Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1704 Dynamic Speed Feedback Signs Effectively Improve Driver Behavior CTC & Associates 11/25/2024 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Implementation-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1692 Green Strobes Added to MDOT Winter Maintenance Vehicles Increase Visibility CTC & Associates 02/23/2024 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare, implementation SPR-1692-Implementation-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1734 Making high-speed corridors safer for pedestrians and cyclists CTC & Associates 01/23/2024 Pedestrian-vehicle crashes, Bicycle crashes, Higher speed roads, Nighttime crashes, Light level readings, High crash corridors, Highway factors in crashes, Crash site visits SPR-1734-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1734 Effective Pedestrian/Non-Motorized Crossing Enhancements Along Higher Speed Corridors Ron Van Houten, Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Sia Mwende, and Baraah Qawasmeh 10/30/2023 Pedestrian-vehicle crashes, Bicycle crashes, Higher speed roads, Nighttime crashes, Light level readings, High crash corridors, Highway factors in crashes, Crash site visits SPR-1734-Report.pdf
SPR-1725 Maximizing the safety, economic and environmental benefits of Michigan roundabouts CTC & Associates 07/01/2023 Roundabouts, yielding behavior, speed selection, safety, empirical SPR-1725-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1725 Evaluating the Performance and Safety Effectiveness of Roundabouts - An Update 01/30/2023 Roundabouts, yielding behavior, speed selection, safety, empirical SPR-1725-Report.pdf
SPR-1714 Evaluating the Impacts of the 2017 Legislative Mandated Speed Limit Increases Peter Savolainen; Tomothy Gates 06/30/2022 speed limit increase, freeways, two-lane highways, COVID-19 SPR-1714-Report.pdf
SPR-1704 Dynamic signs along Michigan's freeway ramps improve driver behavior CTC & Associates 04/01/2022 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1706 Evaluating safety and traffic improvements along Michigan?s first flex route CTC & Associates 04/01/2022 US-23, Flex route, performance, safety, public perception SPR-1706-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1708 Updating best practices to keep pedestrians and bicyclists safe 04/01/2022 Pedestrian design, bicycle design, towards zero death, vision zero, crossing enhancements, COVID-19 impacts, bicycle facilities, safety programs SPR-1708-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1708 Synthesis of National Best Practices on Pedestrian and Bicycle Design, Guidance, and Technology Innovations Timothy Gates, Tongbin Teresa Qu, J 01/27/2022 Pedestrian design, bicycle design, towards zero death, vision zero, crossing enhancements, COVID-19 impacts, bicycle facilities, safety programs SPR-1708-Report.pdf
SPR-1704 Measure the Operational Cost and Benefit of Speed Feedback Signs Timothy J. Gates, Peter T. Savolain 01/23/2022 Dynamic speed feedback sign, freeway exit ramp, horizontal curves, lane departure crashes, driver behavior SPR-1704-Report.pdf
SPR-1706 US-23 Performance, Safety, and Perception Assessment Eva Kassens-Noor, Peter T. Savolain 01/21/2022 US-23, Flex route, performance, safety, public perception SPR-1706-Report.pdf
SPR-1686 Insights into the Effective Use of Dynamic Message Signs for Traffic Safety 11/01/2021 Safety message; dynamic message sign; changeable message sign SPR-1686-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1686 Effectiveness of Crash Fact/Safety Message Signs on Dynamic Message Signs Peter T. Savolainen, Timothy J. Gat 08/11/2021 Safety message; dynamic message sign; changeable message sign SPR-1686-Report.pdf
