Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1685 Freeze-thaw Decision Tool Helps Determine Seasonal Load Restriction Dates 04/01/2020 SPR-1685-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1685 Develop and Implement A Freeze Thaw Model Based Seasonal Load Restriction Decision Support Tool 04/01/2020 SPR-1685-Report.pdf
SPR-1635 Soil Stabilization with Recycled Materials Improves Subgrade Performance 02/01/2016 SPR-1635-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1635 Performance Evaluation of Subgrade Stabilization with Recycled Materials 02/01/2016 SPR-1635-Report.pdf
SPR-1624 Software Offers Transparent, Straightforward Assessment of Pavement Additives 04/01/2015 SPR-1624-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1624 A Method to Assess the Use of New and Recycled Materials in Pavements 04/01/2015 SPR-1624-Report.pdf
SPR-1606A Assessment of Aggregate Sources in Michigan for High Speed Railroad Ballast 01/01/2014 SPR-1606A-Report.pdf
SPR-1591 Alternative Materials for Sustainable Transportation 08/01/2012 SPR-1591-Report.pdf
SPR-1556 Laboratory Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) 09/01/2011 SPR-1556-Report.pdf
SPR-1550 Sustainable Recycled Materials for Concrete Pavements 03/01/2011 SPR-1550-Report.pdf
SPR-1535 Development of New Test Procedures for Measuring Fine and Coarse Aggregate Specific Gravities 12/01/2009 SPR-1535-Report.pdf
SPR-1535 New Lab Tests Show Promise in Verifying Pavement Mix Designs 12/01/2009 SPR-1535-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1530 Cement Kiln Dust Stabilized Test Section on I-96/I-75 in Wayne County ? Construction Report 05/01/2009 SPR-1530-Report.pdf
SPR-1528 Absorption Capacity of Coarse Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 02/01/2009 SPR-1528-Report.pdf
SPR-1512 Evaluation of Grout-Filled Mechanical Splices for Precast Concrete Construction 05/01/2008 SPR-1512-Report.pdf
SPR-1503 Quantifying Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Values of Typical Hydraulic Cement Concrete Paving Mixtures 01/01/2008 SPR-1503-Report.pdf
SPR-1497 Resilient Modulus at the Limits of Gradation and Varying Degrees of Saturation 11/01/2007 SPR-1497-Report.pdf
SPR-1488 Analytical Investigation of the Effects of Aligned Dowel Bars Coated with Corrosion Protective Systems on Initial Dowel Concrete Bond Stresses 02/01/2007 SPR-1488-Report.pdf
SPR-1482 Absorption Capacity of Coarse Aggregates for Portland Cement Concrete 09/01/2006 SPR-1482-Report.pdf
SPR-1521 Development of Simple Performance Tests Using Laboratory Test Procedures to Illustrate the Effects of Moisture Damage on Hot Mix Asphalt 04/01/2006 SPR-1521-Report.pdf
SPR-1473 Analysis of the Benefits of Bulk Pre-Wetting Solid Salt with Several Different Liquids 01/01/2006 SPR-1473-Report.pdf
SPR-1522 Development of Acceptance Criteria of Compacted Hot Mixture Asphalt Bulk Specific Gravity Based on Vacuum Sealed Specimens: Final Report 10/01/2005 SPR-1522-Report.pdf
SPR-1469 Multi-State Coarse Aggregate Freeze Thaw Comparison 07/01/2005 SPR-1469-Report.pdf
SPR-1084 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Champion, Inc. Dishneau Pit No. 52-1 05/01/2005 SPR-1084-Report.pdf
SPR-912 Specifications for Polyvinylchloride Rumble Strips 05/01/2005 SPR-912-Report.pdf
SPR-1083 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Arthur #2 Pit No. 72-5 05/01/2005 SPR-1083-Report.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction 01/01/2005 Aggregates; Chemical properties; Concrete pavements; Databases; Durability; Physical properties; Portland cement concrete; Quarries; Road construction; Thermal expansion SPR-1459-Report-Vol-II.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction - Appendix 01/01/2005 SPR-1459-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1459 Mineral Characterization and Cataloging of Quarried Aggregate Sources Used in Michigan Highway Construction 01/01/2005 Aggregates; Chemical properties; Concrete pavements; Databases; Durability; Physical properties; Portland cement concrete; Quarries; Road construction; Thermal expansion SPR-1459-Report-Vol-I.pdf
SPR-1410 Development of Laboratory Performance Test Procedures and Trial Specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt, Final Report Williams, R Chris 10/01/2004 Asphalt mixtures; Hot mix asphalt; Laboratory tests; Mix design; Performance tests; Quality assurance; Quality control; Superpave SPR-1410-Report.pdf
SPR-1452 Freeze-Thaw Evaluation of Large Coarse Aggregate Using MDOT?s Confined and Unconfined Methods 09/01/2004 SPR-1452-Report.pdf
SPR-1448 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? WSU Study 08/01/2004 Concrete bridges; Shrinkage; Structural deterioration and defects; Tensile strength; Transverse cracking; Concrete barriers; Early age (Concrete); Premature failure SPR-1448-Report.pdf
SPR-1445 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? MTU Study 04/01/2004 SPR-1445-Report.pdf
SPR-1445 Causes and Cures for Cracking of Concrete Barriers ? MTU Study - Appendix 04/01/2004 SPR-1445-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1442 The Evolution and Application of MDOT Aggregate Specifications 01/01/2003 SPR-1442-Report.pdf
SPR-1415 Evaluation of the Dynamics of Fracture Characteristics of Aggregate in PCC Pavement 12/01/2002 SPR-1415-Report.pdf
SPR-1418 Agricultural By-Products for Anti-icing and Deicing Use in Michigan 12/01/2002 Agricultural products; Anti-icing; Corrosion; Deicing chemicals; Winter maintenance; prewetting SPR-1418-Report.pdf
SPR-1384 Electrochemical Chloride Extraction Steve Kahl 02/01/2001 Bridge substructures; Chloride content; Concrete structures; Corrosion resistance; Deterioration; Electrochemical corrosion; Service life; Electrochemical chloride extraction SPR-1384-Report.pdf
SPR-1398B Crash Testing of Michigan?s Type B (W-Beam) Guardrail System ? Phase II 12/01/2000 SPR-1398B-Report.pdf
SPR-1398A Crash Testing of Michigan?s Type B (W-Beam) Guardrail System 11/01/1999 SPR-1398A-Report.pdf
SPR-1367 Monitoring Both Short & Long Term Mechanical Properties for Large Stone Mixtures 10/01/1998 SPR-1367-Report.pdf
SPR-1399 Concrete Mix Design, Process Manual 08/01/1998 SPR-1399-Report.pdf
SPR-1361 Design Procedures for Concrete Anchors (Mechanical Expansion and Bonded Anchors) 06/01/1998 Anchor bolts; Anchors (Structural connectors); Concrete construction; Design engineering; Expansion joints; Bonded anchors; Concrete anchors; Post-installed concrete anchors SPR-1361-Report.pdf
SPR-1357 Comparison of Methods Used to Produce Hot-Dipped Galvanized W-Beam Guardrail 01/01/1998 SPR-1357-Report.pdf
SPR-1355 Glued-On Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Sheets for Repair and Rehabilitation 08/01/1997 SPR-1355-Report.pdf
SPR-1360 Polymers in Bituminous Mixtures ? Phase II 08/01/1997 SPR-1360-Report.pdf
SPR-1345 Adoption of a Rapid Test for Determining Aggregate Durability in Portland Cement Concrete 06/01/1996 SPR-1345-Report.pdf
