR-654 A Background Report on Truck Safety, Revenue and Taxation, Truck Services and Highway Facilities Departmental Truck Committee 05/01/1986 Safety; Highway Facilities; Revenue; Taxes RR-654-Report.pdf
SPR-1273 Polishing Resistance of Arenaceous Limestone from the Bayport Bedrock Formation 04/01/1986 SPR-1273-Report.pdf
RR-653 Michigan Bus Rapid Transit Demo Program-Phase 1A: Preliminary Design of Bus Rapid Transit in the Southfield/Jefferies Corridor 04/01/1986 RR-653-Report.pdf
MATES-87-6 Materials and Technology Engineering and Science MDOT 04/01/1986 Asphalt plants 1987-April-MATES-6.pdf
SPR-1270 Evaluation of Servicised Flex Lok Filler for Pressure Relief Joints, Final Report 03/01/1986 SPR-1270-Report.pdf
RR-652 Validation of the "Innocent Victim" Concept 03/01/1986 RR-652-Report.pdf
SPR-1272 Investigation of the Field Coating of Environmentally Exposed Weathering Steel, Interim Report G. L. Tinklenberg 02/01/1986 SPR-1272-Report.pdf
SPR-1269 Evaluation of Silane Treated Glass Beads in Polyester Pavement Marking Paint 02/01/1986 SPR-1269-Report.pdf
RR-649 13th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1985-1986 01/01/1986 RR-649-Report.pdf
RR-650 Travel Information Division: Annual Report Management Services Division 01/01/1986 RR-650-Report.pdf
RR-651 Single Station Origin & Destination / Auto-Coding / Place File / Sorted by County-Place Name 01/01/1986 RR-651-Report.pdf
RR-648 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - A Comparison of 1985 and 1987 User and Ticket Surveys 12/01/1985 RR-648-Report.pdf
SPR-1268 Experimental Settling and Skimming Chamber for I-696 Storm Sewer Michigan Transportation Commission 11/01/1985 SPR-1268-Report.pdf
RR-647 Vehicle and Geometric Variables Related to Accidents in Rural No-Passing Zones 11/01/1985 RR-647-Report.pdf
SPR-1266 Evaluation of Ground and Reclaimed Tire Rubber in Bituminous Resurfacing Mixtures 10/01/1985 SPR-1266-Report.pdf
SPR-1267 Restoration and Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Pavements 10/01/1985 SPR-1267-Report.pdf
RR-645 A Strategy for the Reduction of Nonpoint Source Pollution from Transportation Related Activities in Michigan 08/01/1985 RR-645-Report.pdf
RR-646 Miller-Linden Area Corridor Analysis Technical Report for the Flint Urban Area 08/01/1985 RR-646-Report.pdf
RR-644 Efficacy of Jurisdiction Wide Traffic Control Device Upgradings 08/01/1985 RR-644-Report.pdf
SPR-1263 Reflectorized Traffic Regulator Vest 08/01/1985 SPR-1263-Report.pdf
RR-643 An Investigation of Swareflex Wildlife Warning Reflectors 07/01/1985 RR-643-Report.pdf
RR-642 Inventory of Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation in Michigan - Report 8 07/01/1985 RR-642-Report.pdf
RR-641 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1985-86 06/01/1985 RR-641-Report.pdf
RR-639 Rest Area / Roadside Park Administration, Use and Operations L.F. Twardik, T. Haskell 06/01/1985 RR-639-Report.pdf
RR-638 Detroit-Chicago Corridor High Speed Rail Technical Report 06/01/1985 RR-638-Report.pdf
SPR-1260 Solar Hot Water Systems in Michigan Rest Areas, Interim Report F. W. Harwood, R. 05/01/1985 SPR-1260-Report.pdf
SPR-1262 Performance Evaluation of Concrete Pavement Overlays (Construction Report) 05/01/1985 SPR-1262-Report.pdf
SPR-1261 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 04/01/1985 SPR-1261-Report.pdf
RR-637 Michigan Control Tower Operations - 1980-1984 04/01/1985 RR-637-Report.pdf
SPR-1258 Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) as a Deicing Agent: Corrosion Phase ? A Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of CMA vs. Salt (NaC1) on Highway Metals (3-Month Exposure) 03/01/1985 SPR-1258-Report.pdf
SPR-1271 Experimental Concrete and Bituminous Shoulders, Interim Report V. T. Barnhart 03/01/1985 SPR-1271-Report.pdf
SPR-1259 Improved Joint Sealant Materials for Concrete Pavements, Construction Report 02/01/1985 SPR-1259-Report.pdf
SPR-1255 Current Status Report, Effects of Corrosion on Unpainted Weathering Steel Bridges R. L. McCrum, C. J. 02/01/1985 SPR-1255-Report.pdf
RR-636 Cross Lake Michigan Ferry Study 02/01/1985 RR-636-Report.pdf
SPR-1250 Monitoring Movement of the Zilwaukee Bridge B.W. Ness 01/01/1985 SPR-1250-Report.pdf
RR-635 Travel Information Division: Annual Report Management Services Division 01/01/1985 RR-635-Report.pdf
SPR-1256 1976-1982 Performance Tests of ?Fast Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 01/01/1985 SPR-1256-Report.pdf
RR-634 12th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1984-1985 01/01/1985 RR-634-Report.pdf
RR-633 A Report on the State of the Practice on No Passing Zone Signing and Marking 12/01/1984 RR-633-Report.pdf
RR-631 User?s Manual: On Traffic Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Barriers 11/01/1984 RR-631-Report.pdf
RR-632 Salt and the Road Deicing on the Michigan State Highway System 11/01/1984 RR-632-Report.pdf
SPR-1254 Investigation of Low Stability Bituminous Base Course US-131 Mecosta County (FF 54014-17762A), Final Report 11/01/1984 SPR-1254-Report.pdf
SPR-1252 Scan 16 ? Moisture, Frost, Ice Early Warning System, Final Report 10/01/1984 SPR-1252-Report.pdf
SPR-1251 Field Trial of Foamed Asphalt Stabilization, Final Report 10/01/1984 SPR-1251-Report.pdf
SPR-1253 An Examination of Studies Which Investigate the Question of Accident Reduction Through Full License Plate Reflectorization 10/01/1984 SPR-1253-Report.pdf
RR-629 An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Deer Crossing Warning Signs 09/01/1984 RR-629-Report.pdf
RR-630 St. Mary's River Ferry Study 09/01/1984 RR-630-Report.pdf
SPR-1249 Evaluation of Glare Screen 08/01/1984 SPR-1249-Report.pdf
SPR-1247 Flexible Delineator Posts 06/01/1984 SPR-1247-Report.pdf
SPR-1248 Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate as an Ice Control Agent, Final Report 06/01/1984 SPR-1248-Report.pdf
RR-628 Lake Michigan Cross Lake Car Ferry Passenger Demand Market Study-Preliminary Report 06/01/1984 RR-628-Report.pdf
RR-626 Report of Geophysical Survey - I-696 and Tunnel-Sewer Alignment from Pumphouse to P.I. No. 3A 05/01/1984 RR-626-Report.pdf
SPR-1245 Determination of Allowable Movement Ratings for Various Proprietary Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Devices at Various Skew Angles ? Second Testing Series F. J. Bashore, A. W. 05/01/1984 SPR-1245-Report.pdf
SPR-1246 Air Monitoring in the Vicinity of I-475 in the City of Flint 05/01/1984 SPR-1246-Report.pdf
RR-627 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1984-85 05/01/1984 RR-627-Report.pdf
SPR-1244 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Seventh Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1244-Report.pdf
SPR-1229 Scan 16 ? Moisture, Frost, Ice Early Warning System, First Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1229-Report.pdf
SPR-1243 Performance Evaluation of Plastic Fabrics as Overlay Reinforcement to Control Reflection Cracking 04/01/1984 SPR-1243-Report.pdf
SPR-1228 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track?Results of Supplemental Aggregate Polishing Tests, Interim Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1228-Report.pdf
SPR-1238 Comparison of Aggregate and Bituminous Treated Bases I-75 South of Grayling 03/01/1984 SPR-1238-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (3) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Peters Pit No. 49-23 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(3)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (4) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: DNR Pit. No. 49-101 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(4)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (1) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Garfield #2 Pit No. 49-104 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(1)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Butkovich #2 Pit No. 49-74 03/01/1984 SPR-1240-Report.pdf
SPR-1239 Evaluation of Sulphlex as a Binder in Pavement Resurfacing Mixtures, Final Report 03/01/1984 SPR-1239-Report.pdf
SPR-1241 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 03/01/1984 SPR-1241-Report.pdf
RR-625 Basic Ridership / Simulations / Feeder Bus Analysis - Woodward Corridor 03/01/1984 RR-625-Report.pdf
SPR-1242 Field Trial of Continuous Asphalt Concrete Density Monitoring Devices, Final Report 03/01/1984 SPR-1242-Report.pdf
RR-624 Needs Study Inventory: Highways, Roads & Streets: Exec Summary Needs Study Committee 03/01/1984 RR-624-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (2) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Ozanich Pit No. 49-97 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(2)-Report.pdf
RR-622 Regional Transportation Systems Study - Region 14 - Plan Report 01/01/1984 RR-622-Report.pdf
RR-621 11th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1983-1984 01/01/1984 RR-621-Report.pdf
RR-623 Travel Information Division: Annual Report Management Services Division 01/01/1984 RR-623-Report.pdf
RR-620 Feasibility of Private Sector High-Speed Rail Service in the Detroit-Chicago Corridor 12/01/1983 RR-620-Report.pdf
SPR-1235 PCC Pavement Joint Restoration and Rehabilitation (Federal Highway Administration NEEP Project 27) Construction Report 10/01/1983 SPR-1235-Report.pdf
SPR-1237 Performance Evaluation of an Experimental Slurry Seal Emulsion as Filler of Deteriorated Longitudinal Joints in Concrete Pavement Being Prepared for Asphaltic Concrete Resurfacing 10/01/1983 SPR-1237-Report.pdf
RR-617 10th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 09/01/1983 RR-617-Report.pdf
RR-619 Michigan Concrete Pavement Recycling H.J. Halm 08/01/1983 RR-619-Report.pdf
RR-618 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Availability and Graphic Display of 1980 Census Data - Vol 20 08/01/1983 RR-618-Report.pdf
SPR-1232 An Aggregate Wear Index Reduction Factor for Uncrushed Material in Gravel, Summary Report 07/01/1983 SPR-1232-Report.pdf
SPR-1230 Determination of Mean Vehicle Noise Emission Levels in Michigan 07/01/1983 SPR-1230-Report.pdf
RR-616 Nighttime Legibility of License Plates 07/01/1983 RR-616-Report.pdf
SPR-1231B Evaluation of Cast-in-Place Joint Repairs in Concrete Pavement 07/01/1983 SPR-1231B-Report.pdf
SPR-1233 Load Carrying Capacity of I-75 Bituminous Shoulders in the Flint Area Michigan Trans. Commission 07/01/1983 SPR-1233-Report.pdf
SPR-1231 Evaluation of Cast-in-Place Joint Repairs in Concrete Pavement 07/01/1983 SPR-1231-Report.pdf
SPR-1234 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Michigan Stone Co. Pit No. 58-3 07/01/1983 SPR-1234-Report.pdf
SPR-1224 Evaluation of ?Enkamat? as an Aid to Stabilizing a Cut Slope, Final Report 06/01/1983 SPR-1224-Report.pdf
SPR-1227 High Density Concrete Deck Overlay with Superplasticizer 06/01/1983 SPR-1227-Report.pdf
SPR-1226 Stabilized Fly Ash as Lightweight Fill 06/01/1983 SPR-1226-Report.pdf
SPR-1220 Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt Binder for Bituminous Resurfacing Mixtures 05/01/1983 SPR-1220-Report.pdf
SPR-1221 Evaluation of Breakaway Cable Terminal Endings on Guardrail 05/01/1983 SPR-1221-Report.pdf
SPR-1223 Evaluation of Sprinkle Treatment for Improving Skid Resistance of Asphalt Surfaces, Final Report 05/01/1983 SPR-1223-Report.pdf
SPR-1222 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Sixth Progress Report 05/01/1983 SPR-1222-Report.pdf
SPR-1211 Infiltration of Subbase Sand into Open Graded Drainage Course (OGDC) Bases 04/01/1983 SPR-1211-Report.pdf
SPR-1208 Degradation of Acid-Treated and Untreated Steel Furnace Slag as an Open Graded Base Course for Concrete Pavement 04/01/1983 SPR-1208-Report.pdf
SPR-1218 In-Place 22A Aggregate Acceptance Sampling Procedures 04/01/1983 SPR-1218-Report.pdf
RR-615 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Overview of Michigan's Transportation Planning Package - Vol 6-C 04/01/1983 RR-615-Report.pdf
SPR-1212 Alternate Repainting Systems for Bridge Structural Steel F.J. Bashore 03/01/1983 SPR-1212-Report.pdf
SPR-1217 Benkelman Beam Testing of Shoulder and Pavement Recycling Projects J. H. DeFoe 03/01/1983 SPR-1217-Report.pdf
SPR-1213 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 03/01/1983 SPR-1213-Report.pdf
SPR-1214 Air Quality Measurements for Movable Asphalt Plants for Recycling Paving Asphalt 03/01/1983 SPR-1214-Report.pdf
SPR-1215 Revenue Service Brake Lining Temperature Measurements for a Retarder Equipped Bus 03/01/1983 SPR-1215-Report.pdf
SPR-1216 Investigation of Steel Furnace Slag Open Graded Drainage Course Base on I-69 Airport Road Ramps 03/01/1983 SPR-1216-Report.pdf
RR-614 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Secondary Impact Model - Vol 6-B 02/01/1983 RR-614-Report.pdf
RR-613 I-75 Crossing the Saginaw River Near Zilwaukee, Michigan: Investigation of Construction Failure in Northbound Spans 11 and 12 N. Howard, Tammen & Bergendoff 01/01/1983 RR-613-Report.pdf
RR-612 Regional Transportation Systems Study - Region 8 - Plan Report 01/01/1983 RR-612-Report.pdf
RR-611 10th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1982-1983 01/01/1983 RR-611-Report.pdf
RR-610 Sewage Treatment Systems at Freeway Rest Areas A. E. Erickson 12/01/1982 RR-610-Report.pdf
SPR-1207 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 11/01/1982 SPR-1207-Report.pdf
SPR-1206 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 11/01/1982 SPR-1206-Report.pdf
SPR-1209 Use of Recycled Asphalt Material in the Construction of a Bituminous Stabilized Base, I-75, Cheboygan County 11/01/1982 SPR-1209-Report.pdf
RR-609 An Investigation of the Suitability of Lake States Timber Species for Guardrail Posts 11/01/1982 RR-609-Report.pdf
SPR-1205 ASTM E501 Test Tire Correlation, B. F. Goodrich vs. McCreary 11/01/1982 SPR-1205-Report.pdf
RR-608 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Application of an Input-Output Model to Rail Freight Traffic Forecasting - Vol I-Q 11/01/1982 RR-608-Report.pdf
RR-600 Long Range Transportation Revenue Forecasting - Vol 19 Bureau of Transportation Planning 09/01/1982 RR-600-Report.pdf
RR-607 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Kalamazoo Metro Transit 09/01/1982 RR-607-Report.pdf
RR-606 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Grand Rapids Area Transit Authority 09/01/1982 RR-606-Report.pdf
RR-601 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Report Abstracts 09/01/1982 RR-601-Report.pdf
RR-603 Program Evaluations of Urban Transportation Planning In Michigan 09/01/1982 RR-603-Report.pdf
SPR-1204 Use of Deflection Basin Characteristics for Flexible Pavement Analysis and Overlay Design 09/01/1982 SPR-1204-Report.pdf
RR-602 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study 09/01/1982 RR-602-Report.pdf
RR-604 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Capital Area Transportation Authority 09/01/1982 RR-604-Report.pdf
RR-605 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority 09/01/1982 RR-605-Report.pdf
RR-599 Procedures for Conducting Consolidated Drained and Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Tests 08/01/1982 RR-599-Report.pdf
RR-598 Project Evaluation of Community Assistance U. L. Savage 08/01/1982 RR-598-Report.pdf
SPR-1203 Further Evaluation of Black Base and Aggregate Base Construction ( M-20 and M-66) 08/01/1982 SPR-1203-Report.pdf
SPR-1199 Post-Construction Air Quality Monitoring for M-99 in Lansing 07/01/1982 SPR-1199-Report.pdf
SPR-1201 Evaluation of ClaPak and ClaSet as Soil stabilizing Agents 07/01/1982 SPR-1201-Report.pdf
SPR-1202 Evaluation of Noise Barriers on I-275 for Structural and Visual Integrity (I-96/I-275 Interchange, Northeast Quadrant and I-275 from Kippernick Rd. to Edw. Hines Dr.) 07/01/1982 SPR-1202-Report.pdf
SPR-1200 Evaluation of Slurry Seal Surface Treatment for Application on the Mackinac Bridge R. L. Felter, J. E. Norton 07/01/1982 SPR-1200-Report.pdf
RR-597 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model - Revenue vs Needs: An Analytical Approach - Vol 19A 07/01/1982 RR-597-Report.pdf
SPR-1198 Concrete Pavement Cracking, Interim Report 06/01/1982 SPR-1198-Report.pdf
RR-595 Management and Self Evaluation Manual for Public Transit Systems in Michigan 06/01/1982 RR-595-Report.pdf
SPR-1197 Static and Dynamic Properties of Anchor Bolts for Sign Supports 06/01/1982 SPR-1197-Report.pdf
RR-596 Final Report on a Study to Test and Refine an Evaluation Methodology for Mid-Size Transit Systems in Michigan 06/01/1982 RR-596-Report.pdf
SPR-1195 Evaluation of Wet Bottom Slag Bituminous Wearing Course, I-94 in Dearborn Heights, Final Report 05/01/1982 SPR-1195-Report.pdf
RR-591 A Safety Evaluation of Three-Foot Paved Shoulder Projects in 1977 05/01/1982 RR-591-Report.pdf
RR-593 Buspools in Michigan 05/01/1982 RR-593-Report.pdf
SPR-1193 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Fifth Progress Report 04/01/1982 SPR-1193-Report.pdf
SPR-1194 Frost Heave Investigation of I-275 04/01/1982 SPR-1194-Report.pdf
SPR-1191 Early Cracking of a Bituminous Concrete Section of US-2 Located in District 2 04/01/1982 SPR-1191-Report.pdf
SPR-1210 Evaluation of the Straight Line Gradation Chart and the Particle Index Test 04/01/1982 SPR-1210-Report.pdf
SPR-1190 Petrographic Analysis of Combined Crushed and Natural Gravel Coarse Aggregate: M.Glancy Pit No. 60-29 03/01/1982 SPR-1190-Report.pdf
RR-590 Michigan Rail System Rationalization Plan - Tier II / Phase 1 - The Ann Arbor Report 03/01/1982 RR-590-Report.pdf
RR-588 An Evaluation of the Effects Traffic Signals Have on Accidents 03/01/1982 RR-588-Report.pdf
SPR-1184 Implementation of Modern Statistical Methods for Improving the Accuracy of Highway Laboratory and Field Data, A Manual W.H. Kuo 03/01/1982 SPR-1184-Report.pdf
SPR-1192 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Stone Coarse Aggregate: Gogebic Range Ski Corp. Pit No. 27-74 03/01/1982 SPR-1192-Report.pdf
SPR-1187 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 03/01/1982 SPR-1187-Report.pdf
SPR-1188 Degradation of Steel Furnace Slag as an Open Graded Base Course for Concrete Pavement 02/01/1982 SPR-1188-Report.pdf
SPR-1185 A Five-Year Evaluation of Preventive Maintenance Concepts on Jointed Concrete Pavement (I-75 and I-696 in Oakland County) 02/01/1982 SPR-1185-Report.pdf
SPR-1189 Evaluation of Sulphlex as a Binder in Pavement Resurfacing Mixtures, Progress Report 02/01/1982 SPR-1189-Report.pdf
RR-587 Regional Transportation Systems Study - Region 3 - Plan Report 01/01/1982 RR-587-Report.pdf
SPR-1186 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Gravel Coarse Aggregate: Lindberg #3 Pit No. 52-9 and Co. Road Comm. #12 Pit No. 52-67 Combined 01/01/1982 SPR-1186-Report.pdf
RR-586 Michigan Rail System Rationalization Plan - Tier I Report 12/01/1981 RR-586-Report.pdf
SPR-1180 Fasign Reflective Sheeting 12/01/1981 SPR-1180-Report.pdf
RR-585 Maintenance Problems with Small Breakaway and Yielding Sign Supports W. L. Borton 12/01/1981 RR-585-Report.pdf
RR-584 Metro Module Traffic Signals 12/01/1981 RR-584-Report.pdf
RR-582 An Evaluation of 8-Phase Signal Control 11/01/1981 RR-582-Report.pdf
SPR-1183 Evaluation of ?Monoslabs? for Paving Ditches and Service Drives (Final Report) 11/01/1981 SPR-1183-Report.pdf
SPR-1182 Air Quality Measurements of Moveable Asphalt Plants for Recycling Paving Asphalt (Interim Report for 1981) 11/01/1981 SPR-1182-Report.pdf
RR-583 Michigan Transportation Energy Contingency Analysis 09/01/1981 RR-583-Report.pdf
SPR-1181 Kiwalite Reflective Sheeting 09/01/1981 SPR-1181-Report.pdf
RR-581 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No. 5 - State Park Attendance Trends 09/01/1981 RR-581-Report.pdf
SPR-1177 Airport Beacon L-801A Photometric Test 08/01/1981 SPR-1177-Report.pdf
RR-580 The Resilient and Plastic Characteristics of Michigan Subgrade Soils and Their Soil Support Values 08/01/1981 RR-580-Report.pdf
SPR-1179 PCC Pavement Joint Restoration and Rehabilitation (Federal Highway Administration NEEP Project 27) (Construction Report) 08/01/1981 SPR-1179-Report.pdf
SPR-1178 A Study of Seasonal Variation in Pavement Conditions by Means of Benkelman Beam Deflection and Frost Depth Measurements 08/01/1981 SPR-1178-Report.pdf
RR-579 Ownership and Jurisdiction of Grade Separation Structures J. A. Saplis 07/01/1981 RR-579-Report.pdf
SPR-1176 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Stone Coarse Aggregate: Michigan Foundation Pit No. 82-6 07/01/1981 SPR-1176-Report.pdf
SPR-1175 An Inventory of Traffic Noise Levels Along Limited Access Freeways in Michigan (Revision of Research Report R-1013A) M. E. Scarlata, F. W. Harwood 07/01/1981 Highways, Traffic Noise SPR-1175-Report.pdf
SPR-1173 Surface Texture Measurements by the Putty Impression Method 06/01/1981 SPR-1173-Report.pdf
SPR-1174 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 06/01/1981 SPR-1174-Report.pdf
SPR-1172 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Extracted from Bituminous Pavement Cores, M-55, Control Section No. 83021, 16035A 06/01/1981 SPR-1172-Report.pdf
SPR-1168 Field Evaluation of 3M and American Decal Reflective Signing Materials 05/01/1981 SPR-1168-Report.pdf
SPR-1171 Concrete Pavement Performance Problems and Foundation Investigation of I-75 from the Ohio Line Northerly to the Huron River 05/01/1981 SPR-1171-Report.pdf
SPR-1169 Jointed Concrete Pavements-Design, Performance and Repair 05/01/1981 SPR-1169-Report.pdf
SPR-1170 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Friction Measurements (1979 Test Program) 05/01/1981 SPR-1170-Report.pdf
SPR-1167 American Decal Reflective Sheeting 04/01/1981 SPR-1167-Report.pdf
SPR-1165 Simplified Technique for Traffic Noise Level Estimation 04/01/1981 SPR-1165-Report.pdf
SPR-1152 Base and Subbase Properties Affecting Longitudinal Cracking of I-275 04/01/1981 SPR-1152-Report.pdf
RR-578 A Positive Guidance Evaluation of a Diagrammatic Signing System W. H. Opland 04/01/1981 RR-578-Report.pdf
SPR-1166 Air Quality Report for M-275 in Oakland County 04/01/1981 SPR-1166-Report.pdf
SPR-1163 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 03/01/1981 SPR-1163-Report.pdf
SPR-1156 Study of Cores for Potential Recycled Concrete Pavement 03/01/1981 SPR-1156-Report.pdf
SPR-1162 Airport Beacon L-801A Photometric Test 03/01/1981 SPR-1162-Report.pdf
SPR-1164 Evaluation of Timber Piles from Fort Street Bridge C.J. Arnold, M.A. Chiunti 03/01/1981 SPR-1164-Report.pdf
SPR-1160 Evaluation of Cold-Mix Emulsion Black Base at the Secondary Complex, Final Report 02/01/1981 SPR-1160-Report.pdf
SPR-1161 Weatherability of Map Displays Michigan Trans. 02/01/1981 SPR-1161-Report.pdf
RR-577 An Evaluation of 4-Way Stop Sign Control 02/01/1981 RR-577-Report.pdf
RR-576 8th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1980-1981 01/01/1981 RR-576-Report.pdf
SPR-1158 The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Concrete Pavement Performance, and the Associated Effects of Base Drainability 01/01/1981 SPR-1158-Report.pdf
SPR-1159 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Salem Gr. Construction Co. Pit No. 63-56 01/01/1981 SPR-1159-Report.pdf
RR-573 Evaluation of Five Safety Improvement Projects 12/01/1980 RR-573-Report.pdf
RR-574 Project BEAR (Broad Emergency Assistance Radio) One Year Evaluation 12/01/1980 RR-574-Report.pdf
RR-575 Future Configuration of Tank Vehicles Hauling Flammable Liquids in Michigan R.D. Ervin; C. Mallikarjunarao 12/01/1980 Flammable liquids; Hazardous materials; Tanker truck RR-575-Report.pdf
SPR-1157 Air Quality Measurements of Moveable Asphalt Plants for Recycled Paving Asphalt,Progress Report 11/01/1980 SPR-1157-Report.pdf
SPR-1133 Precisions of the Aggregate Sample Splitter and Testing Method 11/01/1980 SPR-1133-Report.pdf
SPR-1155 Weathering Steel Guardrail ? A Materials Performance Evaluation 11/01/1980 SPR-1155-Report.pdf
RR-571 Cadillac Area Weekend Origin & Destination Survey - Factual Data Report 10/01/1980 RR-571-Report.pdf
RR-572 Environmental Assessment for Removal of Hazardous Roadside Trees from Highway Rights of Way 10/01/1980 RR-572-Report.pdf
SPR-1154 Screened Legend Quality of Signs from Michigan State Industries and a Review of Screening Materials 09/01/1980 SPR-1154-Report.pdf
SPR-1153 Air Quality Report for M-59 in Macomb County 09/01/1980 SPR-1153-Report.pdf
RR-570 7th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1980 RR-570-Report.pdf
SPR-1151 Performance of Several Types of Corrosion Resistant Load Transfer Bars, for as Much as 21 Years of Service in Concrete Pavements 08/01/1980 SPR-1151-Report.pdf
RR-569 A Study of the Role of the Michigan State Transportation Commission in Policy and Program Evaluation 07/01/1980 Policy RR-569-Report.pdf
SPR-1148 Air Quality Report for the Ambassador Bridge Tourist Information Center 07/01/1980 SPR-1148-Report.pdf
RR-568 Highway Department Demonstration of Solar and Wind Energy 07/01/1980 RR-568-Report.pdf
SPR-1149 Petrographic Analysis and Insoluble Residue Determination of Coarse Aggregate: Thornton Quarry, Pit No. 21-67 07/01/1980 SPR-1149-Report.pdf
SPR-1150 Performance Evaluation of Trinidad Asphalt Cement for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing, Final Report 07/01/1980 SPR-1150-Report.pdf
SPR-1142 Interim Report on Effects of Corrosion on Bridges of Unpainted A588 Steel and Painted Steel Types J.D. Culp, G.L. Tinklenberg 06/01/1980 SPR-1142-Report.pdf
RR-567 Michigan's Scheduled Air Service: An Analysis 06/01/1980 RR-567-Report.pdf
RR-566 A Location Design Study Report for the I-94 Airport Rd Interchange: Blackman Twp. Jackson Co. 06/01/1980 RR-566-Report.pdf
SPR-1143 Investigation of Popout Problems on M-14 05/01/1980 SPR-1143-Report.pdf
SPR-1147 Evaluation of 22A Gradation Open Hearth Slag as a Base and Subbase Construction Material, Final Report 05/01/1980 SPR-1147-Report.pdf
RR-562 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No. 4 - Truck Commodity Summaries 05/01/1980 RR-562-Report.pdf
RR-562 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No. 4 - Truck Commodity Summaries 05/01/1980 RR-565-Report.pdf
RR-563 Battle Creek Area Transportation Study - Factual Data Report Bureau of Transportation Planning 05/01/1980 RR-563-Report.pdf
SPR-1144 Determination of Allowable Movement Ratings for Various Proprietary Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Devices at Various Skew Angles F.J. Bashore; A.W. Price; D.E. Bran 05/01/1980 SPR-1144-Report.pdf
SPR-1146 Blended Aggregates Tested on the Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track 05/01/1980 SPR-1146-Report.pdf
SPR-1145 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Fourth Progress Report 05/01/1980 Railroad Crossing SPR-1145-Report.pdf
RR-564 Equipment and Maintenance Requirements for Light-Weight Accessible Bus Operations 05/01/1980 RR-564-Report.pdf
SPR-1141 Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Pavements ? US-27, Final Report 04/01/1980 SPR-1141-Report.pdf
SPR-1135 Reflectorized Traffic Regulator Vests, Progress Report 04/01/1980 SPR-1135-Report.pdf
RR-561 Project Justification M-43 Between Riverview and 25th Street - City of Kalamazoo 04/01/1980 RR-561-Report.pdf
RR-560 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Interactive Graphic Applications in Michigan's Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Vol 2-C 04/01/1980 RR-560-Report.pdf
SPR-1137 Final Report on Joint Load Transfer Test Road to Evaluate Acme Load Transfer Assemblies, Plastic Coated Dowels and End-of-Pour Construction Joint Assemblies 03/01/1980 SPR-1137-Report.pdf
SPR-1139 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan Transportation Commission 03/01/1980 SPR-1139-Report.pdf
SPR-1138 Experimental Evaluation of No-Discharge Recirculation Sewage System for Freeway Rest Areas (On Southbound I-275, North of Monroe) J. W. Bastian 03/01/1980 SPR-1138-Report.pdf
RR-559 Single Station Origin & Destination / Auto-Coding / Place File / Sorted by Statewide Zone Number (1-547) 03/01/1980 RR-559-Report.pdf
SPR-1140 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Friction Measurements (1978 Test Program) 03/01/1980 SPR-1140-Report.pdf
SPR-1136 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: County Road Commission No. 3, Pit No. 17-62 02/01/1980 SPR-1136-Report.pdf