SPR-1692 Green warning lights make winter maintenance trucks more visible 12/01/2020 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare SPR-1692-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1692 Effectiveness of Green Strobes on Winter Maintenance Vehicles and Equipment Ali Zockaie, Ramin Saedi, Fatemeh F 08/31/2020 winter maintenance, warning light, green strobe, safety, visibility, snowplow, flashing pattern, conspicuity, glare SPR-1692-Report.pdf
SPR-1683 Michigan draws from effective safety strategies nationwide to reduce road deaths and injuries 11/01/2019 Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Towards Zero Deaths, Highway Safety Improvement Program, SHSP, TZD, HSIP, Vision Zero SPR-1683-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1683 Evaluation of the Michigan Department of Transportation?s Highway Safety Programs Jonathan Kay, Timothy Gates, Andrew 07/26/2019 Strategic Highway Safety Plans, Towards Zero Deaths, Highway Safety Improvement Program, SHSP, TZD, HSIP, Vision Zero SPR-1683-Report.pdf
SPR-1677 Evaluation/Report for Collision Avoidance & Mitigation System (CAMS) on Winter Maintenance Trucks (WMT) 09/21/2018 Collision avoidance and mitigation systems, winter maintenance operation, driver behavioral analysis, encroachment rate, response time, relative headway, safety improvement, warning light SPR-1677-Report.pdf
SPR-1645 Site-Specific Data will Improve Safety Decisions for Michigan Rural Roads 08/01/2018 Safety performance function; SPF; intersections; segments; signalized; stopcontrolled; crash modification factor; CMF; severity distribution function; SDF SPR-1645-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1655 Michigan's Traffic Incident Management Effort: Progress and Future Vision 07/01/2018 TIM, traffic incident management, first responder, incident, performance measures, program evaluation, training, social media, funding, After Action Reviews, Steer it Clear it, move over, slow down, h SPR-1655-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1672 Identifying Potential Workzone Countermeasures Using Connected-Vehicle and Driving Data 06/04/2018 Workzone Safety, Connected Vehicle, Workzone Crash, Workzone Speed, DSRC, V2V, V2I SPR-1672-Report.pdf
SPR-1655 Further Assessments of Safe, Quick Clearance Strategies, Phase II 05/04/2018 TIM, traffic incident management, first responder, incident, performance measures, program evaluation, training, social media, funding, After Action Reviews, Steer it Clear it, move over, slow down, h SPR-1655-Report.pdf
SPR-1645 Michigan Rural Segment Safety Performance Function (SPFs) Development and Support 03/31/2018 Safety performance function; SPF; intersections; segments; signalized; stopcontrolled; crash modification factor; CMF; severity distribution function; SDF SPR-1645-Report.pdf
SPR-1653 Design Enhancements Make Roads Safer For Older Drivers 07/01/2017 Older drivers, crashes, roadway features, roadway design guidance. SPR-1653-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1646 MDOT's Successful Road Delineation Program Will Become Even Better 06/01/2017 delineation, short range, long range, pavement markings, benefit-cost, safety SPR-1646-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1643 Gateway treatment makes crosswalks safer for pedestrians 05/01/2017 SPR-1643-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1646 Evaluation of Road Delineation of Practices in Michigan 03/31/2017 delineation, short range, long range, pavement markings, benefit-cost, safety SPR-1646-Report.pdf
SPR-1653 Association of Michigan's Older Adult Crashes with Roadway Features 03/31/2017 Older drivers, crashes, roadway features, roadway design guidance. SPR-1653-Report.pdf
SPR-1643 Comparison of Alternative Pedestrian Crossing Treatments: Follow-Up Report Ron Van Houten, Jonathan Hochmuth 12/01/2016 In-street sign, R1-6 Sign, Gateway Treatment of SPR-1643-Report.pdf