SPR-1330 The Relationship Between Torque, Tension, and Nut Rotation of Large Diameter Anchor Bolts 10/01/1994 Anchor bolts; Anchorages; Cantilevers; Nuts (Fasteners); Sign supports; Tension; Torque SPR-1330-Report.pdf
SPR-1328 Evaluation of the Delamination of the Polyurethane Topcoat 02/01/1994 SPR-1328-Report.pdf
RR-738 Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Tested with Neoprene Capping Versus Hydrostone Capping 01/01/1994 RR-738-Report.pdf
RR-735 Evaluation of the Dynamic Strength of Guardrail Posts Made from Recycled Plastic 10/01/1993 RR-735-Report.pdf
SPR-1311 Freeze-Thaw Durability and Pore Characteristics of the Major Rock Constituents in Glacial Gravel 07/01/1992 SPR-1311-Report.pdf
SPR-1315 Corrosion and Alternate Deicers, Interim Report 10/01/1991 SPR-1315-Report.pdf
SPR-1313 Evaluation of United Salt?s Corrosion Inhibitor Intended for Use with Sodium Chloride Deicing Salt 09/01/1991 SPR-1313-Report.pdf
SPR-1314 Determination of the Slip Coefficient for Organic and Inorganic Primers in Bolted Connections 09/01/1991 SPR-1314-Report.pdf
SPR-1312 Fine Aggregates Tested on the Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track 07/01/1991 SPR-1312-Report.pdf
SPR-1310 Evaluation of Lime, Fly Ash Base Course Mixtures, Final Report 06/01/1991 SPR-1310-Report.pdf
SPR-1306 Evaluation of MDOT Maintenance Division Seal Coat Projects, Final Report 06/01/1990 SPR-1306-Report.pdf
SPR-1304 Legibility and Visibility of Retroreflective Sign Materials 01/01/1990 SPR-1304-Report.pdf
SPR-1301 Freeze-Thaw Evaluation of Selected Rock Types from a Composite Sample of Michigan Gravel 08/01/1989 SPR-1301-Report.pdf
SPR-1297 Calcium Carbonate Precipitate From Crushed Concrete 03/01/1989 SPR-1297-Report.pdf
SPR-1296 Evaluation of Improved Calcium Magnesium Acetate as an Ice Control Agent, Final Report 01/01/1989 SPR-1296-Report.pdf
SPR-1295 Corrosion Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA), Salt (NaCI), and CMA/Salt Solutions 12/01/1988 SPR-1295-Report.pdf
RR-687 An Investigation of the Suitability of Great Lake States Timber Species for Guardrail Posts 05/01/1988 RR-687-Report.pdf
SPR-1291 Investigation of Steel Beam Guardrail Chemistries 05/01/1988 SPR-1291-Report.pdf
RR-681 Mastic Asphalt for Maintenance 12/01/1987 RR-681-Report.pdf
SPR-1286 Development of Test for Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Aggregates 10/01/1987 SPR-1286-Report.pdf
SPR-1283 Static and Dynamic Properties of Anchor Bolts for Sign Supports, Final Report 06/01/1987 SPR-1283-Report.pdf
SPR-1281 Evaluation of Lime, Fly Ash Base Course Mixtures ? Construction Report 01/01/1987 SPR-1281-Report.pdf
SPR-1257 Cost and Energy Considerations Involved in the Recycling of Portland Cement Concrete 06/01/1986 SPR-1257-Report.pdf
SPR-1273 Polishing Resistance of Arenaceous Limestone from the Bayport Bedrock Formation 04/01/1986 SPR-1273-Report.pdf
SPR-1269 Evaluation of Silane Treated Glass Beads in Polyester Pavement Marking Paint 02/01/1986 SPR-1269-Report.pdf
SPR-1266 Evaluation of Ground and Reclaimed Tire Rubber in Bituminous Resurfacing Mixtures 10/01/1985 SPR-1266-Report.pdf
SPR-1258 Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) as a Deicing Agent: Corrosion Phase ? A Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of CMA vs. Salt (NaC1) on Highway Metals (3-Month Exposure) 03/01/1985 SPR-1258-Report.pdf
SPR-1256 1976-1982 Performance Tests of ?Fast Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 01/01/1985 SPR-1256-Report.pdf
RR-632 Salt and the Road Deicing on the Michigan State Highway System 11/01/1984 RR-632-Report.pdf
SPR-1251 Field Trial of Foamed Asphalt Stabilization, Final Report 10/01/1984 SPR-1251-Report.pdf
SPR-1248 Evaluation of Calcium Magnesium Acetate as an Ice Control Agent, Final Report 06/01/1984 SPR-1248-Report.pdf
SPR-1228 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track?Results of Supplemental Aggregate Polishing Tests, Interim Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1228-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (3) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Peters Pit No. 49-23 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(3)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (4) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: DNR Pit. No. 49-101 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(4)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (2) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Ozanich Pit No. 49-97 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(2)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 (1) Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Garfield #2 Pit No. 49-104 03/01/1984 SPR-1240(1)-Report.pdf
SPR-1240 Petrographic Analysis of Dense-Graded Gravel Aggregate: Butkovich #2 Pit No. 49-74 03/01/1984 SPR-1240-Report.pdf
SPR-1239 Evaluation of Sulphlex as a Binder in Pavement Resurfacing Mixtures, Final Report 03/01/1984 SPR-1239-Report.pdf
SPR-1238 Comparison of Aggregate and Bituminous Treated Bases I-75 South of Grayling 03/01/1984 SPR-1238-Report.pdf
SPR-1232 An Aggregate Wear Index Reduction Factor for Uncrushed Material in Gravel, Summary Report 07/01/1983 SPR-1232-Report.pdf
SPR-1234 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Michigan Stone Co. Pit No. 58-3 07/01/1983 SPR-1234-Report.pdf
SPR-1224 Evaluation of ?Enkamat? as an Aid to Stabilizing a Cut Slope, Final Report 06/01/1983 SPR-1224-Report.pdf
SPR-1226 Stabilized Fly Ash as Lightweight Fill 06/01/1983 SPR-1226-Report.pdf
SPR-1211 Infiltration of Subbase Sand into Open Graded Drainage Course (OGDC) Bases 04/01/1983 SPR-1211-Report.pdf
SPR-1218 In-Place 22A Aggregate Acceptance Sampling Procedures 04/01/1983 SPR-1218-Report.pdf
SPR-1215 Revenue Service Brake Lining Temperature Measurements for a Retarder Equipped Bus 03/01/1983 SPR-1215-Report.pdf
SPR-1207 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 11/01/1982 SPR-1207-Report.pdf
RR-609 An Investigation of the Suitability of Lake States Timber Species for Guardrail Posts 11/01/1982 RR-609-Report.pdf
SPR-1206 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 11/01/1982 SPR-1206-Report.pdf
SPR-1205 ASTM E501 Test Tire Correlation, B. F. Goodrich vs. McCreary 11/01/1982 SPR-1205-Report.pdf
SPR-1209 Use of Recycled Asphalt Material in the Construction of a Bituminous Stabilized Base, I-75, Cheboygan County 11/01/1982 SPR-1209-Report.pdf
SPR-1203 Further Evaluation of Black Base and Aggregate Base Construction ( M-20 and M-66) 08/01/1982 SPR-1203-Report.pdf
SPR-1197 Static and Dynamic Properties of Anchor Bolts for Sign Supports 06/01/1982 SPR-1197-Report.pdf
SPR-1210 Evaluation of the Straight Line Gradation Chart and the Particle Index Test 04/01/1982 SPR-1210-Report.pdf
SPR-1190 Petrographic Analysis of Combined Crushed and Natural Gravel Coarse Aggregate: M.Glancy Pit No. 60-29 03/01/1982 SPR-1190-Report.pdf
SPR-1192 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Stone Coarse Aggregate: Gogebic Range Ski Corp. Pit No. 27-74 03/01/1982 SPR-1192-Report.pdf
SPR-1189 Evaluation of Sulphlex as a Binder in Pavement Resurfacing Mixtures, Progress Report 02/01/1982 SPR-1189-Report.pdf