RR-558 Michigan's Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Transportation Impact Analysis Using Interactive Color Graphics - Vol 2-D 02/01/1980 RR-558-Report.pdf
SPR-1134 Evaluation of Sprinkle Treatment for Improving Skid Resistance of Asphalt Surfaces,Progress Report 01/01/1980 SPR-1134-Report.pdf
RR-553 Construction Plan Reading Michigan Dept. of State Hwys 01/01/1980 plans (drawings) RR-553-Report.pdf
RR-556 The Development of a Multi-Nominal Logit Travel Demand Model for the Evaluation of Energy and Air Quality Impacts of Transportation Strategies 01/01/1980 RR-556-Report.pdf
RR-557 Development of Methods to Evaluate Air Quality Control Management Strategies for Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide for the State of Michigan Transportation System 01/01/1980 RR-557-Report.pdf
SPR-1132 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track?Results of Supplemental Aggregate Polishing Tests, Interim Progress Report 01/01/1980 SPR-1132-Report.pdf
RR-554 Project Justification Report - I-94BL/M-43 Grade Separation - City of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County 01/01/1980 RR-554-Report.pdf
RR-555 Northwest Michigan Rail System Study 01/01/1980 RR-555-Report.pdf
RR-552 Michigan Roadside Litter Composition Study 12/01/1979 RR-552-Report.pdf
SPR-1131 Stimsonite Delineator 12/01/1979 SPR-1131-Report.pdf
SPR-1130 Application for Federal Financial Participation in Traffic Noise Barrier Construction: The Michigan Statewide Traffic Noise Level Inventory ? Group 1 11/01/1979 SPR-1130-Report.pdf
RR-551 Assessment of Guidelines for Removing Hazardous Trees from Highway Rights of Way 11/01/1979 RR-551-Report.pdf
SPR-1129 Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt Binder Bituminous Paving Mixtures, Progress Report 11/01/1979 SPR-1129-Report.pdf
SPR-1128 Investigation of Pavement Heaving on Bridge Approaches, I-275 (I 58171-06463A) E. C. Novak, Jr. 10/01/1979 SPR-1128-Report.pdf
SPR-1108 Stress Measurements and Load Distribution on Selected Portions of the Mackinac Bridge C.J. Arnold; W.D. Bullen 10/01/1979 SPR-1108-Report.pdf
SPR-1126 Investigation of Pavement Problems on I-275 10/01/1979 SPR-1126-Report.pdf
SPR-1127 Texturing Existing Concrete Pavement 10/01/1979 SPR-1127-Report.pdf
RR-550 Investigation of a Process Utilizing Latex for Reducing or Preventing Reflection Cracking in Bituminous Overlays Place on Flexible Pavements State Transportation Commission 09/01/1979 RR-550-Report.pdf
RR-547 6th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1979 RR-547-Report.pdf
RR-458 M-32 Single Stations Origin & Destination Survey - Otsego County - Factual Data Report 08/01/1979 RR-548-Report.pdf
RR-549 A Comparative Analysis of Truck Accidents in the State of Michigan 08/01/1979 RR-549-Report.pdf
SPR-1122 Evaluation of Various Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems, Final Report 07/01/1979 SPR-1122-Report.pdf
SPR-1124 A Study to Evaluate the Performance of Bituminous Wearing Course Containing Sandy Limestone, A Preliminary Report 07/01/1979 SPR-1124-Report.pdf
SPR-1123 Alternate, More Economical Repainting Systems for Bridge Structural Steel, First Progress Report F.J. Bashore; A.J. Permoda 07/01/1979 SPR-1123-Report.pdf
RR-546 Northwest Regional Transportation Study 07/01/1979 RR-546-Report.pdf
SPR-1121 Evaluation of Various Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems, Final Report F.J. Bashore; D.E. Branch; A.W. Pri 07/01/1979 SPR-1121-Report.pdf
SPR-1125 Performance Evaluation of Mirafi 140 Fabric as Overlay Reinforcement to Control Reflection Cracking 07/01/1979 SPR-1125-Report.pdf
RR-543 Investigation of an Asphalt-Rubber Interlayer for Reducing or Preventing Reflection Cracking in Bituminous Overlays Testing and Research Division 06/01/1979 RR-543-Report.pdf
RR-542 Performance Evaluation of Plastic Fabrics as Overlay Reinforcement to Control Reflection Cracking Testing and Research Division 06/01/1979 RR-542-Report.pdf
RR-544 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Operation and Recalibration - Vol 4-B 06/01/1979 RR-544-Report.pdf
RR-545 East Central Michigan Transportation Study 06/01/1979 RR-545-Report.pdf
SPR-1119 Development of Base Layer Thickness Equivalency 06/01/1979 SPR-1119-Report.pdf
SPR-1120 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in Michigan, A Historical Summary 06/01/1979 SPR-1120-Report.pdf
SPR-1117 Effectiveness of Infrared Joint Heaters for Bituminous Pavements 05/01/1979 SPR-1117-Report.pdf
SPR-1116 Anti-Glare Screen Median Fence 05/01/1979 SPR-1116-Report.pdf
SPR-1118 A Probability Model for Determining the Safety Benefits of Median Barrier Installations 05/01/1979 SPR-1118-Report.pdf
RR-541 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Accident Rates 547 Zone System - Vol I-O 04/01/1979 RR-541-Report.pdf
RR-540 I-94 Batch Plant Recycling J.E. Norton 04/01/1979 RR-540-Report.pdf
SPR-1115 Performance Evaluation of Non-Reinforced Ramps 04/01/1979 SPR-1115-Report.pdf
SPR-1109 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Friction Measurements, 1977 Test Program 04/01/1979 SPR-1109-Report.pdf
SPR-1114 A Study to Monitor the Deicing Chemical Pollution Prevention System at the Reed City MDOT Maintenance Garage, Preliminary Report 04/01/1979 SPR-1114-Report.pdf
SPR-1113 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Third Progress Report 04/01/1979 SPR-1113-Report.pdf
SPR-1037R Air Quality Report for US-12, City of Dearborn, Wayne County 03/01/1979 SPR-1037R-Report.pdf
SPR-1098 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track-Results of Preliminary Aggregate Polishing Tests, First Progress Report 03/01/1979 SPR-1098-Report.pdf
RR-539 Phase I Findings: Research and Report on Transit System Evaluation Methodologies 03/01/1979 RR-539-Report.pdf
SPR-1111 NFS Industries Delineators 03/01/1979 SPR-1111-Report.pdf
SPR-1110 Astro Optics Delineators 03/01/1979 SPR-1110-Report.pdf
SPR-1112 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of Transportation Research Laboratory 03/01/1979 SPR-1112-Report.pdf
RR-538 Cadillac Area External Origin and Destination Survey 02/01/1979 RR-538-Report.pdf
SPR-1107 Evaluation of Sodium Chloride for Stabilizing an Aggregate Base Course (M-28 East of Bruce Crossing, Project No. 00955A) 02/01/1979 SPR-1107-Report.pdf
RR-537 M-57: Producing a Bituminous Wearing Course by Drum Mix Recycling R.B Moore, R.A. Welke 01/01/1979 RR-537-Report.pdf
SPR-1104 Air Quality Report for M-51 Relocation ? Berrien County 01/01/1979 SPR-1104-Report.pdf
SPR-1105 Air Quality Report for US-31, Berrien County 01/01/1979 SPR-1105-Report.pdf
SPR-1106 A Survey of Median Barriers and Highway Safety 01/01/1979 SPR-1106-Report.pdf
RR-534 Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection / Maintenance Programs for Michigan 01/01/1979 RR-534-Report.pdf
RR-533 Alpena External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1979 RR-533-Report.pdf
RR-536 Michigan's Aviation Activity 01/01/1979 RR-536-Report.pdf
SPR-1102 Traffic Signal Dimming Methods 01/01/1979 SPR-1102-Report.pdf
RR-532 6th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1978-1979 01/01/1979 RR-532-Report.pdf
SPR-1101 Investigation of Parking Ramp Leakage Through the Upper Level Slab at the Capitol Complex 12/01/1978 SPR-1101-Report.pdf
SPR-1103 Inspection of Low Slump and Latex Modified Overlays on I-94 in the Detroit Area 12/01/1978 SPR-1103-Report.pdf
SPR-1026R Air Quality Report for M-99 In Ingham and Clinton Counties 12/01/1978 SPR-1026R-Report.pdf
SPR-1100 Salt Degradation Study 11/01/1978 SPR-1100-Report.pdf
SPR-1099 Air Quality Measurements of Movable Asphalt Plants for Recycling Paving Asphalt 11/01/1978 SPR-1099-Report.pdf
RR-530 Interim Glarefoil Report 10/01/1978 RR-530-Report.pdf
RR-531 Digital Data Communication Features in Public Transit Systems: Technology Assessment 10/01/1978 RR-531-Report.pdf
RR-514 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 1 09/01/1978 RR-514-Report.pdf
RR-515 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 2 09/01/1978 RR-515-Report.pdf
RR-516 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 3 09/01/1978 RR-516-Report.pdf
RR-517 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 4 09/01/1978 RR-517-Report.pdf
RR-518 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 5 09/01/1978 RR-518-Report.pdf
RR-527 An Assessment of Waste Oil Utilization Potential in the State of Michigan 09/01/1978 RR-527-Report.pdf
RR-528 Digital Data Communication Features in Public Transit Systems: Executive Summary 09/01/1978 RR-528-Report.pdf
RR-526 An Analysis of the Intercity Bus Industry and the Michigan Bus Subsidy Program 09/01/1978 RR-526-Report.pdf
RR-525 Roles for the Private Sector in Public Transportation 09/01/1978 RR-525-Report.pdf
RR-524 Level of Service Concepts in Urban Public Transportation 09/01/1978 RR-524-Report.pdf
RR-529 Client Transportation and Services Coordination in Michigan 09/01/1978 RR-529-Report.pdf
RR-523 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 13 09/01/1978 RR-523-Report.pdf
RR-522 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 10 09/01/1978 RR-522-Report.pdf
RR-521 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 9 09/01/1978 RR-521-Report.pdf
RR-520 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 8 09/01/1978 RR-520-Report.pdf
RR-519 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Ref Handbook No 3 - Minor Origin & Destination Travel Characteristics: Region 7 09/01/1978 RR-519-Report.pdf
SPR-1097 Study of Latex Modified concrete Deterioration on Wiard Road Over US-27 (S04 of 81063) 09/01/1978 SPR-1097-Report.pdf
SPR-1096 Condition of ?Elastizell? Lightweight Concrete Backfills After One Year in Place, First Progress Report 09/01/1978 SPR-1096-Report.pdf
SPR-1095 Air Quality Report for Proposed Reconstruction of Interchanges at I-94 and Merriman Road and I-94 and Middle Belt Road 09/01/1978 SPR-1095-Report.pdf
RR-511 5th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1978 RR-511-Report.pdf
RR-513 Northwest Regional Transportation Study - Study Activities 08/01/1978 RR-513-Report.pdf
RR-512 Northwest Regional Transportation Study 08/01/1978 RR-512-Report.pdf
SPR-1091 A Computer Program for Computing Probabilities and Generating Random Variates for the Gamma, Normal, and Chi-Square Distributions and Its Applications to Highway Technology 07/01/1978 SPR-1091-Report.pdf
RR-509 Guidelines for Traffic Control in School Areas 07/01/1978 RR-509-Report.pdf
SPR-1094 A Statistical Analysis of Potential Relationships Between Selected Concrete and Aggregate Properties and Concrete Pavement Performance 07/01/1978 SPR-1094-Report.pdf
RR-510 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 07/01/1978 RR-510-Report.pdf
SPR-1090 Noise Study and Analysis, Cities of Allen Park, Dearborn Heights, and Taylor, Wayne County, Reconstruction of the I-94 and M-39 Interchange (Addendum) 06/01/1978 SPR-1090-Report.pdf
SPR-1092 Air Quality Report for I-69 in Ingham, Clinton, and Shiawassee Counties 06/01/1978 SPR-1092-Report.pdf
SPR-1093 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Paquin Gravel Co. #2, Pit No. 21-19 06/01/1978 SPR-1093-Report.pdf
RR-507 Michigan Scheduled Air Service Study Summary Report 05/01/1978 RR-507-Report.pdf
RR-506 US-31 and US-10 Mason County Project Justification Report 05/01/1978 RR-506-Report.pdf
RR-505 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Population Projections 547 Zone System - Vol I-P 05/01/1978 RR-505-Report.pdf
RR-508 A Study of the Feasibility of a Proposed Ferry Service Between Detour Village, MI and Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin Island 05/01/1978 RR-508-Report.pdf
RR-504 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No 2 - Michigan's Permanent Traffic Recorder Trends: Potential Application in Transportation Planning - Energy Analysis 04/01/1978 RR-504-Report.pdf
SPR-1089 Evaluation of Monoslabs for Paving of Ditches and Service Drives 04/01/1978 SPR-1089-Report.pdf
SPR-1087 Evaluation of Expansion Anchors, Self-Drilling, Torque Type, and Stud-Type 04/01/1978 SPR-1087-Report.pdf
SPR-1088 Use of Recycled Asphalt Surface Material in the Construction of a Bituminous Stabilized Base, I-75, Cheboygan County, Construction Report 04/01/1978 SPR-1088-Report.pdf
SPR-1086 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: U. S. Forest Service Pit No. 27-68 03/01/1978 SPR-1086-Report.pdf
RR-502 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Impact of Population and Energy on Transportation Needs a Multi Modal Approach - Vol 13D 03/01/1978 RR-502-Report.pdf
SPR-1085 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1976 Test Program 03/01/1978 SPR-1085-Report.pdf
SPR-1079 Second Progress Report on the Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings 03/01/1978 SPR-1079-Report.pdf
RR-503 Michigan Transportation Services for Seniors and Handicappers 03/01/1978 RR-503-Report.pdf
SPR-969R Air Quality Report for the I-94 and M-39 Interchange 03/01/1978 SPR-969R-Report.pdf
SPR-1081 A Report on the Cause of Deterioration of Sections of Flexible I-94 Pavement 02/01/1978 SPR-1081-Report.pdf
SPR-1082 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan State Highway Commission 02/01/1978 SPR-1082-Report.pdf
RR-500 An Operations Evaluation of a Zone Dial-A-Ride in a Mid-Michigan County 01/01/1978 RR-500-Report.pdf
SPR-1080 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Champion , Inc., Moon Lake Pit No. 22-4 01/01/1978 SPR-1080-Report.pdf
SPR-1078 Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt Binder for Bituminous Resurfacing Mixtures, Progress Report 01/01/1978 SPR-1078-Report.pdf
RR-496 M-32 Single Stations Origin Destination Survey - Otsego County - Factual Data Report 01/01/1978 RR-496-Report.pdf
RR-499 Petoskey External Origin Destination Survey - Factual Data Report 01/01/1978 RR-499-Report.pdf
RR-495 5th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1977-1978 01/01/1978 RR-495-Report.pdf
SPR-1077 Low Slump Portland Cement Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays K.H. Laaninen 01/01/1978 SPR-1077-Report.pdf
RR-501 Rural Carpool Parking in Michigan 01/01/1978 RR-501-Report.pdf
RR-498 M-72 Single Stations Origin Destination Survey - Crawford County - Factual Data Report 01/01/1978 RR-498-Report.pdf
RR-497 M-68 Single Stations Origin Destination Survey - Cheboygan County - Factual Data Report 01/01/1978 RR-497-Report.pdf
RR-471 Summary of Michigan's Transportation Needs - 1977-1989 12/31/1977 RR-471-Report.pdf
RR-470 A Documentation Paper on the Citizen Participation Effort in the Pre-Study Phase of the Region 8/14 Regional Systems Transportation Study Bureau of Transportation Planning 12/31/1977 RR-470-Report.pdf
RR-493 A Study of Accident Experience at Michigan Trunkline Intersection Control Beacon Installations 12/01/1977 RR-493-Report.pdf
SPR-1069 Fibco ?Mod II? Portable Truck Barrier 12/01/1977 SPR-1069-Report.pdf
RR-494 Bituminous Mix Design Using Rubber Additives 12/01/1977 RR-494-Report.pdf
RR-492 Energy Requirements for Pavement Construction U of M 12/01/1977 RR-492-Report.pdf
SPR-1068 An Accident Frequency Prediction Model for Selected State Trunkline Classifications 12/01/1977 SPR-1068-Report.pdf
SPR-1076 Evaluation of Nuclear Methods for Measuring Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures 12/01/1977 SPR-1076-Report.pdf
RR-491 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - Phase 2 11/01/1977 RR-491-Report.pdf
SPR-1075 A Validation of the NCHRP 117/144 Traffic Noise Level Predictor Model for Low Density, Close Distance Traffic on I-696 Between I-75 and I-94 11/01/1977 SPR-1075-Report.pdf
RR-490 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Traffic Forecasting for a Special Generator - Vol 10-A2 11/01/1977 RR-490-Report.pdf
RR-489 Michigan Scheduled Air Service Report - Final Technical Report 10/01/1977 RR-489-Report.pdf
RR-488 An Evaluation of the Federal Section 147 Eastern UP Rural Transportation Project 09/01/1977 RR-488-Report.pdf
SPR-1072 A Study of Supplemental Drainage Methods for Preventing Frost Heave in Full Depth Concrete Shoulders E. C. Novak, Jr. 09/01/1977 SPR-1072-Report.pdf
SPR-1070 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Marblehead Quarry, Marblehead, Ohio 08/01/1977 SPR-1070-Report.pdf
SPR-1071 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Pickitt No. 1 Pit No. 34-26 08/01/1977 SPR-1071-Report.pdf
RR-485 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No 1 - Statewide Bus Ticket Survey Travel Characteristics 08/01/1977 RR-485-Report.pdf
RR-486 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Automatic Network Generator Using Interactive Graphics - Vol 3-B 08/01/1977 RR-486-Report.pdf
SPR-1074 Air Quality Report for M-153 in the Cities of Westland and Garden City, Wayne County 08/01/1977 SPR-1074-Report.pdf
SPR-1062 Interim Report on Epoxy Injection Grouting Experimental Repair Procedure 07/01/1977 SPR-1062-Report.pdf
RR-484 Color Card Survey - M-43 & M-89 Village of Richard, Kalamazoo County 07/01/1977 RR-484-Report.pdf
SPR-1065 Maintenance of Neoprene Sealed Concrete Pavements, First Progress Report 07/01/1977 SPR-1065-Report.pdf
SPR-1066 Raised Pavement Markers 07/01/1977 SPR-1066-Report.pdf
SPR-1047 Brightness Study and Specification Compliance Survey of Arrow-Bar Traffic Control Signs 06/01/1977 SPR-1047-Report.pdf
RR-483 Central Upper Peninsula Regional Transportation Plan 06/01/1977 RR-483-Report.pdf
RR-481 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Appendix A: Netedit Command Directory - Vol II-A 06/01/1977 RR-481-Report.pdf
RR-482 Michigan Transportation Needs Study - Work Program 06/01/1977 RR-482-Report.pdf
RR-480 Analysis of Truck Accidents in Michigan 06/01/1977 RR-480-Report.pdf
SPR-1067 Epoxy Resin Coated Reinforcing Steel, Construction and Progress Report 06/01/1977 SPR-1067-Report.pdf
SPR-1064 Elastizell Concrete Lightweight Fill Construction (Pine River Bridge, St. Clair) 06/01/1977 SPR-1064-Report.pdf
SPR-1063 Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Pavement - US-127, Progress Report 06/01/1977 SPR-1063-Report.pdf
RR-479 Concrete Median Barrier Study During Periods of Snow Accumulation 05/01/1977 RR-479-Report.pdf
SPR-1061 Evaluation of Prewetted Salt for Ice Control, Final Report 05/01/1977 SPR-1061-Report.pdf
SPR-1058 Instruction Manual for Bridge Deck Delamination Detector Michigan State Highway Commission 04/01/1977 SPR-1058-Report.pdf
SPR-1059 Petrographic Analysis of Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Emmons Pit No. 54-22 04/01/1977 SPR-1059-Report.pdf
SPR-1060 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Glancy Pit No. 62-3 04/01/1977 SPR-1060-Report.pdf
RR-478 Downriver Truck Study Wilbur Smith and Associates 04/01/1977 Trucks by weight; Road damage RR-478-Report.pdf
RR-478 Downriver Truck Study Wilbur Smith and Associates 04/01/1977 RR-487-Report.pdf
SPR-1056 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 03/01/1977 SPR-1056-Report.pdf
SPR-1055 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Mickelson No. 3 Pit No. 63-88 03/01/1977 SPR-1055-Report.pdf
SPR-1054 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: American Aggregates Corp. Milford Pit. No. 63-97 03/01/1977 SPR-1054-Report.pdf
SPR-1051 Mixed-in-Place Stabilization of Highway Base Aggregates and Pulverized Bituminous Surfacing Using Asphalt Stabilizers, Final Report 03/01/1977 SPR-1051-Report.pdf
SPR-1050 Lincore Ni2 Low Alloy Submerged Arc Welding Wire 03/01/1977 SPR-1050-Report.pdf
SPR-1053 Experimental Lightweight Fill, Construction Report 03/01/1977 SPR-1053-Report.pdf
SPR-1057 Evaluation of Five Commercial Fast-Setting Patching Mortars 03/01/1977 SPR-1057-Report.pdf
RR-477 Repeated Load Triaxial Testing State of the Art U of M 03/01/1977 RR-477-Report.pdf
SPR-1052 Application for Federal Financial Participation in Traffic Noise Barrier Construction Along Selected Segments of I-275 in Southeastern Michigan 03/01/1977 SPR-1052-Report.pdf
SPR-1045 Effectiveness of the Experimental Wooden Noise Wall, Interstate Highway I-75, City of Allen Park, Michigan 02/01/1977 SPR-1045-Report.pdf
SPR-1041 Drainage and Foundation Studies for an Experimental Short Slab Pavement 02/01/1977 SPR-1041-Report.pdf
SPR-1043 Edge Marking Criteria from Contrast Ratios 02/01/1977 SPR-1043-Report.pdf
SPR-1040 Statistical Analysis of Aggregate Base Course Inspection Using an End Result Aggregate Specification (Sampling, Testing and Acceptance Procedures) 02/01/1977 SPR-1040-Report.pdf
SPR-476 Radial Tire Performance, Cost/Benefit and Fuel Efficiency Considerations 02/01/1977 RR-476-Report.pdf
SPR-1044 Construction of a Cold-Mix Emulsion Black Base 02/01/1977 SPR-1044-Report.pdf
SPR-1049 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1975 Test Program, MDSHT Report No. 249 02/01/1977 SPR-1049-Report.pdf
SPR-1048 Evaluation of Cold-Mix Emulsion Black Base (M-150 and Auburn Road, Oakland County) 02/01/1977 SPR-1048-Report.pdf
SPR-1046 Comparison Study on the Performance of Bituminous Stabilized Bases (M-66 and M20) 02/01/1977 SPR-1046-Report.pdf
RR-473 Final Recommendations of the Governor's Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council 01/01/1977 RR-473-Report.pdf
RR-475 Sylvax U.P.M. Patching Material 01/01/1977 RR-475-Report.pdf
SPR-1042 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation Research Laboratory Michigan State Highway Commission 01/01/1977 SPR-1042-Report.pdf
RR-474 Rest Area Needs Study Maintenance Division 01/01/1977 RR-474-Report.pdf
RR-472 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Tree Plotting with Interactive Graphics - Vol II-B 01/01/1977 RR-472-Report.pdf
RR-469 4th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1976-1977 01/01/1977 RR-469-Report.pdf
SPR-1038 Determination and Improvement of Relevant Pavement Skid Coefficients 01/01/1977 SPR-1038-Report.pdf
SPR-1039 Concrete Arch Rib Condition Survey, M-99 (Logan St.) Over the GRW RR and the Grand River, City of Lansing (X01 of 33011) 01/01/1977 SPR-1039-Report.pdf
RR-428 Developing a Transportation Systems Plan for Northeast Lower Michigan 12/31/1976 RR-428-Report.pdf
RR-429 Developing a Transportation Systems Plan for East Central Michigan Michigan Dept. of State Highways 12/31/1976 RR-429-Report.pdf
SPR-1036 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Boyd Pit No. 54-54 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-1625) 12/01/1976 SPR-1036-Report.pdf
SPR-1035 Experimental Concrete and Bituminous Shoulders, Progress Report K. S. Bancroft 12/01/1976 SPR-1035-Report.pdf
SPR-1032 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Gaspardo Pit No. 31-65 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-1121) 12/01/1976 SPR-1032-Report.pdf
RR-465 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No. 6 - 547 Zone System 12/01/1976 RR-465-Report.pdf
RR-467 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Michigan's Rail Crossing Inventory and Analysis Process - Vol 13C 12/01/1976 RR-467-Report.pdf
RR-468 Economic Benefits of Lake Michigan Car Ferry Service - Vol 1 & 2 12/01/1976 RR-468-Report.pdf
RR-463 Operational Characteristics of 100-foot Double Trailer/Tractor Combinations in Michigan Traffic and Safety 12/01/1976 Operations; Tractor trailer combinations RR-463-Report.pdf
RR-464 A Study to Identify Hydroplaning Accidents 12/01/1976 RR-464-Report.pdf
SPR-1033 Galvanized Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks, Progress Report C.J.Arnold 12/01/1976 SPR-1033-Report.pdf
SPR-1034 Control and Prevention of Deterioration of Concrete Bridge Decks M.G. Brown 12/01/1976 SPR-1034-Report.pdf
RR-466 MI Statewide Transportation Model: School District Data File - Vol 9-D 12/01/1976 RR-466-Report.pdf
SPR-1029 Steel Evaluation of Vehicle-Damaged Structure (S08 of 39022), 38th Street Over I-94 Near Kalamazoo J. D. Culp 11/01/1976 SPR-1029-Report.pdf
RR-462 State of Michigan Comprehensive Public Transportation Inventory Mass Transportation Planning Sect. 11/01/1976 RR-462-Report.pdf
SPR-1031 Air Quality Report for the Reconstruction of I-94 BL Southwest of Battle Creek, Calhoun County 11/01/1976 SPR-1031-Report.pdf
SPR-1025 Thickness Equivalencies for Asphalt-Treated and Untreated Aggregate Base Course Layers 11/01/1976 SPR-1025-Report.pdf
SPR-1005 Evaluation of Four Organic Resin Binder Systems 11/01/1976 SPR-1005-Report.pdf
SPR-1024 Aggregate Gradation Quality Control 11/01/1976 SPR-1024-Report.pdf
SPR-1027 Progress Report on the Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossing 11/01/1976 SPR-1027-Report.pdf
SPR-1030 Performance Evaluation of Trinidad Asphalt Cement for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 11/01/1976 SPR-1030-Report.pdf
SPR-1028 Study of Deck Concrete in S03 of 64014, US-31 under Winston Road West of Rothbury 11/01/1976 SPR-1028-Report.pdf
RR-461 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Conversion of the Agricultural Census File - Vol 9-B 11/01/1976 RR-461-Report.pdf
RR-459 The Michigan Photolog System 11/01/1976 RR-459-Report.pdf
RR-458 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Automated Desire Line Plotting - Vol 10-A1 10/01/1976 RR-458-Report.pdf
SPR-994 Accident Rates and Surface Properties ? An Investigation of Relationships 10/01/1976 SPR-994-Report.pdf
SPR-1023 Air Quality Report for Davison Freeway, City of Highland Park, Wayne County 10/01/1976 SPR-1023-Report.pdf
SPR-928 Lights and Lighting for Hazard Warning and Delineation G.M. Smith, M.H. Janson 10/01/1976 Field studies; Flashing traffic signals; Hazard markings; Highway delineators; Lighting; Simulation; Vision; Yellow interval (Traffic signal cycle) SPR-928-Report.pdf
SPR-1022 Effects of Deicing Salts on the Chloride Levels in Water and Soil Adjacent to Roadways 10/01/1976 SPR-1022-Report.pdf
RR-456 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Amtrak Market Area Analysis System Application - Report No 21 10/01/1976 RR-456-Report.pdf
RR-457 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Crisis or Opportunity: Application of an Operational Statewide Transportation Modeling System - Report No 16 10/01/1976 RR-457-Report.pdf
RR-455 General Aviation Activity in the State of Michigan 09/01/1976 RR-455-Report.pdf
SPR-1021 Reflectorized Flagman Vests 09/01/1976 SPR-1021-Report.pdf
RR-454 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in the city of Mount Clemens 09/01/1976 RR-454-Report.pdf
SPR-1020 Development of Procedures for Replacing Joints in Concrete Pavement, Final Report 09/01/1976 SPR-1020-Report.pdf
SPR-1016 Experimental Short Slab Pavements (Construction Report) 08/01/1976 SPR-1016-Report.pdf
RR-460 Bridge Decks in Michigan: A Summary of Research and Performance C. J. Arnold 08/01/1976 RR-460-Report.pdf
RR-453 The Michigan Highway Program 1950-1976 and Projections L. Beckon 08/01/1976 RR-453-Report.pdf
SPR-1019 Expansion Anchor Evaluation, Hilti HDI Anchors 08/01/1976 SPR-1019-Report.pdf
RR-452 A Study of Two-Lane Rural Roadside Accidents 08/01/1976 RR-452-Report.pdf
SPR-1018 Steel Sampling, 76 Structures C.J. Arnold 08/01/1976 SPR-1018-Report.pdf
SPR-1017 Application for Federal Financial Participation in Traffic Noise Barrier Construction Along a Selected Segment of I-75 in the City of Taylor in Southeastern Michigan 08/01/1976 SPR-1017-Report.pdf
RR-451 Capacity and Level of Service Analysis: US-23 Bypass South of Standish 08/01/1976 RR-451-Report.pdf
SPR-1014 High-Index, Wet-Performance Glass Beads for Pavement Markings From Potter Brothers 07/01/1976 SPR-1014-Report.pdf
SPR-1015 ?Snow-Glow? Glass Beads for Pavement markings From Snowfast Company of Italy 07/01/1976 SPR-1015-Report.pdf
SPR-1012 Bridge Deck Repair and Development of Procedures for Epoxy Injection Grouting of Bridge Deck Delaminations H.L. Patterson 07/01/1976 SPR-1012-Report.pdf
SPR-1009 1975 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 07/01/1976 SPR-1009-Report.pdf
RR-449 Standardization of Asphalt Viscosity and Mix Design Procedures U of M 06/01/1976 RR-449-Report.pdf
RR-448 Open Graded Skid Resistant Bituminous Concrete Surfaces U of M 06/01/1976 RR-448-Report.pdf
SPR-1010 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Lindberg Pit No. 22-29 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A410) 06/01/1976 SPR-1010-Report.pdf