SPR-1639 Local Data Will Help Michigan Make Better Safety Investment Decisions 07/01/2016 SPR-1639-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1639 Michigan Urban Trunkline Segments Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) Development and Support 07/01/2016 SPR-1639-Report.pdf
SPR-1638 Comparison of Alternative Pedestrian Crossing Treatments 02/01/2016 SPR-1638-Report.pdf
SPR-1638 Gateway Treatment Alternatives for Pedestrian Crossings 02/01/2016 SPR-1638-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1626 Improving of Michigan Climatic Files in Pavement ME Design 10/01/2015 SPR-1626-Report.pdf
SPR-1636 Evaluation of Michigan?s Engineering Improvements for Older Drivers 09/01/2015 SPR-1636-Report.pdf
SPR-1636 New Signs and Signals Make Roads Safer for Older Drivers 09/01/2015 SPR-1636-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1628 Michigan Urban Trunkline Intersections Safety Performance Function (SPFs) Development and Support 06/01/2015 SPR-1628-Report.pdf
SPR-1628 Local Data Will Help Michigan Make Better Safety Investment Decisions 06/01/2015 SPR-1628-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1609B Evaluating Outcomes of Raising Speed Limits on High Speed Non-Freeways 04/01/2015 SPR-1609B-Report.pdf
SPR-1627 Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Highways Shown to Cut Crashes in Half 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Spotlights.pdf
SPR-1627 Evaluation of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase II 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Report.pdf
SPR-1627 Evaluation of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase II - Implementation Guidelines 03/01/2015 SPR-1627-Implementation-Guidelines.pdf
SPR-1612 Cable Median Barriers: A Cost-Effective Means To Save Lives 10/01/2014 SPR-1612-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1612 Study of High Tension Cable Barrier on Michigan Roadways 10/01/2014 SPR-1612-Report.pdf
SPR-1609A Evaluating the Impacts of Speed Limit Policy Alternatives 07/01/2014 SPR-1609A-Report.pdf
SPR-1609A Evaluating the Impacts of Proposed Speed Limit Increases in Michigan 07/01/2014 SPR-1609A-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1592 Improving Mobility and Transportation Options for Michigan's Rural Seniors 12/01/2012 SPR-1592-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1592 Recommendations for Meeting the Mobility Needs of Older Adults in Rural Michigan 12/01/2012 SPR-1592-Report.pdf
SPR-1583 Spreading the Word About the Quick Clearance Law 09/01/2012 SPR-1583-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1583 Implementation of Quick Clearance in Michigan 09/01/2012 SPR-1583-Report.pdf
SPR-1581 Best Practices for Emergency Rerouting 09/01/2012 SPR-1581-Report.pdf
SPR-1575 Impact of Non-Freeway Rumble Strips ? Phase 1 06/01/2012 SPR-1575-Report.pdf
SPR-1575 Evaluating the Benefits of Centerline Rumble Strips on Rural Highways 06/01/2012 SPR-1575-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1555 Safety Analysis of 4-Lane to 3-Lane Conversions (Road Diets) in Michigan 01/01/2012 SPR-1555-Report.pdf
SPR-1555 Safety and Operational Analysis of Four-Lane to Three-Lane Conversions (Road Diets) in Michigan 01/01/2012 SPR-1555-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1561 Improving Driver Safety with Behavioral Countermeasures 09/01/2011 SPR-1561-Report.pdf
SPR-1561 Changing the Behavior to Improve Driver Safety 09/01/2011 SPR-1561-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1562 Enhancing the Safety and Mobility of Michigan's Older Residents 09/01/2011 SPR-1562-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1562 Recommendations for Meeting the Transportation Needs of Michigan?s Aging Population 09/01/2011 SPR-1562-Report.pdf
SPR-1542 Roundabouts: How to Get Around a Safer Intersection 03/01/2011 SPR-1542-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1542 Improving Driver?s Ability to Safely and Effectively Use Roundabouts: Educating the Public to Negotiate Roundabouts 03/01/2011 SPR-1542-Report.pdf