SPR-1188 Degradation of Steel Furnace Slag as an Open Graded Base Course for Concrete Pavement 02/01/1982 SPR-1188-Report.pdf
SPR-1186 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Gravel Coarse Aggregate: Lindberg #3 Pit No. 52-9 and Co. Road Comm. #12 Pit No. 52-67 Combined 01/01/1982 SPR-1186-Report.pdf
SPR-1180 Fasign Reflective Sheeting 12/01/1981 SPR-1180-Report.pdf
SPR-1181 Kiwalite Reflective Sheeting 09/01/1981 SPR-1181-Report.pdf
RR-580 The Resilient and Plastic Characteristics of Michigan Subgrade Soils and Their Soil Support Values 08/01/1981 RR-580-Report.pdf
SPR-1176 Petrographic Analysis of Crushed Stone Coarse Aggregate: Michigan Foundation Pit No. 82-6 07/01/1981 SPR-1176-Report.pdf
SPR-1172 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate Extracted from Bituminous Pavement Cores, M-55, Control Section No. 83021, 16035A 06/01/1981 SPR-1172-Report.pdf
SPR-1174 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 06/01/1981 SPR-1174-Report.pdf
SPR-1168 Field Evaluation of 3M and American Decal Reflective Signing Materials 05/01/1981 SPR-1168-Report.pdf
SPR-1167 American Decal Reflective Sheeting 04/01/1981 SPR-1167-Report.pdf
SPR-1159 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Salem Gr. Construction Co. Pit No. 63-56 01/01/1981 SPR-1159-Report.pdf
SPR-1158 The Relationship of Aggregate Durability to Concrete Pavement Performance, and the Associated Effects of Base Drainability 01/01/1981 SPR-1158-Report.pdf
SPR-1133 Precisions of the Aggregate Sample Splitter and Testing Method 11/01/1980 SPR-1133-Report.pdf
SPR-1155 Weathering Steel Guardrail ? A Materials Performance Evaluation 11/01/1980 SPR-1155-Report.pdf
SPR-1154 Screened Legend Quality of Signs from Michigan State Industries and a Review of Screening Materials 09/01/1980 SPR-1154-Report.pdf
SPR-1149 Petrographic Analysis and Insoluble Residue Determination of Coarse Aggregate: Thornton Quarry, Pit No. 21-67 07/01/1980 SPR-1149-Report.pdf
SPR-1147 Evaluation of 22A Gradation Open Hearth Slag as a Base and Subbase Construction Material, Final Report 05/01/1980 SPR-1147-Report.pdf
SPR-1146 Blended Aggregates Tested on the Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track 05/01/1980 SPR-1146-Report.pdf
SPR-1136 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: County Road Commission No. 3, Pit No. 17-62 02/01/1980 SPR-1136-Report.pdf
SPR-1132 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track?Results of Supplemental Aggregate Polishing Tests, Interim Progress Report 01/01/1980 SPR-1132-Report.pdf
SPR-1125 Performance Evaluation of Mirafi 140 Fabric as Overlay Reinforcement to Control Reflection Cracking 07/01/1979 SPR-1125-Report.pdf
SPR-1119 Development of Base Layer Thickness Equivalency 06/01/1979 SPR-1119-Report.pdf
SPR-1098 The Michigan Department of Transportation Circular Wear Track-Results of Preliminary Aggregate Polishing Tests, First Progress Report 03/01/1979 SPR-1098-Report.pdf
SPR-1107 Evaluation of Sodium Chloride for Stabilizing an Aggregate Base Course (M-28 East of Bruce Crossing, Project No. 00955A) 02/01/1979 SPR-1107-Report.pdf
SPR-1100 Salt Degradation Study 11/01/1978 SPR-1100-Report.pdf
RR-530 Interim Glarefoil Report 10/01/1978 RR-530-Report.pdf
SPR-1093 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Paquin Gravel Co. #2, Pit No. 21-19 06/01/1978 SPR-1093-Report.pdf
SPR-1087 Evaluation of Expansion Anchors, Self-Drilling, Torque Type, and Stud-Type 04/01/1978 SPR-1087-Report.pdf
SPR-1088 Use of Recycled Asphalt Surface Material in the Construction of a Bituminous Stabilized Base, I-75, Cheboygan County, Construction Report 04/01/1978 SPR-1088-Report.pdf
SPR-1086 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: U. S. Forest Service Pit No. 27-68 03/01/1978 SPR-1086-Report.pdf
SPR-1078 Evaluation of Sulfur-Asphalt Binder for Bituminous Resurfacing Mixtures, Progress Report 01/01/1978 SPR-1078-Report.pdf
SPR-1080 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Champion , Inc., Moon Lake Pit No. 22-4 01/01/1978 SPR-1080-Report.pdf
RR-494 Bituminous Mix Design Using Rubber Additives 12/01/1977 RR-494-Report.pdf
SPR-1069 Fibco ?Mod II? Portable Truck Barrier 12/01/1977 SPR-1069-Report.pdf
SPR-1071 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Pickitt No. 1 Pit No. 34-26 08/01/1977 SPR-1071-Report.pdf
SPR-1070 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Marblehead Quarry, Marblehead, Ohio 08/01/1977 SPR-1070-Report.pdf
SPR-1062 Interim Report on Epoxy Injection Grouting Experimental Repair Procedure 07/01/1977 SPR-1062-Report.pdf
SPR-1067 Epoxy Resin Coated Reinforcing Steel, Construction and Progress Report 06/01/1977 SPR-1067-Report.pdf
SPR-1064 Elastizell Concrete Lightweight Fill Construction (Pine River Bridge, St. Clair) 06/01/1977 SPR-1064-Report.pdf
SPR-1061 Evaluation of Prewetted Salt for Ice Control, Final Report 05/01/1977 SPR-1061-Report.pdf
SPR-1060 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Glancy Pit No. 62-3 04/01/1977 SPR-1060-Report.pdf
SPR-1059 Petrographic Analysis of Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Emmons Pit No. 54-22 04/01/1977 SPR-1059-Report.pdf
SPR-1055 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Mickelson No. 3 Pit No. 63-88 03/01/1977 SPR-1055-Report.pdf
SPR-1054 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: American Aggregates Corp. Milford Pit. No. 63-97 03/01/1977 SPR-1054-Report.pdf
SPR-1051 Mixed-in-Place Stabilization of Highway Base Aggregates and Pulverized Bituminous Surfacing Using Asphalt Stabilizers, Final Report 03/01/1977 SPR-1051-Report.pdf
SPR-1050 Lincore Ni2 Low Alloy Submerged Arc Welding Wire 03/01/1977 SPR-1050-Report.pdf
SPR-1056 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co. Pit No. 32-4 03/01/1977 SPR-1056-Report.pdf
SPR-476 Radial Tire Performance, Cost/Benefit and Fuel Efficiency Considerations 02/01/1977 RR-476-Report.pdf
SPR-1040 Statistical Analysis of Aggregate Base Course Inspection Using an End Result Aggregate Specification (Sampling, Testing and Acceptance Procedures) 02/01/1977 SPR-1040-Report.pdf
RR-475 Sylvax U.P.M. Patching Material 01/01/1977 RR-475-Report.pdf
SPR-1036 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Boyd Pit No. 54-54 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-1625) 12/01/1976 SPR-1036-Report.pdf
SPR-1032 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Gaspardo Pit No. 31-65 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-1121) 12/01/1976 SPR-1032-Report.pdf
SPR-1024 Aggregate Gradation Quality Control 11/01/1976 SPR-1024-Report.pdf
SPR-1025 Thickness Equivalencies for Asphalt-Treated and Untreated Aggregate Base Course Layers 11/01/1976 SPR-1025-Report.pdf
SPR-1005 Evaluation of Four Organic Resin Binder Systems 11/01/1976 SPR-1005-Report.pdf
SPR-1019 Expansion Anchor Evaluation, Hilti HDI Anchors 08/01/1976 SPR-1019-Report.pdf
SPR-1014 High-Index, Wet-Performance Glass Beads for Pavement Markings From Potter Brothers 07/01/1976 SPR-1014-Report.pdf