RR-450 Highway Construction Management Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. 06/01/1976 Construction Management RR-450-Report.pdf
SPR-1001 Development and Evaluation of a Field Drainability Test Method 06/01/1976 SPR-1001-Report.pdf
RR-447 Evaluation of TOPICS project: Intersection Reconstruction M-143 at Harrison Rd East Lansing 06/01/1976 RR-447-Report.pdf
SPR-1008 A Review of Bridge Deck Problems, and a Final Report on the Performance of Several Berrien County Structures That Were Widened Under Traffic C.J. Arnold; M.A. Chiunti; K.S. Ban 06/01/1976 SPR-1008-Report.pdf
SPR-921R Air Quality Report for M-3 (US-25 BR), Macomb County 06/01/1976 SPR-921R-Report.pdf
SPR-899R Air Quality Report for US-31, Berrien County ? Report Revised January 1979 See Report No. SPR-1105 05/01/1976 SPR-899R-Report.pdf
SPR-1011 Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Steel Plate Butt Joints Welded by Submerged Arc and Electroslag Welding Procedures 05/01/1976 SPR-1011-Report.pdf
SPR-1004 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co., Pit No. 32-4 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2500) 05/01/1976 SPR-1004-Report.pdf
SPR-999 CMI Autograde Pavement Profiler F. Copple 05/01/1976 Planers; Pavement profilers SPR-999-Report.pdf
SPR-1002 Bulkhead Joints for Concrete Base Shoulders (Final Report) M. A. Chiunti 05/01/1976 SPR-1002-Report.pdf
RR-445 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Efficient Network Updating with Interactive Graphics - Vol II-A 05/01/1976 RR-445-Report.pdf
SPR-995 Median Barriers and Highway Safety L. F. Holbrook, Wen Hou Kuo 05/01/1976 guardrail, cable barriers, median barriers, barrier installation, injury property damage, highway design, risk analysis SPR-995-Report.pdf
SPR-1003 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co., Pit No. 34-4 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2501) 05/01/1976 SPR-1003-Report.pdf
SPR-1000 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Gogebic Sand and Gravel Co., Pit No. 27- 55 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-203) 05/01/1976 SPR-1000-Report.pdf
RR-446 Study Design for Willow Run Airport 05/01/1976 RR-446-Report.pdf
RR-444 Eight Year Corrosion Test Report - 8 Mile Road Interchange J. C. Zoccola 04/01/1976 RR-444-Report.pdf
SPR-997 Investigation of Straw Fire Damage to CRCP, I-96 Near Novi (I 63191-03586A) W. K. Kruger 04/01/1976 Cores (Specimen) SPR-997-Report.pdf
SPR-998 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Superior Sand and Gravel Pit, Pit No. 31-45 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-152) 04/01/1976 SPR-998-Report.pdf
SPR-1006 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Caspian Lumber Co. #2, Pit No. 36-40 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-291) 04/01/1976 SPR-1006-Report.pdf
SPR-996 Comparative Performance of Contraction Joints on I-75, Saginaw and Genesee Counties 04/01/1976 SPR-996-Report.pdf
SPR-1007 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Construction Aggregates Corp., Pit No. 70- 9 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2162) 04/01/1976 SPR-1007-Report.pdf
RR-443 Michigan Transportation Study 04/01/1976 RR-443-report.pdf
SPR-974 Experimental Field Application of ?Pozicon? Fly Ash in the Median Barrier of I-75 Near the City of Flint 04/01/1976 SPR-974-Report.pdf
SPR-993 Strength Comparison Between Water Reducer Concretes of Portland-Pozzolan and Type 1A Cements H. L. Patterson 03/15/1976 SPR-993-Report.pdf
RR-440 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Cutline Analysis Program - Vol 18 03/01/1976 RR-440-Report.pdf
RR-439 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: I-69 Impact on the Accessibility of Health, Fire, and Ambulance Services to Residential Areas - Report No 15 03/01/1976 RR-439-Report.pdf
SPR-991 Subbase Drainage Criteria 03/01/1976 SPR-991-Report.pdf
RR-442 Weigh Station Design and Operation Study in Michigan Michigan Dept. of State 03/01/1976 Weigh stations; Design; Operations; Design practices RR-442-Report.pdf
RR-441 Michigan's Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Report Abstracts 03/01/1976 RR-441-Report.pdf
SPR-992 Corridor Air Quality Report for Proposed M-59 ? Utica to I-94 02/01/1976 SPR-992-Report.pdf
RR-438 1974 National Transportation Study Update - 1990 Plan Update Narrative Report 02/01/1976 RR-438-Report.pdf
RR-435 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Conversion of Dept. of Commerce Industrial Expansion File - Vol 8-A 02/01/1976 RR-435-Report.pdf
RR-437 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 02/01/1976 RR-437-Report.pdf
SPR-975 Evaluation of a Model for Predicting Transverse Cracking of Flexible Pavement 02/01/1976 SPR-975-Report.pdf
SPR-988 A Study of Reflectorized Llicense Plates and Night Accident Reduction and Cost/Benefit Analysis L.F. Holbrook 02/01/1976 Analysis, Costs, Reflective Materials, Cost analysis, Benefit cost analysis SPR-988-Report.pdf
SPR-990 Fiberglass Reinforced Pultrusions 02/01/1976 SPR-990-Report.pdf
SPR-989 Feasibility Study to Convert Regular-Dry Traffic Paint Applicator to Fast-Dry 02/01/1976 SPR-989-Report.pdf
RR-436 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Railroad Community Impact Analysis - Vol 15B 02/01/1976 RR-436-Report.pdf
SPR-986 Annual Report of Activities of the Michigan Department of State Highways and Transportation Research Laboratory 01/01/1976 SPR-986-Report.pdf
RR-426 3rd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1975-1976 01/01/1976 RR-426-Report.pdf
RR-427 A Traffic Accident Analysis in Ottawa County 01/01/1976 RR-427-Report.pdf
SPR-987 Recommended Capacities for Expansion Anchor Lane Ties and Evaluation of Frazer and Jones Concrete Expansion Anchors 01/01/1976 SPR-987-Report.pdf
SPR-985 ?Improved Alert? Reflective Liquid (Cataphote Corp.) and ?B-I-P? Reflective Liquid from Flex-O-Lite Corp. 01/01/1976 SPR-985-Report.pdf
RR-433 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Multi-Modal Analysis: Dial a Ride - Vol 16 01/01/1976 RR-433-Report.pdf
RR-434 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Statewide Intermodal Impact AnalysisTruck and Rail - Vol 17 01/01/1976 RR-434-Report.pdf
RR-430 M-121 Bristol Rd Single Station Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1976 RR-430-Report.pdf
RR-432 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Railroad Financial Impact Analysis - Vol 15A 01/01/1976 RR-432-Report.pdf
RR-431 Traverse City Area External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1976 RR-431-Report.pdf
RR-400 Developing a Transportation Systems Plan for the Western Portion of Michigan's Upper Peninsula Michigan Dept. of State Highways 12/31/1975 RR-400-Report.pdf
RR-403 A Report of the Study Committee on the "Benefits to the State of Michigan of a Statewide Coordinate System" 12/31/1975 RR-403-Report.pdf
RR-425 Skid Testing of Pavement Markings C.L. Richard 12/01/1975 RR-425-Report.pdf
SPR-980 Trial Installation of Rumble Strips in Asphalt Shoulders J.E. Simonsen 12/01/1975 M-78, Genesee county, Shiawassee county, imprinted corrugations, bituminous stabilized material, bituminous aggregate, sound levels SPR-980-Report.pdf
RR-423 Northwest Regional Transportation Study - Status Report 11/01/1975 RR-423-Report.pdf
SPR-982 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1974 Test Program 11/01/1975 SPR-982-Report.pdf
SPR-973 ?Pozicon? Fly-Ash Pavement Concrete ? Development Work (Second Progress Report) 11/01/1975 SPR-973-Report.pdf
RR-424 Report on Operations of Willow Run Airport and Recommendations for Future Action 11/01/1975 RR-424-Report.pdf
SPR-976 Corrosion Performance of Aluminum Culverts J. T. Ellis 11/01/1975 SPR-976-Report.pdf
SPR-966R Noise Analysis and Noise Abatement Proposals, Interstate Highway I-696 from Lahser Road Easterly to I-75, Oakland County 11/01/1975 SPR-966R-Report.pdf
SPR-984 Application for Federal Financial Participation in Traffic Noise Barrier Construction Along a Selected Segment of I-75 in Southeastern Michigan 11/01/1975 SPR-984-Report.pdf
SPR-983 Security Steel Insert and Deflected Locknuts 11/01/1975 SPR-983-Report.pdf
RR-422 Report on a Study of Michigan's Aviation Development Program - 1975 Update 10/01/1975 RR-422-Report.pdf
SPR-978R Air Quality Report for M-59 from US-23 to Proposed M-275 in Livingston and Oakland Counties 10/01/1975 SPR-978R-Report.pdf
SPR-981 Evaluation of ?Wej-It? and ?Taper-Bolt? Expansion Anchors 10/01/1975 SPR-981-Report.pdf
SPR-979 Experimental Installation of Chrome-Alloy Steel Dowels 10/01/1975 SPR-979-Report.pdf
RR-421 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 10/01/1975 RR-421-Report.pdf
SPR-977 Design of Binder Course Bituminous Concrete Pavement Mixtures 10/01/1975 SPR-977-Report.pdf
SPR-971 Laboratory Calibration of Nuclear Soil Density-Moisture Gages 09/01/1975 SPR-971-Report.pdf
RR-419 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: A Method for Functionally Classifying Rural Arterial Highways - Report No 13 09/01/1975 RR-419-Report.pdf
SPR-972 Reinforcement of Asphaltic Concrete Overlays with Petromat Fabric 09/01/1975 SPR-972-Report.pdf
RR-420 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: A Method for Functionally Classifying Rural Arterial Highways - Vol 12 09/01/1975 RR-420-Report.pdf
RR-418 2nd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1975 RR-418-Report.pdf
SPR-970 An Evaluation of Pavement Wear Caused by Perma-T-Gripper Tire Studs 08/01/1975 SPR-970-Report.pdf
SPR-967 Evaluation of Various Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems F. J. Bashore 08/01/1975 SPR-967-Report.pdf
SPR-968 Development of Procedures for Replacing Joints in Concrete Pavement 08/01/1975 SPR-968-Report.pdf
SPR-965R Air Quality Report for I-69, Charlotte to I-96, Eaton County 07/01/1975 SPR-965R-Report.pdf
RR-416 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Commodity Flow Matrix-Michigan Railroads 1% Sample - Vol 14-C 07/01/1975 RR-416-Report.pdf
RR-415 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Commodity Flow Matrix-Penn Central Railroad - Vol 14B 07/01/1975 RR-415-Report.pdf
RR-417 Sylvax UPM Patching Material 1974-1975: Interim Report 07/01/1975 RR-417-Report.pdf
RR-414 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Commodity Flow Matrix-Ann Arbor Railroad - Vol 14A 07/01/1975 RR-414-Report.pdf
SPR-946 Office Memorandum: Michigan?s Accident Experience with Glass Bead License Plate Reflectorization L.F. Holbrook 06/30/1975 SPR-964-Report.pdf
RR-413 Feasibility Study of Reserved Bus-Car Pool Lanes for Jeffries Freeway (I-96) - Vol 1 & 2 06/01/1975 RR-413-Report.pdf
RR-412 Michigan Bus Rapid Transit Demo Program: Phase 1 05/01/1975 RR-412-Report.pdf
SPR-962 Transverse Cracking Reflected Through Asphaltic Concrete Resurfacing 05/01/1975 SPR-962-Report.pdf
SPR-963 Development of Soil-Support Values and Coefficients of Relative Strength of Michigan Highway Support Materials 05/01/1975 SPR-963-Report.pdf
SPR-961 Cement Content of Low Strength, Type 1P, Concrete 04/01/1975 SPR-961-Report.pdf
RR-411 An Evaluation of the US Railway Association Preliminary System Plan As It Pertains to the Ann Arbor Railroad 04/01/1975 RR-411-Report.pdf
RR-408 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Preliminary Investigation: A Technique for the Projection of Accident Rates - Report No 11 04/01/1975 RR-408-Report.pdf
RR-409 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Graphic Display of Fixed-Object Accident Area - Report No. 10 04/01/1975 RR-409-Report.pdf
RR-410 Effects of the Energy Crisis and 55 MPH Speed Limit in Michigan 04/01/1975 RR-410-Report.pdf
SPR-960 Response to I-75 City of Taylor Noise Complaint 04/01/1975 SPR-960-Report.pdf
SPR-959 Air Quality Report for M-21 in Lapeer and St. Clair Counties 04/01/1975 SPR-959-Report.pdf
SPR-958 Priority Rating for Replacement of Aluminum-Post Bridge Rail C. J. Arnold 03/01/1975 SPR-958-Report.pdf
RR-407 1973 Accident Profiles for the State Highway System 03/01/1975 RR-407-Report.pdf
SPR-953 An Overview of the Roadway Surface-Tire Pattern Interaction Noise System 03/01/1975 SPR-953-Report.pdf
SPR-957 1974 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 02/01/1975 SPR-957-Report.pdf
RR-402 Frankenmuth Area Transportation Study - Part 1 - Origin and Destination Study 01/01/1975 RR-402-Report.pdf
RR-398 Origin and Destination Report: Howell O&D Study 01/01/1975 RR-398-Report.pdf
RR-399 Origin and Destination Report: Sanilac Co. Rural O&D Study - Statewide Zone 426 01/01/1975 RR-399-Report.pdf
RR-395 2nd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1974-1975 01/01/1975 RR-395-Report.pdf
RR-405 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: US-23 Corridor Location Study Preliminary Travel Impact Analysis - Report No 17 01/01/1975 RR-405-Report.pdf
SPR-951 Experimental Shoring to Reduce Vibration During Bridge Deck Widening (Progress Report: 9-Year Performance) C. J. Arnold 01/01/1975 SPR-951-Report.pdf
RR-401 Benton Harbor-St. Joseph Transportation Study-Study of Future Year (2000) Vehicle Trips 01/01/1975 RR-401-Report.pdf
SPR-956 Laboratory Evaluation of ?Elastizell? as a Lightweight Fill 01/01/1975 SPR-956-Report.pdf
SPR-954 Guardrail Wood Post Deterioration 01/01/1975 SPR-954-Report.pdf
SPR-955 Investigation of Traffic-Induced Vibrations at 3018 Woodruff Street, Lansing 01/01/1975 SPR-955-Report.pdf
SPR-952 Air Quality Report for M-20, Lee Township, Midland County to Indian Street (US-10 BR), City of Midland 01/01/1975 SPR-952-Report.pdf
RR-396 No Passing Zone Resurvey of State Highways 01/01/1975 RR-396-Report.pdf
RR-404 Design Guides for Roadside Safety Improvement Program: Task 1 01/01/1975 RR-404-Report.pdf
RR-397 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Washtenaw County 01/01/1975 RR-397-Report.pdf
SPR-948 Noise Study and Analysis, M-51 City of Niles ? Berrien County, Main Street to Pucker Street 12/01/1974 SPR-948-Report.pdf
SPR-949 Pressure-Induced Failures in Jointed Concrete Pavements and a Machine for Installation of Pressure Relief Joints 12/01/1974 SPR-949-Report.pdf
SPR-950 Upson Laminated Cellulose Fiber Boards for Use as Road-Side Sign Panels 12/01/1974 SPR-950-Report.pdf
RR-393 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: 1972 Statewide Rail Network: Summary Tabulations - Vol 13B 12/01/1974 RR-393-Report.pdf
RR-394 Low Temperature Measurement of Asphalts for Viscosity and Ductility E. Tons, T. Funazaki, R. Moore 12/01/1974 RR-394-Report.pdf
SPR-946 Simplified Technique for Traffic Noise Level Estimation 12/01/1974 SPR-946-Report.pdf
RR-391 Safety Aspects of the 55 MPH Speed Limit 12/01/1974 RR-391-Report.pdf
SPR-947 Investigation of Traffic-Induced Vibrations at the Mary Roy Residence, Marine City 12/01/1974 SPR-947-Report.pdf
RR-392 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Responding to the Governor's Special Commission on Energy: Modeling Gasoline Consumption - Vol I-M 12/01/1974 RR-392-Report.pdf
RR-387 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Statewide Socio-Economic and Transportation Resources and Their Role in Intercity Transportation Decisions - Vol 1-I 11/01/1974 RR-387-Report.pdf
RR-390 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Multi-Modal Mobility and Accessibility Analysis -Vol 13A 11/01/1974 RR-390-Report.pdf
RR-389 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Modeling Major Facility Opening Impact on DHV Percent Trends - Vol 7-B 11/01/1974 RR-389-Report.pdf
SPR-945 Evaluation of Salvaged Base Course Materials 11/01/1974 SPR-945-Report.pdf
RR-388 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Model Applications Cost-Benefit Analysis - Vol 1-E 11/01/1974 RR-388-Report.pdf
RR-385 Operating Manual for Intersection Capacity Analysis Computer Program 10/01/1974 RR-385-Report.pdf
SPR-942 Traffic Noise Level Predictor Computer Program 10/01/1974 SPR-942-Report.pdf
SPR-939 The Housel Model for Slope Stability Analysis 10/01/1974 SPR-939-Report.pdf
SPR-941 Noise Study and Analysis, City of Rockwood ? Wayne County Reconstruction of the I75 and North Huron River Drive Interchange 10/01/1974 SPR-941-Report.pdf
SPR-940 ?Kling-Strip? Highway Striping Remover from Pert Products Company of Detroit 10/01/1974 SPR-940-Report.pdf
SPR-943 Experimental Concrete and Bituminous Shoulders M. A. Chiunti, K. S. 10/01/1974 SPR-943-Report.pdf
RR-386 Efficiency of Vibrators in Consolidating Paving Concrete F.E. Legg 10/01/1974 RR-386-Report.pdf
SPR-944 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1973 Test Program 10/01/1974 SPR-944-Report.pdf
SPR-936 Evaluation of Liquid Ice Control Chemicals Applied to Bridge Decks (Progress Report) J. H. DeFoe 09/01/1974 SPR-936-Report.pdf
SPR-938 Field Inspection of Telespar Sign Posts, ?Watch for Ice on Bridge,? Type A. J. Permoda 09/01/1974 SPR-938-Report.pdf
SPR-935 Steel Strength Determination ? Six Bridges M. A. Chiunti 09/01/1974 SPR-935-Report.pdf
RR-383 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Economic and Travel Impacts of Speed Limit Reduction Using a Statewide Transportation Modeling System - Report No 14 09/01/1974 RR-383-Report.pdf
SPR-937 Air Quality Report for M-275 From I-96 and I-696 to M-59 09/01/1974 SPR-937-Report.pdf
RR-379 1st Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1974 RR-379-Report.pdf
RR-381 Analysis of Interstate Accidents in Michigan 08/01/1974 RR-381-Report.pdf
RR-380 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Marquette 08/01/1974 RR-380-Report.pdf
RR-382 "Spraygrip" Epoxy Non-Skid Seal 08/01/1974 RR-382-Report.pdf
SPR-933 Air Quality Report for US-31 Berrien County North from Indiana Line 08/01/1974 SPR-933-Report.pdf
SPR-934 Annual Studded Tire Survey, Winter 1973-1974 08/01/1974 SPR-934-Report.pdf
RR-375 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Michigan Goes Multi-Modal - Vol 13 07/01/1974 RR-375-Report.pdf
RR-374 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Model Related Statewide Social Impact Analysis Procedures - Vol 10-B 07/01/1974 RR-374-Report.pdf
RR-372 Analysis of Guardrail Accidents in Michigan 07/01/1974 RR-372-Report.pdf
RR-378 1974 National Transportation Study - Narrative Report 07/01/1974 RR-378-Report.pdf
SPR-930 Study of Bonding Sidewalk and Parapet Concrete to Modified (Water Soluble) Linseed Oil Cured Bridge Deck Pours S. M. Foster 07/01/1974 SPR-930-Report.pdf
RR-376 A Laboratory Investigation of Diagrammatic Highway Guide Sign Messages M. M. Zajkowski 07/01/1974 RR-376-Report.pdf
SPR-931 Route Location Noise Study and Analysis, M-275 (I-96 and I-696 Northerly to M-59) 07/01/1974 SPR-931-Report.pdf
SPR-932 Air Quality Report for I-69 From US-27 to Morrice, Clinton and Shiawassee Counties 07/01/1974 SPR-932-Report.pdf
SPR-929 Air Quality Report for Proposed I-69 from I-96 to US-27 07/01/1974 SPR-929-Report.pdf
RR-373 1973 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 07/01/1974 RR-373-Report.pdf
RR-377 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - Phase 1 07/01/1974 RR-377-Report.pdf
RR-369 The Marking and Signing of Three-Lane,Two-Way Highways TSD-238-74. Donald J. Mercer 06/01/1974 Road markings RR-369-Report.pdf
SPR-918 Noise Study and Analysis, City of Pontiac ? Oakland County, East Boulevard Extension, South Boulevard to Woodward Ave 06/01/1974 SPR-918-Report.pdf
SPR-923 In-Place Stabilization of Soil-Aggregate Mixtures with Bituminous Materials (Progress Report) 06/01/1974 SPR-923-Report.pdf
SPR-916 Protective Coatings for Highway Metals 06/01/1974 SPR-916-Report.pdf
SPR-925 Experimental Concrete Pavement Ramps (Progress Report) 06/01/1974 SPR-925-Report.pdf
SPR-926 Evaluation of Riding Quality of Sandstone Hot Bituminous Mix 06/01/1974 SPR-926-Report.pdf
RR-370 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Statewide Socio-Economic Data File - Vol 9 06/01/1974 RR-370-Report.pdf
SPR-915R Noise Study and Analysis, M-51 City of Niles ? Berrien County, Main Street to Pucker Street 06/01/1974 SPR-915R-Report.pdf
SPR-927 Noise Study and Analysis, Cities of Allen Park, Dearborn Heights, and Taylor ? Wayne County, Reconstruction of the I-94 and M-39 Interchange 06/01/1974 SPR-927-Report.pdf
RR-371 Prewetted Salt Report - 1973-1974 06/01/1974 RR-371-Report.pdf
SPR-924 Evaluation of Resin Core Particle Board as a Sign Backing Material 06/01/1974 SPR-924-Report.pdf
SPR-751 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials, Infrared Spectra of Epoxy Resins See 1971 Report Volume 06/01/1974 SPR-751-Report.pdf
SPR-922 Noise Study and Analysis, US-131 Big Rapids Northerly to Ashton 06/01/1974 SPR-922-Report.pdf
SPR-835 Glacial Aggregate Evaluation in Kalamazoo County and Vicinity Michigan 05/01/1974 SPR-835-Report.pdf
SPR-914 An Investigation of the Definition of Frost Heave Textured Material 05/01/1974 SPR-914-Report.pdf
SPR-917 ?StriCel? Highway Stripe Remover from Atlas International, Inc. of Colorado 05/01/1974 SPR-917-Report.pdf
SPR-919 Cellex Cellular Concrete for Precast Noise Barriers 05/01/1974 SPR-919-Report.pdf
SPR-920R Air Quality Report for Proposed M-29, City of Algonac 05/01/1974 SPR-920R-Report.pdf
RR-367 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: System Impact Analysis Graphic Display - Vol I-L 05/01/1974 RR-367-Report.pdf
RR-368 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Proximity Analysis: Social Impacts of Alternate Highway Plans on Public Facilities - Vol 1-D 05/01/1974 RR-368-Report.pdf
SPR-913 Field Inspections of One and Two-Stage Joint Sawing Procedures 05/01/1974 SPR-913-Report.pdf
RR-365 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Berrien County 04/01/1974 RR-365-Report.pdf
RR-366 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Environmental Sensitivity Computer Mapping - Vol 6-A 04/01/1974 RR-366-Report.pdf
SPR-909R Air Quality Report for M-51 Relocation ? Berrien County 04/01/1974 SPR-909R-Report.pdf
SPR-911 Experimental Joint Spacing Project (Construction Report) 04/01/1974 SPR-911-Report.pdf
SPR-910 Evaluation of Load Transfer Assemblies (Progress Report) 04/01/1974 SPR-910-Report.pdf
RR-364 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Jackson County 03/01/1974 RR-364-Report.pdf
SPR-892 Automatic Weighting of Vehicles in Motion and Collection of Traffic Data by Electronic Methods Michigan State Highway 03/01/1974 Traffic data; Weigh in motion scales SPR-892-Report.pdf
SPR-905 General Evaluation of Current Concrete Pavement Performance in Michigan, Jointed Concrete Pavement Deterioration Considered as a Probability Process 03/01/1974 SPR-905-Report.pdf
SPR-908 Bulkhead Joints for Concrete Base Shoulders (Progress Report) C. J. Arnold, M. A. 03/01/1974 SPR-908-Report.pdf
SPR-906 Air Quality Report for US-24 (Telegraph Rd.), Oakland County 03/01/1974 SPR-906-Report.pdf
RR-363 Evaluation of a Polycarbonate Vehicular Traffic Signal 03/01/1974 RR-363-Report.pdf
SPR-907 Survey and Recommendations Concerning Aluminum Anchor Bolts on Bridge Rails C. J. Arnold 03/01/1974 SPR-907-Report.pdf
SPR-903 Office Memorandum: Study of Glare Due to Parking Lot Lighting on US-127 near M-36, Mason 02/19/1974 SPR-903-Report.pdf
RR-361 Color Coding Study for Freeway Markings Median Delineation Phase 02/01/1974 RR-361-Report.pdf
SPR-902 Air Quality Report for I-75 Zilwaukee Bridge 02/01/1974 SPR-902-Report.pdf
SPR-900 1973 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 02/01/1974 SPR-900-Report.pdf
SPR-898 Experimental Concrete and Bituminous Shoulders (Progress Report) M. A. Chiunti 02/01/1974 SPR-898-Report.pdf
SPR-901 Final Report on Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 02/01/1974 Railroad SPR-901-Report.pdf
SPR-904 Dow Two-Component Self Leveling Urethane Joint Sealant 02/01/1974 SPR-904-Report.pdf
RR-362 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Computer Run Times-An Aid In Selecting Statewide Travel Model System Size - Vol 11 02/01/1974 RR-362-Report.pdf
RR-360 Origin & Destination Study of Two Single Stations on M-26 - Houghton County 01/01/1974 RR-360-Report.pdf
SPR-897 Legibility Distance of I-69 Reflector Button Legend Signs G.M. Smith 01/01/1974 SPR-897-Report.pdf
RR-346 1st Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1973-1974 01/01/1974 RR-346-Report.pdf
RR-357 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Effective Speed Model: A Public Interaction Tool - Vol I-K 01/01/1974 RR-357-Report.pdf
RR-347 Charlevoix External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1974 RR-347-Report.pdf
RR-348 Alma/St. Louis External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1974 RR-348-Report.pdf
RR-349 Manistee Area Transportation Study - External Survey 01/01/1974 RR-349-Report.pdf
RR-350 Standish External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1974 RR-350-Report.pdf
RR-353 Michigan State Airport System Plan thru 1990 - Final 01/01/1974 RR-353-Report.pdf
RR-352 The Lamp Road - A History of the Lansing, Alma, Mt. Pleasant and Northern Railroad 01/01/1974 RR-352-Report.pdf
SPR-896 Investigation of Structural Tees, Galvanized in Sections in a Truss-Type Pedestrian Bridge A. J. Permoda 01/01/1974 SPR-896-Report.pdf
RR-355 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Kalamazoo County 01/01/1974 RR-355-Report.pdf
RR-354 An Evaluation of the 1965-66, 1966-67 Tree Removal Programs - Supplement 01/01/1974 RR-354-Report.pdf
RR-359 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Statewide Economic Impact Analysis Procedures - Vol 10-C 01/01/1974 RR-359-Report.pdf
RR-358 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Impact of 50, 55 or 60 MPH Statewide Speed Limit - Report No 12 01/01/1974 RR-358-Report.pdf
RR-035 1972 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 01/01/1974 RR-035-Report.pdf
RR-356 1972 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 01/01/1974 RR-356-Report.pdf
RR-303 Profile of the Topics Program in Michigan - 1969-1973 Michigan Dept. of State Highways 12/31/1973 RR-303-Report.pdf
SPR-895 Faulting of Short Slab Concrete Pavements 12/01/1973 SPR-895-Report.pdf
SPR-893 Drainability Analysis of Samples Submitted to the Porous Materials Specification Committee by District Soils Engineers 12/01/1973 SPR-893-Report.pdf
RR-345 Statewide Transportation Model multiple Applications: Ambulance Service Area Analysis: Report No. 8 12/01/1973 RR-345-Report.pdf
SPR-444 1962 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paint (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1973 SPR-444-Report.pdf
RR-344 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Calhoun County 11/01/1973 RR-344-Report.pdf
SPR-889 Investigation of Narrow Width Reinforcing Mats and Longer Slabs with Slip-Form Paving 10/01/1973 SPR-889-Report.pdf
SPR-888 Current Research Laboratory Program L. T. Oehler 10/01/1973 SPR-888-Report.pdf
SPR-885 A Hot-Mix Asphalt Compaction Demonstration Experiment Comparing Vibratory and Conventional Rollers 10/01/1973 SPR-885-Report.pdf
SPR-890 Traffic Noise Level Predictor Computer Program 10/01/1973 SPR-890-Report.pdf
RR-343 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Capacity Adequacy Forecasting Model - Vol 7- A 10/01/1973 RR-343-Report.pdf
RR-342 Statewide Transportation Model Multiple Applications: Community College Service Area Analysis: Part A - Report No. 1 10/01/1973 RR-342-Report.pdf
SPR-887 Annual Studded Tire Survey, Winter 1972-1973 10/01/1973 SPR-887-Report.pdf
SPR-886 Air Quality Section for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-96 10/01/1973 SPR-886-Report.pdf
SPR-891 Aluminum-Coated Chain Link Fence 10/01/1973 SPR-891-Report.pdf
RR-341 Mapping Socio-Economic Data with Symap: Procedure Model - Vol 9-A 09/01/1973 RR-341-Report.pdf
RR-340 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Reference Handbook No. 7 - 1980 Census Data 09/01/1973 RR-340-Report.pdf
SPR-884 Feasibility of Hearth Slag for Bases 09/01/1973 SPR-884-Report.pdf
SPR-883 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1972 Test Program 09/01/1973 SPR-883-Report.pdf
SPR-1073 Report on Commission Auditor?s Recommendations Nos. 25, 27, 28 Michigan State Highway Commission 08/01/1973 SPR-1073-Report.pdf
SPR-876 Movement Study of Bridge Piers C. J. Arnold 08/01/1973 SPR-876-Report.pdf
SPR-875 Bridge Deck Construction C. J. Arnold 08/01/1973 SPR-875-Report.pdf
