Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

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TPF - 5(254) TPF-5(254)-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1740 Electronic Water Level Sensors for Monitoring Scour Critical Structures Branko Kerkez, Kate Kusiak Galvin, Travis Dantzer 02/06/2025 Bridge scour monitoring, Water level sensors, Real-time data, Open-source technology, Bridge inspection, Sensor networks, Wireless communication SPR-1740-Report.pdf
SPR-1732 Enhanced Bridge Cost Estimating Christopher D. Eamon Kazuhiko Shinki Ihab Darwish Jose Garcia Kin Hang Wong Ahmad Alsendi Erika Hozeski 09/24/2024 Bridges, Construction, Cost, Cost Estimation SPR-1732-Report.pdf
SPR-1730 New methods for preventing and repairing bridge deck fascia damage CTC & Associates 03/01/2024 Deck fascia; deterioration mechanism; corrosion; freeze-thaw; repair; barrier; crashworthiness; surface treatment; corrosion resistant reinforcement; field investigation; coring; testing SPR-1730-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1730 Repair of Bridge Deck Fascias Furkan Cakmak, Fatmir Menkulasi, Christopher Eamon, Hwai-Chung Wu 10/30/2023 Deck fascia; deterioration mechanism; corrosion; freeze-thaw; repair; barrier; crashworthiness; surface treatment; corrosion resistant reinforcement; field investigation; coring; testing SPR-1730-Report.pdf
SPR-1698 Revised Concrete Cure Times Reduce Duration of Bridge Closures CTC & Associates 07/13/2023 Bridge deck, Bond strength, Concrete, Cracking, Curing, Epoxy overlay, Healer sealer, Moisture, Road user cost SPR-1698-Spotlight.pdf
SPR - 1703 Concrete Deterioration of Prestressed Bridge Beams Upul Attanayake, Neil Berke, Harsha 07/31/2022 Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity, Alkali-Silica Reactivity, Concrete, Coatings, Beams, Delayed Ettringite Formation, Distress, Freeze-thaw, Prestressed, Rating, Sealants SPR-1703-Report.pdf
SPR-1698 Effects of Concrete Cure Time on Epoxy Overlay and Sealant Performance Upul Attanayake, Neil Berke, Abul F 06/15/2022 Bridge deck, Bond strength, Concrete, Cracking, Curing, Epoxy overlay, Healer sealer, Moisture, Road user cost SPR-1698-Report.pdf
SPR-1707 Evaluation of 0.7 Inch Diameter Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Pretensioning Strands in Prestressed Beams Nabil Grace, Mena Bebawy, Mohamed 03/31/2022 CFRP; Prestressed Highway Bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; FreezeThaw SPR-1707-Report.pdf
SPR- 1702 Measuring the Effect and Value of Intermediate Diaphragms on Bridges 02/01/2022 SPR-1702-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1702 Development of Guidelines for the Use of Intermediate Diaphragms on Precast Concrete Beam Superstructures Christopher D. Eamon Fatmir Menkula 08/01/2021 diaphragms; bridges; prestressed concrete; instability; buckling; finite element analysis SPR-1702-Report.pdf
SPR-1696 Treatments for Recycled Concrete Aggregate Reduce pH of Roadway Drainage CTC & Associates 04/01/2021 Environment, construction, recycled aggregate, pavement, bases, drainage SPR-1696-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1688 Revised Bridge Scour Calculations Help MDOT Better Allocate Finite Resources CTC & Associates 04/01/2021 Bridge Scour, Cohesive Soils, Scour-susceptible Rock,Scour Analysis SPR-1688-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1697 Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders 04/01/2021 SPR-1697-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1697 Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders Furkan Cakmak, Fatmir Menkulasi, Ch 03/31/2021 Prestressed concrete beam; steel beam; camber; deflection; rebound; creep; shrinkage; prestress loss; time-dependent behavior SPR-1697-Report.pdf
SPR-1691 Structural Analysis Tools Help Strealine Review of Bridge Construction Plans CTC & Associates 02/01/2021 Bridge construction, calculation tools, check lists, constructability evaluation, constructability review, Mathcad, quality control and quality assurance SPR-1691-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1696 Reduction of pH Levels from Underdrain Outlets Nishantha Bandara, Elin Jensen, Nic 12/31/2020 Environment, construction, recycled aggregate, pavement, bases, drainage SPR-1696-Report.pdf
SPR-1688 Improved Calculation of Scour Potential on Cohesive Soils and Scour Susceptible Rock 12/01/2020 Bridge Scour, Cohesive Soils, Scour-susceptible Rock,Scour Analysis SPR-1688-Report.pdf
SPR-1684 Knowledge management system enables easy access to bridge policy and design updates WSU 12/01/2020 SPR-1684-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1684 Best Practices for Modernizing MDOT Bridge Design Manual, Guides, and Policy Documentation 12/01/2020 Bridge, Design Policies, Design Manual, Design Guides, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Legacy Documents, Standard Plans SPR-1684-Report.pdf
SPR- 1691 Bridge Structural Analyses for Staged Construction and Constructability Reviews Haluk M. Aktan, Upul Attanayake 05/31/2020 Bridge construction, calculation tools, check lists, constructability evaluation, constructability review, Mathcad, quality control and quality assurance SPR-1691-Report.pdf
SPR-1687 Accelerated Bridge Preservation Techniques 04/01/2020 Bridge preservation, bridge maintenance, user delay costs SPR-1687-Report.pdf
SPR-1676 New tools allow proactive management of Michigan?s retaining walls 03/01/2020 SPR-1676-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1676 Asset Management of Retaining Walls 03/01/2020 Retaining Walls, Asset Management, Field Monitoring, Ground Settlement Thresholds SPR-1676-Report.pdf
SPR-1690 Appendix A 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Appendix-A.pdf
SPR-1690 Appendix B 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Appendix-B.pdf
SPR-1690 Beam Video 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Beam-Video.mp4
SPR-1690 Evaluating Long Term Capacity and Ductility of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Prestressing and Post Tensioning Strands 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Report.pdf
SPR-1690 Extensive testing of carbon polymer for highway bridge reinforcement provides guidance for improved designs 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1690 Fire Beam Video 08/01/2019 CFRP; Prestressed highway bridges; Creep Rupture, Relaxation; Fire; Environmental Conditions; Freeze-Thaw SPR-1690-Firebeam-Video.MOV
SPR-1682 Applying Multi-Beam Sonar for Inspection for Bridge Scour and Performance of Bridge 07/01/2019 Monitor, bridge, scour, countermeasure, footing, pile, sonar, side scan, drone, unmanned surface vessel, Hydronalix, EMILY, underwater, remote SPR-1682-Report.pdf
SPR-1682 Remote-controlled vessel provides safe and accurate inspection for bridge scour 07/01/2019 SPR-1682-Spotlight.pdf
SPr-1682 Applying Multi-Beam Sonar for Inspection for Bridge Scour and Performance of Bridge - Video 07/01/2019 SPR-1682-Video.mp4
SPR-1670 Commercial production of Non-Proprietary Ultra High Performance Concrete 12/01/2018 Ultra-high performance concrete, non-proprietary, durability, strength, mixing, field pour, bridge, freeze-thaw SPR-1670-Report.pdf