SPR-1474 Investigation of Breakaway Light Standards 04/01/2006 SPR-1474-Report.pdf
SPR-1475 Deer-Vehicle Collisions: Understanding of Accident Characteristics and Drivers Attitude Awareness and Involvement 01/01/2006 SPR-1475-Report.pdf
SPR-1446 Safety Performance Evaluation of Michigan?s 4x5 Portable Sign Support 06/01/2003 SPR-1446-Report.pdf
RR-774 Identification of Locations Suitable for Raising the Speed Limit on Full Access Roads in Michigan 09/01/2001 RR-774-Report.pdf
RR-771 The Impact of Raising the Speed Limit on Freeways in Michigan ? Vol 1 & 2 08/01/2000 RR-771-Report.pdf
RR-770 Effect on Crashes Due to Construction of Directional Crossovers to Replace Bidirectional Crossovers 02/01/2000 RR-770-Report.pdf
RR-768 Conversion of Streets from One-Way to Two-Way Operation 01/01/2000 RR-768-Report.pdf
RR-767 An Evaluation of Speed Control Techniques in Work Zones 07/01/1999 RR-767-Report.pdf
RR-759 1997 Work Zone Speed Study 08/01/1998 RR-759-Report.pdf
RR-754 An Evaluation of the Michigan 70 MPH Speed Limit 12/01/1996 RR-754-Report.pdf
RR-749 Direct Observation of Safety Belt Use in Michigan - Fall 1995 10/01/1995 RR-749-Report.pdf
RR-743 Direct Observation of Safety Belt Use in Michigan - Fall 1994 10/01/1994 RR-743-Report.pdf
RR-734 Effect of Large Trucks on Traffic Safety and Operations 06/01/1993 RR-734-Report.pdf
RR-730 Comparison of Speed Zoning Procedures and Their Effectiveness 09/01/1992 RR-730-Report.pdf
RR-725 Safety and Structural Implications of Seat Belts on Transit Buses ? Phase II & III 09/01/1991 RR-725-Report.pdf
RR-709 State Trunkline Accident Surveillance Program - City of Detroit 03/01/1990 RR-709-Report.pdf
RR-708 State Trunkline Accident Surveillance Program - St. Clair County 01/01/1990 RR-708-Report.pdf
RR-697 Transportation Safety in Michigan - Annual Report 01/01/1989 RR-697-Report.pdf
RR-693 15th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1987-1988 08/01/1988 RR-693-Report.pdf
RR-692 The Safety of Farm Truck Operations 06/01/1988 RR-692-Report.pdf
RR-686 Analysis of Accident Rates of Heavy-Duty Vehicles 04/01/1988 RR-686-Report.pdf
RR-685 Analysis of Speed Zoning Effectiveness 03/01/1988 RR-685-Report.pdf
RR-682 Transportation Safety in Michigan - Annual Report 01/01/1988 RR-682-Report.pdf
RR-678 The Use of Funneling as a Traffic Control Device to Reduce Speeds Within Freeway Construction Zones 08/01/1987 RR-678-Report.pdf
RR-660 13th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1986 RR-660-Report.pdf
RR-649 13th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1985-1986 01/01/1986 RR-649-Report.pdf
RR-647 Vehicle and Geometric Variables Related to Accidents in Rural No-Passing Zones 11/01/1985 RR-647-Report.pdf
RR-643 An Investigation of Swareflex Wildlife Warning Reflectors 07/01/1985 RR-643-Report.pdf
RR-634 12th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1984-1985 01/01/1985 RR-634-Report.pdf
RR-633 A Report on the State of the Practice on No Passing Zone Signing and Marking 12/01/1984 RR-633-Report.pdf
RR-631 User?s Manual: On Traffic Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Barriers 11/01/1984 RR-631-Report.pdf
SPR-1253 An Examination of Studies Which Investigate the Question of Accident Reduction Through Full License Plate Reflectorization 10/01/1984 SPR-1253-Report.pdf
RR-629 An Evaluation of Effectiveness of Deer Crossing Warning Signs 09/01/1984 RR-629-Report.pdf
SPR-1249 Evaluation of Glare Screen 08/01/1984 SPR-1249-Report.pdf
RR-621 11th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1983-1984 01/01/1984 RR-621-Report.pdf
RR-617 10th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 09/01/1983 RR-617-Report.pdf
RR-616 Nighttime Legibility of License Plates 07/01/1983 RR-616-Report.pdf
SPR-1221 Evaluation of Breakaway Cable Terminal Endings on Guardrail 05/01/1983 SPR-1221-Report.pdf