SPR-858 Dynamic Load Aspects of Truck Size and Weigh J. R. Darlington 08/01/1973 Dynamic loads; Trucks by weight SPR-858-Report.pdf
SPR-880 Air Quality Section for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed M-99 08/01/1973 SPR-880-Report.pdf
SPR-882 Air Quality Section for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed Northwestern Highway 08/01/1973 SPR-882-Report.pdf
SPR-877 ?Quaker-Klat? Black Bituminous Coating (Quaker State Oil Co.) 08/01/1973 SPR-877-Report.pdf
SPR-881 Corrosion Resistance of Dowel Bats (Organic Coatings) 08/01/1973 SPR-881-Report.pdf
RR-338 An Informational Report on Non-Motorized Transportation as it Applies to Michigan Michigan Dept. of State 08/01/1973 RR-338-Report.pdf
SPR-878 Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Overlay 08/01/1973 SPR-878-Report.pdf
SPR-879 Construction and Impact Testing of a Short Section of Experimental Concrete Glare Screen 08/01/1973 SPR-879-Report.pdf
RR-335 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Service-Area Model - Vol I-J 08/01/1973 RR-335-Report.pdf
RR-336 MI Statewide Transportation Model: Data Conversion Process for Dept of Treasury-Tax Rate and Assessed Valuation Info - Vol 9-C 08/01/1973 RR-336-Report.pdf
RR-337 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model - Comprehensive Statewide Planning-A Multiple Benefit of a Statewide Transportation Modeling System 08/01/1973 RR-337-Report.pdf
RR-339 M-22 External Origin & Destination Survey - Leelanau County - Factual Data Report 08/01/1973 RR-339-Report.pdf
RR-333 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Transportation Planning Psychological Impact Model - Vol 1-G 07/01/1973 RR-333-Report.pdf
SPR-868 ?Resil-a-Post? Flexible Traffic Guide Post 07/01/1973 SPR-868-Report.pdf
SPR-873 Reflectorization of Fluorescent Flagman Vests 07/01/1973 SPR-873-Report.pdf
SPR-870 Evaluation of Liquid Chemicals for Preventing Ice Formation on Highway Bridge Decks J. H. DeFoe 07/01/1973 SPR-870-Report.pdf
SPR-872 Evaluation of Six Commercial Fast-Setting Hydraulic Patching Mortars, a Latex Bonding Agent, and an Epoxy Emulsion Admixture 07/01/1973 SPR-872-Report.pdf
RR-334 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Air and Noise Pollution System Analysis Model - Vol 1-F 07/01/1973 RR-334-Report.pdf
SPR-862 Air Quality Section for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-475 07/01/1973 SPR-862-Report.pdf
SPR-865 M-99 Logan Street, City of Lansing, Noise Study 07/01/1973 SPR-865-Report.pdf
SPR-869 Joint Failures on I-75 North of Flint 07/01/1973 SPR-869-Report.pdf
RR-331 Effect of Clear Vision Right-of-Way on Traffic Accidents at Urban and Rural Signalized Intersections 07/01/1973 RR-331-Report.pdf
RR-332 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Level of Service Systems Analysis Model-A Public Interaction Application - Vol 1-H 07/01/1973 RR-332-Report.pdf
SPR-871 Experimental Patching Concrete Field Application on Test Bridge S01 of 33035 A (WB M-36 Over US-127) H. L. Patterson 07/01/1973 SPR-871-Report.pdf
SPR-874 Noise Study for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-475 07/01/1973 SPR-874-Report.pdf
SPR-867 Pull-Out Test Results of Hilti Fastening Systems 06/01/1973 SPR-867-Report.pdf
SPR-866 Failure of Preformed Guy-Grip Dead-Ends Used for Suspending Steel Cable from Poles M. N. Clyde 06/01/1973 SPR-866-Report.pdf
SPR-861 An Evaluation of Mastic-Type Paving Mixtures for Resurfacing a Roadway and a Bridge Deck F. Copple 06/01/1973 SPR-861-Report.pdf
RR-329 Michigan Statewide Modeling System: Synopsis - Vol 4-A 06/01/1973 RR-329-Report.pdf
SPR-863 Summary of Roadway Luminaire Test Results (1971-72) 06/01/1973 SPR-863-Report.pdf
RR-330 A Statewide Transportation Modeling System Effectively Meets the Transportation Challenge of the 70's 06/01/1973 RR-330-Report.pdf
SPR-859 Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Pavements 06/01/1973 SPR-859-Report.pdf
RR-328 Statewide Project Report: Proximity of Automobile Injury Accidents to Hospitals - Parts A & B - Report No. 4 06/01/1973 RR-328-Report.pdf
SPR-864 Rest Area Simulation Model L. E. DeFrain 06/01/1973 SPR-864-Report.pdf
RR-326 1974 National Transportation Study - Working/Discussion Paper No 1: Definition and Analysis of Alternative Transportation Program Structures 05/01/1973 RR-326-Report.pdf
RR-325 Design Factors for Bituminous Concrete 05/01/1973 RR-325-Report.pdf
SPR-860 1974 National Transportation Study M. N. Clyde 04/01/1973 SPR-860-Report.pdf
SPR-856 PSI Values for I-94 from Telegraph to Wyoming 04/01/1973 SPR-856-Report.pdf
SPR-852 Experimental Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Overlay 04/01/1973 SPR-852-Report.pdf
RR-324 Ann Arbor DART Pilot Project 04/01/1973 RR-324-Report.pdf
SPR-857 Bulkhead Joints for Concrete Base Shoulders M. A. Chiunti 04/01/1973 SPR-857-Report.pdf
SPR-853R Simplified Technique for Traffic Noise Level Estimation 04/01/1973 SPR-853R-Report.pdf
RR-322 Driver Behavior at Rural Parallel and Taper Exit Ramps 04/01/1973 RR-322-Report.pdf
RR-323 Statewide Project Report: Industrial Park Proximity Analysis - Report No. 3 04/01/1973 RR-323-Report.pdf
SPR-855 Random Observations on Performance of Highway Striping in Lansing During 1972-73 Winter 03/01/1973 SPR-855-Report.pdf
SPR-819 Kralastic Plastic for Non-Reflectorized Signs 03/01/1973 SPR-819-Report.pdf
SPR-818 Cycolac Plastic for Non-Reflectorized Signs 03/01/1973 SPR-818-Report.pdf
SPR-854 Water Quality Investigation on Griffin Lake at the Interchange of M-78 and M-15 03/01/1973 SPR-854-Report.pdf
SPR-851 Further Noise Predictions for I-696 EIS-II 03/01/1973 SPR-851-Report.pdf
SPR-814 Statewide Determination of Highway Loadings and Conversion to 18-Kip Single Axle Load Equivalence F. Copple 03/01/1973 Equivalent single axle loads SPR-814-Report.pdf
RR-321 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Monroe County 03/01/1973 RR-321-Report.pdf
SPR-850 Preliminary Study of the Constant Dry Weight (No Weighing) Method of Compaction Control 03/01/1973 SPR-850-Report.pdf
RR-318 Statewide Project Report: Proximity of People to General Purpose Hospitals: Report No. 2 02/01/1973 RR-318-Report.pdf
RR-317 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Vol 1-B: Single and Multiple Corridor Analysis 02/01/1973 RR-317-Report.pdf
SPR-827 Investigation of Low and Erratic Concrete Pavement Core Compressive Strength 02/01/1973 SPR-827-Report.pdf
SPR-848 Corrosion of Aluminum Posts for Bridge Railings C. J. Arnold 02/01/1973 SPR-848-Report.pdf
SPR-849 Air Quality Section for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-475 02/01/1973 SPR-849-Report.pdf
SPR-830R Air Quality Section for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-696 02/01/1973 SPR-830R-Report.pdf
RR-320 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Traffic Forecasting Applications: Single and Multiple Corridor Analysis - Vol I-B 02/01/1973 RR-320-Report.pdf
RR-319 Statewide Project Report: Regional Park Proximity Analysis - Report No. 6 02/01/1973 RR-319-Report.pdf
RR-305 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Schoolcraft County 01/01/1973 RR-305-Report.pdf
RR-302 Evaluation of Two Safety Projects for Curve Superelevation and Drainage Correction 01/01/1973 RR-302-Report.pdf
RR-307 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Portage 01/01/1973 RR-307-Report.pdf
RR-315 Michigan Trunkline Accident Facts, an Evaluation of the States - 1971 Accident Experience 01/01/1973 RR-315-Report.pdf
SPR-821 Development of Louvered Signs to Reduce Wind Load Michigan State Highway 01/01/1973 SPR-821-Report.pdf
SPR-845 Galvanized Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks C. J. Arnold 01/01/1973 SPR-845-Report.pdf
SPR-843 Semicircular Galvanized Steel Underdrain Pipe (?Full Flo Subdrain?) J. D. Culp 01/01/1973 SPR-843-Report.pdf
SPR-844 Experimental concrete and Bituminous Shoulder Construction Report C. J. Arnold, M. A. 01/01/1973 SPR-844-Report.pdf
SPR-846 1972 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 01/01/1973 SPR-846-Report.pdf
SPR-847 Testing and Evaluation of Corrugated Polyethylene Plastic Drainage Tubing 01/01/1973 SPR-847-Report.pdf
RR-314 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Task Group 5 - General Aviation Plan 01/01/1973 RR-314-Report.pdf
SPR-842 Experimental Concrete Pavement Ramps Construction Report 01/01/1973 SPR-842-Report.pdf
RR-310 Monroe External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1973 RR-310-Report.pdf
RR-311 Frankfort-Elberta External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1973 RR-311-Report.pdf
RR-312 Kalkaska External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1973 RR-312-Report.pdf
RR-313 Ludington Area Transportation Study - External Survey 01/01/1973 RR-313-Report.pdf
RR-316 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Proximity of Airports with Scheduled Service to Population - Report No. 5 01/01/1973 RR-316-Report.pdf
RR-309 East Jordan External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1973 RR-309-Report.pdf
RR-306 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in the city of St Joseph 01/01/1973 RR-306-Report.pdf
RR-308 Data Collection Procedures for Determination and Updating of Highway Needs in Michigan 01/01/1973 RR-308-Report.pdf
RR-304 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Lenawee County 01/01/1973 RR-304-Report.pdf
RR-300 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Graphic Display of Accident Area - Report No 19 12/01/1972 RR-300-Report.pdf
RR-301 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Development of the Statewide SocioEconomic Data Bank For Trip Generation-Distribution: Vol 5-B 12/01/1972 RR-301-Report.pdf
SPR-841 Further Noise Predictions for I-696 EIS 12/01/1972 SPR-841-Report.pdf
SPR-839 Laboratory Evaluation of Type 190 Preformed Neoprene Joint Seal and Lubricant Adhesives in Skewed Bridge Joints 11/01/1972 SPR-839-Report.pdf
RR-298 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Design Hour Volume Model Development - Vol 7 11/01/1972 RR-298-Report.pdf
RR-299 Abnormal Stiffening of Concrete Containing Chemical Water-Reducing and Retarding Mixtures 11/01/1972 RR-299-Report.pdf
SPR-840 Air Quality Environmental Impact Statement for Proposed I-275 from I-94 to M-153 11/01/1972 SPR-840-Report.pdf
SPR-838 Joint Repair by Epoxy Injection 11/01/1972 SPR-838-Report.pdf
RR-297 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Corridor Location Dynamics - Vol 6 11/01/1972 RR-297-Report.pdf
SPR-834 The Effects of Pavement Drainage Gratings on Bicycle Control for Narrow-Tired Bicycles L. T. Oehler 10/04/1972 SPR-834-Report.pdf
SPR-836 Evaluation of Catch Basin Grates 10/01/1972 SPR-836-Report.pdf
RR-294 Three Experiments with Transverse Pavement Stripes and Rumble Bars 10/01/1972 RR-294-Report.pdf
RR-293 Field Evaluation of A Flexible Traffic Guide Post 10/01/1972 RR-293-Report.pdf
SPR-296 Progress Report on Study of Dynamic Load Aspects of Truck Size and Weight C. C. Rhodes 10/01/1972 Trucks by weight; Dynamic loads SPR-296-Report.pdf
SPR-837 Frost Insulating Properties of Asphalt-Treated Bases 10/01/1972 SPR-837-Report.pdf
RR-295 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Model Application Turnbacks - Vol 1-C 10/01/1972 RR-295-Report.pdf
RR-296 Flint-Genesee County Transportation Study - System Analysis Report 1 10/01/1972 RR-296-Report.pdf
SPR-832 Environmental Geologic Impact Statement 09/01/1972 SPR-832-Report.pdf
SPR-828 Pollution of Michigan Urban Atmospheres by Highway Generated Noise 09/01/1972 SPR-828-Report.pdf
SPR-831 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1971 Test Program 09/01/1972 SPR-831-Report.pdf
SPR-920 Alleged Damage to the Residence of G. McAvon Due to Traffic Induced Vibrations 09/01/1972 SPR-829-Report.pdf
SPR-833 Cambridge Green Subdivision Noise Impact Study 09/01/1972 SPR-833-Report.pdf
RR-291 Statewide Project Report: Rifle Range Proximity Analysis: Report No. 7 08/01/1972 RR-291-Report.pdf
RR-257 Prediction of the Magnitudes and Frequencies of Floods in Michigan 08/01/1972 RR-257-Report.pdf
RR-292 Flint-Genesee County Transportation Study - Network Calibration Study 08/01/1972 RR-292-Report.pdf
SPR-826 Investigation of Traffic-Induced Vibration at McDade Inc., Real Estate Office in Dearborn 08/01/1972 SPR-826-Report.pdf
RR-290 MI Statewide Transportation Modeling System: Single Station Origin Destination Analysis Process Procedures - Vol 5-A 07/01/1972 RR-290-Report.pdf
SPR-825 Expansion Anchors for Lane Ties 07/01/1972 SPR-825-Report.pdf
SPR-820 The Environmental Geology of Proposed I-69 07/01/1972 SPR-820-Report.pdf
SPR-823 Federal and State Air Quality Environmental Protection Requirements and Some Alternative Plans to Meet Them 07/01/1972 SPR-823-Report.pdf
SPR-824 Corrugated Metal Pipe Culvert Disintegration, I-75 Mackinac County J. T. Ellis 07/01/1972 SPR-824-Report.pdf
RR-288 Evaluation of "Lakelite" Aggregate as a Lightweight Fill Material 06/01/1972 RR-288-Report.pdf
SPR-817 Field Evaluation of Acid-Treated Open Hearth Slag Base Course (I-75 Dearborn Street Interchange) 06/01/1972 SPR-817-Report.pdf
RR-287 Michigan Trunkline Accident Facts, an Evaluation of the States - 1970 Accident Experience 06/01/1972 RR-287-Report.pdf
SPR-822 Demonstration of Vermeer Saw (I-75 Genesee County) 06/01/1972 SPR-822-Report.pdf
RR-289 Arrow Aiming In Traffic Guide Signs: A Laboratory Investigation 06/01/1972 RR-289-Report.pdf
SPR-816 Effect of Temperature on the Elastic Response of Asphalt Treated Base Materials 06/01/1972 SPR-816-Report.pdf
RR-286 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Adrian 06/01/1972 RR-286-Report.pdf
RR-284 External Origin & Destination Analysis Process Procedures - Vol 5-B 05/01/1972 RR-284-Report.pdf
RR-285 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Travel Model Development Reformation Trip Data Bank Preparation - Vol 5-A 05/01/1972 RR-285-Report.pdf
SPR-785 Photometric Test for Reflex Reflective Materials 05/01/1972 SPR-785-Report.pdf
SPR-815 Hydroplaning on Highways 05/01/1972 SPR-815-Report.pdf
SPR-805 A Method of Determining Subbase Drainability 04/01/1972 SPR-805-Report.pdf
SPR-810 Environmental Geologic Study of the Proposed I-69 Alternate Routes 04/01/1972 SPR-810-Report.pdf
RR-282 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Niles 04/01/1972 RR-282-Report.pdf
RR-283 Public Transportation Information Reporting System Development 04/01/1972 RR-283-Report.pdf
RR-281 Evaluation of an Operational Change at 17 Locations 04/01/1972 RR-281-Report.pdf
SPR-813 Evaluation of Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Applied in the Lansing Area in 1968 and 1969 04/01/1972 SPR-813-Report.pdf
SPR-812 Evaluation of Manhole Step (Giant Step No. 170), Construction Products Corp. 04/01/1972 SPR-812-Report.pdf
SPR-807 Expansion Anchors for Use as Lane Ties 03/01/1972 SPR-807-Report.pdf
SPR-806 Environmental Geologic Study of the Proposed US-131 Corridor 03/01/1972 SPR-806-Report.pdf
SPR-809 Skid Testing of Seal Coats 03/01/1972 SPR-809-Report.pdf
RR-279 I-75 Lane Drop Study at the Davison Freeway 03/01/1972 RR-279-Report.pdf
RR-280 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Escanaba 03/01/1972 RR-280-Report.pdf
SPR-808 Snow Plow Damage of ?Transflex? Bridge Seals L. T. Oehler 03/01/1972 SPR-808-Report.pdf
SPR-804 Construction Report on Concrete Pavement Joint Repair with Pre-Cast Slabs 02/01/1972 SPR-804-Report.pdf
SPR-771 Report on Ten-Year Service of Experimental Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in Michigan 02/01/1972 SPR-771-Report.pdf
SPR-802 Developing Composition Specifications for Traffic Paints: Regular-Dry Type 02/01/1972 SPR-802-Report.pdf
SPR-803 Elastizell? as an Insulator for Highway Bases 02/01/1972 SPR-803-Report.pdf
SPR-801 Pull-Out Tests of Scotchkote-Coated Dowel Bars 02/01/1972 SPR-801-Report.pdf
SPR-800 Environmental Geologic Study of the Proposed US-127 Alternate Routes 01/01/1972 SPR-800-Report.pdf
RR-272 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Technical Report 01/01/1972 RR-272-Report.pdf
RR-264 Study of the Operational Aspects of One-Way and Two-Way Streets 01/01/1972 RR-264-Report.pdf
RR-275 An Investigation of Weather Factor Effects on Traffic Accidents 01/01/1972 RR-275-Report.pdf
RR-266 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Battle Creek 01/01/1972 RR-266-Report.pdf
RR-274 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Task Group 4 - Proposed System Plan 01/01/1972 RR-274-Report.pdf
RR-276 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Three Rivers 01/01/1972 RR-276-Report.pdf
RR-273 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Interim Report - Data Collection and Analysis Methods 01/01/1972 RR-273-Report.pdf
RR-269 Grayling External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1972 RR-269-Report.pdf
RR-270 Rogers City External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1972 RR-270-Report.pdf
RR-271 Tawas Cities Area External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1972 RR-271-Report.pdf
RR-277 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model Workshop-Region 4: Vol 1-A 01/01/1972 RR-277-Report.pdf
RR-265 14-Foot Wide Mobile and Modular Home Transit Study 01/01/1972 RR-265-Report.pdf
RR-267 Cheboygan External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1972 RR-267-Report.pdf
RR-268 Gaylord External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1972 RR-268-Report.pdf
RR-210 Mackinac Bridge - Mackinac County - Origin Destination Study - 1967, 1969, 1970 01/01/1972 RR-210-Report.pdf
RR-278 Airline Passenger Survey at Selected Michigan Airports 01/01/1972 RR-278-Report.pdf
RR-234 Initiating a Transportation Plan for the Northwest Michigan Region 12/31/1971 RR-234-Report.pdf
SPR-796 Study of Delayed Set in Bridge Deck Pour (S05 of 63103) M. G. Brown 12/01/1971 SPR-796-Report.pdf
SPR-798 1971 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White Pavement Marking Paints 12/01/1971 SPR-798-Report.pdf
SPR-797 Experimental Vehicle Traffic Control Signals: A Final Report 12/01/1971 SPR-797-Report.pdf
RR-263 Aggregate Factors in Bituminous Mixture Design 12/01/1971 RR-263-Report.pdf
SPR-799 Evaluation of ?Poxicon? Fly Ash Concrete Admixture, Interim Report 12/01/1971 SPR-799-Report.pdf
SPR-791 Studded Tires: Their Effect on Highways and Vehicle Safety in Michigan F. Copple 11/01/1971 SPR-791-Report.pdf
RR-260 Truck Speed Study: Evaluation of Hill-Climbing Ability of Motor Trucks 11/01/1971 RR-260-Report.pdf
SPR-794 Installation of Traffic Loop Detectors 11/01/1971 SPR-794-Report.pdf
RR-261 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Semi-Automatic Network Generator Using a Digitizer - Vol 3-A 11/01/1971 RR-261-Report.pdf
SPR-790R Recommendations Concerning Concrete Pavement Design and Maintenance 11/01/1971 SPR-790R-Report.pdf
RR-262 Michigan Marine Gas Tax Study 11/01/1971 RR-262-Report.pdf
SPR-792 Performance Evaluation of Mixed-in-Place Bituminous Stabilized Shoulder Gravel 11/01/1971 SPR-792-Report.pdf
SPR-795 Analyses of Stream Water Along US-131 Relocation in Kent and Montcalm Counties, A Progress Report 11/01/1971 SPR-795-Report.pdf
SPR-793 Noise Impact on Community Building and Pleasant Ridge Recreation Area Due to Proposed I-696 Extension 11/01/1971 SPR-793-Report.pdf
SPR-788 Evaluation of Polyethylene Strip for Forming Centerline Joint, Final Report 10/01/1971 SPR-788-Report.pdf
RR-259 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Hancock 10/01/1971 RR-259-Report.pdf
SPR-789 Survey of Pavement Joint Conditions 10/01/1971 SPR-789-Report.pdf
RR-258 Area Economic Significance of Rail Car Ferry Service Across the Straits of Mackinac 09/01/1971 RR-258-Report.pdf
SPR-787 Air Quality Analyses for the Proposed MSU Cross Campus M-43 09/01/1971 SPR-787-Report.pdf
SPR-786 Traffic Noise Factors Related to the Proposed MSU Cross Campus Route 09/01/1971 SPR-786-Report.pdf
SPR-780 Experimental Shoring to Reduce Vibration During Bridge Deck Widening C. J. Arnold 08/01/1971 SPR-780-Report.pdf
SPR-779 Highway Quality Control Program C. D. Church 08/01/1971 SPR-779-Report.pdf
SPR-776 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1970 Test Program 08/01/1971 SPR-776-Report.pdf
SPR-774 Determination of Extent of Fire Damage to Span 7 of X03 of 25042 (Ramp B over GT&W RR and I-75 ? M-78 Interchange Southwest of Flint) 08/01/1971 SPR-774-Report.pdf
SPR-783 Determination and Improvement of Relevant Pavement Skid Coefficients 08/01/1971 SPR-783-Report.pdf
SPR-782 Pull-Out Tests of Adiprene-Coated Dowel Bars 08/01/1971 SPR-782-Report.pdf
SPR-781 Permeability Characteristics of Various Subbase Materials 08/01/1971 SPR-781-Report.pdf
SPR-777 Pull-Out Testing of McCormick Precoated Dowel Bars 08/01/1971 SPR-777-Report.pdf
RR-256 Study of Rural Freeway Emergency Communications for Stranded Motorists 08/01/1971 RR-256-Report.pdf
SPR-758 Theoretical Analysis of a Flexible Pavement Model E. L. Marvin 08/01/1971 SPR-758-Report.pdf
SPR-778 Epoxy Mortar Surfacing on the Creyts Road Bridge Over I-496, Lansing (S05 of 23081A): A Report on the First and Second Annual Field Inspections H. L. Patterson 08/01/1971 SPR-778-Report.pdf
SPR-784 Ambient Air Quality Analyses for the Proposed I-696 Corridor 08/01/1971 SPR-784-Report.pdf
SPR-773 Alleged damage to the Residence of S. D. Fralick Due to Traffic Induced Vibrations 07/01/1971 SPR-773-Report.pdf
RR-253 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Marquette County 07/01/1971 RR-253-Report.pdf
SPR-775 A Survey of Vehicles Using Studded, Smooth, or Snow Tires in Michigan 07/01/1971 SPR-775-Report.pdf
RR-254 Socio-Economic Projections - Midland Transportation Study 07/01/1971 RR-254-Report.pdf
RR-255 Analysis of Alternative Rail Passenger Routings in the Detroit-Chicago Corridor 07/01/1971 RR-255-Report.pdf
SPR-772 Bridge Deck Cracking Investigation on the Three Continuous Spans of B01 of 73101 E (I-675/Saginaw River) H. L. Patterson 07/01/1971 SPR-772-Report.pdf
SPR-769 Further Evaluation of Open Hearth Slag as a Highway Base Material 07/01/1971 SPR-769-Report.pdf
SPR-770 Extent of Gasoline Fire Damage to B02 or 63031, US-24 and US-10 Over the Franklin River in Bingham Farms 07/01/1971 SPR-770-Report.pdf
RR-251 Investigation into Using Air in the Permeability Testing of Granular Soils 06/01/1971 RR-251-Report.pdf
RR-248 An Evaluation of the 1965-66, 1966-67 Tree Removal Programs 06/01/1971 RR-248-Report.pdf
SPR-768 Alleged Damage to the Residence of H. C. Dewitt Due to Traffic Induced Vibrations 06/01/1971 SPR-768-Report.pdf
RR-252 The Michigan Intercity Passenger Demand Model 06/01/1971 RR-252-Report.pdf
RR-250 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Multi Level Highway Network GeneratorSegmental Model - Vol 3 06/01/1971 RR-250-Report.pdf
SPR-744 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials, Use of Infrared Spectrophotometry in Acceptance Testing Membrane Curing Compounds for Concrete 06/01/1971 SPR-744-Report.pdf
RR-249 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Ionia 06/01/1971 RR-249-Report.pdf
RR-247 Study of Specific Gravity as a Criterion of Aggregate Quality 05/01/1971 RR-247-Report.pdf
SPR-767 Strain and Deflection Measurements on an Experimental Orthotropic Bridge C. J. Arnold 05/01/1971 SPR-767-Report.pdf
SPR-746 Evaluation of Aggregate Sources of Glacial Origin 05/01/1971 SPR-746-Report.pdf
SPR-762 Progress Report, Concrete Pavement Joint Repair with Pre-Cast Slabs 04/01/1971 SPR-762-Report.pdf
RR-246 Michigan State Airport Plan 1970-1975 04/01/1971 RR-246-Report.pdf
SPR-766 Second Annual Studded Tire Survey, Winter 1970-71 04/01/1971 SPR-766-Report.pdf
SPR-763 Concrete capping Study Final Report, Groesbeck Highway (Project F 50-7, C5) US-127 (project f 33-54, C2) 03/01/1971 SPR-763-Report.pdf
RR-244 Michigan Highway Safety Program - Maintenance Standards and Construction Area Practices 03/01/1971 RR-244-Report.pdf
SPR-765 Design Recommendation for Continuous Reinforced Pavements in Michigan 03/01/1971 SPR-765-Report.pdf
RR-245 Martis-Brown Recommendation on the Use of Steel Marker Posts 03/01/1971 RR-245-Report.pdf
SPR-760 1970 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White Traffic Paints plus Comparative Paints 02/01/1971 SPR-760-Report.pdf
SPR-753R The Effect of Fines (P-200) on Bituminous Base Mixtures 02/01/1971 SPR-753R-Report.pdf
SPR-759 Determination of Concrete Strength in the Arch Ribs of Bridge B01 of 22011 (M-95 over Menominee River) H. L. Patterson 02/01/1971 SPR-759-Report.pdf
RR-240 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Mason County 02/01/1971 RR-240-Report.pdf
RR-242 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in St Joseph County 02/01/1971 RR-242-Report.pdf
RR-241 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Montgomery County 02/01/1971 RR-241-Report.pdf
RR-239 Evaluation of a Safety Project: Reconstruction of Median Crossovers 02/01/1971 RR-239-Report.pdf
RR-243 MI Statewide Transportation Forecasting Model: Development of Network Models - Vol II 02/01/1971 RR-243-Report.pdf
SPR-747 Michigan Department of State Highways Equipment for Measuring Pavement Skid Resistance 02/01/1971 SPR-747-Report.pdf
SPR-764 Low Density Polyethylene Foam for Pressure Relief Joints 01/01/1971 SPR-764-Report.pdf
RR-231 Widening a Four Lane Roadway to Five Lanes and Providing a Center Lane for Left Turns 01/01/1971 RR-231-Report.pdf
RR-237 High Speed Profilometry 01/01/1971 RR-237-Report.pdf
SPR-761 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness, 1970 Test Program 01/01/1971 SPR-761-Report.pdf
RR-235 Study of Past and Future Trends of Travel Across Mackinac Bridge, Mackinac County Michigan Dept. of State 01/01/1971 Trend, traffic, Mackinac, bridge, Revenue, forecast RR-235-Report.pdf
RR-232 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Benzie County 01/01/1971 RR-232-Report.pdf
RR-236 Munising Origin Destination Study - External Survey - Factual Data Report 01/01/1971 RR-236-Report.pdf
RR-238 Final Report of Experimental Orthotropic Bridge J. E. Risch 01/01/1971 RR-238-Report.pdf
RR-233 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Dowagiac 01/01/1971 RR-233-Report.pdf
RR-212 Functional Highway Classification for 1970 Needs Study 12/31/1970 RR-212-Report.pdf
RR-227 Report on the Use of Cold Plastic Marking Materials 12/01/1970 RR-227-Report.pdf
RR-230 MI Statewide Traffic Forecasting Model: Vol 1-Objectives & Work Program 12/01/1970 RR-230-Report.pdf
RR-228 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Lapeer County 12/01/1970 RR-228-Report.pdf
RR-229 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Osceola County 12/01/1970 RR-229-Report.pdf
SPR-755 Proposed Highway Testing Laboratory and Research Laboratory 11/01/1970 SPR-755-Report.pdf
SPR-757 Plastic Beads for Traffic Paint from Dow Chemical Company 11/01/1970 SPR-757-Report.pdf
SPR-754 Evaluation of Hardy Salt for Ice Control Purposes 11/01/1970 SPR-754-Report.pdf
SPR-756 Textured Concrete Pavement Surfaces 11/01/1970 SPR-756-Report.pdf
RR-225 An Evaluation of the 1967-1968 Skidproofing Program Traffic and Safety Division 11/01/1970 RR-225-Report.pdf
RR-226 Report on the Use of the Sectional Cantilever H. Mendez 11/01/1970 sectional cantilever, steel pole, Installations, shaft, control signs RR-226-Report.pdf
SPR-752 Paint Peeling on Pressure-Treated Posts: Tests Correction by Substituting DuPont ?Lucite? Latex for MDSH No. 6B White Paint 10/01/1970 SPR-752-Report.pdf
SPR-731 Evaluation and Application Study of the General Motors Corporation Rapid Travel Profilometer J. R. Darlington 10/01/1970 SPR-731-Report.pdf
RR-224 Report on a Study of Michigan's Aviation Development Program 10/01/1970 RR-224-Report.pdf
RR-223 Midland Aviation Survey 09/01/1970 RR-223-Report.pdf
SPR-749 Evaluation of a Quasi-Elastic Modulus of Granular Base Material 09/01/1970 SPR-749-Report.pdf
SPR-750 Michigan?s Experience with Neoprene Compression Seal 09/01/1970 SPR-750-Report.pdf
RR-221 SCORE: Systematic Correction of Roadside Environment 09/01/1970 RR-221-Report.pdf
SPR-735 Development of Nuclear Methods for Quality Control of Highway Embankment Construction 09/01/1970 SPR-735-Report.pdf
RR-222 Grand Haven Airport Study 09/01/1970 RR-222-Report.pdf