SPR-1015 ?Snow-Glow? Glass Beads for Pavement markings From Snowfast Company of Italy 07/01/1976 SPR-1015-Report.pdf
SPR-1009 1975 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 07/01/1976 SPR-1009-Report.pdf
SPR-1010 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Lindberg Pit No. 22-29 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A410) 06/01/1976 SPR-1010-Report.pdf
SPR-1004 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co., Pit No. 32-4 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2500) 05/01/1976 SPR-1004-Report.pdf
SPR-1000 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Gogebic Sand and Gravel Co., Pit No. 27- 55 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-203) 05/01/1976 SPR-1000-Report.pdf
SPR-1003 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Wallace Stone Co., Pit No. 34-4 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2501) 05/01/1976 SPR-1003-Report.pdf
SPR-1006 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Caspian Lumber Co. #2, Pit No. 36-40 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-291) 04/01/1976 SPR-1006-Report.pdf
SPR-998 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Superior Sand and Gravel Pit, Pit No. 31-45 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-152) 04/01/1976 SPR-998-Report.pdf
SPR-1007 Petrographic Analysis of Coarse Aggregate: Construction Aggregates Corp., Pit No. 70- 9 (Testing Laboratory Sample 75 A-2162) 04/01/1976 SPR-1007-Report.pdf
SPR-990 Fiberglass Reinforced Pultrusions 02/01/1976 SPR-990-Report.pdf
SPR-989 Feasibility Study to Convert Regular-Dry Traffic Paint Applicator to Fast-Dry 02/01/1976 SPR-989-Report.pdf
SPR-985 ?Improved Alert? Reflective Liquid (Cataphote Corp.) and ?B-I-P? Reflective Liquid from Flex-O-Lite Corp. 01/01/1976 SPR-985-Report.pdf
SPR-987 Recommended Capacities for Expansion Anchor Lane Ties and Evaluation of Frazer and Jones Concrete Expansion Anchors 01/01/1976 SPR-987-Report.pdf
SPR-983 Security Steel Insert and Deflected Locknuts 11/01/1975 SPR-983-Report.pdf
SPR-981 Evaluation of ?Wej-It? and ?Taper-Bolt? Expansion Anchors 10/01/1975 SPR-981-Report.pdf
SPR-979 Experimental Installation of Chrome-Alloy Steel Dowels 10/01/1975 SPR-979-Report.pdf
RR-417 Sylvax UPM Patching Material 1974-1975: Interim Report 07/01/1975 RR-417-Report.pdf
SPR-957 1974 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 02/01/1975 SPR-957-Report.pdf
SPR-954 Guardrail Wood Post Deterioration 01/01/1975 SPR-954-Report.pdf
SPR-956 Laboratory Evaluation of ?Elastizell? as a Lightweight Fill 01/01/1975 SPR-956-Report.pdf
SPR-950 Upson Laminated Cellulose Fiber Boards for Use as Road-Side Sign Panels 12/01/1974 SPR-950-Report.pdf
SPR-945 Evaluation of Salvaged Base Course Materials 11/01/1974 SPR-945-Report.pdf
SPR-940 ?Kling-Strip? Highway Striping Remover from Pert Products Company of Detroit 10/01/1974 SPR-940-Report.pdf
RR-382 "Spraygrip" Epoxy Non-Skid Seal 08/01/1974 RR-382-Report.pdf
RR-371 Prewetted Salt Report - 1973-1974 06/01/1974 RR-371-Report.pdf
SPR-751 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials, Infrared Spectra of Epoxy Resins See 1971 Report Volume 06/01/1974 SPR-751-Report.pdf
SPR-916 Protective Coatings for Highway Metals 06/01/1974 SPR-916-Report.pdf
SPR-924 Evaluation of Resin Core Particle Board as a Sign Backing Material 06/01/1974 SPR-924-Report.pdf
SPR-917 ?StriCel? Highway Stripe Remover from Atlas International, Inc. of Colorado 05/01/1974 SPR-917-Report.pdf
SPR-835 Glacial Aggregate Evaluation in Kalamazoo County and Vicinity Michigan 05/01/1974 SPR-835-Report.pdf
SPR-914 An Investigation of the Definition of Frost Heave Textured Material 05/01/1974 SPR-914-Report.pdf
SPR-919 Cellex Cellular Concrete for Precast Noise Barriers 05/01/1974 SPR-919-Report.pdf
SPR-900 1973 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 02/01/1974 SPR-900-Report.pdf
SPR-444 1962 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paint (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1973 SPR-444-Report.pdf
SPR-891 Aluminum-Coated Chain Link Fence 10/01/1973 SPR-891-Report.pdf
SPR-884 Feasibility of Hearth Slag for Bases 09/01/1973 SPR-884-Report.pdf
SPR-877 ?Quaker-Klat? Black Bituminous Coating (Quaker State Oil Co.) 08/01/1973 SPR-877-Report.pdf
SPR-881 Corrosion Resistance of Dowel Bats (Organic Coatings) 08/01/1973 SPR-881-Report.pdf
SPR-868 ?Resil-a-Post? Flexible Traffic Guide Post 07/01/1973 SPR-868-Report.pdf
SPR-867 Pull-Out Test Results of Hilti Fastening Systems 06/01/1973 SPR-867-Report.pdf
RR-325 Design Factors for Bituminous Concrete 05/01/1973 RR-325-Report.pdf
SPR-818 Cycolac Plastic for Non-Reflectorized Signs 03/01/1973 SPR-818-Report.pdf
SPR-819 Kralastic Plastic for Non-Reflectorized Signs 03/01/1973 SPR-819-Report.pdf
SPR-846 1972 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White and Yellow Pavement Marking Paints 01/01/1973 SPR-846-Report.pdf
SPR-847 Testing and Evaluation of Corrugated Polyethylene Plastic Drainage Tubing 01/01/1973 SPR-847-Report.pdf
RR-299 Abnormal Stiffening of Concrete Containing Chemical Water-Reducing and Retarding Mixtures 11/01/1972 RR-299-Report.pdf
SPR-825 Expansion Anchors for Lane Ties 07/01/1972 SPR-825-Report.pdf
SPR-822 Demonstration of Vermeer Saw (I-75 Genesee County) 06/01/1972 SPR-822-Report.pdf
SPR-816 Effect of Temperature on the Elastic Response of Asphalt Treated Base Materials 06/01/1972 SPR-816-Report.pdf
RR-289 Arrow Aiming In Traffic Guide Signs: A Laboratory Investigation 06/01/1972 RR-289-Report.pdf
RR-288 Evaluation of "Lakelite" Aggregate as a Lightweight Fill Material 06/01/1972 RR-288-Report.pdf
SPR-785 Photometric Test for Reflex Reflective Materials 05/01/1972 SPR-785-Report.pdf
SPR-812 Evaluation of Manhole Step (Giant Step No. 170), Construction Products Corp. 04/01/1972 SPR-812-Report.pdf
SPR-805 A Method of Determining Subbase Drainability 04/01/1972 SPR-805-Report.pdf
SPR-807 Expansion Anchors for Use as Lane Ties 03/01/1972 SPR-807-Report.pdf
SPR-803 Elastizell? as an Insulator for Highway Bases 02/01/1972 SPR-803-Report.pdf
SPR-802 Developing Composition Specifications for Traffic Paints: Regular-Dry Type 02/01/1972 SPR-802-Report.pdf
SPR-801 Pull-Out Tests of Scotchkote-Coated Dowel Bars 02/01/1972 SPR-801-Report.pdf
RR-263 Aggregate Factors in Bituminous Mixture Design 12/01/1971 RR-263-Report.pdf
SPR-798 1971 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White Pavement Marking Paints 12/01/1971 SPR-798-Report.pdf
SPR-799 Evaluation of ?Poxicon? Fly Ash Concrete Admixture, Interim Report 12/01/1971 SPR-799-Report.pdf
SPR-794 Installation of Traffic Loop Detectors 11/01/1971 SPR-794-Report.pdf
SPR-792 Performance Evaluation of Mixed-in-Place Bituminous Stabilized Shoulder Gravel 11/01/1971 SPR-792-Report.pdf
SPR-782 Pull-Out Tests of Adiprene-Coated Dowel Bars 08/01/1971 SPR-782-Report.pdf
SPR-781 Permeability Characteristics of Various Subbase Materials 08/01/1971 SPR-781-Report.pdf
SPR-777 Pull-Out Testing of McCormick Precoated Dowel Bars 08/01/1971 SPR-777-Report.pdf