SPR-1670 MDOT Research Develops Generic Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Mixing in Field 12/01/2018 SPR-1670-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1648 Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Increases on Identified Case Studies 12/01/2018 Speed limits, freeways, increasing, crashes, operational speeds SPR-1648-Report.pdf
SPR-1617C Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway 10/01/2018 SPR-1617C-Report.pdf
SPR-1617C Improved Asset Management of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks 10/01/2018 SPR-1617C-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1673 Bridge Scour Technology Transfer 05/01/2018 Bridge scour, technology transfer workshop SPR-1673-Report.pdf
SPR-1647 Development of 3D and 4D Bridge Models and Plans 05/01/2018 Advanced technology, Bridge design, 3D modeling, Level of development, Bridge modeling software, CADD, Innovation, Technology, Training materials. SPR-1647-Report.pdf
SPR-1673 Bridge Scour Conference Shares Knowledge and Innovations 05/01/2018 SPR-1673-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1647 Implementing 3-D and 4-D modeling software to enhance bridge design 05/01/2018 SPR-1647-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1669 Ready-to-use Designs Help Local Agencies Build Cost-Effective, Quality Bridges WSU 03/01/2018 SPR-1669-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1669 Evaluation of Cost/Benefits of Standardization of Secondary Route Bridges 03/01/2018 Bridges, Steel, Prestressed Concrete, Box Beam, Bulb-Tee, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, Standardization, Plans SPR-1669-Report.pdf
SPR-1640 Developing Representative Michigan Truck Configurations for Bridge Load Rating 02/01/2018 SPR-1640-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1640 Developing Representative Michigan Truck Configurations for Bridge Load Rating 02/01/2018 Bridges, WIM, Load Rating, Live Load, Reliability SPR-1640-Report.pdf
SPR-1667 The Use of Bridge Managements Software in the Network Analysis of Big Bridges 12/01/2017 SPR-1667-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1667 The Use of Bridge Managements Software in the Network Analysis of Big Bridges 12/01/2017 Bridges, bridge management systems, element level data, bridge inspection, complex bridges SPR-1667-Report.pdf
SPR-1618C Research on Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques 09/01/2017 SPR-1618C-Report.pdf
SPR-1634 New 3-D App Speeds Bridge Inspection 02/01/2017 SPR-1634-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1634 Wireless Data Collection Retrievals of Bridge Inspection / Management Information 02/01/2017 Bridges, tablets, inspection, element, 3D, database, data, interactive, Unreal Engine 4 SPR-1634-Report.pdf
SPR-1642 Bridge Design System Analysis and Modernization 09/01/2016 SPR-1642-Report.pdf
SPR-1642 Updated Bridge Design System Endures as a Unique, Powerful Tool for MDOT's Design Division 09/01/2016 SPR-1642-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1617B Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management ? Pilot Project 09/01/2016 NDE, bridge deck, condition assessment, thermography, photogrammetry, delamination, spall, concrete deck, 3DOBS SPR-1617B-Report.pdf
SPR-1637 MDOT Aims for Lower-Cost Ultra-High Performance Concrete 03/01/2016 SPR-1637-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1637 Development, Characterization and Applications of a Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Highway Bridges 03/01/2016 Ultra-high performance concrete, non-proprietary, durability, strength, bond, joints, precast concrete, bridge freeze-thaw SPR-1637-Report.pdf
SPR-1632 Nondestructive Bridge Evaluations Guide Repair Decisions 11/01/2015 SPR-1632-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1632 Evaluating Prestressing Strands and Post-Tensioning Cable in Concrete Structures using Nondestructive Evaluation Methods 11/01/2015 Corrosion, Concrete, Prestressed, Post-tensioning, Nondestructive testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic flux leakage; laboratory and field investigation SPR-1632-Report.pdf
SPR-1618A Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques 09/01/2015 SPR-1618-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1618A Speeds for Effective Asset Management 09/01/2015 Accelerated Bridge Construction, ABC, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Foundation Construction, Foundation Reuse, Scoping Framework, Standardizing SIBC SPR-1618A-Report.pdf
SPR-1617 Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management 03/01/2015 SPR-1617-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1629 Remote Monitoring of Fatigue-Sensitive Details on Bridges 03/01/2015 Acoustic emission, bridge, fatigue, fatigue life; hot spot stress; monitoring SPR-1629-Report.pdf
SPR-1620 New Bridge Design Promises to Lengthen Service Life 03/01/2015 SPR-1620-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1620 Evaluation & Analysis of Decked Bulb-T Beam Bridge 03/01/2015 Decked bulb T beam, bridges, transverse post-tensioning, longitudinal cracks, transverse diaphragms, ultra high performance concrete. CFRP prestressing strands, Un-bonded strands SPR-1620-Report.pdf
SPR-1617 Evaluation of Bridge Decks using Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at Near Highway Speeds for Effective Asset Management Theresa M. Ahlborn; Colin Brooks 03/01/2015 inspection, concrete, concrete bridge deck, remote sensing, condition assessment, field demonstration SPR-1617-Report.pdf
SPR-1615 Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Beams in Shear Christopher Eamon; Gustavo Parra-Mo 09/01/2014 Bridges, Prestressed Concrete, Beams, Shear, Finite Element Analysis, Field Testing SPR-1615-Report.pdf
SPR-1614 Guidelines for Using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Materials to Extend Bridge Life 09/01/2014 SPR-1614-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1614 Design and Construction Guidelines for Strengthening Bridges using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) Christopher Eamon; Hwai-Chung Wu 09/01/2014 Bridges, Strengthening, FRP, CFRP, Composites, laminates; design; construction SPR-1614-Report.pdf
SPR-1601 Part 1 Side By Side Probability for Bridge Design and Analysis Christopher D. Eamon; Vahid Kamjoo 08/01/2014 Bridges, Reliability, Load Model, Live Load SPR-1601-Report.pdf
SPR-1601 Part 2 Side By Side Probability for Bridge Design and Analysis, Part 2 08/01/2014 SPR-1601-Part2-Report.pdf
SPR-1618B Research on Evaluation and Standardization of Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Techniques ? Bridge Slide Showcase 08/01/2014 Accelerated Bridge Construction, ABC, Lateral SPR-1618B-Report.pdf
SPR-1610 Accelerated Bridge Construction and Structural Move ? Workshop Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Abdul 03/01/2014 Accelerated bridge construction, ABC, bridge, PBES, slide, self-propelled modular transporter; SPMT SPR-1610-Report.pdf