SPR-728 A Coordinated Highway Data System for Michigan, (Development of Computer-Based Storage and Retrieval System for State Highway Road & Bridge Construction Data) 09/01/1970 SPR-728-Report.pdf
SPR-748 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance, 1969 Test Program 08/01/1970 SPR-748-Report.pdf
SPR-719 Prediction of Subjective Response to Road Roughness Using the General MotorsMichigan Department of State Highways Rapid Travel Profilometer L. F. Holbrook 07/01/1970 SPR-719-Report.pdf
SPR-723 Determination of Cement Content of Hardened Slag Concrete 07/01/1970 SPR-723-Report.pdf
SPR-745 Evaluation of Nuclear Method for Asphalt Testing 07/01/1970 SPR-745-Report.pdf
RR-220 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Tuscola County 06/01/1970 RR-220-Report.pdf
SPR-743 Pavement Joint Spacing in Portland Cement Concrete Pavements 06/01/1970 SPR-743-Report.pdf
SPR-740 ASTM A588 Steel in M-102 Structure over I-696 in Detroit L. T. Oehler 05/01/1970 SPR-740-Report.pdf
SPR-739 Evaluation of Open Hearth Slag as a Highway Base Material 05/01/1970 SPR-739-Report.pdf
SPR-741 An Evaluation of "Effective and Dependable" Reflectorization for Registration Plates 05/01/1970 SPR-741-Report.pdf
SPR-738 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness, 1969 Test Program 05/01/1970 SPR-738-Report.pdf
SPR-742 ?Bisymmetric Glass Beads? for Pavement Marking from the 3M Company 05/01/1970 SPR-742-Report.pdf
SPR-737 Construction of Joint Load Transfer Test Road to Evaluate Acme Load Transfer Assemblies, Plastic Coated Dowels and End-of-Pour Construction Joint Assemblies 04/01/1970 SPR-737-Report.pdf
SPR-736 ?Liquid Green Lite? 3M?s Instant Setting Traffic Paint 04/01/1970 SPR-736-Report.pdf
SPR-734 Evaluation of Paczyme as a Soil Stabilizing Agent 04/01/1970 SPR-734-Report.pdf
RR-219 An Evaluation of the 1966-1967 Skidproofing Program Traffic and Safety Division 04/01/1970 RR-219-Report.pdf
SPR-730 Use of Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete H. L. Patterson 04/01/1970 SPR-730-Report.pdf
SPR-732 Spun-Concrete Light Poles, I-96 and I-296 Kent County 03/01/1970 SPR-732-Report.pdf
RR-217 Evaluation of Changing the Assignment of Vehicle Right of Way at a Rural Trunkline Intersection 03/01/1970 RR-217-Report.pdf
SPR-733 Studded Tire Survey, Winter 1970 03/01/1970 SPR-733-Report.pdf
RR-216 Development of a an Internally Illuminated School Speed Limit Sign 03/01/1970 RR-216-Report.pdf
RR-218 Procedures Manual for The Determination and Establishment of No Passing Zones 03/01/1970 RR-218-Report.pdf
SPR-729 Urethane Foam Insulation of Bridge Concrete C. A. Zapata 02/01/1970 SPR-729-Report.pdf
RR-215 An Evaluation of the 1965-1966 Skidproofing Program Traffic and Safety Division 02/01/1970 RR-215-Report.pdf
RR-213 Performance of Mayari R Weathering Steel (ASTM A242) in Bridges at the 8 Mile Rd and John Lodge Expressway in Detroit, Michigan J. C. Zoccola 01/01/1970 weathering, steel, bridge, road , soil, traffic, bridge beam RR-213-Report.pdf
RR-211 Big Rapids Area Transportation Study - External Survey 01/01/1970 RR-211-Report.pdf
RR-214 Michigan's Experience with Different Materials and Designs on the Skid Resistance of Bituminous Pavements P.J. Serafin 01/01/1970 RR-214-Report.pdf
SPR-725 Investigation of Pavement Damage by Gasoline Truck Fires to M-20, (Control Section 56023), City of Midland and US-27 (Control Section 37017, C4), South of Mt. Pleasant 01/01/1970 SPR-725-Report.pdf
SPR-726 Performance of Latex-Modified Mortar on Concrete Bridge Decks W. J. Frederick 01/01/1970 SPR-726-Report.pdf
SPR-721 Summary of Highway Department Concern in Connection with the Use of Tire Studs 12/01/1969 SPR-721-Report.pdf
SPR-724 Propane Warning Lights 12/01/1969 SPR-724-Report.pdf
SPR-722 Aluminum-Coated (Hot Dipped) Bolts for Bridge Railing Posts A. J. Permoda 11/01/1969 SPR-722-Report.pdf
SPR-720 1968 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1969 SPR-720-Report.pdf
RR-209 Alpena Area Traffic Study - Factual Data and Trip Tables 10/01/1969 RR-209-Report.pdf
SPR-715 Evaluation of Five Commercial Fast-Setting Hydraulic Patching Mortars 10/01/1969 SPR-715-Report.pdf
SPR-718 Joint Load Transfer Test Road to Evaluate Acme Load Transfer Assemblies, Plastic Coated Dowels, and End-of-Pour Construction Joint Assemblies 10/01/1969 SPR-718-Report.pdf
RR-208 Redesign of Bituminous Binder and Leveling Courses E. Tons 09/01/1969 RR-208-Report.pdf
RR-207 Interchange Ramp Color Delineation and Marking Study 09/01/1969 RR-207-Report.pdf
SPR-717 Corrosion-Resistant Guardrail 09/01/1969 SPR-717-Report.pdf
SPR-716 Protection of Substructure Concrete from A588 Steel Staining by Use of an AluminumPigmented Coating 08/01/1969 SPR-716-Report.pdf
SPR-709 Evaluation of Styrofoam as Insulation Against Frost Action in a Flexible Pavement Foundation 08/01/1969 SPR-709-Report.pdf
SPR-713 ?Alert Reflective Liquid? (Cataphote Corp.) 08/01/1969 SPR-713-Report.pdf
RR-206 Development of Procedures for Process Inspection of Heavy Media Beneficiation Plants for Coarse Aggregate 08/01/1969 RR-206-Report.pdf
SPR-704 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance; 1968 Test Program 08/01/1969 SPR-704-Report.pdf
SPR-712 Polyethylene Center Strip 07/01/1969 SPR-712-Report.pdf
SPR-710 Evaluation of Lane Tie Bolts for Slip-Form Paving 07/01/1969 SPR-710-Report.pdf
RR-204 Field Evaluation of Reflective Delineation Markers 07/01/1969 RR-204-Report.pdf
SPR-708 Proposed Highway Research Laboratory L. T. Oehler 07/01/1969 SPR-708-Report.pdf
RR-205 Thermoplastic Highway Striping Materials: Interim Report 07/01/1969 RR-205-Report.pdf
RR-202 A Study of Cold Plastic Pavement Marking Materials 06/01/1969 RR-202-Report.pdf
SPR-705 Reflective Sheeting Deterioration on Plywood 06/01/1969 SPR-705-Report.pdf
SPR-701 Permafused Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 06/01/1969 SPR-701-Report.pdf
SPR-711 Performance of Michigan?s Postwar Concrete Pavement 06/01/1969 SPR-711-Report.pdf
SPR-699 Application of Thermoanalytical Techniques to Highway Materials 06/01/1969 SPR-699-Report.pdf
SPR-706 Third Progress Report on Thermoplastic Pavement Markings on W. P. Chrysler Freeway 06/01/1969 SPR-706-Report.pdf
SPR-703 Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement: Welded Bar Mat Reinforcement 06/01/1969 SPR-703-Report.pdf
RR-203 Formation of the Detroit Freeway Operations Unit 06/01/1969 RR-203-Report.pdf
SPR-707 Investigation of Alleged Residential Vibration Damage 06/01/1969 SPR-707-Report.pdf
RR-200 Turning Path Determination Procedure: A Study to Verify Predicted Turning Paths 05/01/1969 RR-200-Report.pdf
SPR-702 Survey of Substructures on Edsel Ford Freeway R. L. Felter 05/01/1969 SPR-702-Report.pdf
SPR-700 Pavement Cracking on I-75 in Hamtramck 05/01/1969 SPR-700-Report.pdf
RR-201 Driveway Study: A Study of Urban Driveway Approach Geometrics 05/01/1969 RR-201-Report.pdf
SPR-697 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness; 1968 Test Program 05/01/1969 SPR-697-Report.pdf
SPR-696 Protective Coatings for Highway Metals: Fourth Progress Report: Protective Coatings for Structural Stee 04/01/1969 SPR-696-Report.pdf
SPR-698 Progress Report on Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 04/01/1969 Railroad SPR-698-Report.pdf
SPR-692 Methods For Evaluating Deterioration of In-Service Reflective Sheeting Signs M.H. Janson, G.M. Smith 04/01/1969 SPR-692-Report.pdf
RR-199 Aviation and Economic Development 03/01/1969 RR-199-Report.pdf
SPR-694 Hot Mix Component-Recordation Evaluation 03/01/1969 SPR-694-Report.pdf
RR-198 Accident Analysis and Cost Justification - Left Side Pennant Sign US-12 03/01/1969 RR-198-Report.pdf
RR-197 Study of Freeway Weigh Station Signing C. L. Richard 03/01/1969 weigh stations; freeways; signs RR-197-Report.pdf
SPR-695 Evaluation of Experimental Signs M.H. Janson 03/01/1969 SPR-695-Report.pdf
RR-196 Guide for the Preparation of Right of Way Plans 02/01/1969 RR-196-Report.pdf
RR-195 A Study of Selection of Yellow Clearance Intervals for Traffic Signals 02/01/1969 RR-195-Report.pdf
RR-194 PARCLO Terminal Study - Evaluation of driver errors and turning movements 02/01/1969 RR-194-Report.pdf
SPR-693B Joint Repairs on M-59 near Howell 02/01/1969 SPR-693B-Report.pdf
RR-191 A Review of the Michigan Criteria for Marking No Passing Zones: 1968 01/01/1969 RR-191-Report.pdf
RR-190 Evaluation of Low Profile Lights for Pavement Delineation 01/01/1969 RR-190-Report.pdf
RR-184 Evaluation of a Safety Project: Replacement of Bi-Directional Crossover with Pair of Directional Crossovers 01/01/1969 RR-184-Report.pdf
RR-192 Detroit Freeway Surveillance & Control Evaluation 01/01/1969 RR-192-Report.pdf
RR-187 Port Huron Area Origin Destination Study - Screenline Adjustment Report 01/01/1969 RR-187-Report.pdf
RR-186 Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study - Trip Generation and Gravity Model Calibration 01/01/1969 RR-186-Report.pdf
RR-185 Fremont External Origin & Destination Study - Factual Data Report 01/01/1969 RR-185-Report.pdf
RR-327 Freeway Curve Analysis 01/01/1969 RR-327-Report.pdf
RR-188 Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Studies D. E. Cleveland 01/01/1969 RR-188-Report.pdf
RR-189 History of the Michigan State Ferries 01/01/1969 RR-189-Report.pdf
SPR-691 Evaluation of Electrostatic Spray Equipment in Painting Highway Steel 01/01/1969 SPR-691-Report.pdf
SPR-685 Stabilization of Base Course Aggregates with Rock Salt 01/01/1969 SPR-685-Report.pdf
RR-193 Study of the Operational Aspects of One Way and Two Way Streets 01/01/1969 RR-193-Report.pdf
SPR-714 Research Laboratory Operations L. T. Oehler 01/01/1969 SPR-714-Report.pdf
RR-182 Evaluation of a Safety Project ? Widening of M-17 from Four to Five Lanes 12/01/1968 RR-182-Report.pdf
SPR-679 Corrosion Performance of Aluminum Culverts, Second Progress Report J. T. Ellis 12/01/1968 SPR-679-Report.pdf
RR-183 Sault Ste. Marie Area Traffic Study 12/01/1968 RR-183-Report.pdf
SPR-690 Pull-Out Tests on RS-9 Expansion Anchors 12/01/1968 SPR-690-Report.pdf
RR-179 Freeway Curve Analysis: Preliminary 11/01/1968 RR-179-Report.pdf
RR-180 Evaluation of a Removal of Curb Parking and Conversion to 5 Lane Street Operation-M153 (Ford Rd) in Garden City 11/01/1968 RR-180-Report.pdf
RR-181 The Port Huron Area Travel Study - Weekday Travel Patterns 11/01/1968 RR-181-Report.pdf
SPR-689 Evaluation of Octopus Safety Marker Model No. OC-5-30-64 11/01/1968 SPR-689-Report.pdf
SPR-688 Anchorage Resistance of Standard Hook-Bolts 11/01/1968 SPR-688-Report.pdf
SPR-686 Expansion Joint Spalling on I-75 10/01/1968 SPR-686-Report.pdf
SPR-680 Pavement Damage Related to Tire Studs 10/01/1968 SPR-680-Report.pdf
SPR-684 Feasibility of Portland Cement Concrete Shoulder Construction L. T. Oehler 10/01/1968 SPR-684-Report.pdf
SPR-683 Evaluation of Sawed-Sealed Longitudinal Joints Between Bituminous Shoulders and Rigid Pavement as a Means of Reducing Longitudinal Shoulder Cracking C. A. Zapata 09/01/1968 SPR-683-Report.pdf
SPR-682 Latex-Cement Coating for Metal (Dow Co. SM-200) 09/01/1968 SPR-682-Report.pdf
SPR-681 Evaluation of ?Protecto + ? Styrene-Foam Concrete Cylinder Molds 09/01/1968 SPR-681-Report.pdf
SPR-693A Joint Spalling on State Project BI 49025G, C22, Mackinac County on I-85 from Junction with M-134 Northerly 6.9 Miles 08/01/1968 SPR-693A-Report.pdf
SPR-666 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials ? Third Progress Report: Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph 08/01/1968 SPR-666-Report.pdf
SPR-677 The Effect of Slab Warpage on Stresses at Contraction Joints 08/01/1968 SPR-677-Report.pdf
RR-177 The Potential for Use of Alternative Fuels in Michigan's Public Transit Systems 07/01/1968 RR-177-Report.pdf
SPR-678 Office Memorandum: Report on Experimental Raised Traffic Markers on I-75 in Detroit A. J. Permoda 07/01/1968 SPR-678-Report.pdf
SPR-674 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance ? 1967 Test Program 07/01/1968 SPR-674-Report.pdf
RR-176 Study of Freeway Weigh Station Signing C. L. Richard 06/01/1968 weigh stations; freeways; signs RR-176-Report.pdf
SPR-655A U.S. Rubber ?Uniroyal? Advertising Sign, I-94, Detroit ? An addendum to Research Report No. SPR-655 L. T. Oehler 06/01/1968 SPR-655A-Report.pdf
SPR-676 Second Inspection Report of Field Application of ?Speed Crete? Patching Mixtures 06/01/1968 SPR-676-Report.pdf
SPR-673 Investigation of Low Flexural Strengths on Project U 17032-005 05/01/1968 SPR-673-Report.pdf
SPR-675 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness ? 1967 Test Program 05/01/1968 SPR-675-Report.pdf
SPR-672 Final Report on Test Applications of 3M?s ?Green Lite or Liquid Instant Set? Paint Stripin 05/01/1968 SPR-672-Report.pdf
SPR-671 Study of Frost Action in Class AA Shoulders Near Pontiac E. C. Novak, Jr. 04/01/1968 SPR-671-Report.pdf
RR-174 Caro State Highway Plan 04/01/1968 RR-174-Report.pdf
RR-173 Proposed Field Experiment for Application of Quality Control to Sampling for Gradation Analysis of 22A Aggregate 04/01/1968 RR-173-Report.pdf
RR-175 Aviation Facilities and Activities Study Tri-County Regional Planning Commission 04/01/1968 Aviation, Air Transportation Facilities RR-175-Report.pdf
SPR-670 Performance of Joint Sealants Used in 1964 Through 1967 Michigan Construction,Third Annual Report 04/01/1968 SPR-670-Report.pdf
SPR-662 ?Parlon? Based Curing and Sealing Compounds, Second Progress Report 03/01/1968 SPR-662-Report.pdf
SPR-668 Procedures for Repairing Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements 03/01/1968 SPR-668-Report.pdf
SPR-667 Repair of Plastic Shrinkage Cracks in the Deck of the Nine Mile Road Bridge Over I-75 H. L. Patterson 03/01/1968 SPR-667-Report.pdf
SPR-665 3M High-Intensity Reflective Sheeting Delineator Failure 02/01/1968 SPR-665-Report.pdf
RR-171 Iron Mountain / Kingsford / Norway - Origin & Destination Study - Accuracy Checks 01/01/1968 RR-171-Report.pdf
SPR-663 Evaluation of ?Peneprime? as a Stabilizing Agent for Aggregate Shoulders 01/01/1968 SPR-663-Report.pdf
SPR-664 A Progress Report on the Evaluation and Application Study of General Motors Rapid Travel Road Profilometer J. R. Darlington 01/01/1968 SPR-664-Report.pdf
SPR-638 The Effects of Loadings on Bridge Life G. R. Cudney 01/01/1968 SPR-638-Report.pdf
RR-172 Usage of Pavement Marking Materials by Government Agencies in the United States in 1965 01/01/1968 RR-172-Report.pdf
SPR-649 Michigan Investigation of Soil Aggregate Cushions and Reinforced Asphaltic Concrete for Preventing or Reducing Reflection Cracking of Resurfaced Pavements 01/01/1968 SPR-649-Report.pdf
SPR-658 Development of a One-Point Cone Test for Determining Maximum Density of Granular Materials 12/01/1967 SPR-658-Report.pdf
SPR-675R Investigation of Concrete Pavement Cores from the Northbound I-75 Freeway 12/01/1967 SPR-657R-Report.pdf
SPR-641 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials: Second Progress Report; Detection and Determination of Ground, Cured Scrap Rubber in Hot- Poured Joint Sealers 12/01/1967 SPR-641-Report.pdf
RR-169 Interchange Ramp Color Delineation and Marking Study - Erratic Movement Survey Report 12/01/1967 RR-169-Report.pdf
SPR-660 Comments on the Systems and Procedures Section Report Concerning Combining the Testing Laboratory and the Research Laboratory L. T. Oehler 12/01/1967 SPR-660-Report.pdf
SPR-661 Seventh Progress Report on Special Test Painting on M-78 Bridge Structural Steel L. T. Oehler 12/01/1967 SPR-661-Report.pdf
SPR-669 Final Progress Report on Polymer Plastic Marker Posts 12/01/1967 SPR-669-Report.pdf
SPR-659 The Effect of Shearing Deformations on Pull-Out Resistance of Steel Dowels Embedded in Concrete 12/01/1967 SPR-659-Report.pdf
SPR-652 Investigation of Rigid Fuse Plates for Use on Breakaway Signs (Progress Report) E. L. Marvin 11/01/1967 SPR-652-Report.pdf
RR-168 M-53 Corridor Planning Study 11/01/1967 RR-168-Report.pdf
SPR-655 U.S. Rubber ?Uniroyal? Advertising Sign, I-94, Detroit G. M. Smith 10/01/1967 SPR-655-Report.pdf
SPR-656 1966 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 10/01/1967 SPR-656-Report.pdf
RR-167 Allegan State Highway Plan 10/01/1967 RR-167-Report.pdf
RR-166 Tri-County Facts About Aviation Passengers - Clinton, Ingham and Eaton 09/01/1967 RR-166-Report.pdf
SPR-653 Progress Report on ?Terbec C-7? Soil Stabilizer 09/01/1967 SPR-653-Report.pdf
SPR-634 Final Report on Michigan Experimental Transverse Joint Project 09/01/1967 SPR-634-Report.pdf
SPR-490 Determination of Air Content in Hardened Concrete by Gamma-Ray Transmission 09/01/1967 SPR-490-Report.pdf
SPR-654 Extrusion of Neoprene Seals from Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavement 09/01/1967 SPR-654-Report.pdf
SPR-651 Investigation of Foreign Material Embedded in the Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement of the Seaway Freeway (I-75) Construction Project I82194A 08/01/1967 SPR-651-Report.pdf
SPR-645 Fast Drying Traffic Paints 08/01/1967 SPR-645-Report.pdf
SPR-637 Effectiveness of Sawed-Sealed Longitudinal Joints Between Bituminous Shoulders and Rigid Pavement in Reducing Longitudinal Shoulder Cracking: First Progress Report C. A. Zapata 08/01/1967 SPR-637-Report.pdf
SPR-647 Field Evaluation of Six-Volt and Twelve-Volt Flashers G. M. Smith 08/01/1967 flashers SPR-647-Report.pdf
SPR-646 Inspection Report of Field Applications of ?Speed Crete? Patching Mixtures 08/01/1967 SPR-646-Report.pdf
SPR-648 Use of a Concrete Sealant on the High Level Bridge, I-75, Detroit (B01 of 82194G) H. L. Patterson 08/01/1967 SPR-648-Report.pdf
SPR-650 Research Laboratory Division Operations L. T. Oehler 07/01/1967 SPR-650-Report.pdf
SPR-644 Report on Witcogard Rustproofer for Guard Rails 07/01/1967 SPR-644-Report.pdf
SPR-643 Damaged Impellers for Storm Water Pumps 07/01/1967 SPR-643-Report.pdf
SPR-642 Effect of De-Icing Chemicals on Air-Entrained Concrete at Early Ages 07/01/1967 SPR-642-Report.pdf
SPR-640 Static Field Tests of Kwik-Bolt and Phillips Stud-Type Concrete Anchors 06/01/1967 SPR-640-Report.pdf
SPR-639 Mercury Vapor ?Super Lumen? Lights (Jewel Electric Products Inc.) 06/01/1967 SPR-639-Report.pdf
SPR-636 Low Compressive Strength of Concrete Pavement Cores from the Eastbound I 75- Fisher Freeway (Sta. 1101+07 to 1101+70, construction Project BI 82194H, C21, Part1) 05/01/1967 SPR-636-Report.pdf
SPR-627 Failure of Center-Mount Delineators: A Summary of Research Laboratory Observations 05/01/1967 SPR-627-Report.pdf
SPR-632 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness: 1966 Test Program 04/01/1967 SPR-632-Report.pdf
SPR-631 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance: 1966 Test Program 04/01/1967 SPR-631-Report.pdf
SPR-635 Demonstration of Schmidt Post Driver L. T. Oehler 04/01/1967 posts; pile driving SPR-635-Report.pdf
SPR-626 ?Confilm? Spray-On Film for Control of Evaporation From Fresh Concrete 04/01/1967 SPR-626-Report.pdf
SPR-633 Method of Test and Equipment for Measurement of Pavement Skid Resistance 04/01/1967 SPR-633-Report.pdf
SPR-630 Laboratory Testing of Bituminous Base Course Samples: I-75 North of Wolverine (Construction Project EBI 16093), C3RN 03/01/1967 SPR-630-Report.pdf
SPR-628 First Progress Report on 1966 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 03/01/1967 SPR-628-Report.pdf
SPR-624 Stabilization of Granular Base Materials with Rock Salt 03/01/1967 SPR-624-Report.pdf
SPR-625 Performance of Joint Sealants Used in 1964, 1965, and 1966 Michigan Construction 03/01/1967 SPR-625-Report.pdf
SPR-629 Driving Performance of Aluminum Delineator Posts 03/01/1967 SPR-629-Report.pdf
SPR-621 Investigation of Concrete Overruns on I-69 Two-Span Continuous-Type Bridges: Pearl Beach Road Over I-69 (S11 of 12033 E. L. Marvin 02/01/1967 SPR-621-Report.pdf
RR-165 Michigan's Bituminous Experimental Road - Final Report P.J. Serafin, L.L. Kole, A.P. Chritz 02/01/1967 RR-165-Report.pdf
SPR-623 Investigation of Concrete Pavement Cracking on the Southbound I-75 Fisher Freeway (Sta. 987+00 to 990+00, Construction Project BI 82194E, C4) 02/01/1967 SPR-623-Report.pdf
RR-161 Holland-Zeeland Area Transportation Study 01/01/1967 RR-161-Report.pdf
RR-160 Michigan Rest Area Study: 1967 Transportation Survey and Analysis 01/01/1967 RR-160-Report.pdf
SPR-620 Safety and Economic Considerations in Use of Corrosion-Resistant Steel for Bridge Structures L. T. Oehler 01/01/1967 SPR-620-Report.pdf
RR-163 Holland-Zeeland Area Transportation Study - Accuracy Checks and Screenline Adjustment 01/01/1967 RR-163-Report.pdf
SPR-619 Field Tests of Epoxy Grout and Expansion Anchors: Supplement to Research Report No. SPR-579 01/01/1967 SPR-619-Report.pdf
SPR-622 Investigation of Pavement Damage Caused by Gasoline Truck Fire on Northbound US-23 near Fenton (Construction Project 25031, C2) 01/01/1967 SPR-622-Report.pdf
RR-164 Petoskey External Origin Destination Study - Factual Data and Trip Tables 01/01/1967 RR-164-Report.pdf
RR-162 Analysis of Alternatives for the North Gratiot Ave Improvement in Mt Clemens 01/01/1967 RR-162-Report.pdf
SPR-616 Artesian Flow of Sulfide Water: I-75 over US-25 (I 82191J, C25) 12/01/1966 SPR-616-Report.pdf
SPR-618 Field Test Applications of ?Speed Crete? Patching Mixtures 12/01/1966 SPR-618-Report.pdf
RR-159 Cassopolis State Highway Plan 12/01/1966 RR-159-Report.pdf
SPR-617 ?Parlon? Based Curing and Sealing Compound, First Progress Report 12/01/1966 SPR-617-Report.pdf
SPR-568 Development of a Neutron Gage for Determination of Mixing Efficiency of Central Mix Concrete Plants 12/01/1966 SPR-568-Report.pdf
SPR-612 Michigan?s Experience with Nuclear Gages for Measuring Soil Compaction 11/01/1966 SPR-612-Report.pdf
SPR-615 Michigan?s System for Weighing, Dimensioning, and Classifying Vehicles in Motion P. Milliman 11/01/1966 Weighing devices; Weigh in motion; Vehicle weight; Vehicle classification SPR-615-Report.pdf
SPR-613 Flashing Arrow-Bar Traffic Control Signs: A Report of Comparison Testing 11/01/1966 SPR-613-Report.pdf
SPR-592 Compaction Control of a Major Construction Project With the Michigan Nuclear Gage: US-127 Relocation, Holt Road to I-96 (F 33035B, C1 BI 33084A, C21) 11/01/1966 SPR-592-Report.pdf
SPR-586 Application for Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials: First Progress Report?Determination of Amount of ?Plastiment A? Retarder in Hardened Cement W. L. Frederick 11/01/1966 SPR-586-Report.pdf
SPR-614 Testing of Waste Lime from Bay City 11/01/1966 SPR-614-Report.pdf
SPR-611 1965 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1966 SPR-611-Report.pdf
SPR-602 First Progress Report on Evaluation of Experimental Paint Coatings for Bridge Steel on S01 of 33031, S02 of 33032, S07 of 38131 A. J. Permoda 11/01/1966 SPR-602-Report.pdf
SPR-608 Deck Rippling on Various Michigan Bridges, Third Progress Report C. J. Arnold 10/01/1966 SPR-608-Report.pdf
SPR-607 Deck Rippling on the I-75 Rouge River Bridge (B01 of 82194G, C7), Second Progress Report L. T. Oehler 10/01/1966 SPR-607-Report.pdf
SPR-604 Investigation of Retarder in Bridge Deck Concrete, B04 of 82053A, C39 (US-24 over Upper Branch of Rouge River, Detroit) M. G. Brown 10/01/1966 SPR-604-Report.pdf
SPR-610 Impact Tests of Breakaway Light Poles J.E. Simonsen, F. DeRose 10/01/1966 Breakaway supports, crash tests, luminaires, street lighting, testing SPR-610-Report.pdf
SPR-609 Procedure for Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements 10/01/1966 SPR-609-Report.pdf
SPR-600 Evaluation of the Speedy Moisture Tester 10/01/1966 SPR-600-Report.pdf
SPR-601 Office Memorandum: Break-Away-Sign Supports E.A. Finney 09/19/1966 SPR-601-Report.pdf
SPR-598 Base Course Stabilization with Asphalt Emulsion: US-131 South of Cadillac (Construction Project F 83031A, C6) 09/01/1966 SPR-598-Report.pdf
RR-158 Forecasting General Aviation Activity in Michigan 09/01/1966 RR-158-Report.pdf
SPR-606 ?Fiberglas? Reinforced Plastic Rods 09/01/1966 SPR-606-Report.pdf
SPR-605 ?Surface Modified 1M? Metal coatings (Dow Chemical Company) 09/01/1966 SPR-605-Report.pdf
RR-157 Evaluation of Ice Detecting System: Flint River Bridge Traffic Division 09/01/1966 Ice, Detecting, system RR-157-Report.pdf
SPR-596R Degradation of Base Course Aggregates 09/01/1966 SPR-596-Report.pdf
SPR-581 Sign Brightness in Relation to Legibility T.M. Allen, G.M. Smith, M.H. Janson 08/01/1966 Brightness; Environment; Field tests; Illuminated traffic signs; Legibility; Lettering; Night; Traffic signs SPR-581-Report.pdf
SPR-594 Presstite Tape for Protection of New Joints Before Sealing 08/01/1966 SPR-594-Report.pdf
SPR-595 ?Fiberglass? Reinforced Plastic Rods 08/01/1966 SPR-595-Report.pdf
SPR-591 Corrosion-Resistant Dowel Bars 08/01/1966 SPR-591-Report.pdf
RR-156 Hastings State Highway Plan 07/01/1966 RR-156-Report.pdf
SPR-593 Photometric Test for Reflective Materials 07/01/1966 SPR-593-Report.pdf
RR-155 Reversible Center Lane Traffic System 07/01/1966 RR-155-Report.pdf
SPR-582 An Appraisal of Transverse Joint Base Plates E.A. Finney 06/01/1966 SPR-582-Report.pdf
SPR-571R Evaluation of Stamp Sand as a Substitute for sand Subbase 06/01/1966 SPR-571-Report.pdf
RR-154 A Final Report of Recommendations to the Governor of Michigan by His Special Commission on Transportation Special Commission on Transportatio 06/01/1966 RR-154-Report.pdf
RR-153 Battle Creek State Highway Plan 06/01/1966 RR-153-Report.pdf
SPR-572 Highway Quality Control Program: Statistical Parameters L. T. Oehler 06/01/1966 SPR-572-Report.pdf
RR-152 Emergency Highway Traffic Regulation 06/01/1966 RR-152-Report.pdf
SPR-587 Economic Considerations in the Use of Corrosion-Resistant A 242 Structural Steel for Bridge Structures L. T. Oehler 06/01/1966 SPR-587-Report.pdf
SPR-585 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Skid Resistance: 1965 Test Program P.M. Schafer 06/01/1966 SPR-585-Report.pdf
SPR-570 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness: 1965 Test Program P.T. Luce 06/01/1966 SPR-570-Report.pdf
SPR-584 Fracture-Plane Deterioration of Concrete Bridge Decks: Bridge S05 of 63022, WixomRoad over I-96 G. R. Cudney 05/01/1966 SPR-584-Report.pdf
RR-151 Signal Head Color Study 05/01/1966 RR-151-Report.pdf
SPR-576 Final Report on Test Applications of 3M`s ?Instant Set? Paint Striping 04/01/1966 SPR-576-Report.pdf
SPR-575 Special Cores from Deck and Beams of M-21 Structure 3.7 Miles West of Ada (X01 of 41043) M. G. Brown 04/01/1966 SPR-575-Report.pdf
RR-150 The Motor Vehicle of the Future 04/01/1966 RR-150-Report.pdf
SPR-579 Epoxy and Cement-Type Compounds for Grouting 04/01/1966 SPR-579-Report.pdf
SPR-577 First Progress Report on 1965 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1966 SPR-577-Report.pdf
SPR-578 Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 04/01/1966 SPR-578-Report.pdf
SPR-580 Review of the Department?s Experience with Vinyl Type Coatings for Bridge Structural Steel A. J. Permoda 04/01/1966 SPR-580-Report.pdf
SPR-574 ASTM A 242 Corrosion Resistant Steel (Mayari-R) Panels in Field Exposure Tests on Eight Mile Road Structure in Detroit 04/01/1966 SPR-574-Report.pdf
SPR-573 Accident Damage to Aluminum and Steel Guard Rails 03/01/1966 SPR-573-Report.pdf
SPR-569 Corrosion Performance of Aluminum Culverts, First Progress Report J. T. Ellis, J. E. Simonsen 03/01/1966 SPR-569-Report.pdf
SPR-555R Inspection of Pavement Joints on US-127, Hillsdale County F. Copple 03/01/1966 SPR-555-Report.pdf
SPR-561R Prestressed Concrete Beam Construction Practice C.J. Arnold 03/01/1966 SPR-561R-Report.pdf
SPR-567 1965 Failure and Repair of Continuously Reinforced Experimental Pavement: I-96 from Portland Road to M-66 J.E. Simonsen 02/01/1966 SPR-567-Report.pdf
SPR-566R Slab Faulting Measurements at Blowup Repairs on I-94 near Jackson E.A. Finney 02/01/1966 SPR-566R-Report.pdf
SPR-565 Comparison of Fiber Board and Plywood for Use in Roadside Sign Panels 02/01/1966 SPR-565-Report.pdf
RR-148 The Tourist in Mid-Michigan: An Addendum to Tourist Travel in Michigan 1964 Michigan State Hwy Dept. 01/01/1966 RR-148-Report.pdf
RR-146 Flint Origin Destination Study - Summary Report 01/01/1966 RR-146-Report.pdf
RR-147 Traverse City Area Transportation Study 01/01/1966 RR-147-Report.pdf
SPR-564 Second Annual Inspection of Bridge Decks Sealed with ?EpoXeal? and ?Concrete Sealer? R. H. Merrill 12/01/1965 SPR-564-Report.pdf