SPR-769 Further Evaluation of Open Hearth Slag as a Highway Base Material 07/01/1971 SPR-769-Report.pdf
SPR-746 Evaluation of Aggregate Sources of Glacial Origin 05/01/1971 SPR-746-Report.pdf
RR-247 Study of Specific Gravity as a Criterion of Aggregate Quality 05/01/1971 RR-247-Report.pdf
RR-245 Martis-Brown Recommendation on the Use of Steel Marker Posts 03/01/1971 RR-245-Report.pdf
SPR-753R The Effect of Fines (P-200) on Bituminous Base Mixtures 02/01/1971 SPR-753R-Report.pdf
SPR-760 1970 Performance Tests of ?Fast-Dry? White Traffic Paints plus Comparative Paints 02/01/1971 SPR-760-Report.pdf
RR-227 Report on the Use of Cold Plastic Marking Materials 12/01/1970 RR-227-Report.pdf
SPR-754 Evaluation of Hardy Salt for Ice Control Purposes 11/01/1970 SPR-754-Report.pdf
SPR-757 Plastic Beads for Traffic Paint from Dow Chemical Company 11/01/1970 SPR-757-Report.pdf
SPR-752 Paint Peeling on Pressure-Treated Posts: Tests Correction by Substituting DuPont ?Lucite? Latex for MDSH No. 6B White Paint 10/01/1970 SPR-752-Report.pdf
SPR-749 Evaluation of a Quasi-Elastic Modulus of Granular Base Material 09/01/1970 SPR-749-Report.pdf
SPR-750 Michigan?s Experience with Neoprene Compression Seal 09/01/1970 SPR-750-Report.pdf
SPR-742 ?Bisymmetric Glass Beads? for Pavement Marking from the 3M Company 05/01/1970 SPR-742-Report.pdf
SPR-739 Evaluation of Open Hearth Slag as a Highway Base Material 05/01/1970 SPR-739-Report.pdf
SPR-736 ?Liquid Green Lite? 3M?s Instant Setting Traffic Paint 04/01/1970 SPR-736-Report.pdf
SPR-720 1968 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1969 SPR-720-Report.pdf
SPR-715 Evaluation of Five Commercial Fast-Setting Hydraulic Patching Mortars 10/01/1969 SPR-715-Report.pdf
SPR-717 Corrosion-Resistant Guardrail 09/01/1969 SPR-717-Report.pdf
SPR-713 ?Alert Reflective Liquid? (Cataphote Corp.) 08/01/1969 SPR-713-Report.pdf
RR-206 Development of Procedures for Process Inspection of Heavy Media Beneficiation Plants for Coarse Aggregate 08/01/1969 RR-206-Report.pdf
SPR-709 Evaluation of Styrofoam as Insulation Against Frost Action in a Flexible Pavement Foundation 08/01/1969 SPR-709-Report.pdf
RR-205 Thermoplastic Highway Striping Materials: Interim Report 07/01/1969 RR-205-Report.pdf
RR-204 Field Evaluation of Reflective Delineation Markers 07/01/1969 RR-204-Report.pdf
SPR-710 Evaluation of Lane Tie Bolts for Slip-Form Paving 07/01/1969 SPR-710-Report.pdf
SPR-712 Polyethylene Center Strip 07/01/1969 SPR-712-Report.pdf
SPR-705 Reflective Sheeting Deterioration on Plywood 06/01/1969 SPR-705-Report.pdf
SPR-701 Permafused Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 06/01/1969 SPR-701-Report.pdf
SPR-699 Application of Thermoanalytical Techniques to Highway Materials 06/01/1969 SPR-699-Report.pdf
RR-202 A Study of Cold Plastic Pavement Marking Materials 06/01/1969 RR-202-Report.pdf
SPR-696 Protective Coatings for Highway Metals: Fourth Progress Report: Protective Coatings for Structural Stee 04/01/1969 SPR-696-Report.pdf
SPR-691 Evaluation of Electrostatic Spray Equipment in Painting Highway Steel 01/01/1969 SPR-691-Report.pdf
SPR-685 Stabilization of Base Course Aggregates with Rock Salt 01/01/1969 SPR-685-Report.pdf
SPR-690 Pull-Out Tests on RS-9 Expansion Anchors 12/01/1968 SPR-690-Report.pdf
SPR-688 Anchorage Resistance of Standard Hook-Bolts 11/01/1968 SPR-688-Report.pdf
SPR-681 Evaluation of ?Protecto + ? Styrene-Foam Concrete Cylinder Molds 09/01/1968 SPR-681-Report.pdf
SPR-682 Latex-Cement Coating for Metal (Dow Co. SM-200) 09/01/1968 SPR-682-Report.pdf
SPR-666 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials ? Third Progress Report: Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph 08/01/1968 SPR-666-Report.pdf
SPR-672 Final Report on Test Applications of 3M?s ?Green Lite or Liquid Instant Set? Paint Stripin 05/01/1968 SPR-672-Report.pdf
SPR-673 Investigation of Low Flexural Strengths on Project U 17032-005 05/01/1968 SPR-673-Report.pdf
RR-173 Proposed Field Experiment for Application of Quality Control to Sampling for Gradation Analysis of 22A Aggregate 04/01/1968 RR-173-Report.pdf
SPR-662 ?Parlon? Based Curing and Sealing Compounds, Second Progress Report 03/01/1968 SPR-662-Report.pdf
SPR-663 Evaluation of ?Peneprime? as a Stabilizing Agent for Aggregate Shoulders 01/01/1968 SPR-663-Report.pdf
RR-172 Usage of Pavement Marking Materials by Government Agencies in the United States in 1965 01/01/1968 RR-172-Report.pdf
SPR-658 Development of a One-Point Cone Test for Determining Maximum Density of Granular Materials 12/01/1967 SPR-658-Report.pdf
SPR-659 The Effect of Shearing Deformations on Pull-Out Resistance of Steel Dowels Embedded in Concrete 12/01/1967 SPR-659-Report.pdf
SPR-669 Final Progress Report on Polymer Plastic Marker Posts 12/01/1967 SPR-669-Report.pdf
SPR-656 1966 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 10/01/1967 SPR-656-Report.pdf
SPR-645 Fast Drying Traffic Paints 08/01/1967 SPR-645-Report.pdf
SPR-644 Report on Witcogard Rustproofer for Guard Rails 07/01/1967 SPR-644-Report.pdf
SPR-639 Mercury Vapor ?Super Lumen? Lights (Jewel Electric Products Inc.) 06/01/1967 SPR-639-Report.pdf
SPR-640 Static Field Tests of Kwik-Bolt and Phillips Stud-Type Concrete Anchors 06/01/1967 SPR-640-Report.pdf
SPR-626 ?Confilm? Spray-On Film for Control of Evaporation From Fresh Concrete 04/01/1967 SPR-626-Report.pdf
SPR-624 Stabilization of Granular Base Materials with Rock Salt 03/01/1967 SPR-624-Report.pdf
SPR-628 First Progress Report on 1966 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 03/01/1967 SPR-628-Report.pdf
SPR-619 Field Tests of Epoxy Grout and Expansion Anchors: Supplement to Research Report No. SPR-579 01/01/1967 SPR-619-Report.pdf
SPR-617 ?Parlon? Based Curing and Sealing Compound, First Progress Report 12/01/1966 SPR-617-Report.pdf
SPR-618 Field Test Applications of ?Speed Crete? Patching Mixtures 12/01/1966 SPR-618-Report.pdf
SPR-611 1965 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1966 SPR-611-Report.pdf
SPR-614 Testing of Waste Lime from Bay City 11/01/1966 SPR-614-Report.pdf
SPR-600 Evaluation of the Speedy Moisture Tester 10/01/1966 SPR-600-Report.pdf
SPR-598 Base Course Stabilization with Asphalt Emulsion: US-131 South of Cadillac (Construction Project F 83031A, C6) 09/01/1966 SPR-598-Report.pdf
SPR-596R Degradation of Base Course Aggregates 09/01/1966 SPR-596-Report.pdf
SPR-606 ?Fiberglas? Reinforced Plastic Rods 09/01/1966 SPR-606-Report.pdf
SPR-605 ?Surface Modified 1M? Metal coatings (Dow Chemical Company) 09/01/1966 SPR-605-Report.pdf
SPR-591 Corrosion-Resistant Dowel Bars 08/01/1966 SPR-591-Report.pdf
SPR-595 ?Fiberglass? Reinforced Plastic Rods 08/01/1966 SPR-595-Report.pdf
SPR-593 Photometric Test for Reflective Materials 07/01/1966 SPR-593-Report.pdf
SPR-571R Evaluation of Stamp Sand as a Substitute for sand Subbase 06/01/1966 SPR-571-Report.pdf
SPR-577 First Progress Report on 1965 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1966 SPR-577-Report.pdf
SPR-579 Epoxy and Cement-Type Compounds for Grouting 04/01/1966 SPR-579-Report.pdf