SPR-1602 Accelerating Bridge Construction to Minimize Traffic Disruption 12/01/2013 SPR-1602-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1602 Improving Bridges with Prefabricated Precast Concrete Systems Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake 12/01/2013 Accelerated bridge construction, Concrete, Connection, Constructability, Decision-making, PBES, Performance, Reduced-weight SPR-1602-Report.pdf
SPR-1602 Improving Bridges with Prefabricated Precast Concrete Systems 12/01/2013 SPR-1602-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1597 Research on Non-Destructive Evaluation Seminar ? Workshop Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Abdul 09/01/2013 Assessment, bridge, NDE SPR-1597-Report.pdf
SPR-1541 Skewed Highway Bridges Gongkang Fu; Pang-jo Chun 07/01/2013 SPR-1541-Report.pdf
SPR-1587B Development and Validation of Deterioration Models for Concrete Bridge Decks ? Phase 2: Mechanics-based Degradation Models Nan Hu; Syed W. Haider; Rigoberto B 06/01/2013 Bridge deck; Chloride; corrosion; Predictions; Structural reliability; Monte Carlo method; NBI Rating SPR-1587B-Report.pdf
SPR-1578A Development and Validation of Deterioration Models for Concrete Bridge Decks ? Phase 1: Artificial Intelligence Models and Bridge Management System Emily K. Winn; Rigoberto Burgueno 06/01/2013 Bridge decks; Bridge inspection; Deterioration; Databases; Evaluation; Neural networks, Predictions, Ratings SPR-1587A-Report.pdf
SPR-1586 Implementation of Sustainable and Green Design and Construction Practices for Bridges Matt Syal; Ronald Harichandran; Sin 12/01/2012 Sustainable and Green Bridges, LCA, LCCA SPR-1586-Report.pdf
SPR-1567 Investigate Causes and Develop Methods for Preventing Falling Concrete from Bridge Decks Nabil Grace; Elin Jensen 09/01/2012 Falling concrete, bridge decks, corrosion, spalling, nondestructive testing; field and laboratory investigations SPR-1567-Report.pdf
SPR-1571 Identification of Causes and Solution Strategies for Deck Cracking in Jointless Bridges David J. Stringer; Rigoberto Burgue 07/01/2012 bridge; jointless; deck; cracking; shrinkage; experiment; finite element SPR-1571-Report.pdf
SPR-1564 Development and Validation of a Sensor-Based Health Monitoring Model for Parkview Bridge Deck Haluk Aktan; Ikhlas Abdel-Qader; Up 01/01/2012 Sensor Network, Structural Health Monitoring, Rapid Bridge Construction; vibrating wire gauges, full-depth deck panels, stress envelopes, defect signature, finite element modeling SPR-1564-Report.pdf
SPR-1560 Stainless and Stainless-Clad Reinforcement for Highway Bridge Use Steve Kahl 12/01/2011 Stainless steel, stainless-clad reinforcement, life cycle cost, corrosion, bridge deck, service life, sustainability SPR-1560-Report.pdf
SPR-1563 Spotlight Improving the Design of High-Skew Jointless Bridges 09/01/2011 SPR-1563-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1563 High Skew Link Slab Bridge System with Deck Sliding over Backwall or Backwall Sliding over Abutment Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake 09/01/2011 Abutment, Concrete, Finite Element, Jointless Bridge, Link Slab, and skew SPR-1563-Report.pdf
SPR-1547 A Critical Evaluation of Bridge Scour for Michigan Specific Conditions Carol Miller; Donald Carpenter 02/01/2011 Bridge Scour, Soil Erosion, HEC-18, HEC-RAS SPR-1547-Report.pdf
SPR-1549 Spotlight 2 Testing Epoxy-Coated Rebar Helps Refine Bridge Maintenance Strategies 01/01/2011 SPR-1549-Spotlight2.pdf
SPR-1549 ECR Bridge Decks: Damage Detection & Assessment of Remaining Life for Various Overlay Repair Options (Parts I & II) Ronald S. Harichandran; Gang Zhang 01/01/2011 delamination, noise cancelling, feature extraction, pattern recognition SPR-1549-Report.pdf
SPR-1549 Spotlight 1 Moving Toward Electronic Testing for Invisible Bridge Deck Damage 01/01/2011 SPR-1549-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1546 Effects of Debonded Strands on the Production and Performance of Prestressed Concrete Beams Rigoberto Burgueno; Yi Sun 01/01/2011 Strand; Debonding; Sheathed; Blanketed; Prestresss; Pre-tension; Concrete, Box Beams; Experiment; Finite Element SPR-1546-Report.pdf
SPR-1546 Spotlight Strand Debonding Helps Minimize Bridge Beam End Cracking 01/01/2011 SPR-1546-Spotlight.pdf
RR-782 Live Load Distribution Factors for Closely Spaced Prestressed Concrete Box Beams S. Kulkarni 10/01/2010 RR-782-Report.pdf
SPR-1536 Spotlight Michigan Gains Valuable Experience from Demonstration of Rapid Bridge Construction 01/01/2010 SPR-1536-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1536 A Sensor Network System for the Health Monitoring of the Parkview Bridge Deck Osama Abudayyeh 01/01/2010 Sensor Network, Structural Health Monitoring, Rapid Bridge; Construction, vibrating wires straing gauges, load testing full-depth deck panels SPR-1536-Report.pdf
SPR-1529 Overload Truck Wheel Load Distribution on Bridge Decks Roger Till 04/01/2009 Load Rating, Live Load, Overload, Permit Load, Bridge SPR-1529-Report.pdf
SPR-1527 Condition Assessment and Methods of Abatement of Prestressed Concrete Box-Beam Deterioration ? Phase II Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Evren 04/01/2009 Box-Beam Bridge, Concrete, Deterioration, Finite Element, Transverse Posttension, Rational Design SPR-1527-Report.pdf
SPR-1525 Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Michigan Bridges, Material Performance ? Phase I, Final Report Theresa M. Ahlborn; Erron Peuse; Do 11/01/2008 Ultra High Performance Concrete, UHPC, Bridge Materials, Compressive Strength, Modulus, Poisson?s Ratio, Flexure, Rapid Chloride Penetration, Freeze-Thaw SPR-1525-Report.pdf
SPR-1519 Calculating the Critical Buckling Stress for Plates With One Free Edge Under Combined Axial and Flexural Forces Rebecca Curtis; Roger Till 09/01/2008 critical buckling stress; gusset plate; free edge; combined axial and flexural stress SPR-1519-Report.pdf
SPR-1517 Analysis of Stress Distribution in Link Plates Used for Suspending Bridge Beams Peter O. Jansson 09/01/2008 Link plate, pin and hangers, steel bridges, finite element analysis SPR-1517-Report.pdf
SPR-1520 Methodology of Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains for Modeling Bridge Element Deterioration Gongkang Fu; Dinesh Devaraj 08/01/2008 SPR-1520-Report.pdf
SPR-1514 Combining Link Slab, Deck Sliding over Backwall, and Revising Bearings Haluk Aktan; Upul Attanayake; Evren 07/01/2008 Approach Slab, Abutment, Concrete, Deterioration, Finite SPR-1514-Report.pdf
SPR-1515 Performance of Isotropic Bridge Decks Peter O. Jansson 06/01/2008 Isotropic, empirical, bridge deck, AASHTO SPR-1515-Report.pdf
SPR-1506 Spotlight Engineered Cementitious Composite May Replace Bridge Deck Joints 03/01/2008 SPR-1506-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1506 Field Demonstration of Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites ? Phase 3: Shrinkage Control Victor C. Li; En-Hua Yang; Mo Li 03/01/2008 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening, Durability; shrinkage control; crack width control; implementation; demonstration SPR-1506-Report.pdf
SPR-1518 Evaluating the Economic Benefits to Michigan of Alternative Road-Bridge Investment Mixes George A. Fulton; Donald R. Grimes 03/01/2008 economic benefits, REMI, Regional Economic SPR-1518-Report.pdf