RR-611 10th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1982-1983 01/01/1983 RR-611-Report.pdf
RR-577 An Evaluation of 4-Way Stop Sign Control 02/01/1981 RR-577-Report.pdf
RR-576 8th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1980-1981 01/01/1981 RR-576-Report.pdf
RR-573 Evaluation of Five Safety Improvement Projects 12/01/1980 RR-573-Report.pdf
RR-574 Project BEAR (Broad Emergency Assistance Radio) One Year Evaluation 12/01/1980 RR-574-Report.pdf
RR-570 7th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1980 RR-570-Report.pdf
RR-547 6th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1979 RR-547-Report.pdf
RR-549 A Comparative Analysis of Truck Accidents in the State of Michigan 08/01/1979 RR-549-Report.pdf
SPR-1118 A Probability Model for Determining the Safety Benefits of Median Barrier Installations 05/01/1979 SPR-1118-Report.pdf
SPR-1116 Anti-Glare Screen Median Fence 05/01/1979 SPR-1116-Report.pdf
SPR-1106 A Survey of Median Barriers and Highway Safety 01/01/1979 SPR-1106-Report.pdf
RR-532 6th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1978-1979 01/01/1979 RR-532-Report.pdf
RR-511 5th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1978 RR-511-Report.pdf
RR-509 Guidelines for Traffic Control in School Areas 07/01/1978 RR-509-Report.pdf
RR-495 5th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1977-1978 01/01/1978 RR-495-Report.pdf
RR-493 A Study of Accident Experience at Michigan Trunkline Intersection Control Beacon Installations 12/01/1977 RR-493-Report.pdf
SPR-1066 Raised Pavement Markers 07/01/1977 SPR-1066-Report.pdf
RR-480 Analysis of Truck Accidents in Michigan 06/01/1977 RR-480-Report.pdf
RR-479 Concrete Median Barrier Study During Periods of Snow Accumulation 05/01/1977 RR-479-Report.pdf
RR-469 4th Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1976-1977 01/01/1977 RR-469-Report.pdf
RR-464 A Study to Identify Hydroplaning Accidents 12/01/1976 RR-464-Report.pdf
SPR-928 Lights and Lighting for Hazard Warning and Delineation G.M. Smith, M.H. Janson 10/01/1976 Field studies; Flashing traffic signals; Hazard markings; Highway delineators; Lighting; Simulation; Vision; Yellow interval (Traffic signal cycle) SPR-928-Report.pdf
RR-452 A Study of Two-Lane Rural Roadside Accidents 08/01/1976 RR-452-Report.pdf
SPR-995 Median Barriers and Highway Safety L. F. Holbrook, Wen Hou Kuo 05/01/1976 guardrail, cable barriers, median barriers, barrier installation, injury property damage, highway design, risk analysis SPR-995-Report.pdf
SPR-988 A Study of Reflectorized Llicense Plates and Night Accident Reduction and Cost/Benefit Analysis L.F. Holbrook 02/01/1976 Analysis, Costs, Reflective Materials, Cost analysis, Benefit cost analysis SPR-988-Report.pdf
RR-427 A Traffic Accident Analysis in Ottawa County 01/01/1976 RR-427-Report.pdf
RR-426 3rd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1975-1976 01/01/1976 RR-426-Report.pdf
SPR-980 Trial Installation of Rumble Strips in Asphalt Shoulders J.E. Simonsen 12/01/1975 M-78, Genesee county, Shiawassee county, imprinted corrugations, bituminous stabilized material, bituminous aggregate, sound levels SPR-980-Report.pdf
RR-418 2nd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1975 RR-418-Report.pdf
SPR-946 Office Memorandum: Michigan?s Accident Experience with Glass Bead License Plate Reflectorization L.F. Holbrook 06/30/1975 SPR-964-Report.pdf
RR-410 Effects of the Energy Crisis and 55 MPH Speed Limit in Michigan 04/01/1975 RR-410-Report.pdf
RR-407 1973 Accident Profiles for the State Highway System 03/01/1975 RR-407-Report.pdf
RR-404 Design Guides for Roadside Safety Improvement Program: Task 1 01/01/1975 RR-404-Report.pdf
RR-396 No Passing Zone Resurvey of State Highways 01/01/1975 RR-396-Report.pdf
RR-395 2nd Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1974-1975 01/01/1975 RR-395-Report.pdf
RR-391 Safety Aspects of the 55 MPH Speed Limit 12/01/1974 RR-391-Report.pdf