SPR-576 Final Report on Test Applications of 3M`s ?Instant Set? Paint Striping 04/01/1966 SPR-576-Report.pdf
SPR-574 ASTM A 242 Corrosion Resistant Steel (Mayari-R) Panels in Field Exposure Tests on Eight Mile Road Structure in Detroit 04/01/1966 SPR-574-Report.pdf
SPR-573 Accident Damage to Aluminum and Steel Guard Rails 03/01/1966 SPR-573-Report.pdf
SPR-565 Comparison of Fiber Board and Plywood for Use in Roadside Sign Panels 02/01/1966 SPR-565-Report.pdf
SPR-559 1964 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints, Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County 11/01/1965 SPR-559-Report.pdf
SPR-558 Investigation of Limestone Coarse Aggregate from the Waterville, Ohio, Quarry of the France Stone Company 11/01/1965 SPR-558-Report.pdf
SPR-552 Testing of ?Chempact? and ?Road Packer" 10/01/1965 SPR-552-Report.pdf
SPR-527R Field Evaluation of Styrofoam as Insulation Against Frost Effects in Flexible Pavement Foundation Components 10/01/1965 SPR-527-Report.pdf
SPR-556 ?Niteliner? Striping Application on Edsel Ford Freeway (I-94) 10/01/1965 SPR-556-Report.pdf
SPR-546 Testing of ?Coherex? Emulsified Oil 09/01/1965 SPR-546-Report.pdf
SPR-547 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling: Three Year Inspection, Fourth Progress Report 09/01/1965 SPR-547-Report.pdf
SPR-508 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel, Third Progress Report 07/01/1965 SPR-508-Report.pdf
SPR-537 Mercury Vapor ?Super Lumen? Lights (Jewel Electric Products Inc.) 07/01/1965 SPR-537-Report.pdf
SPR-532 Progress Report on Test Applications of 3M`s ?Instant Set? Paint Striping 07/01/1965 SPR-532-Report.pdf
SPR-531 Evaluation of ?Rhap-Trol? Herbicide Spray System 07/01/1965 SPR-531-Report.pdf
RR-141 Laboratory Test Track Investigation of the Skid Resistance of Bituminous Pavements Composed of Hard Type Fine Aggregates 07/01/1965 RR-141-Report.pdf
SPR-530 Inspection of Neoprene Preformed Sealant Failures in Battle Creek Projects (I 13033D, C8 and U 13121E, C2, C3) 07/01/1965 SPR-530-Report.pdf
SPR-522 Structural Evaluation of Steel Snow Fence Posts 06/01/1965 SPR-522-Report.pdf
SPR-534 ?Adjus-To-Grade? Manhole Casting (National Utility Products Co.) 06/01/1965 SPR-534-Report.pdf
SPR-519 Evaluation of ?Epoximent? Admixture for Mortar or Concrete 05/01/1965 SPR-519-Report.pdf
SPR-497R Studies of Corrosion Resistance of Dowel Bars 05/01/1965 SPR-497-Report.pdf
SPR-513 Performance of Aggregate from the Clarence Sweet Pit (No.3-65) in I-196 Pavement North of South Haven 05/01/1965 SPR-513-Report.pdf
SPR-515 Plastic Signal Lenses 04/01/1965 SPR-515-Report.pdf
SPR-512 Laboratory Test Results on Safe-Ray Glass Beads (High Intensity) for Pavement Marking 04/01/1965 SPR-512-Report.pdf
SPR-511 Rust Dissolver and Manganesed-Phospholene No. 7 04/01/1965 SPR-511-Report.pdf
SPR-506 Progress Report on 1964 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1965 SPR-506-Report.pdf
SPR-516 Inspection of Projects Containing Selected Big Cut Pit Aggregate 04/01/1965 SPR-516-Report.pdf
SPR-505 Experimental Installation of Chrome-Alloy-Steel Dowels: I-196 from the Grand River to Fuller Avenue, Grand Rapids, Federal Designation I 196-5(47) 72 04/01/1965 SPR-505-Report.pdf
SPR-514 Plastic ?Men Working? Sign 04/01/1965 SPR-514-Report.pdf
SPR-501 Proprietary Surface Conversion Treatments for Aluminum 03/01/1965 SPR-501-Report.pdf
SPR-502 Snap-In Reflector Buttons 03/01/1965 SPR-502-Report.pdf
SPR-503 Blink-A-Lite ?Caution? Sign 03/01/1965 SPR-503-Report.pdf
SPR-480 1963 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paint: (Including Cooperative Tests in Detroit and Wayne County) 11/01/1964 SPR-480-Report.pdf
SPR-483 Paint Peeling Off Pressure-Treated Wood Posts 10/01/1964 SPR-483-Report.pdf
SPR-482 Field Installation and Inspection of Polymer Plastic Marker Posts 10/01/1964 SPR-482-Report.pdf
SPR-475 Experimental Use of Goodyear ?Pliopave L-170? Latex Additive in Single Seal of Existing Sealed Shoulders on I-96 near Ionia (Construction Project Group MR-4 SC-5A, Control Section 34044) 09/01/1964 SPR-475-Report.pdf
SPR-471 Evaluation of Telespar Tubing for Use as Highway Sign Supports 09/01/1964 SPR-471-Report.pdf
SPR-467 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling: Two-Year Inspection, Third Progress Report 08/01/1964 SPR-467-Report.pdf
SPR-462 Investigation of Snow Fence Post Breakage 06/01/1964 SPR-462-Report.pdf
SPR-451 Lime Treatment of a Detroit Silty Clay; M-39, Southfield Expressway at Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn (Project U 82192B, C21) 04/01/1964 SPR-451-Report.pdf
SPR-457 Progress Report on 1963 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1964 SPR-457-Report.pdf
SPR-454 Decayed Dimension Guard Rail Posts near Farmington 03/01/1964 SPR-454-Report.pdf
SPR-453 Fasson Reflective Sheeting (Fasson Products Co.) 03/01/1964 SPR-453-Report.pdf
SPR-449 Progress Report on ?Tedlar? DuPont Polyvinyl Fluoride Film, Pre-Finished Metals, Inc. 02/01/1964 SPR-449-Report.pdf
SPR-445 Polymer Plastic Marker Posts (Handley Industries, Inc.) 12/01/1963 SPR-445-Report.pdf
SPR-440 Progress Report on Witcogard Rustproofer for Guard Rails 10/01/1963 SPR-440-Report.pdf
SPR-438 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling, Second Progress Report 09/01/1963 SPR-438-Report.pdf
SPR-435 Evaluation of Preformed Rubber Sealer on M-46 West of Alma (Construction Project F29-23 C2) 09/01/1963 SPR-435-Report.pdf
RR-125 Testing of Materials for Federal Aid Secondary Projects 09/01/1963 RR-125-Report.pdf
SPR-426 Insulation Between Steel and Aluminum for Extruded Traffic Sign Mountings 06/01/1963 SPR-426-Report.pdf
SPR-419 Corrosion of Painted Steel Right-of-Way Posts 04/01/1963 SPR-419-Report.pdf
SPR-420 Progress Report on 1962 Traffic Paint Performance Tests 04/01/1963 SPR-420-Report.pdf
SPR-416 Lime Treatment of Ontonagon Clay: I-75 at Pine River (Construction Project BI 49025G, C22RN) 03/01/1963 SPR-416-Report.pdf
SPR-396R Aggregate Source and Popout Frequency, I-94 from Stevensville to Marshall 02/01/1963 SPR-396-Report.pdf
SPR-378 Inspection of Mixer Efficiencies at Central Concrete Mixing Plants by Means of Gamma Rays 02/01/1963 SPR-378-Report.pdf
RR-117 Automation of Bituminous Mixture Proportioning 02/01/1963 RR-117-Report.pdf
SPR-404 Laboratory and Field Study of Right-of-Way Fence Wire Splices 01/01/1963 SPR-404-Report.pdf
SPR-403 Strength Comparison of Steel Sign Posts 12/01/1962 SPR-403-Report.pdf
SPR-400 Preservative Treatments for Timber Piling, First Progress Report 11/01/1962 SPR-400-Report.pdf
SPR-399 1961 Performance Tests of White and Yellow Traffic Paints 11/01/1962 SPR-399-Report.pdf
SPR-398 Premolded Rubber and Polyvinyl Chloride Base Plates 10/01/1962 SPR-398-Report.pdf
SPR-392 Comparison of Sodium Chloride and a 3:1 Mixture of Sodium Chloride and Calcium Chloride as Used for Highway Ice Control 08/01/1962 SPR-392-Report.pdf
SPR-389 Quantity and Distribution of Chloride in Aggregate as Placed in the Stockpile and on the Road 07/01/1962 SPR-389-Report.pdf