SPR-563 Performance of Joint Sealants Used in 1964-65 Michigan Construction J.E. Simonsen, F.J. Bashore 12/01/1965 SPR-563-Report.pdf
SPR-542 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Seventh Progress Report C. D. Church 11/01/1965 SPR-542-Report.pdf
SPR-558 Investigation of Limestone Coarse Aggregate from the Waterville, Ohio, Quarry of the France Stone Company 11/01/1965 SPR-558-Report.pdf
SPR-559 1964 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints, Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County 11/01/1965 SPR-599-Report.pdf
SPR-562 Machine Finishing of I-96 Bridges over the Grand River (B01 and B02 of 2315A) H. C. Brunke 11/01/1965 SPR-562-Report.pdf
SPR-559 1964 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints, Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County 11/01/1965 SPR-559-Report.pdf
SPR-560 Progress Report on Thermoplastic Pavement Markings on W. P. Chrysler Freeway (Projects BI 82111C, C24; BI 82251C,C34) A.J. Permoda 11/01/1965 SPR-560-Report.pdf
SPR-549 Lasers?Theory, Technology, and Applications: Report on a University of Michigan Special Summer Short Course (May 10-21, 1965) W. L. Frederick 10/01/1965 SPR-549-Report.pdf
SPR-557 Grade Separation Carrying Eight Mile Rd over the Couzens Expressway (I-696) A.J. Permoda, W.L. Frederick 10/01/1965 SPR-557-Report.pdf
SPR-527R Field Evaluation of Styrofoam as Insulation Against Frost Effects in Flexible Pavement Foundation Components 10/01/1965 SPR-527-Report.pdf
SPR-556 ?Niteliner? Striping Application on Edsel Ford Freeway (I-94) 10/01/1965 SPR-556-Report.pdf
SPR-553 SS-22 Soil Stabilizer 10/01/1965 SPR-553-Report.pdf
SPR-554 Pavement Characteristics at Scales?1965 Truck Weight Study F. Copple 10/01/1965 Trucks by weight; Weighing devices; Weigh in motion scales SPR-554-Report.pdf
SPR-552 Testing of ?Chempact? and ?Road Packer" 10/01/1965 SPR-552-Report.pdf
SPR-551 X-Ray Technology and Highway Research: Report on an Equipment Symposium: Chicago, June 7-11, 1965 J. T. Ellis 10/01/1965 SPR-551-Report.pdf
SPR-543 Evaluation of Expansion-Contraction Joint Construction Methods: M-153 North of Ypsilanti (Construction Project F 81121A, C2) J.E. Simonsen 09/01/1965 SPR-543-Report.pdf
SPR-547 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling: Three Year Inspection, Fourth Progress Report 09/01/1965 SPR-547-Report.pdf
SPR-545 Joint Blowup, I-94 East of US-127 Bypass, Jackson County F. Copple 09/01/1965 SPR-545-Report.pdf
SPR-541 US-127 Blowup South of Jackson (Construction Project 38-7, C5) J.E. Simonsen 09/01/1965 SPR-541-Report.pdf
SPR-548 Fifth Progress Report on Salt Stabilized Sections of M-46 (Howard City to Newaygo): 1965 Surveys and Testing R.C. Mainfort 09/01/1965 SPR-548-Report.pdf
SPR-529 Use of a Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: Coe Road over US-27, North of Alma (MB S01 of 37013C, C13) R. H. Merrill 09/01/1965 SPR-529-Report.pdf
SPR-546 Testing of ?Coherex? Emulsified Oil 09/01/1965 SPR-546-Report.pdf
SPR-544 Depth of Nuclear Gage Influence in Subbase Testing 08/01/1965 SPR-544-Report.pdf
SPR-540 Aluminum Delineator Posts (Reynolds Metals Co.) 08/01/1965 SPR-540-Report.pdf
RR-144 Laboratory Test Track Investigation of the Skid Resistance of Bituminous Pavements Composed of Hard Type Fine Aggregates T.L.Speer 07/01/1965 RR-144-Report.pdf
RR-032 The Bay City Metropolitan Area Traffic Study 07/01/1965 RR-032-Report.pdf
SPR-538 Damping Bridge Vibration During Construction Widening G. R. Cudney 07/01/1965 SPR-538-Report.pdf
SPR-535 Experimental Shoulder Stabilization on US-23 North of Alpena (MN 04032, C6) R. C. Mainfort 07/01/1965 SPR-535-Report.pdf
SPR-508 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel, Third Progress Report 07/01/1965 SPR-508-Report.pdf
SPR-530 Inspection of Neoprene Preformed Sealant Failures in Battle Creek Projects (I 13033D, C8 and U 13121E, C2, C3) 07/01/1965 SPR-530-Report.pdf
SPR-531 Evaluation of ?Rhap-Trol? Herbicide Spray System 07/01/1965 SPR-531-Report.pdf
SPR-532 Progress Report on Test Applications of 3M`s ?Instant Set? Paint Striping 07/01/1965 SPR-532-Report.pdf
SPR-537 Mercury Vapor ?Super Lumen? Lights (Jewel Electric Products Inc.) 07/01/1965 SPR-537-Report.pdf
RR-141 Laboratory Test Track Investigation of the Skid Resistance of Bituminous Pavements Composed of Hard Type Fine Aggregates 07/01/1965 RR-141-Report.pdf
SPR-533 Inspection of Pavement Joint Blowup on US-131 North of Grand Rapids (Construction Project 41-90, C4) F. Copple 07/01/1965 SPR-533-Report.pdf
SPR-536 Joint Failures on Eastbound I-94, Parma to Jackson (Construction Project 38-48, C9) J.E. Simonsen 07/01/1965 SPR-536-Report.pdf
SPR-526 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness: 1963-64 Test Program P.M. Schafer 06/01/1965 SPR-526-Report.pdf
SPR-524 Sixth Progress Report on Special Painting of Steel Bridge Girders under Project: Bridges and Bridge Railings, Construction and Maintenance A. J. Permoda 06/01/1965 SPR-524-Report.pdf
SPR-520 Survey of I-94 Bridge Crossing Clinton River Cutoff Canal (B01 of 50111) F. Copple 06/01/1965 SPR-520-Report.pdf
SPR-528 Met-Fiber Joint-Forming Material L.T. Oehler 06/01/1965 SPR-528-Report.pdf
SPR-522 Structural Evaluation of Steel Snow Fence Posts 06/01/1965 SPR-522-Report.pdf
SPR-534 ?Adjus-To-Grade? Manhole Casting (National Utility Products Co.) 06/01/1965 SPR-534-Report.pdf
SPR-521 Skid Proofing Treatments at South Cedar Street (US-127) Intersections with Holmes Road and Baker Street in Lansing R.H. Merrill 06/01/1965 SPR-521-Report.pdf
SPR-525 Failures of Two-Component, Cold-Pour Joint Sealant in New Pavement Construction F.J. Bashore 06/01/1965 SPR-525-Report.pdf
SPR-523 Pavement Evaluation of I-94 Control Section 82022: Detroit Industrial Expressway from Ozga Road to US-24 Telegraph Road F. Copple 06/01/1965 SPR-523-Report.pdf
SPR-539 Pavement Evaluation of I-94 Control Sections 81041, 81062, and 81063: Detroit Industrial Expressway from Carpenter Road to Rawsonville Road (Washtenaw-Wayne County Line) F. Copple 06/01/1965 SPR-539-Report.pdf
SPR-518 Evaluation of ?Ethaforam? Proposed Joint Sealer M.G. Brown 05/01/1965 SPR-518-Report.pdf
SPR-519 Evaluation of ?Epoximent? Admixture for Mortar or Concrete 05/01/1965 SPR-519-Report.pdf
RR-143 Study of No Passing Zone Signing 05/01/1965 RR-143-Report.pdf
SPR-513 Performance of Aggregate from the Clarence Sweet Pit (No.3-65) in I-196 Pavement North of South Haven 05/01/1965 SPR-513-Report.pdf
SPR-510 Survey of Substructures on Edsel Ford Freeway O. L. Lindy 05/01/1965 SPR-510-Report.pdf
SPR-497R Studies of Corrosion Resistance of Dowel Bars 05/01/1965 SPR-497-Report.pdf
SPR-517 Dynamic Aspects of Vehicle Size and Weight E.A. Finney 05/01/1965 Vehicle size; Vehicle weight; Gross vehicle weight SPR-517-Report.pdf
SPR-494 Further Development and Evaluation of The Michigan Nuclear Gage 04/01/1965 SPR-494-Report.pdf
SPR-514 Plastic ?Men Working? Sign 04/01/1965 SPR-514-Report.pdf
SPR-507 Test Rod Skidometer Data for the 1964 Test Year P.M. Schafer 04/01/1965 SPR-507-Report.pdf
SPR-516 Inspection of Projects Containing Selected Big Cut Pit Aggregate 04/01/1965 SPR-516-Report.pdf
SPR-515 Plastic Signal Lenses 04/01/1965 SPR-515-Report.pdf
SPR-512 Laboratory Test Results on Safe-Ray Glass Beads (High Intensity) for Pavement Marking 04/01/1965 SPR-512-Report.pdf
SPR-511 Rust Dissolver and Manganesed-Phospholene No. 7 04/01/1965 SPR-511-Report.pdf
SPR-506 Progress Report on 1964 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1965 SPR-506-Report.pdf
SPR-505 Experimental Installation of Chrome-Alloy-Steel Dowels: I-196 from the Grand River to Fuller Avenue, Grand Rapids, Federal Designation I 196-5(47) 72 04/01/1965 SPR-505-Report.pdf
SPR-509 Sampling and Analysis of Artesian Water in Caisson No. 4 on Fisher Expressway (I-75) Crossing Rouge River in Detroit (B01 of 82194G, C1) 04/01/1965 SPR-509-Report.pdf
SPR-496R Evaluation of Two-Component, Cold-Pour Joint Sealing in I-75 Rest Areas: Construction Projects I 25032C, C7; BI 73171C, C19; I 09034C, C10 Federal Designations I-75-2(89), I-75-2(90), I-75-2(91) D.F. Simmons 03/01/1965 SPR-496R-Report.pdf
RR-140 A Performance Investigation of Pile Driving Hammers and Piles Michigan State Hwy 03/01/1965 Soils, test, piles, measuring, procedures, energy, correlation, interpolations, Hammer, ENTHRU; Testing, operations, hammer, operations, piles, soil, measuring; Pile ,load, test, Elastic limit, Yield RR-140-Report.pdf
SPR-500 Operating Manual for the Michigan Nuclear Soil Density-Moisture Gage 03/01/1965 SPR-500-Report.pdf
SPR-495 Field Evaluation of the Ohmart Nuclear Weighing System 03/01/1965 SPR-495-Report.pdf
RR-142 General Aviation Winter Traffic Survey 03/01/1965 RR-142-Report.pdf
SPR-501 Proprietary Surface Conversion Treatments for Aluminum 03/01/1965 SPR-501-Report.pdf
SPR-502 Snap-In Reflector Buttons 03/01/1965 SPR-502-Report.pdf
SPR-504 Effect on Bridges of Proposed Changes in Permissible Truck Loads L.T. Oehler 03/01/1965 SPR-504-Report.pdf
SPR-503 Blink-A-Lite ?Caution? Sign 03/01/1965 SPR-503-Report.pdf
SPR-499 Anti-Glare Fence Specifications B. W. Pocock 02/22/1965 SPR-499-Report.pdf
SPR-493 Performance of Hot-Poured and Cold-Applied Joint Sealers C.C. Rhodes, L.T. Oehler 02/01/1965 SPR-493-Report.pdf
SPR-498 Automatic Weighing of Vehicles in Motion and Collection of Traffic Data by Electronic Methods: Report on Interim Experimental Program Designated ?Post Part A P. Milliman 02/01/1965 Weigh in motion; Traffic data SPR-498-Report.pdf
SPR-492 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Sixth Progress Report C. D. Church 02/01/1965 SPR-492-Report.pdf
RR-139 Maintenance Cost of Rest Areas in Michigan S. M. Cardone 01/01/1965 RR-139-report.pdf
RR-137 Vassar State Highway Plan 01/01/1965 RR-137-Report.pdf
RR-138 Grand Rapids and Environs - Transportation Study - Accuracy Checks and Screenline Adjustment 01/01/1965 RR-138-Report.pdf
SPR-491 Progress Report on Salt Stabilized Sections of M-46 (Howard City to Newaygo): 1964 Surveys and Testing R.C. Mainfort 01/01/1965 SPR-491-Report.pdf
RR-136 Weigh Station Designs: A Comparative Cost Analysis Office of Planning 01/01/1965 Weigh stations; weigh in motion; benefit cost analysis RR-136-Report.pdf
RR-139 Maintenance Cost of Rest Areas in Michigan S. M. Cardone 01/01/1965 RR-139-Report.pdf
SPR-485R Evaluation of Hook Bolts for Longitudinal Bulkhead Construction Joints J. E. Simonsen, P. Milliman 01/01/1965 SPR-485R-Report.pdf
SPR-486 Repair of Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing (NYC RR Crossing US-23 South of Dundee) 01/01/1965 SPR-486-Report.pdf
SPR-488 Study of Defective Concrete in Structures on US-2 West of Watersmeet (B02, B03, B04 of 27023B) R.H. Merrill 12/01/1964 SPR-488-Report.pdf
SPR-487 Construction and Sealing of Transverse Contraction Joints Containing Acme Load Transfer Assemblies J.E. Simonsen 12/01/1964 SPR-487-Report.pdf
SPR-489 Progress Report on Evaluation and Application Study of General Motors Corporation Rapid Travel Profilometer 12/01/1964 SPR-489-Report.pdf
SPR-480 1963 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paint: (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1964 SPR-480-Report.pdf
SPR-473 Early Scaling of Concrete Pavement: US-41 Marquette Bypass (Construction Project U 52042E, C8) M.G. Brown, R.H. Merrill 11/01/1964 SPR-473-Report.pdf
RR-134 Field Use of Nuclear Methods for Quality Control of Soil Compaction Michigan State Hwy 11/01/1964 RR-134-Report.pdf
RR-135 Michigan's Memorial Highways and Bridges Management Services 11/01/1964 Memorial Highways, freeway, bridges & Tunnels ,Lighthouses RR-135-Report.pdf
SPR-484 Performance of Extruded Neoprene Joint Sealer: I-96 from Waverly Road to M-99 (Construction Project EBACI 33083A C1) C. C. Rhodes, J. E. Simonsen, D. F. Simmons 11/01/1964 SPR-484-Report.pdf
SPR-481 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking on W. P. Chrysler Freeway (Projects BI 82111C, C24; BI 82251C, C34) A.J. Permoda 11/01/1964 SPR-481-Report.pdf
SPR-482 Field Installation and Inspection of Polymer Plastic Marker Posts 10/01/1964 SPR-482-Report.pdf
SPR-478 Alleged Damage to Dwelling of A.T. Schmidt, Vassar, Michigan 10/01/1964 SPR-478-Report.pdf
SPR-479 Summary of Laboratory Evaluation of ?Silexore? Protective Coatings for Concrete M.G. Brown 10/01/1964 SPR-479-Report.pdf
SPR-483 Paint Peeling Off Pressure-Treated Wood Posts 10/01/1964 SPR-483-Report.pdf
RR-133 Land Economic Study No 14: I-94 Interchange Study 10/01/1964 RR-133-Report.pdf
SPR-474 Galvanized (Zinc Alloy) Steel Base Plates for Joints O.L. Lindy 09/01/1964 SPR-474-Report.pdf
SPR-468 Contract Resealing of Transverse Joints: Sealing and Performance of 1963 Maintenance Projects D.F. Simmons, J.E. Simonsen 09/01/1964 SPR-468-Report.pdf
SPR-477 Test Application and First Inspection of Koppers Concrete Sealer on Northbound I-496 over GTW RR (X06 of 33045) F.J. Bashore, R.H. Merrill 09/01/1964 SPR-477-Report.pdf
SPR-475 Experimental Use of Goodyear ?Pliopave L-170? Latex Additive in Single Seal of Existing Sealed Shoulders on I-96 near Ionia (Construction Project Group MR-4 SC-5A, Control Section 34044) 09/01/1964 SPR-475-Report.pdf
SPR-476 Application and First Inspection of ?Epoxeal? Penetrating Sealer on Lansing Area Bridge Decks R. H. Merrill 09/01/1964 SPR-476-Report.pdf
SPR-472 Second Annual Inspection of Epoxy Sealer Between the Concrete and Bituminous Wearing Surface of the Approach Deck Spans of the International Bridge at Sault Ste Marie (B01 of 17034) A. J. Permoda 09/01/1964 SPR-472-Report.pdf
SPR-469 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Fifth Progress Report C. D. Church 09/01/1964 SPR-469-Report.pdf
SPR-470 Soil-Aggregate Cushions for Prevention of Reflection Cracking of Resurfaced Pavements, Second Progress Report 09/01/1964 SPR-470-Report.pdf
SPR-471 Evaluation of Telespar Tubing for Use as Highway Sign Supports 09/01/1964 SPR-471-Report.pdf
SPR-467 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling: Two-Year Inspection, Third Progress Report 08/01/1964 SPR-467-Report.pdf
SPR-466 Application and Performance of Epoxy Sealants on Bridge Deck and Walks: Houghton-Hancock Lift Bridge (B01 of 31012) A. J. Permoda 08/01/1964 SPR-466-Report.pdf
SPR-464 Smoke and Corrosive Industrial Refuse Investigation: I-75 High Level Bridge over the Rouge River, Detroit (Construction Project B01 of 82194G) 07/01/1964 SPR-464-Report.pdf
SPR-390 Effects of Axle Loads as Applied by Rubber-Tired Earth-Moving Equipment to Rigid and Flexible Pavement and Bridges F. Copple 07/01/1964 SPR-390-Report.pdf
SPR-465 Pavement Evaluation of I-94 Control Section 82021; Detroit Industrial Expressway from Rawsonville Road (Washtenaw-Wayne County Line) to Hannan Road F. Copple 07/01/1964 SPR-465-Report.pdf
SPR-462 Investigation of Snow Fence Post Breakage 06/01/1964 SPR-462-Report.pdf
SPR-463 Use of Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: Scotten Avenue Over US-12 (Michigan Avenue), Detroit (MB S04 of 82062C, C3) M. G. Brown 06/01/1964 SPR-463-Report.pdf
SPR-460 Fifth Progress Report on Special Painting of Steel Bridge Girders Under Project Bridges and Bridge Railings?Construction and Maintenance A. J. Permoda 05/01/1964 SPR-460-Report.pdf
SPR-461 Skid Test Results at High-Accident Intersections: Districts 1 through 10-1963 Test Program P.M. Schafer, C.D. Church 05/01/1964 SPR-461-Report.pdf
SPR-459 Michigan?s Experiment in Using ?Unitubes? to Form Transverse Joints (Construction Project EBI 33084, C7) J.E. Simonsen, L.T. Oehler 04/01/1964 SPR-459-Report.pdf
SPR-456 Failure of I-94 Joint Sealants: Mt. Clemens to Marysville M.G. Brown, D.F. Simmons 04/01/1964 SPR-456-Report.pdf
SPR-455 Installation and First Inspection of Experimental Joint Sealants on I-496 (Construction Projects I 33045D, C1, S12 and S14 of 33045D) I-496-7(4) 146 A.J. Permoda 04/01/1964 SPR-455-Report.pdf
SPR-451 Lime Treatment of a Detroit Silty Clay; M-39, Southfield Expressway at Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn (Project U 82192B, C21) 04/01/1964 SPR-451-Report.pdf
SPR-457 Progress Report on 1963 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1964 SPR-457-Report.pdf
SPR-453 Fasson Reflective Sheeting (Fasson Products Co.) 03/01/1964 SPR-453-Report.pdf
SPR-454 Decayed Dimension Guard Rail Posts near Farmington 03/01/1964 SPR-454-Report.pdf
SPR-448 Failure and Repair of Experimental Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement: I-96 Portland Road to M-66 J.E. Simonsen 03/01/1964 SPR-448-Report.pdf
SPR-449 Progress Report on ?Tedlar? DuPont Polyvinyl Fluoride Film, Pre-Finished Metals, Inc. 02/01/1964 SPR-449-Report.pdf
SPR-458 Scaling of Concrete Bridge Decks Constructed with Stay-In Place Forms R. H. Merrill 02/01/1964 SPR-458-Report.pdf
SPR-450 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Fourth Progress Report C. D. Church 02/01/1964 SPR-450-Report.pdf
SPR-452 Progress Report on the Experimental Transverse Joint Project I-96 from Meridian Road to Wallace Road L.T. Oehler 02/01/1964 SPR-452-Report.pdf
RR-129 Tourist Travel in Michigan Motorist Services and Reports divis 01/01/1964 RR-129-Report.pdf
RR-131 Survey and Services Report: Tourist Information Centers Motorist Services and Reports divis 01/01/1964 RR-131-Report.pdf
RR-130 Development of a Traffic Wear Factor Based on Axle Load Frequency and Magnitude in AASHTO Road Test Skid Area C.D. Church, L.F. Holbrook 01/01/1964 RR-130-Report.pdf
RR-128 Sault Ste. Marie Area Traffic Study 1964 and 1990 Desireline Diagrams 01/01/1964 RR-128-Report.pdf
RR-132 Place Classification for Trunkline Selection Office of Planning 01/01/1964 Primary highways RR-132-Report.pdf
SPR-428 Construction of Michigan?s Experimental Transverse Joint Project, I-96 from Meridian Road to Wallace Road (Projects EBI 33084, C5 and C7; EBI 33085, C1) J.E. Simonsen 01/01/1964 SPR-428-Report.pdf
SPR-447 Summary of Bituminous Concrete Skid Test Data Relative to Materials M.G. Brown 01/01/1964 SPR-447-Report.pdf
SPR-445 Polymer Plastic Marker Posts (Handley Industries, Inc.) 12/01/1963 SPR-445-Report.pdf
SPR-427R Transverse Cracking of New Concrete Pavement: M-37 from Ballards to Casnovia (Projects BF 41033D, C7U & C8/R; BF 41033E, C9U & C10R; BF 61171A, C1U) O.L. Lindy 12/01/1963 SPR-427R-Report.pdf
SPR-446 Application and First Inspection of Epoxy Sealers Between Concrete and Bituminous Wearing Surface of Approach Deck Spans of International Bridge at Sault Ste. Marie (B01 of 17034, C3) A. J. Permoda 12/01/1963 SPR-446-Report.pdf
SPR-417 Form Insulation for Bridge Concrete C. A. Zapata, G. A. Otto 12/01/1963 SPR-417-Report.pdf
RR-127 Saginaw Metropolitan Area Study 11/01/1963 RR-127-Report.pdf
SPR-443 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Third Progress Report C. D. Church 11/01/1963 SPR-443-Report.pdf
SPR-442 Investigation of Deck Cracking; I-96 EB over the Grand River in Grand Rapids (B02 of 41027A, C2) G. R. Cudney, M. G. 11/01/1963 SPR-442-Report.pdf
SPR-441 Concrete Durability on Bridge Deck Widening: I-94, Edsel Ford Expressway Structure over Dequindre Yards (EBBI X01 of 82024B, C5) M. G. Brown 10/01/1963 SPR-441-Report.pdf
SPR-432 Reflectorized Delineator Posts (Mid-States Steel and Wire Company) 10/01/1963 SPR-432-Report.pdf
SPR-440 Progress Report on Witcogard Rustproofer for Guard Rails 10/01/1963 SPR-440-Report.pdf
RR-126 Joints in Portland Cement Concrete Pavement L.T. Oehler 10/01/1963 RR-126-Report.pdf
SPR-439 Progress Report on Salt Stabilized Sections of M-46 (Howard City to Newaygo), 1963 Surveys and Testing R.C. Mainfort 10/01/1963 SPR-439-Report.pdf
SPR-431 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness, 1962 Test Program P.M. Schafer 10/01/1963 SPR-431-Report.pdf
SPR-437 Permalastic ?J-Seal PX-1424? Two-Component Joint Sealant A.J. Permoda 09/01/1963 SPR-437-Report.pdf
RR-124 Design Considerations for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Research Laboratory Section 09/01/1963 RR-124-Report.pdf
RR-125 Testing of Materials for Federal Aid Secondary Projects 09/01/1963 RR-125-Report.pdf
SPR-436 Hydraulic Oil for Use in the Houghton-Hancock Bridge D. F. Simmons 09/01/1963 SPR-436-Report.pdf
SPR-435 Evaluation of Preformed Rubber Sealer on M-46 West of Alma (Construction Project F29-23 C2) 09/01/1963 SPR-435-Report.pdf
SPR-433 Rusting of Cadmium-Plated Bolt Assemblies on Bridge Railings P. G. Gray 09/01/1963 SPR-433-Report.pdf
SPR-438 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling, Second Progress Report 09/01/1963 SPR-438-Report.pdf
SPR-434 Investigation of Defective Concrete in Bridge Deck Pour: B01 of 63081D, C6 (Southbound I-696 over the Rough River) M. G. Brown 08/01/1963 SPR-434-Report.pdf
RR-123 John C Lodge Freeway: Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project 08/01/1963 RR-123-Report.pdf
RR-121 Motorist Services for Michigan Freeways 07/01/1963 RR-121-Report.pdf
RR-122 Frankenmuth State Highway Plan 07/01/1963 RR-122-Report.pdf
SPR-426 Insulation Between Steel and Aluminum for Extruded Traffic Sign Mountings 06/01/1963 SPR-426-Report.pdf
RR-120 Land Economic Study No 13: I-94 and M-139 Interchange Benton Harbor Study 06/01/1963 RR-120-Report.pdf
SPR-430 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Second Progress Report C. D. Church 06/01/1963 SPR-430-Report.pdf
RR-119 An Evaluation of Concrete Median Barrier in Michigan 06/01/1963 RR-119-Report.pdf
SPR-425 Terminal Report on Performance of Experimental Concrete Pavement Containing HP 7 Admixture: US23A in Rogers City (Project F 71-24, C1 O.L. Lindy 06/01/1963 SPR-425-Report.pdf
SPR-415R Experimental Shoulder Stabilization: US-23 North of Alpena (MN 04032, C6) First Progress Report E. C. Novak, Jr., R. C. 05/01/1963 SPR-415-Report.pdf
SPR-429 Barrett Urethane Rigid Foam Joint Filler A.J. Permoda 05/01/1963 SPR-429-Report.pdf
RR-118 A Review of the Criteria of Marking No Passing Zones 05/01/1963 RR-118-Report.pdf
SPR-421 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, First Progress Repor C. J. Arnold, C. D. 05/01/1963 SPR-421-Report.pdf
SPR-422 Right-of-Way Fence Sagging Investigation B. W. Pocock 05/01/1963 SPR-422-Report.pdf
SPR-414 Practical Bridge Loading Limitations in Relation to Current Commercial Vehicle Types and Bridge Design Practice L. T. Oehler, P. G. Gray 05/01/1963 SPR-414-Report.pdf
SPR-424 Repair of Continuously Reinforced Experimental Pavement: I-96 from Portland Road to M-66 J.E. Simonsen 05/01/1963 SPR-424-Report.pdf
SPR-423 Soil-Aggregate Cushions for Prevention of Reflection Cracking of Resurfaced Pavements, First Progress Report 05/01/1963 SPR-423-Report.pdf
SPR-418 Skid Test Results at High-Accident Intersections: Districts 1 through 10, 1962 Test Program M.G. Brown 04/01/1963 SPR-418-Report.pdf
SPR-381R Evaluation of Armor Speed Finish and Gun-Tex as Protective Coatings for Concrete Structures C.C. Rhodes, B.W. Pocock 04/01/1963 SPR-381R-Report.pdf
SPR-419 Corrosion of Painted Steel Right-of-Way Posts 04/01/1963 SPR-419-Report.pdf
SPR-420 Progress Report on 1962 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1963 SPR-420-Report.pdf
SPR-416 Lime Treatment of Ontonagon Clay: I-75 at Pine River (Construction Project BI 49025G, C22RN) 03/01/1963 SPR-416-Report.pdf
SPR-378 Inspection of Mixer Efficiencies at Central Concrete Mixing Plants by Means of Gamma Rays 02/01/1963 SPR-378-Report.pdf
RR-117 Automation of Bituminous Mixture Proportioning 02/01/1963 RR-117-Report.pdf
SPR--412 Development of a Rapid Field Method for Determining Optimum Moisture and Maximum Density of Soils 02/01/1963 SPR-412-Report.pdf
SPR-413 Air Pollutants from Gypsum Plants at the I-96 Grand River Bridge (B03 of 41029E, C1) 02/01/1963 SPR-413-Report.pdf
SPR-396R Aggregate Source and Popout Frequency, I-94 from Stevensville to Marshall 02/01/1963 SPR-396-Report.pdf
RR-114A John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Research Activity Progress Report 01/01/1963 RR-114A-Report.pdf
RR-114B John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Research Activity Progress Report & Proposed Project Program 01/01/1963 RR-114B-Report.pdf
SPR-408R Condition of the Stockbridge Soil-Cement Project after 21 Years of Service (Construction Project M 33-50, C1) R.C. Mainfort 01/01/1963 SPR-408R-Report.pdf
SPR-410 1962 Observations on Condition of Experimental Poz-O-Pac Construction (Construction Projects BU 56044, C3UN and C4UN R. C. Mainfort 01/01/1963 Aggregate mixtures; Cement; Cement treated soils; Fly ash; Foundations; Lime fly ash; Pozzolan; Road materials; Roads; Soil cement; Soil stabilization; Soils; Strength of materials SPR-410-Report.pdf
SPR-116 Freeways for Flint 01/01/1963 RR-116-Report.pdf
SPR-115 A State Highway Plan for Cadillac 01/01/1963 RR-115-Report.pdf
SPR-409 Repair of Continuously Reinforced Pavement I-96 Portland Road to M-66 J.E. Simonsen 01/01/1963 SPR-409-Report.pdf
SPR-404 Laboratory and Field Study of Right-of-Way Fence Wire Splices 01/01/1963 SPR-404-Report.pdf
SPR-411 Defective Concrete in Bridge Deck Pour: I-94 over US-131 Southwest of Kalamazoo (BI S07 of 39024B, C1) M. G. Brown, W. L. 01/01/1963 SPR-411-Report.pdf
SPR-403 Strength Comparison of Steel Sign Posts 12/01/1962 SPR-403-Report.pdf
RR-111 Symposium on Pavement Design in Frost Areas K.A. Allemeier, L.J. Cook 12/01/1962 RR-111-Report.pdf
SPR-407 Trenching for Expansion Joints C.J. Arnold 12/01/1962 SPR-407-Report.pdf
SPR-406 Chemical Analysis of Cover Plate Material from Bridges S09 and S10 of 82022 (I-94 over Ecorse Road) C. J. Arnold 12/01/1962 SPR-406-Report.pdf
RR-113 Five Year Summary: Michigan Pavement Performance Study 1957-1962 W.S.Housel 12/01/1962 RR-113-Report.pdf
SPR-397 Failures of Continuously Reinforced Pavement, I-96, Portland Road to M-66 J.E. Simonsen 12/01/1962 SPR-397-Report.pdf
SPR-405 Placement of Steel: I-75 North of St. Ignace (Project No. BI 49025E, C18) C.J. Arnold 12/01/1962 SPR-405-Report.pdf
SPR-395 Summaries of Michigan Pavement Roughness 1961 Test Program P. M. Schafer, L. F. Holbrook 12/01/1962 SPR-395-Report.pdf
RR-112 Supplement to Transportation in Michigan 2000 A.D. - A Guide for Study PolicyProcedure J. C. Mackie 12/01/1962 RR-112-Report.pdf
SPR-402 Curb and Median Joint Sealing to Correct Deck Leakage: Houghton-Hancock Life Bridge (B01 of 31012) R.H. Merrill 11/01/1962 SPR-402-Report.pdf
SPR-401 ?Compriband? Preformed Urethane Joint Sealer A. J. Permoda, D. F. Simmons 11/01/1962 SPR-401-Report.pdf
SPR-400 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling, First Progress Report 11/01/1962 SPR-400-Report.pdf
SPR-399 1961 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paints 11/01/1962 SPR-399-Report.pdf
SPR-398 Premolded Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Base Plates 10/01/1962 SPR-398-Report.pdf
SPR-370 A Symposium on the Michigan Nuclear Gage for Soils 10/01/1962 SPR-370-Report.pdf
SPR-391 Evaluation of a Hinged Wire Mesh Reinforcement for Concrete Pavements H.C. Brunke 10/01/1962 SPR-391-Report.pdf
RR-110 Land Economic Study No 12: I-75 Gaylord Study 09/01/1962 RR-110-Report.pdf
RR-109 The Michigan Pavement Performance Study for Design Control and Serviceability Rating W.S. Housel 08/01/1962 RR-109-Report.pdf
SPR-394 Houghton-Hancock Lift Bridge Deck Leakage (B01 of 31012) M. G. Brown 08/01/1962 SPR-394-Report.pdf
SPR-392 Comparison of Sodium Chloride and a 3:1 Mixture of Sodium Chloride and Calcium Chloride as Used for Highway Ice Control 08/01/1962 SPR-392-Report.pdf
RR-108 Land Economic Study No 11: I-94 Near Battle Creek 07/01/1962 RR-108-Report.pdf
SPR-389 Quantity and Distribution of Chloride in Aggregate as Placed in the Stockpile and on the Road 07/01/1962 SPR-389-Report.pdf
SPR-393 Aluminum Chain Link Fencing 06/01/1962 SPR-393-Report.pdf
RR-107 Land Economic Study No 10: US 23 and M-59 Livingston County 06/01/1962 RR-107-Report.pdf
SPR-388 Effects of Erroneous Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: S06 of 23152B (I-96 at Millett Road) M. G. Brown 06/01/1962 SPR-388-Report.pdf
SPR-387 Evaluation of Initial Striping on Concrete Pavements, 1960 Tests A.J. Permoda 06/01/1962 SPR-387-Report.pdf
SPR-386 Reinforced Polyethylene Sheeting for Curing Concrete (Griffolyn Co. Films) A.J. Permoda 06/01/1962 SPR-386-Report.pdf
RR-106 Comparison Test of the Michigan and Testlab Nuclear Density Gages J. H. DeFoe 06/01/1962 RR-106-Report.pdf