SPR-1509 Spotlight Carbon Fiber Post-Tensioned Cables Reduce Bridge Deck Cracking, Extend Service Life 02/01/2008 SPR-1509-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1509 Use of Unbonded CFCC for Transverse Post-Tensioning of Side-by-Side Box-Beam Bridges Nabil Grace; Elin Jensen 02/01/2008 Box-beam bridges, transverse post-tensioning, longitudinal cracks; transverse diaphragms SPR-1509-Report.pdf
SPR-1508 Identification Of Causes And Development Of Strategies For Relieving Structural Distress In Bridge Abutments Rigoberto Burgueno; Zhe Li 02/01/2008 Abutments, ANN, bridges, damage, damage models, distress, field inspections, neural networks, prediction models. SPR-1508-Report.pdf
SPR-1507 Evaluation of Prefabricated Composite Steel Box Girder Systems for Rapid Bridge Construction Rigoberto Burgueno; Benjamin S. Pav 02/01/2008 Steel, Box Beams; Prefabricated Bridges; Rapid Construction; Analysis; Deck Joints; Transverse Post-Tensioning SPR-1507-Report.pdf
SPR-1490 Bridge Deck Corner Cracking on Skewed Structures Gongkang Fu, Jihang Feng, Jason Dim 09/01/2007 Skew bridge, concrete deck, corner cracking, causes, cures SPR-1490-Report.pdf
SPR-1499 Corrosion Resistant Alloy Steel (MMFX) Reinforcing Bar in Bridge Decks Steve Kahl 09/01/2007 MMFX, reinforcement, corrosion resistant, life cycle cost; alloy steel; epoxy coated; bridge deck SPR-1499-Report.pdf
SPR-1499 Spotlight Corrosion-Resistant Alloy Steel Extends Life of Bridges 09/01/2007 SPR-1499-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1498 Performance of Michigan?s Concrete Barriers 08/01/2007 SPR-1498-Report.pdf
SPR-1498 Spotlight In-House Research Improves Concrete Bridge Barriers 08/01/2007 SPR-1498-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1489 Experimental Evaluation and Field Monitoring of Prestressed Box Beams for SCC Demonstration Bridge Rigoberto Burgueno; David A. Bender 07/01/2007 Box Beams; Monitoring; Flexure; Prestressed Concrete; SCCl Self-Consolidating-Concrete; Shear; Testing SPR-1489-Report.pdf
SPR-1491 Chloride Content in Segments of the Zilwaukee Bridge Roger Till 05/01/2007 chloride content, segmental bridge, latex, overlay SPR-1491-Report.pdf
SPR-1484 High Performance Material for Rapid Durable Repair of Bridges and Structures Victor C. Li; Mo Li; Michael Lepech 12/01/2006 HES-ECC, Concrete repair, Strain-hardening, High early SPR-1484-Report.pdf
SPR-1466 LRFD Load Calibration for State of Michigan Trunkline Bridges Gongkang Fu; John W. van de Lindt 08/01/2006 Structural reliability, design load, bridge design, capacity, resistance, reliability index, LRFD SPR-1466-Report.pdf
SPR-1471 Field Demonstration of Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Victor C. Li; M. Lepech; M. Li 12/01/2005 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening, Durability; Crack width control, implementation, demonstration SPR-1471-Report.pdf
SPR-894 Investigation of Chemical and Physical Properties of Structural Steel, B03 of 51021- Cooley Bridge, M-55 over Pine River K. A. Allemeier 05/01/2005 SPR-894-Report.pdf
SPR-1454 Development of Steel Beam End Deterioration Guidelines John W. van de Lindt and Theresa M. 01/01/2005 Steel, deterioration, beam end SPR-1454-Report.pdf
SPR-1455 Inspection and Deterioration of Bridge Decks Constructed Using Stay-in-Place Metal Forms and Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement Nabil Grace; Jim Hanson 10/01/2004 Bridge decks; Compressive strength; Concrete bridges; Durability; Epoxy coatings; Freeze thaw durability; Metals; State of the practice SPR-1455-Report.pdf
RR-779 Bridge Deterioration and Its Impact on Bridge Rating: A Parametric Study S. Kulkarni 05/01/2004 RR-779-Report.pdf
SPR-1443 Petrographic Evaluation of Cores from the Mosel Avenue Bridge Thomas Van Dam; Karl R. Peterson 03/01/2004 concrete deterioration, freez-thaw deterioration, alkali-silica reactivity; Alkali silica reactions; Bridge decks; Cores (Specimens); Deterioration; Fine aggregates; Freeze thaw durability; Mix design SPR-1443-Report.pdf
RR-778 Comparison of Steel Overhead Sign Support Structures MTU 12/01/2003 RR-778-Report.pdf
SPR-1437 Investigative Causes and Develop Methods to Minimize Early-Age Deck Cracking on Michigan Bridge Decks 12/01/2003 SPR-1437-Appendices.pdf
SPR-1437 Investigative Causes and Develop Methods to Minimize Early-Age Deck Cracking on Michigan Bridge Decks Haluk Aktan; Gongkang Fu 12/01/2003 Bridge deck, early-age concrete, reinforced concrete; tensile strength; shrinkage; mix design SPR-1437-Report.pdf
SPR-1438 Durable Link Slabs for Jointless Bridge Decks Based on Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Victor C. Li; G. Fischer 11/01/2003 ECC link slab, Jointless bridge deck, Strain-hardening; Bridge decks; Cement; Concrete bridges; Deterioration; Durability; Freeze thaw durability; Jointless bridges; Strain hardening SPR-1438-Report.pdf
SPR-1435 Sensors to Monitor Bond in Concrete Bridges Rehabilitated with FRP Ronald S. Harichandran 10/01/2003 NDE; EIS; CFRP sheet; sensors; debonding; Beams; Carbon fibers; Chloride content; Debonding; Electrochemical corrosion; Freeze thaw durability; Nondestructive tests; Reinforcing bars; Sensors SPR-1435-Report.pdf
SPR-1429 Verification of Girder Distribution Factors for Continuous Steel Girder Bridges Andrzej S. Nowak; Junskiik Eom; Dav 05/01/2003 Bridge decks; Continuous girder bridges; Dynamic loads; Flexural strength; Girder bridges; Heavy duty trucks; Live loads; Long span bridges SPR-1429-Report.pdf
SPR-1422 Field Performance of Polymer Bridge Deck Overlays in Michigan Russ Alger; Scott Gruenberg; Joe We 01/01/2003 Polymer overlays; bridge decks; epoxy; Anti-icing; Benefit cost analysis; Bridge decks; Bridges; Concrete overlays; Epoxy coatings; Field tests; elastomeric concrete SPR-1422-Report.pdf
SPR-1424 Criteria and Benefits of Penetrating Sealants for Concrete Bridge Deck Upul Attanayake; Haluk Aktan; Simon 12/01/2002 concrete bridge deck; durability; electrical resistivity; methacrylate; hyrdrophobic; penetrating sealants; permeability; silane; siloxane; water repellents SPR-1424-Report.pdf
SPR-1400 Field Evaluation of Experimental Low VOC Bridge Paints Byron D. Beck 07/01/2002 SPR-1400-Report.pdf
SPR-1412A Investigation of Steel Box Girder Pier Caps on S05 of 63103 Roger Till 06/01/2002 Fatigue; web penetrations; steel pier cap; toughness; fracture critical SPR-1412A-Report.pdf
SPR-1406 A Comparative Bond Study of Stainless Steel Reinforcement in Concrete Theresa M. Ahlborn; Timothy C. DenH 01/01/2002 Stainless steel; concrete reinforcement; bond; development length; bridge decks; 316LN stainless; duplex 2205 SPR-1406-Report.pdf
SPR-1397 Analysis of the Bridge Barrier Railing Barrier Railing, Type 5; and Bridge Railing, Aesthetic Parapet Tube. R. D. Till 07/01/2001 barrier; railig; parapet; bridge; adhesive; anchors; yield line theory; strength; capacity; crash test SPR-1397-Report.pdf
SPR-1393 Verification of Girder Distribution Factors for Steel Girder Bridges U of M 05/01/2001 steel girder bridges; girder distribution factors; dynamic load factors; finite element analysis SPR-1393-Report.pdf