SPR-393 Aluminum Chain Link Fencing 06/01/1962 SPR-393-Report.pdf
SPR-380 Rustake Glare-Proof Fencing 04/01/1962 SPR-380-Report.pdf
SPR-379 Propane-Fueled Warning Lights 04/01/1962 SPR-379-Report.pdf
SPR-375 Comparison of Stone Dust and Natural Soil Particles as Used for the Fines Fraction of Aggregate Base Course Mixtures, First Progress Report 03/01/1962 SPR-375-Report.pdf
SPR-376 Lenz?s Proprietary Paints for Creosoted Wood Posts and for Structural Steel 03/01/1962 SPR-376-Report.pdf
SPR-369 1960 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 11/01/1961 SPR-369-Report.pdf
SPR-361 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel, Second Progress Report 09/01/1961 SPR-361-Report.pdf
SPR-367 Summary Report on Skid-Correction Program for High-Accident Intersections 07/01/1961 SPR-367-Report.pdf
RR-090 Central Mix Type Mixer Time Study 06/01/1961 RR-090-Report.pdf
SPR-360 Strength Comparison of Steel Sign Posts 06/01/1961 SPR-360-Report.pdf
SPR-356 Cracking of Slag Aggregate concrete on Gratiot Avenue, Detroit (Project 50-27, C4) 03/01/1961 SPR-356-Report.pdf
SPR-354 Investigation of Thorite Filling and Patching Compound for Sealing Core Holes In Box Type Prestressed Beams 12/01/1960 SPR-354-Report.pdf
SPR-348 1959 Performance Tests on White And Yellow Traffic Paints 10/01/1960 SPR-348-Report.pdf
SPR-345 Storage and Handling Properties of a Synthetically Granulated Salt 09/01/1960 SPR-345-Report.pdf
SPR-340 1959 Traffic Paint Performance Tests: Cooperative Tests with City of Detroit 08/01/1960 SPR-340-Report.pdf
SPR-339 Quantity and Distribution of Calcium Chloride Within Stock-Piles of Treated Aggregate 08/01/1960 SPR-339-Report.pdf
SPR-342 Inspection of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Overhead Sign Support Structure 08/01/1960 SPR-342-Report.pdf
SPR-338 Granco Steel Guard Rail Post (6-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 8.64 ?S? Section) 07/01/1960 SPR-338-Report.pdf
RR-072 Spectrophotometric Methods for Analysis of Paints 06/01/1960 RR-072-Report.pdf
SPR-328 Comparative Tests of Beaded Paint and Sheet Materials for Sign Reflectorization 05/01/1960 SPR-328-Report.pdf
SPR-320 Summary Report on Methods of Glass Bead Reflectorization of Traffic Paints 12/01/1959 SPR-320-Report.pdf
SPR-319 1959 Road Test on 1,000 Gallons of 3M Centerlite Prebeaded White Traffic Paint 12/01/1959 SPR-319-Report.pdf
SPR-307 A Device for Applying SR-4 Strain Gages to Interior Surfaces of Hollow, Pavement Load-Transfer Dowel Bars 12/01/1959 SPR-307-Report.pdf
SPR-318 1958 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 10/01/1959 SPR-318-Report.pdf
SPR-315 Pull-Out Tests on Four Types of Expansion Sleeve Tie Bar Devices 09/01/1959 SPR-315-Report.pdf
SPR-313 Testing of Aluminum Alloy Deep Beam Guard Rail 05/01/1959 SPR-313-Report.pdf
SPR-312 Catatherm Thermoplastic Striping 04/01/1959 SPR-312-Report.pdf
SPR-309 Rock Salt Anti-Caking Agent Investigation 03/01/1959 SPR-309-Report.pdf
SPR-310 An Evaluation of the Serviceability of Calcium Chloride Bags 03/01/1959 SPR-310-Report.pdf
SPR-305 Spectrophotometric Identification of Membrane Curing Compounds 02/01/1959 SPR-305-Report.pdf
SPR-303 Comparison of Stability of Three Types of Steel Fence Post 01/01/1959 SPR-303-Report.pdf
SPR-301 1958 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paints 12/01/1958 SPR-301-Report.pdf
SPR-298 1957 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint 09/01/1958 SPR-298-Report.pdf
SPR-299 1957 Traffic Paint Performance Test: Oakland Avenue, Detroit 09/01/1958 SPR-299-Report.pdf
SPR-293 The Structural Characteristics of a Plastic Fiberglass Overhead Sign Support Structure 06/01/1958 SPR-293-Report.pdf
RR-046 Survey of Bituminous Mixing Plant and Paving Equipment 05/01/1958 RR-046-Report.pdf
SPR-291 Power-Glo Additive for Automobile Use 04/01/1958 SPR-291-Report.pdf
SPR-290 Investigation of Use of Berylex as an Admixture in Concrete 04/01/1958 SPR-290-Report.pdf
SPR-285 Characteristics and Quantitative Estimation of Waxy Materials in Membrane Curing Compounds 03/01/1958 SPR-285-Report.pdf
SPR-286 1956 Performance Tests on Free-Flowing Glass Beads 03/01/1958 SPR-286-Report.pdf
SPR-284 Determination of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, and Iron Oxides in Portland Cement by Flame Photometry 03/01/1958 SPR-284-Report.pdf
SPR-281 1956 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, Second Progress Report 10/01/1957 SPR-281-Report.pdf
SPR-282 1957 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, First Progress Report 10/01/1957 SPR-282-Report.pdf
SPR-280 Rusting of Steel Beam Guard Rail on Ford and Lodge Expressways 08/01/1957 SPR-280-Report.pdf
SPR-279 Aluminum Right-of-Way Fence 07/01/1957 SPR-279-Report.pdf
SPR-277 ASTM 1956 Cooperative Traffic Paint Tests 03/01/1957 SPR-277-Report.pdf
SPR-273 Investigation of Perma-line Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material 02/01/1957 SPR-273-Report.pdf
SPR-270 1955 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint 11/01/1956 SPR-270-Report.pdf
SPR-271 A Comparative Study of the Drop-In and Overlay Methods of Reflectorizing Traffic Paints 11/01/1956 SPR-271-Report.pdf
SPR-269 1956 Traffic Paint Striping on US-25, Gratiot Avenue, Detroit 11/01/1956 SPR-269-Report.pdf
SPR-266 Cracking of Slag Aggregate Concrete on Gratiot Avenue, Detroit 10/01/1956 SPR-266-Report.pdf
SPR-267 1956 Performance Tests on White and Yellow Traffic Paint, First Progress Report 10/01/1956 SPR-267-Report.pdf
SPR-265 Load Deflection and Tensile Tests on Standard Type Steel Beam Guard Rail 10/01/1956 SPR-265-Report.pdf
SPR-247 Performance Tests on Experimental Black Traffic Paints, First Progress Report 10/01/1956 SPR-247-Report.pdf
SPR-262 Flame Photometric Determination of Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Iron Oxides in Portland Cements 08/01/1956 SPR-262-Report.pdf
SPR-263 Metcoseal: A Protective Coating for Structural Steel 08/01/1956 SPR-263-Report.pdf
SPR-261 An Analysis of Certain Mathematical Assumptions Underlying the Design and Operation of Gamma-Ray Surface Density Gages 07/01/1956 SPR-261-Report.pdf
SPR-260 Protective Coatings for Structural Steel 07/01/1956 SPR-260-Report.pdf
SPR-252 Application of A Beta-Ray Backscatter Thickness Gage to Traffic Paint Wear Studies 01/01/1956 SPR-252-Report.pdf
SPR-251 Measurement of the Linear Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Pavement Marking Paint and a Mathematical Consideration of the Phenomenon of Paint Peeling 01/01/1956 SPR-251-Report.pdf
SPR-245 Traffic Paints and Their Use in Pavement Marking 12/01/1955 SPR-245-Report.pdf
SPR-240 Procuring Traffic Paint on the Basis of Performance Tests 11/01/1955 SPR-240-Report.pdf
SPR-241 1954 Performance Tests on Traffic Paints 11/01/1955 SPR-241-Report.pdf
SPR-236 A Comparison of Beaded Paint and Sheet Reflectorized Stop Signs (Red) 10/01/1955 SPR-236-Report.pdf
SPR-242 Abstracts from Michigan?s Studies of Slipperiness of Concrete Pavements Constructed with Stone Sand as the Fine Aggregate 10/01/1955 SPR-242-Report.pdf