SPR-385 Investigation of Low Test Strength on Concrete from Project EBI 17034, C1UN M.G. Brown 05/01/1962 SPR-385-Report.pdf
SPR-377 Influence of the Minus 200 Fraction on Engineering Properties of Soil and Gravel 05/01/1962 SPR-377-Report.pdf
SPR-384 Condition and Roughness Surveys on I-75 ? US-233 Zilwaukee North to Kawkawlin L. T. Oehler, O. L. Lindy 05/01/1962 SPR-384-Report.pdf
SPR-382 Woven Asbestos Sheet Packing for Bridge Post Pads L. T. Oehler, H. C. Brunke 04/01/1962 SPR-382-Report.pdf
SPR-380 Rustake Glare-Proof Fencing 04/01/1962 SPR-380-Report.pdf
SPR-383 Analysis of Test Cores from S04 of 82062, Scotten Avenue over US-12 (Michigan Avenue) Detroit A. J. Permoda, M. G. Brown 04/01/1962 SPR-383-Report.pdf
SPR-379 Propane-Fueled Warning Lights 04/01/1962 SPR-379-Report.pdf
SPR-373 Machine Finishing of Bridge B01 of 11016: I-94 over the St. Joseph River G. R. Cudney 03/01/1962 SPR-373-Report.pdf
SPR-376 Lenz?s Proprietary Paints for Creosoted Wood Posts and for Structural Steel 03/01/1962 SPR-376-Report.pdf
SPR-371 Performance Testing of a 60-Foot, Open Web Section, Box Truss Aluminum Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 03/01/1962 SPR-371-Report.pdf
SPR-375 Comparison of Stone Dust and Natural Soil Particles as Used for the Fines Fraction of Aggregate Base Course Mixtures, First Progress Report 03/01/1962 SPR-375-Report.pdf
SPR-372 Failure of Stressed Concrete Bridge Deck Beams (X01 of 11016), I-94 over NYCRR G. R. Cudney 02/01/1962 SPR-372-Report.pdf
SPR-374 Cracks in Retaining Wall on James Couzens Extension of Lodge Expressway G. R. Cudney 02/01/1962 SPR-374-Report.pdf
RR-105 A Development Plan For Highway Tourist Information Stations Motorist Services and Reports divis 01/01/1962 RR-105-Report.pdf
RR-095A John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Television Equipment for Traffic Surveillance 01/01/1962 RR-095A-Report.pdf
RR-095C John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Effect of Incidents on Freeway Traffic 01/01/1962 RR-095C-Report.pdf
RR-095B John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Lane Changes on an Urban Freeway 01/01/1962 RR-095B-Report.pdf
RR-099 Jackson State Highway Plan 01/01/1962 RR-099-Report.pdf
RR-098 Port Huron State Highway Plan 01/01/1962 RR-098-Report.pdf
RR-097 City of Wayne State Trunkline Plan 01/01/1962 RR-097-Report.pdf
RR-104 Cumulative Changes in Rigid Pavement With Age in Service W.S. Housel 01/01/1962 RR-104-Report.pdf
RR-102 Comparative Studies of Pneumatic Tire Rolling P.J. Serafin, L.L. Kole 01/01/1962 RR-102-Report.pdf
RR-101 Performance Tests on a Large Stationary Concrete Mixer at Various Mixing Times D.N. Cortright, F.E. Legg, R.H. Vogler 01/01/1962 RR-101-Report.pdf
SPR-365 Continuously Reinforced Bituminous Resurfacing, Detroit Industrial Expressway (I-94), West of Ypsilanti O.L. Lindy 01/01/1962 SPR-365-Report.pdf
RR-103 Design Maintenance and Performance of Resurfaced Pavements at Willow Run Airfield 01/01/1962 RR-103-Report.pdf
RR-094 I-94 Rest Area Study Traffic Division 01/01/1962 RR-094-Report.pdf
RR-096 Annual Report - 1961 - Traffic Division Traffic Division 01/01/1962 RR-096-Report.pdf
RR-100 Michigan's Highways 1960-1980 Needs - A Technical Engineering Report MI State Hwy Dept 01/01/1962 RR-100-Report.pdf
SPR-364 Preventive Measures for Obtaining Scale-Free Concrete Bridge Structures E. A. Finney 12/01/1961 SPR-364-Report.pdf
SPR-368 Michigan?s Test Road for Transverse Joints, I-96 from Meridian Road to Wallace Road 11/01/1961 SPR-368-Report.pdf
SPR-369 1960 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 11/01/1961 SPR-369-Report.pdf
SPR-366 1960 Summary of Pavement Roughness O.L. Lindy, P. Milliman 11/01/1961 SPR-366-Report.pdf
RR-093 Lansing Area Trunkline Plan 09/01/1961 RR-093-Report.pdf
SPR-361 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel, Second Progress Report 09/01/1961 SPR-361-Report.pdf
SPR-363 Performance of a Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Experimental Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 09/01/1961 SPR-363-Report.pdf
SPR-358 Field and Laboratory Evaluation of the Michigan Nuclear Gage 08/01/1961 SPR-358-Report.pdf
SPR-367 Summary Report on Skid-Correction Program for High-Accident Intersections 07/01/1961 SPR-367-Report.pdf
SPR-362 Summary Report on Skid-Correction Program for High-Accident Intersections R.H. Merrill, A. Phillipich 07/01/1961 SPR-362-Report.pdf
SPR-360 Strength Comparison of Steel Sign Posts 06/01/1961 SPR-360-Report.pdf
RR-092 Land Economic Study No 9: Interstate 94 Ann Arbor Area 06/01/1961 RR-092-Report.pdf
SPR-359 Investigation of Three Spalled Joints on US-131 South of Grand Rapids (Construction Projects F 41-88, C1RO and M 41-88) O.L. Lindy 06/01/1961 SPR-359-Report.pdf
RR-090 Central Mix Type Mixer Time Study 06/01/1961 RR-090-Report.pdf
SPR-355 Longitudinal Cracking on I-75 ? US-23, Genesee County O.L. Lindy 05/01/1961 SPR-355-Report.pdf
SPR-353 Experimental Concrete Capping: US-127 South of Holt (Project F 33-54, C4) Second Progress Report O.L. Lindy 04/01/1961 SPR-353-Report.pdf
SPR-352 Lightning Damage to Concrete Pavement: US-10 Bypass, Midland (Project 56044, C9) O.L. Lindy, J.R. Darlington 03/01/1961 SPR-352-Report.pdf
SPR-356 Cracking of Slag Aggregate concrete on Gratiot Avenue, Detroit (Project 50-27, C4) 03/01/1961 SPR-356-Report.pdf
RR-091 Land Economic Study No 8: I-94 and Capital Ave Interchange Battle Creek Vicinity 03/01/1961 RR-091-Report.pdf
SPR-351 Durability of Bridge Concrete: I 75-US-23 Over the Flint River (B1 of 25-7-3) L. T. Oehler, M. G. Brown 03/01/1961 SPR-351-Report.pdf
SPR-324 1959 Summaries of Pavement Roughness O.L. Lindy, P. Milliman 03/01/1961 SPR-324-Report.pdf
SPR-350 Investigation of Three Spalled Joints, Norton-Glade Expressway, Muskegon, US-16 (Project 61-47.C7) L.T. Oehler, O.L. Lindy 02/01/1961 SPR-350-Report.pdf
RR-089 Land Economic Study No 7: I-94 Ypsilanti Area 02/01/1961 RR-089-Report.pdf
RR-088 Adrian Trunkline Plan 01/01/1961 RR-088-Report.pdf
RR-085 Economic and Social Effects of Highway Improvements - A Summary E. C. Rowley, E. Schenker 01/01/1961 RR-085-Report.pdf
RR-084 Analysis of the Geographical Patterns of Gross Land Uses and Changes in Numbers of Structures in Relation to Major Highways in the Lower Half of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan 01/01/1961 RR-084-Report.pdf
RR-087 The Preparation of Soil Strip Maps for Michigan State Highway Projects 01/01/1961 RR-087-Report.pdf
RR-082 Annual Report - 1960 - Traffic Division Michigan State Highway Department, Traffic Division 01/01/1961 traffic operations, signs, geometrics, roadway improvement RR-082-Report.pdf
RR-083 Pontiac : State Highway Plan 01/01/1961 RR-083-Report.pdf
RR-780 Michigan Highways and Electronics 01/01/1961 RR-780-Report.pdf
RR-086 Michigan's Highways 1960-1980: Needs, Costs, Benefits - Summary Report MI State Hwy Dept. 01/01/1961 RR-086-Report.pdf
RR-081 Land Economic Study No 6: I-94 and State Road Interchange Ann Arbor Vicinity 12/01/1960 RR-081-Report.pdf
RR-080 Ramp Problems on the Detroit Freeway System 12/01/1960 RR-080-Report.pdf
SPR-354 Investigation of Thorite Filling and Patching Compound for Sealing Core Holes In Box Type Prestressed Beams 12/01/1960 SPR-354-Report.pdf
RR-079 Feasibility Study of a Pavement-Deflection Measurement System W.H. Lawrence, I.J. Sattinger, L.H. Thomas, H.W. Wallace 11/01/1960 RR-079-Report.pdf
SPR-349 Performance of Non-Metallic Base Plates, Fourth Progress Report L.T. Oehler, O.L. Lindy 11/01/1960 SPR-349-Report.pdf
SPR-346 Water Leakage on a Prestressed Concrete Bridge (B9 of 38-1-14 Dettman Road over US-12, Jackson) O. Lindy, L. T. Oehler 11/01/1960 SPR-346-Report.pdf
RR-078 Land Economic Study No 5: US 27 Relocated Houghton Lake Area 10/01/1960 RR-078-Report.pdf
RR-077 Policy on Rest Areas Office of Planning 10/01/1960 RR-077-Report.pdf
SPR-347 Comparison of Clear and White Polyethylene Sheets for Concrete Curing R. H. Merrill, M. G. Brown 10/01/1960 SPR-347-Report.pdf
SPR-348 1959 Performance Tests on White And Yellow Traffic Paints 10/01/1960 SPR-348-Report.pdf
SPR-343 Performance of Metallic and Non-Metallic Base Plates of Joints 09/01/1960 SPR-343-Report.pdf
SPR-345 Storage and Handling Properties of a Synthetically Granulated Salt 09/01/1960 SPR-345-Report.pdf
SPR-344 An Evaluation of Hinged Wire Mesh Reinforcement for Concrete Pavement R. Hooper 09/01/1960 SPR-344-Report.pdf
RR-076 Land Economic Study No 1: Interstate 95 Belleville Area 08/01/1960 RR-076-Report.pdf
SPR-341 Inspection of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 08/01/1960 SPR-341-Report.pdf
SPR-333 The Relative Effects of Commercial Vehicles on Concrete Pavements D.F. Simmons, C.C. Rhodes 08/01/1960 SPR-333-Report.pdf
SPR-342 Inspection of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Overhead Sign Support Structure 08/01/1960 SPR-342-Report.pdf
SPR-340 1959 Traffic Paint Performance Tests: Cooperative Tests with City of Detroit 08/01/1960 SPR-340-Report.pdf
SPR-339 Quantity and Distribution of Calcium Chloride Within Stock-Piles of Treated Aggregate 08/01/1960 SPR-339-Report.pdf
SPR-338 Granco Steel Guard Rail Post (6-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 8.64 ?S? Section) 07/01/1960 SPR-338-Report.pdf
RR-075 A Study of Fundamental Characteristics of Traffic Flow 07/01/1960 RR-075-Report.pdf
SPR-337 Roughness Evaluation of Railroad Crossings in Battle Creek 07/01/1960 SPR-337-Report.pdf
RR-074 Land and Property Values in Relation to Dort Highway Improvements 07/01/1960 RR-074-Report.pdf
SPR-332 Deterioration of Concrete Highways and Bridges Containing Big Cut Pit Aggregates O. L. Lindy, M. G. Brown 06/01/1960 SPR-332-Report.pdf
RR-072 Spectrophotometric Methods for Analysis of Paints 06/01/1960 RR-072-Report.pdf
SPR-335 Cement Content of Pavement Concrete: US-12 South of Paw Paw; BI 80024, C2RN C.C. Rhodes, M.G. Brown 06/01/1960 SPR-335-Report.pdf
SPR-334 Study of Premolded Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Base Plate for Joints D.F. Simmons, C.C. Rhodes 06/01/1960 SPR-334-Report.pdf
RR-073 A Background Planning Study of Michigan's Aviation Needs 06/01/1960 Aviation, Planning RR-073-Report.pdf
SPR-336 Flasher Brightness at Selected Intersections M.H. Janson, G.M. Smith 06/01/1960 SPR-336-Report.pdf
RR-069 A Trunkline Plan for the City of Bay City 05/01/1960 RR-069-Report.pdf
SPR-328 Comparative Tests of Beaded Paint and Sheet Materials for Sign Reflectorization 05/01/1960 SPR-328-Report.pdf
SPR-330 Design Considerations for Reinforcement and Joint Spacing for Pavements with Small-Radius Curves G.R. Cudney 05/01/1960 SPR-330-Report.pdf
SPR-326A Contract Signing, Interstate 94 (US-12), 5 mi East from Paw Paw; BI 80024, C2RN & C5RN; I 94-2(5)-60 M. H. Janson 05/01/1960 SPR-326A-Report.pdf
SPR-331 Experimental Concrete Capping on Groesbeck Highway: Project F50-7, C5. Third Progress Report O.L. Lindy 05/01/1960 SPR-331-Report.pdf
RR-071 Land Economic Study No 3: Interstate 94 Battle Creek Area 05/01/1960 RR-071-Report.pdf
RR-070 Asphalt Paving Conference Michigan College of Mining and Tech 05/01/1960 asphalt technology, bituminous mixtures, construction RR-070-Report.pdf
SPR-327 Transverse Joint Problems E.A. Finney 04/01/1960 SPR-327-Report.pdf
SPR-329 Design Considerations for Steel Reinforcement in Continuously Reinforced Pavement G.R. Cudney 04/01/1960 SPR-329-Report.pdf
RR-068 Land Economic Study No 2: Interstate 94 Kalamazoo Bypass 04/01/1960 RR-068-Report.pdf
SPR-325 Roughness Measurements of Bridge Decks and Approaches R. E. Hooper, L. T. Oehler 03/01/1960 SPR-325-Report.pdf
RR-067 Pavement Type Selection O.L. Stokstad 03/01/1960 RR-067-Report.pdf
RR-059 Annual Report - 1959 - Traffic Division Michigan State Highway Department, Traffic Division 01/01/1960 traffic operations, signs, geometrics, roadway improvement RR-059-Report.pdf
SPR-322 The Michigan Test Road Durability Project 01/01/1960 SPR-322-Report.pdf
RR-060 An Annual Report To the Highway Users of Michigan Michigan State Highway Department 01/01/1960 highway construction, finances, planning RR-060-Report.pdf
RR-064 Trunkline Plan for the Kalamazoo Area 01/01/1960 RR-064-Report.pdf
RR-063 Trunkline Plan for the City of Midland 01/01/1960 RR-063-Report.pdf
RR-062 Trunkline Plan for the City of Mount Clemens 01/01/1960 RR-062-Report.pdf
RR-061 A Trunkline Plan for the City of Norway 01/01/1960 RR-061-Report.pdf
RR-058 An Evaluation of Freeway Ramp Closure 01/01/1960 RR-058-Report.pdf
RR-065 Effects on Businesses of By-Pass Highways H. Faville, C. Goldschmidt 01/01/1960 highways, real estate values, taxes RR-065-Report.pdf
RR-056 An Inventory of the Economic Factors Influenced by a Highway Development Program E. Schenker 01/01/1960 highways, highway development, social impact, land use RR-056-Report.pdf
RR-057 Tomorrow's Traffic-Freeway Traffic Surveillance Research Project 01/01/1960 RR-057-Report.pdf
SPR-321 Latex Modified Mortar in the Restoration of Bridge Structures S. M. Cardone, M. G. Brown, A. A. H 12/01/1959 SPR-321-Report.pdf
SPR-314 An Experimental Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement in Michigan G.R. Cudney 12/01/1959 SPR-314-Report.pdf
SPR-320 Summary Report on Methods of Glass Bead Reflectorization of Traffic Paints 12/01/1959 SPR-320-Report.pdf
SPR-319 1959 Road Test on 1,000 Gallons of 3M Centerlite Prebeaded White Traffic Paint 12/01/1959 SPR-319-Report.pdf
SPR-307 A Device for Applying SR-4 Strain Gages to Interior Surfaces of Hollow, Pavement Load-Transfer Dowel Bars 12/01/1959 SPR-307-Report.pdf
SPR-318 1958 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 10/01/1959 SPR-318-Report.pdf
SPR-316 The Michigan Nuclear Combination Density-Moisture Surface Gage 09/01/1959 SPR-316-Report.pdf
SPR-315 Pull-Out Tests on Four Types of Expansion Sleeve Tie Bar Devices 09/01/1959 SPR-315-Report.pdf
RR-055 Estimating Traffic on Michigan Highways 09/01/1959 RR-055-Report.pdf
SPR-302 Final Report?Design Project, Michigan Test Road 06/01/1959 SPR-302-Report.pdf
SPR-313 Testing of Aluminum Alloy Deep Beam Guard Rail 05/01/1959 SPR-313-Report.pdf
SPR-312 Catatherm Thermoplastic Striping 04/01/1959 SPR-312-Report.pdf
SPR-310 An Evaluation of the Serviceability of Calcium Chloride Bags 03/01/1959 SPR-310-Report.pdf
SPR-309 Rock Salt Anti-Caking Agent Investigation 03/01/1959 SPR-309-Report.pdf
SPR-311 The Michigan Combination Density-Moisture Gage for Soils 03/01/1959 SPR-311-Report.pdf
SPR-308 Operating Manual for Soil Density and Moisture Measurements by Nuclear Methods 03/01/1959 SPR-308-Report.pdf
SPR-306 Performance of a 20-Year-Old Section of US-27: Marshall to the Eaton County Line (13072) R.C. Mainfort, O.L. Lindy 03/01/1959 SPR-306-Report.pdf
RR-054 Study of the Mixing Efficiency of a 34-E Dual-Drum Paving Mixer Testing Laboratory Division 02/01/1959 RR-054-Report.pdf
SPR-305 Spectrophotometric Identification of Membrane Curing Compounds 02/01/1959 SPR-305-Report.pdf
RR-053 1958 Summaries of Pavement Roughness Road Construction Division 01/01/1959 RR-053-Report.pdf
RR-052 Minor O-D (Origin Destination) Studies 1955-1959 01/01/1959 RR-052-Report.pdf
SPR-304 Field Evaluation of Concrete Curing Materials M.G. Brown 01/01/1959 SPR-304-Report.pdf
RR-051 City of Midland Traffic Study 01/01/1959 RR-051-Report.pdf
SPR-303 Comparison of Stability of Three Types of Steel Fence Post 01/01/1959 SPR-303-Report.pdf
RR-050 An Annual Report To the Highway Users of Michigan Michigan State Highway Department 01/01/1959 highways, road building, highway growth, finance, prioritization RR-050-Report.pdf
SPR-301 1958 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 12/01/1958 SPR-301-Report.pdf
RR-049 A Policy on Urban Connections to Interstate and Arterial Routes 12/01/1958 RR-049-Report.pdf
SPR-300 Determination of Cement Content of Pavement Concrete: Construction Project F 62031, C2U, C3R C. C. Rhodes, M. H. Janson, W. L. Frederick, S. W. Ruis 11/01/1958 SPR-300-Report.pdf
SPR-297 Operating Manual for Soil Density and Moisture Measurements by Nuclear Methods 09/01/1958 SPR-297-Report.pdf
SPR-298 1957 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint 09/01/1958 SPR-298-Report.pdf
SPR-294 Michigan?s Skid Testing Equipment M.G. Brown, Paul Milliman, Gale Otto 09/01/1958 SPR-294-Report.pdf
RR-048 A Proposed Plan for Adjustment of the Present Truck-Weight Detection System to the Changing Highway Pattern Planning Division 09/01/1958 Planning; Trucks; weight RR-048-Report.pdf
SPR-299 1957 Traffic Paint Performance Test: Oakland Avenue, Detroit 09/01/1958 SPR-299-Report.pdf
SPR-295 Relative Skid Resistance of Pavement Surfaces Based on Michigan?s Experience E. A. Finney, M. G. Brown 08/01/1958 SPR-295-Report.pdf
SPR-293 The Structural Characteristics of a Plastic Fiberglass Overhead Sign Support Structure 06/01/1958 SPR-293-Report.pdf
RR-047 A Policy for Weigh Stations, Rest Areas and Tourist Information Lodges on Limited Access Highways Planning Division 06/01/1958 RR-047-Report.pdf
RR-046 Survey of Bituminous Mixing Plant and Paving Equipment 05/01/1958 RR-046-Report.pdf
SPR-289 Rigidity Tests on Universal Form Clamp Co. Dowel Bar Joint Assembly (Type M) L.T. Oehler 05/01/1958 SPR-289-Report.pdf
SPR-292 Reflectance Tests for Concrete Curing Materials C.C. Rhodes, M.H. Janson, M.G. Brown 05/01/1958 SPR-292-Report.pdf
SPR-291 Power-Glo Additive for Automobile Use 04/01/1958 SPR-291-Report.pdf
SPR-290 Investigation of Use of Berylex as an Admixture in Concrete 04/01/1958 SPR-290-Report.pdf
SPr-288 Study of Premolded Bituminous Base Plate for Joints L.A. Fickes 04/01/1958 SPR-288-Report.pdf
SPR-287 Rigidity Tests on Union Steel Products Co. Dowel Bar Joint Assembly (Type L.) L.T. Oehler 04/01/1958 SPR-287-Report.pdf
SPR-285 Characteristics and Quantitative Estimation of Waxy Materials in Membrane Curing Compounds 03/01/1958 SPR-285-Report.pdf
RR-045 The Interstate and Defense Highway System as Related to The Detroit Metropolitan Area 03/01/1958 RR-045-Report.pdf
SPR-284 Determination of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Iron Oxides in Portland Cement by Flame Photometry 03/01/1958 SPR-284-Report.pdf
SPR-286 1956 Performance Tests on Free-Flowing Glass Beads 03/01/1958 SPR-286-Report.pdf
RR-044 City of Alpena Traffic Study 01/01/1958 RR-044-Report.pdf
SPR-283 Michigan?s Skid Testing Program M.G. Brown, E.A. Finney 01/01/1958 SPR-283-Report.pdf
RR-043 Highway Research Laboratory: Its Operation in Relation to Michigan State University State Highway Department Research 11/01/1957 research, testing RR-043-Report.pdf
SPR-282 1957 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, First Progress Report 10/01/1957 SPR-282-Report.pdf
SPR-281 1956 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, Second Progress Report 10/01/1957 SPR-281-Report.pdf
SPR-280 Rusting of Steel Beam Guard Rail on Ford and Lodge Expressways 08/01/1957 SPR-280-Report.pdf
SPR-279 Aluminum Right-of-Way Fence 07/01/1957 SPR-279-Report.pdf
SPR-278 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal by Radiant Heat, Ninth (Final) Progress Report E.A. Finney 04/01/1957 SPR-278-Report.pdf
SPR-275 Subgrade Embankment Soil: AASHTO Road Test 03/01/1957 SPR-275-Report.pdf
SPR-277 ASTM 1956 Cooperative Traffic Paint Tests 03/01/1957 SPR-277-Report.pdf
SPR-276 A Study of the Rigidity of American Steel and Wire Co. Contraction Joint Assembly G.R. Cudney, L.T. Oehler 03/01/1957 SPR-276-Report.pdf
SPR-274 Color Patterns for Flagmen?s Vests C. C. Rhodes, M. H. Janson, D.F. 02/01/1957 SPR-274-Report.pdf
SPR-273 Investigation of Perma-line Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material 02/01/1957 SPR-273-Report.pdf
RR-042 A Study of Urban Expressways - Costs of Certain Portions of the John C. Lodge and Edsel Ford Expressways in Detroit W. C. Broughton 01/01/1957 cost estimates, finance, cost analysis RR-042-Report.pdf
SPR-272 Vibration Susceptibilities of Various Highway Bridge Types L. O. Oehler 01/01/1957 SPR-272-Report.pdf
SPR-268 A Field Study of Joint and Crack Resealing Methods and Materials L.A. Fickes, C.C. Rhodes 11/01/1956 SPR-268-Report.pdf
SPR-271 A Comparative Study of the Drop-In and Overlay Methods of Reflectorizing Traffic Paints 11/01/1956 SPR-271-Report.pdf
SPR-270 1955 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint 11/01/1956 SPR-270-Report.pdf
SPR-269 1956 Traffic Paint Striping on US-25, Gratiot Avenue, Detroit 11/01/1956 SPR-269-Report.pdf
SPR-266 Cracking of Slag Aggregate Concrete on Gratiot Avenue, Detroit 10/01/1956 SPR-266-Report.pdf
SPR-265 Load Deflection and Tensile Tests on Standard Type Steel Beam Guard Rail 10/01/1956 SPR-265-Report.pdf
RR-145 Anti-Glare Screen Study 10/01/1956 RR-145-Report.pdf
SPR-247 Performance Tests on Experimental Black Traffic Paints, First Progress Report 10/01/1956 SPR-247-Report.pdf
SPR-267 1956 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, First Progress Report 10/01/1956 SPR-267-Report.pdf
SPR-264 Investigation of Bridge Deck Deterioration: 81-1-13 on US-23 Over the Huron River L. T. Oehler, M. G. Brown 09/01/1956 SPR-264-Report.pdf
SPR-262 Flame Photometric Determination of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Iron Oxides in Portland Cements 08/01/1956 SPR-262-Report.pdf
SPR-263 Metcoseal: A Protective Coating for Structural Steel 08/01/1956 SPR-263-Report.pdf
SPR-261 An Analysis of Certain Mathematical Assumptions Underlying the Design and Operation of Gamma-Ray Surface Density Gages 07/01/1956 SPR-261-Report.pdf
SPR-260 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel 07/01/1956 SPR-260-Report.pdf
SPR-259 Rigidity Tests on LaClede Dowel Bar Joint Assembly L.T. Oehler 06/01/1956 SPR-259-Report.pdf
RR-041 Forecast of Motor Vehicle Registration, Travel and Revenue in Michigan to the Year 1985 05/01/1956 RR-041-Report.pdf
SPR-258 The Experimental Determination of the Stress Distribution Along a Dowel at a Transverse Joint in a Concrete Pavement P. Milliman, R.D. Behr 05/01/1956 SPR-258-Report.pdf
SPR-257 Third Condition Survey of Experimental Contract Resealing and patching, US-16, Nunica to Fruitport L.A. Fickes 04/01/1956 SPR-257-Report.pdf
RR-040B Detroit Metropolitan Area Traffic Study - Part II 03/01/1956 RR-040B-Report.pdf
RR-040A Detroit Metropolitan Area Traffic Study - Part I 03/01/1956 RR-040A-Report.pdf
SPR-256 A Theory for Evaluating the Destructive Tendency of Heavy Axle Loads on a Concrete Pavement L.T. Oehler, R.D. Behr 03/01/1956 SPR-256-Report.pdf
SPR-248 Performance of Hot-Pour Rubber-Asphalt Joint Sealing Compounds in 50-ft. Spaced Joints L.A. Fickes 02/01/1956 SPR-248-Report.pdf
SPR-253 Supplemental Progress Report on Experimental Slag Bituminous Concrete Project (M82-42, C2 & C3) P. Milliman 02/01/1956 SPR-253-Report.pdf
SPR-254 Performance of Hot-Pour and Cold ? Applied Joint Seal Materials, US-127 Relocation South of Jackson L.A. Fickes 02/01/1956 SPR-254-Report.pdf
SPR-255 Road Surface Friction From the Standpoint of Automotive and Highway Engineers P. C. Skeels, K. A. Stonex, E. A. Finney 02/01/1956 SPR-255-Report.pdf
SPR-251 Measurement of the Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Pavement Marking Paint and a Mathematical Consideration of the Phenomenon of Paint Peeling 01/01/1956 SPR-251-Report.pdf
SPR-252 Application of A Beta-Ray Backscatter Thickness Gage to Traffic Paint Wear Studies 01/01/1956 SPR-252-Report.pdf
SPR-246 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat, Eighth Progress Report E.A. Finney 01/01/1956 SPR-246-Report.pdf
SPR-250 A Comparison of a Vinyl Coating System With a Red Lead ? Brown Lead ? Aluminum Coating System for Bridges B. W. Preston 01/01/1956 SPR-250-Report.pdf
SPR-249 Data Summaries on Nuclear Methods Reported on Soils 12/01/1955 SPR-249-Report.pdf
SPR-243 Michigan State Highway Department Photometric Test for Reflective Materials B.W. Preston 12/01/1955 SPR-243-Report.pdf
SPR-244 The Structural Characteristics of Two Overhead Sign Supports (a 100 Foot Steel Tubular Beam and a 100 Foot Aluminum Truss) G. R. Cudney, L. T. Oehler 12/01/1955 SPR-244-Report.pdf
SPR-245 Traffic Paints and Their Use in Pavement Marking 12/01/1955 SPR-245-Report.pdf
SPR-241 1954 Performance Tests on Traffic Paints 11/01/1955 SPR-241-Report.pdf
SPR-240 Procuring Traffic Paint on the Basis of Performance Tests 11/01/1955 SPR-240-Report.pdf
RR-038 Modern Highways for Michigan - An Engineering Base for a Fiscal Plan Automotive Safety Foundation 10/31/1955 funding, federal aid RR-038-Report.pdf
SPR-236 A Comparison of Beaded Paint and Sheet Reflectorized Stop Signs (Red) 10/01/1955 SPR-236-Report.pdf
SPR-239A Investigation of Blow-up on M-47 Construction Project 73-46, C4 South of St. Charles L.A. Fickes 10/01/1955 SPR-239A-Report.pdf
SPR-235 Compilation of Design and Construction Data for Concrete Pavement on the State Trunkline System MDOT 10/01/1955 SPR-235-Report.pdf
RR-039 Special 24-hour Classified Speed Study M-78 Station 1-5 10/01/1955 RR-039-Report.pdf
SPR-239 Experimental Resealing of Joints on M-83 Saginaw County Projects 73-25, C3 & C4, Second Condition Survey E. A. Finney 10/01/1955 SPR-239-Report.pdf
SPR-242 Abstracts from Michigan?s Studies of Slipperiness of Concrete Pavements Constructed with Stone Sand as the Fine Aggregate 10/01/1955 SPR-242-Report.pdf
SPR-238 Experimental Installation of Styrofoam and Corrugated Paper Board to Form a Contraction Joint Groove Prior to Sawing L.A. Fickes 09/01/1955 SPR-238-Report.pdf
SPR-237 A Study of the Rigidity of the Union Steel Products Dowel Bar Joint Assembly E. A. Finney 08/01/1955 SPR-237-Report.pdf
RR-037 Urban Connections to the Interstate System 07/01/1955 RR-037-Report.pdf
SPR-233 Determination of the Modulus of Concrete Support, G, for the Design of Dowels in Transverse Pavement Joints G.R. Cudney, R.D. Behr 07/01/1955 SPR-233-Report.pdf
SPR-232 Static Load Deflection Tests on Various Types of Deep Beam Guard Rails 07/01/1955 SPR-232-Report.pdf
SPR-234 Investigation of Bichler Brothers Gravel 07/01/1955 SPR-234-Report.pdf
SPR-230 Evaluation of the Lateral Stability of Posts for Deep Beam Guard Rail 06/01/1955 SPR-230-Report.pdf
SPR-229 Investigation of the Influence of Soil Particles Passing the Number 200 Sieve (0.074 mm.) On the Stabilization of Gravel 06/01/1955 SPR-229-Report.pdf
SPR-227 ASTM 1954 Cooperative Traffic Paint Test 06/01/1955 SPR-227-Report.pdf
SPR-231 Study of Premolded Rubber Base Plate for Joints L.A. Fickes 06/01/1955 SPR-231-Report.pdf
SPR-220 Performance of Hot-Poured Rubber-Asphalt Joint Sealing Compounds L.A. Fickes 05/01/1955 SPR-220-Report.pdf
SPR-226 Experimental Cold-Applied Joint Seal Installation on US-31, Holland By-Pass Project FI 3-38, C2R; FI 70- 46, C2R L.A. Fickes 05/01/1955 SPR-226-Report.pdf
SPR-224 A Comparison of the Bond-Reducing Effectiveness of Cutback Asphalt with that of a Powdered Graphite Lubricant as Dowel Bar Coatings G.R. Cudney 04/01/1955 SPR-224-Report.pdf
SPR-228 Experimental Resealing of Joints on M-83 Saginaw County, Projects 73-25, C3 & 4, First Condition Survey L.A. Fickes 04/01/1955 SPR-228-Report.pdf
SPR-225 Second Condition Survey of Experimental Contract Resealing and Patching Project, US-16, Nunica to Fruitport, Project MC 70-28, C3 L.A. Fickes 03/01/1955 SPR-225-Report.pdf
SPR-223 A Study of Pavement Deflections on Faulted and Cracked Pavement Slabs on US-24A, South of Erie L.T. Oehler 02/01/1955 SPR-223-Report.pdf
SPR-218 Experimental Resealing of Joints on M-83 Saginaw County, Projects 73-25, C3 & C4 L.A. Fickes 01/01/1955 SPR-218-Report.pdf
SPR-219 Vibration and Deflection of Rolled Beam and Plate Girder Type Bridges G. Foster, L. T. Oehler 01/01/1955 SPR-219-Report.pdf
SPR-221 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat, 1953-54 Winter Performance and Cost, Report No. 7 E.A. Finney 01/01/1955 SPR-221-Report.pdf
SPR-215 Experimental Capping Study, Construction Project F 33-54, C4 on US-127, Progress Report No. 1 Wm. Broughton 12/01/1954 SPR-215-Report.pdf
SPR-217 Measuring Traffic Paint Abrasion with Beta Rays 11/01/1954 SPR-217-Report.pdf
SPR-216 Application of Absorption Spectroscopy to Highway Testing and Research 10/01/1954 SPR-216-Report.pdf
RR-036 Psychological Reactions of Drivers as Related to Highway Safety 09/01/1954 RR-036-Report.pdf