SPR-1394 Evaluation of Minimum Surface Preparation Coatings for Bridge Painting B. Beck 05/01/2001 minimal surface preparation (MSP; structural steel; overcoat; red lead SPR-1394-Report.pdf
SPR-1392 Non Metallic Reinforcement of Concrete Bridge Decks MSU 01/01/2001 composite bars; durability; concrete reinforcement; glass fibers; aramid (Technora); fibers; bridge decks; steel corrosion SPR-1392-Report.pdf
SPR-1403 Evaluation of Concrete Permeability by Ultrasonic Testing Techniques Haluk Aktan 01/01/2001 Permeability; Durability; Nondestructive testing; ultrasonic pulse velocity; Figg's test; BRidge decks SPR-1403-Report.pdf
SPR-1386 Repair of Corrosion-Damaged Columns Using FRP Wraps MSU 12/01/2000 SPR-1386-Report.pdf
SPR-1388 Load Test of the Bridge on Old US-27 over Holden Creek in Clinton County (B02 ? 19031) U of M 11/01/2000 bridge slab decks; deterioration; evaluation; degradation scenarios SPR-1388-Report.pdf
SPR-1374 Study of Michigan?s Continuous Span Variable Depth T-Beam Bridges D. Juntunen 06/01/2000 T-Beam; Bridge; Reinforced Concrete Load Testing; Bridge superstructures; Cracking; Deterioration; Load tests; Long span bridges; Reinforced concrete; T beams SPR-1374-Report.pdf
SPR-1382 Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using CFRP Laminates M. del Mar Lopez, A. 06/01/2000 bond; carbon fiber; composites materials; laminates; rehabilitation; reinforced concrete; repair; strengthing systems SPR-1382-Report.pdf
SPR-1408 A-588 Bridge Mounted Sign Failure Investigation David Juntunen 01/01/2000 weathering steel; ASTM A-588; sign support; pack rust; pack out; failure investigation; bolted connection; short bolts; bolt fracture SPR-1408-Report.pdf
SPR-1380 Prestressed Concrete Beam End Report D. E. Needham 01/01/2000 Bridge superstructures; Dowels (Fasteners); I beams; Latex modified concrete; Prestressed concrete; Repairing; Bridge maintenance; In service performance SPR-1380-Report.pdf
SPR-1373 Prestressed Concrete Beam End Repair D. Needham 10/01/1999 Bridge superstructures; Dowels (Fasteners); I beams; Latex modified concrete; Prestressed concrete; Repairing, Bridge maintenance; In service performance SPR-1373-Report.pdf
SPR-1372 Repair and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using CFRP Laminates T. Gillespie 04/01/1999 bond; carbon fiber; composites materials; laminates; rehabilitation; reinforced concrete; repair; strengthening systems SPR-1372-Report.pdf
SPR-1368 Comparison of Standard and Deep Bridge Deck Overlay Performances B. D. Beck 02/01/1999 bridge deck overlay; standard versus deep SPR-1368-Report.pdf
SPR-1341 Inspection and Performance Evaluation of Prefabricated Drainage System V. T. Barnhart 10/01/1998 SPR-1341-Report.pdf
SPR-1358 Study of Michigan?s Link Plate and Pin Assemblies D. A. Juntunen 04/01/1998 link plates; steel bridges; pin and hangers; fatigue SPR-1358-Report.pdf
SPR-1456A Premature Deterioration in Michigan Jointed Concrete Pavements on Open Graded Drainage Courses Draft Report Amit H. Varma; Keith Kowalkowski 11/01/1997 Steel bridges; heat straightening; structural properties; fracture toughness; surface hardness; microstructure SPR-1456A-Report.pdf
SPR-1352 Performance Evaluation of Isotropic Bridge Decks (Ontario Design), Interim Report D. E. Needham 05/01/1997 Alternatives analysis; Bridge decks; Concrete; Costs; Cracking; Design methods; Isotropy; Performance evaluations SPR-1352-Report.pdf
SPR-1351 Investigation of Precast Deck Panels Used in Spread Box Beam Bridges R. D. Till, D. E. Needham 04/01/1997 Box beams; Bridge decks; Forming; Panels; Plywood; Precast concrete; Deck panels; Replacement (Bridges); Stay in place SPR-1351-Report.pdf
SPR-1349 Instruction of Concrete T-Beam Bridge During Deck Replacement Partello Road over I-94 Structure No. S04 of 1383 D. A. Juntunen, P. W. 02/01/1997 Beams; Bridge decks; Concrete curing; Live loads; Reinforced concrete; Static loads; T beams, bridge spans SPR-1349-Report.pdf
SPR-1348 Investigation of Condition of Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Michigan D. E. Needham, D. A. 01/01/1997 Beams; Bridge superstructures; Prestressed concrete bridges; Reinforced concrete; Reinforced concrete bridges; Steel structures SPR-1348-Report.pdf
SPR-1347 Load Testing of Bridges A. S. Nowak, V. K. Saraf 10/01/1996 SPR-1347-Report.pdf
SPR-1346 Cause of Concrete Pier Cap Deterioration on the I-75 Bridge over River Rouge (B01 of 82194) in Detroit and Effectiveness of Repair Methods U of M 09/01/1996 SPR-1346-Report.pdf
SPR-1344 Effect of Elevated Temperature on Fracture Critical Steel Members R.D. Till 07/01/1996 Bascule bridges; Beams; Bridge design; Bridge members; Salvage; Steel structures, Bridge maintenance; Elevated temperatures; Fracture critical members SPR-1344-Report.pdf
SPR-1335 Evaluation of Galvanized Pedestrian Bridges D.C. Long; E.M. Phifer 05/01/1995 SPR-1335-Report.pdf
SPR-1321 A Comparison of the Corrosion Performance of Uncoated, Galvanized, and Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete Bridge Decks R. L. McCrum, R. R. 03/01/1995 SPR-1321-Report.pdf
RR-747 Moments Due to Trucks Measured on Selected Bridges in the Detroit Area UoM 01/01/1995 RR-747-Report.pdf
SPR-1433B Truck Loads on Selected Bridges in the Detroit Area Andrzej S. Nowak; Sangjin Kim 12/01/1994 SPR-1433B-Report.pdf
SPR-1433A Effect of Truck Loading on Bridges Andrzej S. Nowak; Jeffrey A. Laman; 12/01/1994 SPR-1433A-Report.pdf
SPR-1324 Evaluation of Experimental Painting of A588 Steel Bridges E.M. Phifer 08/01/1993 SPR-1324-Report.pdf
SPR-1325 Evaluating Low Dusting Abrasives on the Bridge Carrying Covert Road Over US-127 E.M. Phifer 05/01/1993 SPR-1325-Report.pdf
SPR-1320 Evaluation of Simulated Bridge Deck Slabs Using Uncoated, Galvanized, and Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel R.L. McCrum 02/01/1993 SPR-1320-Report.pdf
SPR-1319 Cantilever Sign Structure Inspection, Final Report B. W. Ness, R. D. Till 08/01/1992 SPR-1319-Report.pdf
RR-728 Michigan-Ontario Railroad Border Crossing Infrastructure: An Evaluation of Modernization Proposal Benefits and Recommendations for Future Action J. C. Taylor 12/01/1991 RR-728-Report.pdf
RR-712 Action Plan for Cantilever Sign Problem J. D. Culp, M. Witteveen, H. L. Won 04/01/1990 RR-712-Report.pdf
SPR-1302 Inspection of Sign Support Structures S. Jadun 09/01/1989 SPR-1302-Report.pdf
RR-696 Design Review of Breakaway Sign Supports Used by MDOT FHWA 12/01/1988 RR-696-Report.pdf
SPR-1294 Low-Slump High-Density Concrete Bridge Deck Overlay J. E. Simonsen 10/01/1988 SPR-1294-Report.pdf
SPR-1284 Bridge Girder Butt Welds ? Resistance to Brittle Fracture, Fatigue and Corrosion J. D. Culp 01/01/1988 SPR-1284-Report.pdf
SPR-1285 Load Tests of the Zilwaukee Bridge, Final Report S. R. Kulkarni 11/01/1987 SPR-1285-Report.pdf
RR-677 Sampling and Analysis of Structural Steel Member of a Highway Bridge - Case Studies 1974-1987 S. R. Kulkarni, L. Pearson 07/01/1987 RR-677-Report.pdf
SPR-1282 Experimental Resurfacing of Concrete Bridge Decks with Microsilica Modified Concrete, Initial Report H. L. Patterson 04/01/1987 SPR-1282-Report.pdf
SPR-1280 Bridge Barrier Rail-to-Guardrail Anchoring System L. J. Pearson 10/01/1986 SPR-1280-Report.pdf