SPR-234 Investigation of Bichler Brothers Gravel 07/01/1955 SPR-234-Report.pdf
SPR-232 Static Load Deflection Tests on Various Types of Deep Beam Guard Rails 07/01/1955 SPR-232-Report.pdf
SPR-227 ASTM 1954 Cooperative Traffic Paint Test 06/01/1955 SPR-227-Report.pdf
SPR-230 Evaluation of the Lateral Stability of Posts for Deep Beam Guard Rail 06/01/1955 SPR-230-Report.pdf
SPR-217 Measuring Traffic Paint Abrasion with Beta Rays 11/01/1954 SPR-217-Report.pdf
SPR-216 Application of Absorption Spectroscopy to Highway Testing and Research 10/01/1954 SPR-216-Report.pdf
SPR-211 Tensile Strength Characteristics of Hook Bolts Furnished by Jones & McKnight, Inc. 07/01/1954 SPR-211-Report.pdf
SPR-205 Evaluation of Metal Primers and Wood Sealers 02/01/1954 SPR-205-Report.pdf
SPR-200 A Study of the Rigidity of Various Dowel Bar Assemblies 12/01/1953 SPR-200-Report.pdf
SPR-202 Cracking Experience of Concrete Pavements Containing Slag Coarse Aggregate ? Results of 1953 Survey 12/01/1953 SPR-202-Report.pdf
SPR-201 Wallace Stone Investigation Part II, 1951 Condition Survey of Concrete Pavements and Bridges Containing Wallace Bayport Crushed Limestone Aggregates 12/01/1953 SPR-201-Report.pdf
SPR-203 Special Study of Tie Wires For Snow Fence Construction 12/01/1953 SPR-203-Report.pdf
SPR-199 Paper Snow Fence Installations 1952 ? 1953 12/01/1953 SPR-199-Report.pdf
SPR-195 Evaluation of Aggregate Sources 09/01/1953 SPR-195-Report.pdf
SPR-191 Wallace Stone Investigation Part III Comparative Laboratory Study of Wallace Limestone with the National Crushed Stone Association 06/01/1953 SPR-191-Report.pdf
SPR-188 1952 Performance Tests of Traffic Paints 04/01/1953 SPR-188-Report.pdf
SPR-187 1952 Performance Tests of Traffic Paints 12/01/1952 SPR-187-Report.pdf
SPR-182 France Stone as a Material for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 09/01/1952 SPR-182-Report.pdf
SPR-180 Foundry Slag as an Abrasive for Icy Pavements 08/01/1952 SPR-180-Report.pdf
SPR-181 Investigation of Prefabricated Plywood Wales for Concrete Column Construction 08/01/1952 SPR-181-Report.pdf
SPR-178 Paper Snow Fence Installations, 1951-1952 07/01/1952 SPR-178-Report.pdf
SPR-179 Lincoln Stone as a Material for Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 07/01/1952 SPR-179-Report.pdf
SPR-177 1951 ASTM Cooperative Traffic Paint Tests 06/01/1952 SPR-177-Report.pdf
SPR-176 Investigation of Klumpp Aggregates 04/01/1952 SPR-176-Report.pdf
SPR-174 Mid-winter Inspection of Paper Snow Fence Installations, 1951-1952 03/01/1952 SPR-174-Report.pdf
SPR-172 Revision of Present Specifications Covering Adjustment of Catch-Basin Covers to Proper Elevation, to Permit Welding as Alternate to Brazing 02/01/1952 SPR-172-Report.pdf
SPR-167 A Discussion of the Principles of Glass Bead Reflectorization 12/01/1951 SPR-167-Report.pdf
SPR-160 Comparative Field Study of Different Traffic Paints and Striping Practice 10/01/1951 SPR-160-Report.pdf
SPR-157 ASTM 1950 Cooperative Check Tests on Pavement Marking Paints 03/01/1951 SPR-157-Report.pdf
SPR-155 Michigan?s Experience in the Use of White-Pigmented Membrane Curing Compound 11/01/1950 SPR-155-Report.pdf
SPR-154 Inspection of Marshall Creek Aggregate 10/01/1950 SPR-154-Report.pdf
SPR-150 Snow Fence Material Investigation 06/01/1950 SPR-150-Report.pdf
SPR-147 Treated Sawdust for Skid Control on Icy Pavements 03/01/1950 SPR-147-Report.pdf
SPR-142 Photometric Tests for Reflective Materials 12/01/1949 SPR-142-Report.pdf
SPR-141 Study of Corrosion Inhibitors Added to De-icing Chemicals 12/01/1949 SPR-141-Report.pdf
SPR-135 Placement of Dowels by the Flex-Plane Mechanical Dowel Bar Installer on Project M8-31,C1 09/01/1949 SPR-135-Report.pdf
SPR-133 Rust Inhibition of Chloride Salts Used in Ice Control or Dust Palliation 08/01/1949 SPR-133-Report.pdf
SPR-127 An Investigation of Hydron Form Lining 04/01/1949 SPR-127-Report.pdf
SPR-124 Relative Resistance to Thermal and Mechanical Shock of Various 26-A Modified Aggregates Used in Bituminous Concrete Resurfacing 03/01/1949 SPR-124-Report.pdf
SPR-123 Application of White Membrane on Project F 74-42,C1, US-25 North of Port Sanilac 03/01/1949 SPR-123-Report.pdf
SPR-121 Field Tests of Reflectorized Traffic Stripes 01/01/1949 SPR-121-Report.pdf
SPR-115 Operational Comparison of Premixed and M.S.H.D. Specification Materials for Reflectorized Centerlines 08/01/1948 SPR-115-Report.pdf
SPR-108 Detroit Manufactured Brick for Catch Basins and Manholes 03/01/1948 SPR-108-Report.pdf
SPR-109 The Use and Treatment of Granular Backfill 03/01/1948 SPR-109-Report.pdf
SPR-111A Study of New American Decalcomania Reflective Material 03/01/1948 SPR-111A-Report.pdf
SPR-107 Consolidation of Porous Backfill 01/01/1948 SPR-107-Report.pdf
SPR-104 Progress Report on Load Deflection Tests Dealing with Length and Size of Dowels 11/01/1947 SPR-104-Report.pdf
SPR-103 Rubber Compound Heating Kettle, Chausse Model R-115 09/01/1947 SPR-103-Report.pdf
SPR-102 Liquid Chloride Application Study 09/01/1947 SPR-102-Report.pdf
SPR-095 Experience in the Use of Carbon Black as a Color Pigment in Concrete Pavement 03/01/1947 SPR-095-Report.pdf
SPR-093 Gradation and Consolidation of Porous Backfil 02/01/1947 SPR-093-Report.pdf
SPR-089R Cracked Versus Uncracked Asphaltic Materials 10/01/1946 SPR-089-Report.pdf
SPR-085 Research Laboratory Report, 1945 ? 1946 07/01/1946 SPR-085-Report.pdf
SPR-086 Investigation of Pen-Kote ?500? Maintenance Paint 07/01/1946 SPR-086-Report.pdf
SPR-084 Investigation of Hinged Bar Mat 06/01/1946 SPR-084-Report.pdf
SPR-077 Investigations Kapco Membrane Curing Compounds 12/01/1945 SPR-077-Report.pdf
SPR-076 Investigations of Anti-Freeze Preparations 12/01/1945 SPR-076-Report.pdf
SPR-074 The Application of Chloride Salts to Concrete Pavements for Ice Control 08/01/1945 SPR-074-Report.pdf
SPR-074A The Application of Chloride Salts for Ice Control to Concrete Pavements Constructed Without the Use of Air-Entraining Agents 08/01/1945 SPR-074A-Report.pdf
SPR-069 Determination of Benzene in Bituminous Materials 04/01/1945 SPR-069-Report.pdf
SPR-065 Hardening of Wood by Chemical Processes 12/01/1944 SPR-065-Report.pdf
SPR-042 Discoloration Phenomenon in Beaded Reflectorized Highway Sign Materials 01/01/1943 SPR-042-Report.pdf
SPR-040 Progress Report on Reflectorized Sign Material Investigation 11/01/1942 SPR-040-Report.pdf
SPR-034 Limestone Dust in Mortar 06/01/1942 SPR-034-Report.pdf
SPR-033 Progress Report on Membranous Curing Compound 05/01/1942 SPR-033-Report.pdf
SPR-031 Curing of Concrete by Calcium Chloride Integral Mixed 04/01/1942 SPR-031-Report.pdf
SPR-029 Agrifil as a Mineral Filler for Bituminous Mixtures 04/01/1942 SPR-029-Report.pdf
SPR-017 Proposed Specifications for a Slow-Curing Liquid Asphalt 06/01/1941 SPR-017-Report.pdf
SPR-015 A Report on Manufactured Stone Sand and Its Use in Concrete Mixtures 05/01/1941 SPR-015-Report.pdf
SPR-006 Changes in Characteristics of Slow-curing Asphaltic Oils 11/01/1940 SPR-006-Report.pdf
RR-004 Dowel Bar Investigation Part II Study of Dowel Bar Coatings in Bond Stress 12/01/1938 TEST RR-004-Report.pdf