SPR-213 Experiment with Vinsol Resin and HP-7 Admixtures Under Cold Weather Concreting Conditions E. A. Finney 08/01/1954 SPR-213-Report.pdf
SPR-214 New Impact Tester for Reflector Buttons B.W. Preston 08/01/1954 SPR-214-Report.pdf
SPR-211 Tensile Strength Characteristics of Hook Bolts Furnished by Jones & McKnight, Inc. 07/01/1954 SPR-211-Report.pdf
SPR-210 Neoprene Premolded Joint Seal Study Construction Project F 34-15, C4 on M-66 Progress Report No. 4 W.C. Broughton 07/01/1954 SPR-210-Report.pdf
SPR-212 Michigan?s Experience in the Use of Pozzolith and HP-7 Admixtures for Concrete Pavement Construction Research Laboratory 07/01/1954 SPR-212-Report.pdf
SPR-209 A Study of the Relative Effectiveness of Methods for End Stiffening of Corrugated Metal Culverts G. Cudney 05/01/1954 SPR-209-Report.pdf
SPR-207 Condition Survey, US-2, Wakefield to Iron River, U.P. Wm. Broughton, E. Bessonen, A. Smith 04/01/1954 SPR-207-Report.pdf
SPR-208 Concrete Spalling on Projects 7-20, C6 and 7-21, C2 on US-41 Upper Peninsula E.A. Finney, M.G. Brown 04/01/1954 SPR-208-Report.pdf
SPR-206 Experimental Concrete Capping on Groesbeck; Joint Investigation Between Construction Division and Testing and Research Division with Approval of Bureau of Public Roads MDOT 04/01/1954 SPR-206-Report.pdf
SPR-197B A Condition Survey of Experimental Contract Resealing and Patching Project, US-16 Nunica to Fruitport L.A. Fickes 02/01/1954 SPR-197b-Report.pdf
SPR-205 Evaluation of Metal Primers and Wood Sealers 02/01/1954 SPR-205-Report.pdf
RR-034 Annual Report - Planning & Traffic Division 01/01/1954 RR-034-Report.pdf
SPR-204 The Influence of Subsealing on Pavement Deflection At Two test Locations on US-24 & US-25 L.T. Oehler, R.D. Behr 01/01/1954 SPR-204-Report.pdf
SPR-197A Experimental Patching of Broken Concrete at Expansion Joints ? US-16, Nunica to Fruitport L.A. Fickes 12/01/1953 SPR-197a-Report.pdf
SPR-203 Special Study of Tie Wires For Snow Fence Construction 12/01/1953 SPR-203-Report.pdf
SPR-202 Cracking Experience of Concrete Pavements Containing Slag Coarse Aggregate ? Results of 1953 Survey 12/01/1953 SPR-202-Report.pdf
SPR-201 Wallace Stone Investigation Part II, 1951 Condition Survey of Concrete Pavements and Bridges Containing Wallace Bayport Crushed Limestone Aggregates 12/01/1953 SPR-201-Report.pdf
SPR-200 A Study of the Rigidity of Various Dowel Bar Assemblies 12/01/1953 SPR-200-Report.pdf
SPR-199 Paper Snow Fence Installations 1952 ? 1953 12/01/1953 SPR-199-Report.pdf
SPR-198 Study of the Effectiveness of Hook Bolts for Use as Tie Bars for Longitudinal Joints G.R. Cudney 11/01/1953 SPR-198-Report.pdf
SPR-197 Experimental Contract Resealing of Joints and Cracks on US-16, Nunica to Fruitport Project Mc 70-28,C3 L.A. Fickes 10/01/1953 SPR-197-Report.pdf
SPR-196 Neoprene Premolded Joint Seal Installation, Project F 34-15, M-66 W.C. Broughton 09/01/1953 SPR-196-Report.pdf
SPR-195 Evaluation of Aggregate Sources 09/01/1953 SPR-195-Report.pdf
SPR-193 Report on Experiment with HP-7 Admixture, US-23 ? Rogers City ? 71-24, C1 W.C. Broughton 08/01/1953 SPR-193-Report.pdf
SPR-194 Experimental Concrete Capping on Groesbeck Highway, Project F 50-7, C5 ? F-421 (1) W.C. Broughton 08/01/1953 SPR-194-Report.pdf
SPR-192 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat Report #6 E.A. Finney 07/01/1953 SPR-192-Report.pdf
SPR-191 Wallace Stone Investigation Part III Comparative Laboratory Study of Wallace Limestone with the National Crushed Stone Association 06/01/1953 SPR-191-Report.pdf
SPR-189A Analysis of Proposed Research Projects involving Work with Radioactive Isotopes 05/01/1953 SPR-189-Report.pdf
SPR-188 1952 Performance Tests of Traffic Paints 04/01/1953 SPR-188-Report.pdf
SPR-190 Michigan Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat 1952 #5 E.A. Finney 03/01/1953 SPR-190-Report.pdf
RR-033 Midland Area Traffic Study - State Trunkline and Arterial Street Systems 01/01/1953 RR-033-Report.pdf
SPR-187 1952 Performance Tests of Traffic Paints 12/01/1952 SPR-187-Report.pdf
SPR-185 Joint Failures on Construction Project 63-37, C4, M-59 Between US-24 and Auburn Heights E. A. Finney 12/01/1952 SPR-185-Report.pdf
SPR-184 Results of Skidding Tests on Stone Sand Concrete Pavements, Projects 77-66, C1 and 71-24, C1 E. A. Finney 12/01/1952 SPR-184-Report.pdf
SPR-186 Condition Survey of Bituminous Concrete Projects Containing Wallace Stone E. A. Finney 12/01/1952 SPR-186-Report.pdf
SPR-183 Failure of Expansion Joint Filler on John C. Lodge Expressway: Construction Project 82-127 E. A. Finney 09/01/1952 SPR-183-Report.pdf
SPR-182 France Stone as a Material for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 09/01/1952 SPR-182-Report.pdf
SPR-180 Foundry Slag as an Abrasive for Icy Pavements 08/01/1952 SPR-180-Report.pdf
SPR-181 Investigation of Prefabricated Plywood Wales for Concrete Column Construction 08/01/1952 SPR-181-Report.pdf
SPR-179 Lincoln Stone as a Material for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 07/01/1952 SPR-179-Report.pdf
SPR-178 Paper Snow Fence Installations, 1951-1952 07/01/1952 SPR-178-Report.pdf
SPR-177 1951 ASTM Cooperative Traffic Paint Tests 06/01/1952 SPR-177-Report.pdf
SPR-176 Investigation of Klumpp Aggregates 04/01/1952 SPR-176-Report.pdf
SPR-175 Concrete Pavement Joint Saw-Cutting and Sealing Experiment, US-27 B. W. Pocock, Wm. Martin 04/01/1952 Pavements, Joint Sealers, Sawing SPR-175-Report.pdf
SPR-174 Mid-winter Inspection of Paper Snow Fence Installations, 1951-1952 03/01/1952 SPR-174-Report.pdf
RR-030 A Kitten on a Telephone Pole - A Report by Michigan People to Michigan People on How to Check Mounting Highway Injuries and Deaths 03/01/1952 RR-030-Report.pdf
RR-031 Accident Experience in Relation to Road and Roadside Features 03/01/1952 RR-031-Report.pdf
SPR-172 Revision of Present Specifications Covering Adjustment of Catch-Basin Covers to Proper Elevation, to Permit Welding as Alternate to Brazing 02/01/1952 SPR-172-Report.pdf
SPR-170 Wallace Stone Investigation, Part I Scaling on Main Street Bridges, Lansing UB-1 and UB-2 of 33-6-4 E. A. Finney 02/01/1952 SPR-170-Report.pdf
SPR-171 The 1951 Proposed AASHTO Policy on Motor Vehicle Operation L. D. Childs 02/01/1952 SPR-171-Report.pdf
SPR-173 Manual for Reflectometer Operation and Maintenance 02/01/1952 SPR-173-Report.pdf
SPR-169 Investigation of Slippery Conditions on US-2 Stone Sand Concrete Pavement (Supplement No. 3 to Report No. 117) E. A. Finney 02/01/1952 SPR-169-Report.pdf
RR-029 Report on Traffic and Revenues - Proposed Mackinac Straits Bridge Coverdale and Colpitts 01/01/1952 Mackinac Bridge; Maps; Proposed locations, Terminals ,Traffic RR-029-Report.pdf
RR-028 The Adrian Area Traffic Study - Street Traffic and Trunkline Report 01/01/1952 RR-028-Report.pdf
SPR-168 American Steel and Wire Company Alternate 3 ? By 12-in. Mesh for Concrete Pavements E. A. Finney 01/01/1952 SPR-168-Report.pdf
SPR-167 A Discussion of the Principles of Glass Bead Reflectorization 12/01/1951 SPR-167-Report.pdf
SPR-166 Michigan Test on Rolled Beam Bridge Using H20-S16 Loading G. M. Foster, L. D. Childs 12/01/1951 SPR-166-Report.pdf
SPR-165 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat E.A. Finney 12/01/1951 SPR-165-Report.pdf
SPR-164 Vibrated Concrete Pavement in Michigan E. A. Finney 11/01/1951 SPR-164-Report.pdf
SPR-160 Comparative Field Study of Different Traffic Paints and Striping Practice 10/01/1951 SPR-160-Report.pdf
SPR-162 Stripping Tests on 18 Asphalt Cements L.A. Fickes, E. Airola 10/01/1951 SPR-162-Report.pdf
SPR-163A A Laboratory Study of Rubber-Asphalt Mixtures for Pavements L.A. Fickes 10/01/1951 SPR-163a-Report.pdf
RR-027 How Roadside Features Affect Traffic Accident Experience - 2nd Progress Report 09/01/1951 RR-027-Report.pdf
SPR-161 Progress Report ? Neoprene PreMolded Joint Seal Study B.W. Pocock 06/01/1951 SPR-161-Report.pdf
SPR-158 Study of 1950 Traffic Paint Operations B.W. Pocock 03/01/1951 SPR-158-Report.pdf
SPR-157 ASTM 1950 Cooperative Check Tests on Pavement Marking Paints 03/01/1951 SPR-157-Report.pdf
SPR-159 Report on Maryland Road Test One-MD 03/01/1951 SPR-159-Report.pdf
SPR-156 Investigational Concrete Pavement in Michigan Design Project ? Michigan Test Road ?10 Year Progress Report 12/01/1950 SPR-156-Report.pdf
SPR-155 Michigan?s Experience in the Use of White-Pigmented Membrane Curing Compound 11/01/1950 SPR-155-Report.pdf
SPR-154 Inspection of Marshall Creek Aggregate 10/01/1950 SPR-154-Report.pdf
SPR-145 Curing Concrete Pavements with Membranes C.C. Rhodes 08/01/1950 SPR-145-Report.pdf
SPR-152 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat ? Performance and Cost Information for Winter Season 1949-1950 E.A. Finney 08/01/1950 SPR-152-Report.pdf
SPR-153 Evaluation of Bituminous Concrete Surfaces on Stabilized Gravel Base E. A. Finney, O. L. Stokstad 08/01/1950 SPR-153-Report.pdf
SPR-151 Load Deflection Tests on Corrugated Metal Sections M. J. Huber, L. D. Childs 06/01/1950 SPR-151-Report.pdf
SPR-150 Snow Fence Material Investigation 06/01/1950 SPR-150-Report.pdf
SPR-149 Pavement Roughness Surveys E. A. Finney, L. D. Childs 04/01/1950 SPR-149-Report.pdf
SPR-147 Treated Sawdust for Skid Control on Icy Pavements 03/01/1950 SPR-147-Report.pdf
SPR-148 Experimental Installation of Hydron Form Lining on Bridge West of Ovid ? B2 of 19-12-4, C2 R. S. Fulton, C. C. Rhodes 03/01/1950 SPR-148-Report.pdf
RR-026 Federal Aid for Developing Michigan's Highways C. M. Ziegler 03/01/1950 funding, federal aid, taxes, revenue RR-026-Report.pdf
SPR-146 Design and Construction of Joints in Concrete Pavement Surfaces W. Van Breemen, E.A. Finney 02/01/1950 SPR-146-Report.pdf
RR-021 City Pavement Marking Traffic and Safety Division 01/01/1950 Road markings RR-021-Report.pdf
RR-023 The State Trunkline System for Greater Muskegon 01/01/1950 RR-023-Report.pdf
RR-024 Niles Area Traffic Study - Basic Facts and Tables 01/01/1950 RR-024-Report.pdf
RR-022 Driver and Traffic-Stream Behavior: As Criteria for the Design, Operation and Control of Streets and Highways 01/01/1950 RR-022-Report.pdf
RR-025 A Method of Rural Road Classification 01/01/1950 RR-025-Report.pdf
SPR-144 Experience with Air-Entraining Concrete in New Jersey C.C. Rhodes 12/01/1949 SPR-144-Report.pdf
SPR-143 Skidding Accidents Occurring on Stone Sand Concrete Pavements, August 1948 to August 1949 E. A. Finney 12/01/1949 SPR-143-Report.pdf
SPR-118 An Appraisal of the Membrane Method of Curing Concrete Pavements C.C. Rhodes, J.R. Evans 12/01/1949 SPR-118-Report.pdf
SPR-141 Study of Corrosion Inhibitors Added to De-icing Chemicals 12/01/1949 SPR-141-Report.pdf
SPR-142 Photometric Tests for Reflective Materials 12/01/1949 SPR-142-Report.pdf
SPR-137 Michigan Test Road Design Project, Nine Year Progress Report 11/01/1949 SPR-137-Report.pdf
SPR-138 Condition Study of Menominee Tourist Lodge B. W. Pocock 11/01/1949 SPR-138-Report.pdf
SPR-140 Progress Report on Design Project Michigan Test Road 11/01/1949 SPR-140-Report.pdf
SPR-139 Neoprene Premolded Joint Seal Installation E. A. Finney 11/01/1949 SPR-139-Report.pdf
SPR-136 Load-Deflection Tests on Corrugated Multi-Plate Sections G.M. Foster 11/01/1949 SPR-136-Report.pdf
SPR-135 Placement of Dowels by the Flex-Plane Mechanical Dowel Bar Installer on Project M8-31,C1 09/01/1949 SPR-135-Report.pdf
SPR-133 Rust Inhibition of Chloride Salts Used in Ice Control or Dust Palliation 08/01/1949 SPR-133-Report.pdf
SPR-134 Cold-Poured Asphalt-Rubber Joint Seal Experiment on M-43 B. Pocock, W. Martin 06/01/1949 SPR-134-Report.pdf
SPR-132 The Michigan State Highway Research Laboratory, Its Facilities, Its Functions, and Activities E. A. Finney 06/01/1949 SPR-132-Report.pdf
SPR-128 The Use of Nonshrinking Mortar for Anchoring Bolts in Concrete Members R.S. Fulton 05/01/1949 SPR-128-Report.pdf
SPR-130 Performance and Cost Information Relative to Michigan Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal by Radiant Heat E.A. Finney 05/01/1949 SPR-130-Report.pdf
SPR-131 Air-Entraining Concrete on Bridge Project F B 2 of 3-8-1, C1 Plainwell, Michigan E. A. Finney 05/01/1949 SPR-131-Report.pdf
SPR-129 Longitudinal Cracking on Project F 17- 42, C2 E. A. Finney 05/01/1949 SPR-129-Report.pdf
SPR-127 An Investigation of Hydron Form Lining 04/01/1949 SPR-127-Report.pdf
SPR-126 Spalling of Joints on Project 14-33, C1 E. A. Finney 03/01/1949 SPR-126-Report.pdf
SPR-125 ?Field Check of Design of Positive Type Shear Developers? (A Cooperative Project Between the Bridge Division and the Research Laboratory) F. S. Weber, L. D. Childs 03/01/1949 SPR-125-Report.pdf
SPR-123 Application of White Membrane on Project F 74-42,C1, US-25 North of Port Sanilac 03/01/1949 SPR-123-Report.pdf
SPR-124 Relative Resistance to Thermal and Mechanical Shock of Various 26-A Modified Aggregates Used in Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 03/01/1949 SPR-124-Report.pdf
SPR-122 Concrete Curb Design E. A. Finney 02/01/1949 SPR-122-Report.pdf
SPR-120 Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat E.A. Finney 01/01/1949 SPR-120-Report.pdf
RR-020 Standards for Pavement Marking Planning and Traffic Division 01/01/1949 Road markings RR-020-Report.pdf
SPR-121 Field Tests of Reflectorized Traffic Stripes 01/01/1949 SPR-121-Report.pdf
SPR-119 An Improved Sonic Apparatus for Determining the Dynamic Module of Concrete Specimens C.E. Goodell 01/01/1949 SPR-119-Report.pdf
SPR-117 Investigation of Slippery Condition of Stone Sand Concrete Pavement E. A. Finney 12/01/1948 SPR-117-Report.pdf
SPR-116 Shoulder Construction Practice in Michigan E.A. Finney 11/01/1948 Road shoulders; road construction SPR-116-Report.pdf
SPR-110 Deterioration and Restoration of Concrete Bridges on the State Trunkline System E. A. Finney, C. C. Rhodes 09/01/1948 SPR-110-Report.pdf
SPR-115 Operational Comparison of Premixed and M.S.H.D. Specification Materials for Reflectorized Centerlines 08/01/1948 SPR-115-Report.pdf
SPR-113 A Study of Fabrics for Membrane and Joint Waterproofing L.L. Peterson 06/01/1948 SPR-113-Report.pdf
SPR-114 Effect of Foreign Material on Quality of Concrete on Project F 43-16, C2 E. A. Finney, C.C. Rhodes 06/01/1948 SPR-114-Report.pdf
SPR-112 More Durable Concrete by Air Entrainment 04/01/1948 SPR-112-Report.pdf
SPR-111A Study of New American Decalcomania Reflective Material 03/01/1948 SPR-111A-Report.pdf
SPR-108 Detroit Manufactured Brick for Catch Basins and Manholes 03/01/1948 SPR-108-Report.pdf
SPR-109 The Use and Treatment of Granular Backfill 03/01/1948 SPR-109-Report.pdf
SPR-107 Consolidation of Porous Backfill 01/01/1948 SPR-107-Report.pdf
RR-019 Bases and Procedures for Determining Highway, Road and Street Deficiencies in Michigan 01/01/1948 RR-019-Report.pdf
SPR-105 Cracking of Concrete Patches on Project 49-7, C1 US-2 North of St. Ignace 12/01/1947 SPR-105-Report.pdf
SPR-106 Progress Report on Study of Turf Growth on Soil Mixtures Available for Highway Shoulder Construction in Michigan 12/01/1947 SPR-106-Report.pdf
RR-018 Financing Michigan Highways Roads and Streets 1910-1946 Planning and Traffic Division 11/01/1947 revenue, taxes, funding RR-018-Report.pdf
SPR-104 Progress Report on Load Deflection Tests Dealing with Length and Size of Dowels 11/01/1947 SPR-104-Report.pdf
SPR-101 ?Sealz Melter? Heating Kettle for Rubber Joint Sealing Compound E. A. Finney 09/01/1947 SPR-101-Report.pdf
SPR-103 Rubber Compound Heating Kettle, Chausse Model R-115 09/01/1947 SPR-103-Report.pdf
SPR-102 Liquid Chloride Application Study 09/01/1947 SPR-102-Report.pdf
SPR-100 Report on Research Laboratory, 1946 ? 1947 E. A. Finney 07/01/1947 SPR-100-Report.pdf
SPR-096 Bituminous Fiber Board for Joints E. A. Finney 05/01/1947 SPR-096-Report.pdf
RR-017 Modern Design Reduces Accidents 05/01/1947 RR-017-Report.pdf
SPR-098 Compressed Wood for Expansion Joint Fillers B.W. Pocock 05/01/1947 SPR-098-Report.pdf
SPR-091A Investigation of Concrete Paving Forms R.S. Fulton, S.M. Cardone 04/01/1947 SPR-091A-Report.pdf
SPR-097 Abnormal Cracking and Settlement of Pavement Slabs in the Willow Run and Detroit Industrial Expressway Systems E. A. Finney 04/01/1947 SPR-097-Report.pdf
RR-016 The Highway Transportation Problem in Michigan Don B. Smith, Charles M. Ziegler, Leroy C. Smith, Jay F. Gibbs, Richard Harfst, Walter Toebe 03/12/1947 taxes, revenue, funding, roads, highways, safety RR-016-Report.pdf
SPR-095 Experience in the Use of Carbon Black as a Color Pigment in Concrete Pavement 03/01/1947 SPR-095-Report.pdf
SPR-094 Resealing of Old Expansion Joints with Bituminous Rubber Compound In Relation to Highway Maintenance B.W. Pocock, W. Martin 03/01/1947 SPR-094-Report.pdf
SPR-093 Gradation and Consolidation of Porous Backfil 02/01/1947 SPR-093-Report.pdf
SPR-092 Modern Highway Loadings in Relation to Pavements and Bridges E. A. Finney 01/01/1947 SPR-092-Report.pdf
RR-015 Trends in Motor Vehicle Registrations, Travel and Revenue in Michigan 12/01/1946 RR-015-Report.pdf
SPR-091 Investigation of Concrete Paving Forms R.S. Fulton, S.M. Cardone 12/01/1946 SPR-091-Report.pdf
SPR-088 Non-Skid Bituminous Surface Treatments Project M5-17, C2 and M89-5, C3 E. A. Finney 10/01/1946 SPR-088-Report.pdf
SPR-089R Cracked Versus Uncracked Asphaltic Materials 10/01/1946 SPR-089-Report.pdf
SPR-090 A Study of Slab Action in Concrete Pavements L.D. Childs 10/01/1946 SPR-090-Report.pdf
SPR-087 The Preserving and Reconditioning of Concrete Bridges C. C. Rhodes 09/01/1946 SPR-087-Report.pdf
SPR-085 Research Laboratory Report, 1945 ? 1946 07/01/1946 SPR-085-Report.pdf
SPR-085 Research Laboratory Report, 1945 ? 1946 E. A. Finney 07/01/1946 SPR-085-Report.pdf
SPR-086 Investigation of Pen-Kote ?500? Maintenance Paint 07/01/1946 SPR-086-Report.pdf
SPR-084 Investigation of Hinged Bar Mat 06/01/1946 SPR-084-Report.pdf
SPR-083 First Condition Survey of Hot-Poured Bituminous-Rubber Joint Seal Investigation on US 16, West of Lansing E. A. Finney 05/01/1946 SPR-083-Report.pdf
SPR-082 Condition Survey Grayling Soil Stabilization Experimental Project ? 1946 04/01/1946 SPR-082-Report.pdf
RR-013 Proposed Traffic Signal Improvements - US 25 and Connecting Streets in the City of Mt. Clemens 04/01/1946 RR-013-Report.pdf
RR-014 Proposed Traffic Signal Improvements - US 10 in the Cities of Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge and Royal Oak 04/01/1946 RR-014-Report.pdf
RR-012 A Plan to Improve Traffic Routing in Bay City Michigan 04/01/1946 RR-012-Report.pdf
SPR-079 Prevention of Scale on Concrete Pavement Surfaces by Air Entrainment E. A. Finney 01/01/1946 SPR-079-Report.pdf
SPR-080 A Model Study of Slab Action in Concrete Pavements L.D. Childs 01/01/1946 SPR-080-Report.pdf
SPR-081 Comments on Bituminous-Rubber Joint Sealing Compounds B.W. Pocock 01/01/1946 SPR-081-Report.pdf
SPR-076 Investigations of Anti-Freeze Preparations 12/01/1945 SPR-076-Report.pdf
SPR-078 The Muskegon Experimental Project after Seven Years in Service E. A. Finney 12/01/1945 SPR-078-Report.pdf
SPR-077 Investigations Kapco Membrane Curing Compounds 12/01/1945 SPR-077-Report.pdf
RR-010 Federal Aid Secondary Highways in Michigan Charles M. Ziegler 11/01/1945 state highway departments, county road commissioners, county roads, trunklines, funding RR-010-Report.pdf
SPR-075 Factors to be Considered in the Use of Air-Entrained Concrete for Highway Construction E. A. Finney, C.C. Rhodes 09/01/1945 SPR-075-Report.pdf
SPR-074 The Application of Chloride Salts to Concrete Pavements for Ice Control 08/01/1945 SPR-074-Report.pdf
SPR-074A The Application of Chloride Salts for Ice Control to Concrete Pavements Constructed Without the Use of Air-Entraining Agents 08/01/1945 SPR-074A-Report.pdf
SPR-071 Report on Research Laboratory 1944-1945 E.A. Finney 07/10/1945 SPR-071-Report.pdf
SPR-072 A Model Study of Slab Action Concrete Pavements L.D. Childs 07/01/1945 SPR-072-Report.pdf
SPR-073 Inspection of Concrete Pavements in the Province of Ontario, Canada E. A. Finney 06/01/1945 SPR-073-Report.pdf
SPR-070A Asphaltic Oil-Latex Joint-Sealing Compound B.W. Pocock 04/01/1945 SPR-070A-Report.pdf
SPR-069 Determination of Benzene in Bituminous Materials 04/01/1945 SPR-069-Report.pdf
SPR-070 Asphaltic Oil-Latex Joint-Sealing Compound B.W. Pocock 04/01/1945 SPR-070-Report.pdf
RR-011 The Design of Concrete Pavements for Postwar Construction Michigan State Highway Department 03/01/1945 RR-011-Report.pdf
SPR-068 The Design of Concrete Pavements for Post War Construction E. A. Finney 03/01/1945 SPR-068-Report.pdf
SPR-066 Concerning Changes in Senate Bill No. 102 Relative to Motorbuses 02/01/1945 SPR-066-Report.pdf
RR-009 Initial Selection of Interstate Highways in Michigan 01/01/1945 RR-009-Report.pdf
SPR-065 Hardening of Wood by Chemical Processes 12/01/1944 SPR-065-Report.pdf
SPR-064 Pavement and Subgrade Moisture Michigan Test Road 12/01/1944 SPR-064-Report.pdf
SPR-063 Use of Vinsol Resin Cement in Concrete Bridge Structures C. C. Rhodes 11/01/1944 SPR-063-Report.pdf
SPR-062 Recommendations for the Design of Concrete Pavement E. A. Finney, W. O. Fremont 11/01/1944 SPR-062-Report.pdf
SPR-061 Microscopic Study of Scaled and Unscaled Concrete E. A. Finney 11/01/1944 SPR-061-Report.pdf
SPR-059 Preliminary Progress Report on Design Projects Michigan Test Road 10/01/1944 SPR-059-Report.pdf
SPR-060 Research Laboratory Report for Biennium 1942-1944 E. A. Finney 10/01/1944 SPR-060-Report.pdf
SPR-058 Study of Concrete Pavement Cracking on Project 49-7, C1 E. A. Finney 09/01/1944 SPR-058-Report.pdf
SPR-057 Study of Transit-Mixed Concrete in Relation to a Proposed Change in Batch Quantities on Construction Project 9-8, C3 Study No. 1 E. A. Finney 08/01/1944 SPR-057-Report.pdf
SPR-056 Study of Blowups on Bituminous-Capped Pavements E. A. Finney 07/01/1944 SPR-056-Report.pdf
SPR-054 Air-Entrained Concrete E. A. Finney 06/01/1944 SPR-054-Report.pdf
SPR-053 Para-Plastic Joint Sealing Compounds E. A. Finney 06/01/1944 SPR-053-Report.pdf
SPR-052 Compilation of Design and Construction Data for Concrete Pavements on the State Trunkline System E. A. Finney 06/01/1944 SPR-052-Report.pdf
SPR-051 The Research Laboratory E. A. Finney 06/01/1944 SPR-051-Report.pdf
SPR-055 Report on Research Laboratory ? 1943-1944 E. A. Finney 06/01/1944 SPR-055-Report.pdf
SPR-050 Report on Condition Survey of Concrete Capping Projects in Michigan E. A. Finney 03/01/1944 SPR-050-Report.pdf
RR-008 Michigan's Postwar Highway Needs 01/01/1944 RR-008-Report.pdf
SPR-049 ?Sealz? Joint Seal Study E. A. Finney, C. C. Rhodes 01/01/1944 SPR-049-Report.pdf
SPR-048 Michigan?s Experiences in the Use of Air Entraining Materials for Concrete Pavement Construction E. A. Finney 10/01/1943 SPR-048-Report.pdf
SPR-047 Determination of Young?s Modulus of Frozen and Thawed Concrete Specimens by Sonic Method E. A. Finney, C. C. Rhodes 08/01/1943 SPR-047-Report.pdf
SPR-046 Design Recommendations for Industrial Express Highway 06/01/1943 SPR-046-Report.pdf
SPR-044 Color in Concrete Pavements E. A. Finney 05/01/1943 SPR-044-Report.pdf
SPR-043 Research Activities, 1939 ? 1943 E. A. Finney 05/01/1943 SPR-043-Report.pdf
SPR-045 Design of Concrete Resurfacing E. A. Finney 05/01/1943 SPR-045-Report.pdf
SPR-042 Discoloration Phenomenon in Beaded Reflectorized Highway Sign Materials 01/01/1943 SPR-042-Report.pdf
RR-007 No Passing Zones 01/01/1943 RR-007-Report.pdf
SPR-041 A Digest of the Michigan Test Road for American Concrete Institute 12/01/1942 SPR-041-Report.pdf
SPR-040 Progress Report on Reflectorized Sign Material Investigation 11/01/1942 SPR-040-Report.pdf
SPR-037 Summary Activities of Research Laboratory Located at Michigan State College E. A. Finney 08/01/1942 SPR-037-Report.pdf
SPR-036 Progress Report on Cooperate Research Project Between Michigan State Highway Department and Michigan College of Mining and Technology, December, 1941-July, 1942 W. A. Karanen 07/01/1942 SPR-036-Report.pdf
SPR-038 Color Treatment of Concrete Pavements for Camouflage Purposes E. A. Finney 07/01/1942 SPR-038-Report.pdf
SPR-035 Research Laboratory Report for Biennium 1940-1942 E. A. Finney 07/01/1942 SPR-035-Report.pdf
SPR-034 Limestone Dust in Mortar 06/01/1942 SPR-034-Report.pdf
SPR-033 Progress Report on Membranous Curing Compound 05/01/1942 SPR-033-Report.pdf
SPR-032 Grayling Cement and Bituminous Soil Stabilization Projects 05/01/1942 SPR-032-Report.pdf
SPR-031 Curing of Concrete by Calcium Chloride Integral Mixed 04/01/1942 SPR-031-Report.pdf
SPR-030 Construction of Experimental Soil-Cement Stabilization Road Surface, Stockbridge, Michigan E. A. Finney 04/01/1942 Surface course (pavements); soil stabilization SPR-030-Report.pdf
SPR-028 Summary of Research Projects E. A. Finney 04/01/1942 SPR-028-Report.pdf
SPR-029 Agrifil as a Mineral Filler for Bituminous Mixtures 04/01/1942 SPR-029-Report.pdf
SPR-027 Flight Strips ? Design and Construction 03/01/1942 SPR-027-Report.pdf
SPR-025 Effect of Various Axle Loadings on Highway Pavements W.C. Fremont 02/01/1942 SPR-025-Report.pdf
SPR-026 Selected Bibliography on Airport Construction for National Defense 02/01/1942 SPR-026-Report.pdf
SPR-039 Concrete Durability Study: Accelerated Scaling Studies on Concrete Pavement Surfaces E. A. Finney 02/01/1942 SPR-039-Report.pdf
SPR-024 Comments on Concrete Scaling Studies J.W. Kushing 12/01/1941 SPR-024-Report.pdf
SPR-023 General Observations on Concrete Scaling J.W. Kushing 12/01/1941 SPR-023-Report.pdf
SPR-022 Research Activities of Michigan State Highway Department J. W. Kushing 11/01/1941 SPR-022-Report.pdf
SPR-021 The Michigan Test Road 09/01/1941 SPR-021-Report.pdf
SPR-019 The Library-Laboratory Research J. W. Kushing 08/01/1941 SPR-019-Report.pdf
SPR-020 Movie of Michigan Test Road Pictures and Script 08/01/1941 SPR-020-Report.pdf
SPR-018 Construction and Subsequent Studies of Concrete Durability Project Michigan Test Road J.W. Kushing 07/01/1941 SPR-018-Report.pdf
SPR-017 Proposed Specifications for a Slow-Curing Liquid Asphalt 06/01/1941 SPR-017-Report.pdf
SPR-016 Report on Claims Presented by W. L. Thon Company Contractor Michigan Test Road 05/01/1941 SPR-016-Report.pdf
SPR-015 A Report on Manufactured Stone Sand and Its Use in Concrete Mixtures 05/01/1941 SPR-015-Report.pdf
SPR-014 Fundamental Principles and Factors Embodied in the Michigan Test Road 04/01/1941 SPR-014-Report.pdf
SPR-013 Natural Conditions Affecting Performance of Soils 03/01/1941 SPR-013-Report.pdf
SPR-011 Concrete Durability Studies E.A. Finney 02/01/1941 SPR-011-Report.pdf
SPR-012 Construction of Michigan Test Road 02/01/1941 SPR-012-Report.pdf
SPR-007 Activities of Research Division J. W. Kushing 01/01/1941 SPR-007-Report.pdf
RR-006 The Effectiveness of Highway Delineators on Accident Occurrence 01/01/1941 RR-006-Report.pdf
SPR-010 Pavement Joints and Their Functions J.W. Kushing 01/01/1941 SPR-010-Report.pdf
SPR-009 Value of Concrete Spreader in Concrete Pavement Construction J.W. Kushing 01/01/1941 SPR-009-Report.pdf
SPR-008 Summary Michigan Test Road 01/01/1941 SPR-008-Report.pdf
SPR-005 Design of Load Transfer Joints in Concrete Pavements J. W. Kushing, W. O. Fremont 11/01/1940 SPR-005-Report.pdf
SPR-006 Changes in Characteristics of Slow-curing Asphaltic Oils 11/01/1940 SPR-006-Report.pdf
SPR-003 Michigan Test Road 11/01/1940 SPR-003-Report.pdf
SPR-002 Field Study of Joint Sealer J.W. Kushing 10/01/1940 SPR-002-Report.pdf
SPR-001 Research Activities of Michigan State Highway Department J. W. Kushing 07/01/1940 SPR-001-Report.pdf
SPR-004 Investigational Concrete Pavement in Michigan J.W. Kushing 01/01/1940 SPR-004-Report.pdf
RR-005 Model Organization for a State Highway Department G. Donald Kennedy 12/06/1938 state highway departments, organizational structure, public relations RR-005-Report.pdf
RR-004 Dowel Bar Investigation Part II Study of Dowel Bar Coatings in Bond Stress 12/01/1938 TEST RR-004-Report.pdf
RR-002 The Motorist's Stake in the Highways G. Donald Kennedy 02/15/1938 motor vehicle tax, highway planning, survey, rural, urban RR-002-Report.pdf
RR-003 The Crossroads of Highway Administration Murray D. VanWagoner 02/15/1938 taxes, tax policy, highway finance RR-003-Report.pdf
RR-001 The Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Detroit & Canada Tunnel Corp. 01/01/1930 Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, Underway Tunnel, Underway automobile roadway RR-001-Report.pdf