SPR-1277 Evaluation of Weathering Steel in a Detroit Freeway Environment, Second Eight-Year Study G. L. Tinklenberg 08/01/1986 SPR-1277-Report.pdf
SPR-1275 The Development of Michigan?s Bridge Painting Specification G. L. Tinklenberg 07/01/1986 SPR-1275-Report.pdf
SPR-1272 Investigation of the Field Coating of Environmentally Exposed Weathering Steel, Interim Report G. L. Tinklenberg 02/01/1986 SPR-1272-Report.pdf
SPR-1268 Experimental Settling and Skimming Chamber for I-696 Storm Sewer Michigan Transportation Commission 11/01/1985 SPR-1268-Report.pdf
SPR-1255 Current Status Report, Effects of Corrosion on Unpainted Weathering Steel Bridges R. L. McCrum, C. J. 02/01/1985 SPR-1255-Report.pdf
SPR-1250 Monitoring Movement of the Zilwaukee Bridge B.W. Ness 01/01/1985 SPR-1250-Report.pdf
SPR-1245 Determination of Allowable Movement Ratings for Various Proprietary Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Devices at Various Skew Angles ? Second Testing Series F. J. Bashore, A. W. 05/01/1984 SPR-1245-Report.pdf
SPR-1212 Alternate Repainting Systems for Bridge Structural Steel F.J. Bashore 03/01/1983 SPR-1212-Report.pdf
RR-613 I-75 Crossing the Saginaw River Near Zilwaukee, Michigan: Investigation of Construction Failure in Northbound Spans 11 and 12 N. Howard, Tammen & Bergendoff 01/01/1983 RR-613-Report.pdf
SPR-1200 Evaluation of Slurry Seal Surface Treatment for Application on the Mackinac Bridge R. L. Felter, J. E. Norton 07/01/1982 SPR-1200-Report.pdf
RR-585 Maintenance Problems with Small Breakaway and Yielding Sign Supports W. L. Borton 12/01/1981 RR-585-Report.pdf
RR-578 A Positive Guidance Evaluation of a Diagrammatic Signing System W. H. Opland 04/01/1981 RR-578-Report.pdf
SPR-1164 Evaluation of Timber Piles from Fort Street Bridge C.J. Arnold, M.A. Chiunti 03/01/1981 SPR-1164-Report.pdf
SPR-1142 Interim Report on Effects of Corrosion on Bridges of Unpainted A588 Steel and Painted Steel Types J.D. Culp, G.L. Tinklenberg 06/01/1980 SPR-1142-Report.pdf
SPR-1144 Determination of Allowable Movement Ratings for Various Proprietary Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Devices at Various Skew Angles F.J. Bashore; A.W. Price; D.E. Bran 05/01/1980 SPR-1144-Report.pdf
SPR-1128 Investigation of Pavement Heaving on Bridge Approaches, I-275 (I 58171-06463A) E. C. Novak, Jr. 10/01/1979 SPR-1128-Report.pdf
SPR-1108 Stress Measurements and Load Distribution on Selected Portions of the Mackinac Bridge C.J. Arnold; W.D. Bullen 10/01/1979 SPR-1108-Report.pdf
SPR-1123 Alternate, More Economical Repainting Systems for Bridge Structural Steel, First Progress Report F.J. Bashore; A.J. Permoda 07/01/1979 SPR-1123-Report.pdf
SPR-1121 Evaluation of Various Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems, Final Report F.J. Bashore; D.E. Branch; A.W. Pri 07/01/1979 SPR-1121-Report.pdf
SPR-1077 Low Slump Portland Cement Concrete Bridge Deck Overlays K.H. Laaninen 01/01/1978 SPR-1077-Report.pdf
SPR-1058 Instruction Manual for Bridge Deck Delamination Detector Michigan State Highway Commission 04/01/1977 SPR-1058-Report.pdf
SPR-1033 Galvanized Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks, Progress Report C.J.Arnold 12/01/1976 SPR-1033-Report.pdf
SPR-1034 Control and Prevention of Deterioration of Concrete Bridge Decks M.G. Brown 12/01/1976 SPR-1034-Report.pdf
SPR-1029 Steel Evaluation of Vehicle-Damaged Structure (S08 of 39022), 38th Street Over I-94 Near Kalamazoo J. D. Culp 11/01/1976 SPR-1029-Report.pdf
SPR-1018 Steel Sampling, 76 Structures C.J. Arnold 08/01/1976 SPR-1018-Report.pdf
RR-460 Bridge Decks in Michigan: A Summary of Research and Performance C. J. Arnold 08/01/1976 RR-460-Report.pdf
SPR-1012 Bridge Deck Repair and Development of Procedures for Epoxy Injection Grouting of Bridge Deck Delaminations H.L. Patterson 07/01/1976 SPR-1012-Report.pdf
SPR-1008 A Review of Bridge Deck Problems, and a Final Report on the Performance of Several Berrien County Structures That Were Widened Under Traffic C.J. Arnold; M.A. Chiunti; K.S. Ban 06/01/1976 SPR-1008-Report.pdf
RR-444 Eight Year Corrosion Test Report - 8 Mile Road Interchange J. C. Zoccola 04/01/1976 RR-444-Report.pdf
SPR-967 Evaluation of Various Bridge Deck Joint Sealing Systems F. J. Bashore 08/01/1975 SPR-967-Report.pdf
SPR-958 Priority Rating for Replacement of Aluminum-Post Bridge Rail C. J. Arnold 03/01/1975 SPR-958-Report.pdf
SPR-951 Experimental Shoring to Reduce Vibration During Bridge Deck Widening (Progress Report: 9-Year Performance) C. J. Arnold 01/01/1975 SPR-951-Report.pdf
SPR-936 Evaluation of Liquid Ice Control Chemicals Applied to Bridge Decks (Progress Report) J. H. DeFoe 09/01/1974 SPR-936-Report.pdf
SPR-935 Steel Strength Determination ? Six Bridges M. A. Chiunti 09/01/1974 SPR-935-Report.pdf
SPR-938 Field Inspection of Telespar Sign Posts, ?Watch for Ice on Bridge,? Type A. J. Permoda 09/01/1974 SPR-938-Report.pdf
SPR-930 Study of Bonding Sidewalk and Parapet Concrete to Modified (Water Soluble) Linseed Oil Cured Bridge Deck Pours S. M. Foster 07/01/1974 SPR-930-Report.pdf
RR-376 A Laboratory Investigation of Diagrammatic Highway Guide Sign Messages M. M. Zajkowski 07/01/1974 RR-376-Report.pdf
SPR-907 Survey and Recommendations Concerning Aluminum Anchor Bolts on Bridge Rails C. J. Arnold 03/01/1974 SPR-907-Report.pdf
SPR-896 Investigation of Structural Tees, Galvanized in Sections in a Truss-Type Pedestrian Bridge A. J. Permoda 01/01/1974 SPR-896-Report.pdf
SPR-876 Movement Study of Bridge Piers C. J. Arnold 08/01/1973 SPR-876-Report.pdf
SPR-875 Bridge Deck Construction C. J. Arnold 08/01/1973 SPR-875-Report.pdf
SPR-871 Experimental Patching Concrete Field Application on Test Bridge S01 of 33035 A (WB M-36 Over US-127) H. L. Patterson 07/01/1973 SPR-871-Report.pdf
SPR-870 Evaluation of Liquid Chemicals for Preventing Ice Formation on Highway Bridge Decks J. H. DeFoe 07/01/1973 SPR-870-Report.pdf
SPR-861 An Evaluation of Mastic-Type Paving Mixtures for Resurfacing a Roadway and a Bridge Deck F. Copple 06/01/1973 SPR-861-Report.pdf
SPR-866 Failure of Preformed Guy-Grip Dead-Ends Used for Suspending Steel Cable from Poles M. N. Clyde 06/01/1973 SPR-866-Report.pdf
SPR-848 Corrosion of Aluminum Posts for Bridge Railings C. J. Arnold 02/01/1973 SPR-848-Report.pdf
SPR-821 Development of Louvered Signs to Reduce Wind Load Michigan State Highway 01/01/1973 SPR-821-Report.pdf
SPR-845 Galvanized Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks C. J. Arnold 01/01/1973 SPR-845-Report.pdf
SPR-808 Snow Plow Damage of ?Transflex? Bridge Seals L. T. Oehler 03/01/1972 SPR-808-Report.pdf
SPR-796 Study of Delayed Set in Bridge Deck Pour (S05 of 63103) M. G. Brown 12/01/1971 SPR-796-Report.pdf
SPR-780 Experimental Shoring to Reduce Vibration During Bridge Deck Widening C. J. Arnold 08/01/1971 SPR-780-Report.pdf
SPR-778 Epoxy Mortar Surfacing on the Creyts Road Bridge Over I-496, Lansing (S05 of 23081A): A Report on the First and Second Annual Field Inspections H. L. Patterson 08/01/1971 SPR-778-Report.pdf
SPR-772 Bridge Deck Cracking Investigation on the Three Continuous Spans of B01 of 73101 E (I-675/Saginaw River) H. L. Patterson 07/01/1971 SPR-772-Report.pdf