RR-380 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Marquette 08/01/1974 RR-380-Report.pdf
RR-381 Analysis of Interstate Accidents in Michigan 08/01/1974 RR-381-Report.pdf
RR-379 1st Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program 08/01/1974 RR-379-Report.pdf
RR-373 1973 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 07/01/1974 RR-373-Report.pdf
RR-372 Analysis of Guardrail Accidents in Michigan 07/01/1974 RR-372-Report.pdf
RR-365 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Berrien County 04/01/1974 RR-365-Report.pdf
RR-364 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Jackson County 03/01/1974 RR-364-Report.pdf
SPR-903 Office Memorandum: Study of Glare Due to Parking Lot Lighting on US-127 near M-36, Mason 02/19/1974 SPR-903-Report.pdf
RR-361 Color Coding Study for Freeway Markings Median Delineation Phase 02/01/1974 RR-361-Report.pdf
RR-346 1st Annual Report of Michigan's Overall Highway Safety Improvement Program: 1973-1974 01/01/1974 RR-346-Report.pdf
SPR-897 Legibility Distance of I-69 Reflector Button Legend Signs G.M. Smith 01/01/1974 SPR-897-Report.pdf
RR-035 1972 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 01/01/1974 RR-035-Report.pdf
RR-354 An Evaluation of the 1965-66, 1966-67 Tree Removal Programs - Supplement 01/01/1974 RR-354-Report.pdf
RR-356 1972 Analysis of State Highway Accident Facts 01/01/1974 RR-356-Report.pdf
RR-355 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Kalamazoo County 01/01/1974 RR-355-Report.pdf
RR-302 Evaluation of Two Safety Projects for Curve Superelevation and Drainage Correction 01/01/1973 RR-302-Report.pdf
RR-315 Michigan Trunkline Accident Facts, an Evaluation of the States - 1971 Accident Experience 01/01/1973 RR-315-Report.pdf
RR-307 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Portage 01/01/1973 RR-307-Report.pdf
RR-293 Field Evaluation of A Flexible Traffic Guide Post 10/01/1972 RR-293-Report.pdf
RR-294 Three Experiments with Transverse Pavement Stripes and Rumble Bars 10/01/1972 RR-294-Report.pdf
RR-286 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Adrian 06/01/1972 RR-286-Report.pdf
RR-287 Michigan Trunkline Accident Facts, an Evaluation of the States - 1970 Accident Experience 06/01/1972 RR-287-Report.pdf
RR-282 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Niles 04/01/1972 RR-282-Report.pdf
RR-280 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Escanaba 03/01/1972 RR-280-Report.pdf
RR-276 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Three Rivers 01/01/1972 RR-276-Report.pdf
RR-266 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Battle Creek 01/01/1972 RR-266-Report.pdf
RR-275 An Investigation of Weather Factor Effects on Traffic Accidents 01/01/1972 RR-275-Report.pdf
RR-264 Study of the Operational Aspects of One-Way and Two-Way Streets 01/01/1972 RR-264-Report.pdf
RR-260 Truck Speed Study: Evaluation of Hill-Climbing Ability of Motor Trucks 11/01/1971 RR-260-Report.pdf
RR-259 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Hancock 10/01/1971 RR-259-Report.pdf
RR-253 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Marquette County 07/01/1971 RR-253-Report.pdf
RR-249 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the city of Ionia 06/01/1971 RR-249-Report.pdf
RR-248 An Evaluation of the 1965-66, 1966-67 Tree Removal Programs 06/01/1971 RR-248-Report.pdf
RR-251 Investigation into Using Air in the Permeability Testing of Granular Soils 06/01/1971 RR-251-Report.pdf
RR-244 Michigan Highway Safety Program - Maintenance Standards and Construction Area Practices 03/01/1971 RR-244-Report.pdf
RR-240 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Mason County 02/01/1971 RR-240-Report.pdf
RR-241 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Montgomery County 02/01/1971 RR-241-Report.pdf
RR-242 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in St Joseph County 02/01/1971 RR-242-Report.pdf