SPR-767 Strain and Deflection Measurements on an Experimental Orthotropic Bridge C. J. Arnold 05/01/1971 SPR-767-Report.pdf
SPR-759 Determination of Concrete Strength in the Arch Ribs of Bridge B01 of 22011 (M-95 over Menominee River) H. L. Patterson 02/01/1971 SPR-759-Report.pdf
RR-238 Final Report of Experimental Orthotropic Bridge J. E. Risch 01/01/1971 RR-238-Report.pdf
RR-235 Study of Past and Future Trends of Travel Across Mackinac Bridge, Mackinac County Michigan Dept. of State 01/01/1971 Trend, traffic, Mackinac, bridge, Revenue, forecast RR-235-Report.pdf
RR-226 Report on the Use of the Sectional Cantilever H. Mendez 11/01/1970 sectional cantilever, steel pole, Installations, shaft, control signs RR-226-Report.pdf
SPR-731 Evaluation and Application Study of the General Motors Corporation Rapid Travel Profilometer J. R. Darlington 10/01/1970 SPR-731-Report.pdf
SPR-719 Prediction of Subjective Response to Road Roughness Using the General MotorsMichigan Department of State Highways Rapid Travel Profilometer L. F. Holbrook 07/01/1970 SPR-719-Report.pdf
SPR-740 ASTM A588 Steel in M-102 Structure over I-696 in Detroit L. T. Oehler 05/01/1970 SPR-740-Report.pdf
SPR-730 Use of Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete H. L. Patterson 04/01/1970 SPR-730-Report.pdf
SPR-729 Urethane Foam Insulation of Bridge Concrete C. A. Zapata 02/01/1970 SPR-729-Report.pdf
RR-213 Performance of Mayari R Weathering Steel (ASTM A242) in Bridges at the 8 Mile Rd and John Lodge Expressway in Detroit, Michigan J. C. Zoccola 01/01/1970 weathering, steel, bridge, road , soil, traffic, bridge beam RR-213-Report.pdf
SPR-726 Performance of Latex-Modified Mortar on Concrete Bridge Decks W. J. Frederick 01/01/1970 SPR-726-Report.pdf
SPR-722 Aluminum-Coated (Hot Dipped) Bolts for Bridge Railing Posts A. J. Permoda 11/01/1969 SPR-722-Report.pdf
SPR-702 Survey of Substructures on Edsel Ford Freeway R. L. Felter 05/01/1969 SPR-702-Report.pdf
SPR-667 Repair of Plastic Shrinkage Cracks in the Deck of the Nine Mile Road Bridge Over I-75 H. L. Patterson 03/01/1968 SPR-667-Report.pdf
SPR-664 A Progress Report on the Evaluation and Application Study of General Motors Rapid Travel Road Profilometer J. R. Darlington 01/01/1968 SPR-664-Report.pdf
SPR-638 The Effects of Loadings on Bridge Life G. R. Cudney 01/01/1968 SPR-638-Report.pdf
SPR-661 Seventh Progress Report on Special Test Painting on M-78 Bridge Structural Steel L. T. Oehler 12/01/1967 SPR-661-Report.pdf
SPR-648 Use of a Concrete Sealant on the High Level Bridge, I-75, Detroit (B01 of 82194G) H. L. Patterson 08/01/1967 SPR-648-Report.pdf
SPR-621 Investigation of Concrete Overruns on I-69 Two-Span Continuous-Type Bridges: Pearl Beach Road Over I-69 (S11 of 12033 E. L. Marvin 02/01/1967 SPR-621-Report.pdf
SPR-620 Safety and Economic Considerations in Use of Corrosion-Resistant Steel for Bridge Structures L. T. Oehler 01/01/1967 SPR-620-Report.pdf
SPR-586 Application for Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials: First Progress Report?Determination of Amount of ?Plastiment A? Retarder in Hardened Cement W. L. Frederick 11/01/1966 SPR-586-Report.pdf
SPR-602 First Progress Report on Evaluation of Experimental Paint Coatings for Bridge Steel on S01 of 33031, S02 of 33032, S07 of 38131 A. J. Permoda 11/01/1966 SPR-602-Report.pdf
SPR-608 Deck Rippling on Various Michigan Bridges, Third Progress Report C. J. Arnold 10/01/1966 SPR-608-Report.pdf
SPR-607 Deck Rippling on the I-75 Rouge River Bridge (B01 of 82194G, C7), Second Progress Report L. T. Oehler 10/01/1966 SPR-607-Report.pdf
SPR-604 Investigation of Retarder in Bridge Deck Concrete, B04 of 82053A, C39 (US-24 over Upper Branch of Rouge River, Detroit) M. G. Brown 10/01/1966 SPR-604-Report.pdf
RR-157 Evaluation of Ice Detecting System: Flint River Bridge Traffic Division 09/01/1966 Ice, Detecting, system RR-157-Report.pdf
SPR-587 Economic Considerations in the Use of Corrosion-Resistant A 242 Structural Steel for Bridge Structures L. T. Oehler 06/01/1966 SPR-587-Report.pdf
SPR-584 Fracture-Plane Deterioration of Concrete Bridge Decks: Bridge S05 of 63022, WixomRoad over I-96 G. R. Cudney 05/01/1966 SPR-584-Report.pdf
SPR-580 Review of the Department?s Experience with Vinyl Type Coatings for Bridge Structural Steel A. J. Permoda 04/01/1966 SPR-580-Report.pdf
SPR-575 Special Cores from Deck and Beams of M-21 Structure 3.7 Miles West of Ada (X01 of 41043) M. G. Brown 04/01/1966 SPR-575-Report.pdf
SPR-564 Second Annual Inspection of Bridge Decks Sealed with ?EpoXeal? and ?Concrete Sealer? R. H. Merrill 12/01/1965 SPR-564-Report.pdf
SPR-562 Machine Finishing of I-96 Bridges over the Grand River (B01 and B02 of 2315A) H. C. Brunke 11/01/1965 SPR-562-Report.pdf
SPR-542 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Seventh Progress Report C. D. Church 11/01/1965 SPR-542-Report.pdf
SPR-529 Use of a Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: Coe Road over US-27, North of Alma (MB S01 of 37013C, C13) R. H. Merrill 09/01/1965 SPR-529-Report.pdf
SPR-538 Damping Bridge Vibration During Construction Widening G. R. Cudney 07/01/1965 SPR-538-Report.pdf
SPR-520 Survey of I-94 Bridge Crossing Clinton River Cutoff Canal (B01 of 50111) F. Copple 06/01/1965 SPR-520-Report.pdf
SPR-524 Sixth Progress Report on Special Painting of Steel Bridge Girders under Project: Bridges and Bridge Railings, Construction and Maintenance A. J. Permoda 06/01/1965 SPR-524-Report.pdf
SPR-510 Survey of Substructures on Edsel Ford Freeway O. L. Lindy 05/01/1965 SPR-510-Report.pdf
RR-140 A Performance Investigation of Pile Driving Hammers and Piles Michigan State Hwy 03/01/1965 Soils, test, piles, measuring, procedures, energy, correlation, interpolations, Hammer, ENTHRU; Testing, operations, hammer, operations, piles, soil, measuring; Pile ,load, test, Elastic limit, Yield RR-140-Report.pdf
SPR-492 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Sixth Progress Report C. D. Church 02/01/1965 SPR-492-Report.pdf
RR-135 Michigan's Memorial Highways and Bridges Management Services 11/01/1964 Memorial Highways, freeway, bridges & Tunnels ,Lighthouses RR-135-Report.pdf
SPR-472 Second Annual Inspection of Epoxy Sealer Between the Concrete and Bituminous Wearing Surface of the Approach Deck Spans of the International Bridge at Sault Ste Marie (B01 of 17034) A. J. Permoda 09/01/1964 SPR-472-Report.pdf
SPR-476 Application and First Inspection of ?Epoxeal? Penetrating Sealer on Lansing Area Bridge Decks R. H. Merrill 09/01/1964 SPR-476-Report.pdf
SPR-469 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Fifth Progress Report C. D. Church 09/01/1964 SPR-469-Report.pdf
SPR-466 Application and Performance of Epoxy Sealants on Bridge Deck and Walks: Houghton-Hancock Lift Bridge (B01 of 31012) A. J. Permoda 08/01/1964 SPR-466-Report.pdf
SPR-390 Effects of Axle Loads as Applied by Rubber-Tired Earth-Moving Equipment to Rigid and Flexible Pavement and Bridges F. Copple 07/01/1964 SPR-390-Report.pdf
SPR-463 Use of Silicone Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: Scotten Avenue Over US-12 (Michigan Avenue), Detroit (MB S04 of 82062C, C3) M. G. Brown 06/01/1964 SPR-463-Report.pdf
SPR-460 Fifth Progress Report on Special Painting of Steel Bridge Girders Under Project Bridges and Bridge Railings?Construction and Maintenance A. J. Permoda 05/01/1964 SPR-460-Report.pdf
SPR-450 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Fourth Progress Report C. D. Church 02/01/1964 SPR-450-Report.pdf
SPR-458 Scaling of Concrete Bridge Decks Constructed with Stay-In Place Forms R. H. Merrill 02/01/1964 SPR-458-Report.pdf
SPR-417 Form Insulation for Bridge Concrete C. A. Zapata, G. A. Otto 12/01/1963 SPR-417-Report.pdf
SPR-446 Application and First Inspection of Epoxy Sealers Between Concrete and Bituminous Wearing Surface of Approach Deck Spans of International Bridge at Sault Ste. Marie (B01 of 17034, C3) A. J. Permoda 12/01/1963 SPR-446-Report.pdf
SPR-443 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Third Progress Report C. D. Church 11/01/1963 SPR-443-Report.pdf
SPR-442 Investigation of Deck Cracking; I-96 EB over the Grand River in Grand Rapids (B02 of 41027A, C2) G. R. Cudney, M. G. 11/01/1963 SPR-442-Report.pdf
SPR-441 Concrete Durability on Bridge Deck Widening: I-94, Edsel Ford Expressway Structure over Dequindre Yards (EBBI X01 of 82024B, C5) M. G. Brown 10/01/1963 SPR-441-Report.pdf
SPR-436 Hydraulic Oil for Use in the Houghton-Hancock Bridge D. F. Simmons 09/01/1963 SPR-436-Report.pdf
SPR-433 Rusting of Cadmium-Plated Bolt Assemblies on Bridge Railings P. G. Gray 09/01/1963 SPR-433-Report.pdf
SPR-434 Investigation of Defective Concrete in Bridge Deck Pour: B01 of 63081D, C6 (Southbound I-696 over the Rough River) M. G. Brown 08/01/1963 SPR-434-Report.pdf
SPR-430 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, Second Progress Report C. D. Church 06/01/1963 SPR-430-Report.pdf
SPR-414 Practical Bridge Loading Limitations in Relation to Current Commercial Vehicle Types and Bridge Design Practice L. T. Oehler, P. G. Gray 05/01/1963 SPR-414-Report.pdf
SPR-421 Profilometer Measurement of Bridge Roughness, First Progress Repor C. J. Arnold, C. D. 05/01/1963 SPR-421-Report.pdf
SPR-411 Defective Concrete in Bridge Deck Pour: I-94 over US-131 Southwest of Kalamazoo (BI S07 of 39024B, C1) M. G. Brown, W. L. 01/01/1963 SPR-411-Report.pdf
SPR-406 Chemical Analysis of Cover Plate Material from Bridges S09 and S10 of 82022 (I-94 over Ecorse Road) C. J. Arnold 12/01/1962 SPR-406-Report.pdf
SPR-394 Houghton-Hancock Lift Bridge Deck Leakage (B01 of 31012) M. G. Brown 08/01/1962 SPR-394-Report.pdf
SPR-388 Effects of Erroneous Admixture in Bridge Deck Concrete: S06 of 23152B (I-96 at Millett Road) M. G. Brown 06/01/1962 SPR-388-Report.pdf
SPR-382 Woven Asbestos Sheet Packing for Bridge Post Pads L. T. Oehler, H. C. Brunke 04/01/1962 SPR-382-Report.pdf
SPR-371 Performance Testing of a 60-Foot, Open Web Section, Box Truss Aluminum Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 03/01/1962 SPR-371-Report.pdf
SPR-373 Machine Finishing of Bridge B01 of 11016: I-94 over the St. Joseph River G. R. Cudney 03/01/1962 SPR-373-Report.pdf
SPR-372 Failure of Stressed Concrete Bridge Deck Beams (X01 of 11016), I-94 over NYCRR G. R. Cudney 02/01/1962 SPR-372-Report.pdf
SPR-374 Cracks in Retaining Wall on James Couzens Extension of Lodge Expressway G. R. Cudney 02/01/1962 SPR-374-Report.pdf
SPR-364 Preventive Measures for Obtaining Scale-Free Concrete Bridge Structures E. A. Finney 12/01/1961 SPR-364-Report.pdf
SPR-363 Performance of a Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Experimental Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 09/01/1961 SPR-363-Report.pdf
SPR-351 Durability of Bridge Concrete: I 75-US-23 Over the Flint River (B1 of 25-7-3) L. T. Oehler, M. G. Brown 03/01/1961 SPR-351-Report.pdf
SPR-346 Water Leakage on a Prestressed Concrete Bridge (B9 of 38-1-14 Dettman Road over US-12, Jackson) O. Lindy, L. T. Oehler 11/01/1960 SPR-346-Report.pdf
SPR-347 Comparison of Clear and White Polyethylene Sheets for Concrete Curing R. H. Merrill, M. G. Brown 10/01/1960 SPR-347-Report.pdf
SPR-341 Inspection of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Overhead Sign Support Structure G. R. Cudney 08/01/1960 SPR-341-Report.pdf
SPR-332 Deterioration of Concrete Highways and Bridges Containing Big Cut Pit Aggregates O. L. Lindy, M. G. Brown 06/01/1960 SPR-332-Report.pdf
SPR-326A Contract Signing, Interstate 94 (US-12), 5 mi East from Paw Paw; BI 80024, C2RN & C5RN; I 94-2(5)-60 M. H. Janson 05/01/1960 SPR-326A-Report.pdf
SPR-325 Roughness Measurements of Bridge Decks and Approaches R. E. Hooper, L. T. Oehler 03/01/1960 SPR-325-Report.pdf
SPR-321 Latex Modified Mortar in the Restoration of Bridge Structures S. M. Cardone, M. G. Brown, A. A. H 12/01/1959 SPR-321-Report.pdf
SPR-272 Vibration Susceptibilities of Various Highway Bridge Types L. O. Oehler 01/01/1957 SPR-272-Report.pdf
SPR-264 Investigation of Bridge Deck Deterioration: 81-1-13 on US-23 Over the Huron River L. T. Oehler, M. G. Brown 09/01/1956 SPR-264-Report.pdf
SPR-250 A Comparison of a Vinyl Coating System With a Red Lead ? Brown Lead ? Aluminum Coating System for Bridges B. W. Preston 01/01/1956 SPR-250-Report.pdf
SPR-244 The Structural Characteristics of Two Overhead Sign Supports (a 100 Foot Steel Tubular Beam and a 100 Foot Aluminum Truss) G. R. Cudney, L. T. Oehler 12/01/1955 SPR-244-Report.pdf
SPR-219 Vibration and Deflection of Rolled Beam and Plate Girder Type Bridges G. Foster, L. T. Oehler 01/01/1955 SPR-219-Report.pdf
SPR-170 Wallace Stone Investigation, Part I Scaling on Main Street Bridges, Lansing UB-1 and UB-2 of 33-6-4 E. A. Finney 02/01/1952 SPR-170-Report.pdf
RR-029 Report on Traffic and Revenues - Proposed Mackinac Straits Bridge Coverdale and Colpitts 01/01/1952 Mackinac Bridge; Maps; Proposed locations, Terminals ,Traffic RR-029-Report.pdf
SPR-166 Michigan Test on Rolled Beam Bridge Using H20-S16 Loading G. M. Foster, L. D. Childs 12/01/1951 SPR-166-Report.pdf
SPR-151 Load Deflection Tests on Corrugated Metal Sections M. J. Huber, L. D. Childs 06/01/1950 SPR-151-Report.pdf
SPR-148 Experimental Installation of Hydron Form Lining on Bridge West of Ovid ? B2 of 19-12-4, C2 R. S. Fulton, C. C. Rhodes 03/01/1950 SPR-148-Report.pdf
SPR-131 Air-Entraining Concrete on Bridge Project F B 2 of 3-8-1, C1 Plainwell, Michigan E. A. Finney 05/01/1949 SPR-131-Report.pdf
SPR-125 ?Field Check of Design of Positive Type Shear Developers? (A Cooperative Project Between the Bridge Division and the Research Laboratory) F. S. Weber, L. D. Childs 03/01/1949 SPR-125-Report.pdf
SPR-110 Deterioration and Restoration of Concrete Bridges on the State Trunkline System E. A. Finney, C. C. Rhodes 09/01/1948 SPR-110-Report.pdf
SPR-092 Modern Highway Loadings in Relation to Pavements and Bridges E. A. Finney 01/01/1947 SPR-092-Report.pdf
SPR-087 The Preserving and Reconditioning of Concrete Bridges C. C. Rhodes 09/01/1946 SPR-087-Report.pdf
SPR-063 Use of Vinsol Resin Cement in Concrete Bridge Structures C. C. Rhodes 11/01/1944 SPR-063-Report.pdf
RR-001 The Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Detroit & Canada Tunnel Corp. 01/01/1930 Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, Underway Tunnel, Underway automobile roadway RR-001-Report.pdf