RR-232 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Benzie County 01/01/1971 RR-232-Report.pdf
RR-231 Widening a Four Lane Roadway to Five Lanes and Providing a Center Lane for Left Turns 01/01/1971 RR-231-Report.pdf
RR-233 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in the City of Dowagiac 01/01/1971 RR-233-Report.pdf
RR-228 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Lapeer County 12/01/1970 RR-228-Report.pdf
RR-229 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Osceola County 12/01/1970 RR-229-Report.pdf
RR-220 A Traffic Accident Analysis of High Accident Locations in Tuscola County 06/01/1970 RR-220-Report.pdf
SPR-741 An Evaluation of "Effective and Dependable" Reflectorization for Registration Plates 05/01/1970 SPR-741-Report.pdf
RR-216 Development of a an Internally Illuminated School Speed Limit Sign 03/01/1970 RR-216-Report.pdf
RR-218 Procedures Manual for The Determination and Establishment of No Passing Zones 03/01/1970 RR-218-Report.pdf
SPR-695 Evaluation of Experimental Signs M.H. Janson 03/01/1969 SPR-695-Report.pdf
RR-198 Accident Analysis and Cost Justification - Left Side Pennant Sign US-12 03/01/1969 RR-198-Report.pdf
RR-193 Study of the Operational Aspects of One Way and Two Way Streets 01/01/1969 RR-193-Report.pdf
RR-191 A Review of the Michigan Criteria for Marking No Passing Zones: 1968 01/01/1969 RR-191-Report.pdf
RR-184 Evaluation of a Safety Project: Replacement of Bi-Directional Crossover with Pair of Directional Crossovers 01/01/1969 RR-184-Report.pdf
RR-190 Evaluation of Low Profile Lights for Pavement Delineation 01/01/1969 RR-190-Report.pdf
RR-182 Evaluation of a Safety Project ? Widening of M-17 from Four to Five Lanes 12/01/1968 RR-182-Report.pdf
SPR-678 Office Memorandum: Report on Experimental Raised Traffic Markers on I-75 in Detroit A. J. Permoda 07/01/1968 SPR-678-Report.pdf
SPR-652 Investigation of Rigid Fuse Plates for Use on Breakaway Signs (Progress Report) E. L. Marvin 11/01/1967 SPR-652-Report.pdf
SPR-610 Impact Tests of Breakaway Light Poles J.E. Simonsen, F. DeRose 10/01/1966 Breakaway supports, crash tests, luminaires, street lighting, testing SPR-610-Report.pdf
SPR-601 Office Memorandum: Break-Away-Sign Supports E.A. Finney 09/19/1966 SPR-601-Report.pdf
SPR-581 Sign Brightness in Relation to Legibility T.M. Allen, G.M. Smith, M.H. Janson 08/01/1966 Brightness; Environment; Field tests; Illuminated traffic signs; Legibility; Lettering; Night; Traffic signs SPR-581-Report.pdf
RR-152 Emergency Highway Traffic Regulation 06/01/1966 RR-152-Report.pdf
RR-143 Study of No Passing Zone Signing 05/01/1965 RR-143-Report.pdf
SPR-499 Anti-Glare Fence Specifications B. W. Pocock 02/22/1965 SPR-499-Report.pdf
RR-121 Motorist Services for Michigan Freeways 07/01/1963 RR-121-Report.pdf
RR-119 An Evaluation of Concrete Median Barrier in Michigan 06/01/1963 RR-119-Report.pdf
RR-118 A Review of the Criteria of Marking No Passing Zones 05/01/1963 RR-118-Report.pdf
SPR-336 Flasher Brightness at Selected Intersections M.H. Janson, G.M. Smith 06/01/1960 SPR-336-Report.pdf
RR-145 Anti-Glare Screen Study 10/01/1956 RR-145-Report.pdf
RR-039 Special 24-hour Classified Speed Study M-78 Station 1-5 10/01/1955 RR-039-Report.pdf
RR-036 Psychological Reactions of Drivers as Related to Highway Safety 09/01/1954 RR-036-Report.pdf
RR-031 Accident Experience in Relation to Road and Roadside Features 03/01/1952 RR-031-Report.pdf
RR-030 A Kitten on a Telephone Pole - A Report by Michigan People to Michigan People on How to Check Mounting Highway Injuries and Deaths 03/01/1952 RR-030-Report.pdf
RR-027 How Roadside Features Affect Traffic Accident Experience - 2nd Progress Report 09/01/1951 RR-027-Report.pdf
RR-017 Modern Design Reduces Accidents 05/01/1947 RR-017-Report.pdf
RR-007 No Passing Zones 01/01/1943 RR-007-Report.pdf
RR-006 The Effectiveness of Highway Delineators on Accident Occurrence 01/01/1941 RR-006-Report.pdf