Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1623 Tow Plows Could Help Michigan Save Time and Money On Winter Maintenance SPR-1623-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1709 Benefits of dynamic message signs on driver behavior and traffic flow 04/01/2022 Digital Message Signs, Traffic Flow, DMS messages, Advanced traveler information systems; Traffic flow; Traffic signs; Variable message signs SPR-1709-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1709 Quantifying Effectiveness and Impacts of Digital Message Signs on Traffic Flow Valerian Kwigizile, Jun-Seok Oh, Ro 04/01/2022 Digital Message Signs, Traffic Flow, DMS messages, Advanced traveler information systems; Traffic flow; Traffic signs; Variable message signs SPR-1709-Report.pdf
SPR-1699 MDOT prepares its workforce for emerging transportation technologies 12/01/2021 SPR-1699-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1699 Recruit and Maintain/Upgrade a High-Tech Workforce for Emerging Technologies Zahra Bahrani Fard, Eric Paul Denni 12/01/2021 Emerging Transportation Technology, Department of Transportation, Workforce Strategic Planning, Talent Pipeline Management SPR-1699-Report.pdf
SPR-1700 ITS Evaluation Tool Calculates Value and Impact of Highway Technology 07/01/2021 SPR-1700-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1700 Development of a Network-Level Evaluation Tool for Managing ITS Infrastructure Van Hecke, Samuel; Gallagher, Mark 06/30/2021 Intelligent Transportation Systems, Operations, Benefit/Cost Analysis, Project Prioritization SPR-1700-Report.pdf
SPR-1689 Development of a Michigan Specific VISSIM Protocol for Submissions of VISSIM Modeling Matthew Hill, Jason Pittenger, Andr 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Report.pdf
SPR-1689 Protocol manual helps guide traffic modeling projects 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1689 Development of a Michigan Specific VISSIM Protocol for Submissions of VISSIM Modeling - Appendix Matthew Hill, Jason Pittenger, Andr 09/01/2020 VISSIM, Microsimulation, Traffic Simulation, Protocol, Validation, Calibration SPR-1689-Appendix.pdf
SPR-1681 Signal Performance Measures Pilot Implementation Stephen Remias, Jonathan Waddell, M 12/01/2019 Transportation Operations, Traffic Signals, Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures SPR-1681-Report.pdf
SPR-1681 Pilot signal performance software improves driver travel times and traffic engineering safety. 12/01/2019 Transportation Operations, Traffic Signals, Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures SPR-1681-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1654 Advanced Applications of Intellidrive Data Use Analysis and Processing 2 (DUAP 2) 07/01/2018 SPR-1654-Report.pdf
SPR-1654 DUAP System Creates Framework for Sharing Data throughout MDOT Lee T. Mixon, Jeffrey Brown 07/01/2018 DUAP, VIDAS SPR-1654-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1623 Evaluating the Use of Tow Plows 09/01/2016 SPR-1623-Report.pdf
SPR-1631 ITS Technologies Reduce Delay, Crashes and Emissions, With Significant Returns On Investment 07/01/2015 SPR-1631-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1631 Cost and Benefits of MDOT Intelligent Transportation System Deployments 07/01/2015 SPR-1631-Report.pdf
SPR-1616 Evaluating the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) for Transportation Purposes 04/01/2015 SPR-1616-Report.pdf
SPR-1616 Taking Flight with Sensing Equipment will Deliver Benefits Across MDOT 04/01/2015 SPR-1616-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1607 Monitoring Highway Assets with Remote Technology 07/01/2014 SPR-1607-Report.pdf
SPR-1607 Monitoring Highway Assets Using Remote Sensing Technology 07/01/2014 SPR-1607-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1580 Evaluating the Financial Cost and Impact on Long Term Pavement Performance of Expediting Michigan?s Road Construction Work 02/01/2014 SPR-1580-Report.pdf
SPR-1569 Re-Examination of the 1994 and Subsequent sewer and Culvert Installations of Various Pipe Types, Sizes and Depths 02/01/2014 SPR-1569-Report.pdf
SPR-1578 Improving Safety Through Traffic Signal Coordination Near Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings 02/01/2013 SPR-1578-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1578 Timing Issues for Traffic Signals Interconnected with Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings 02/01/2013 SPR-1578-Report.pdf
SPR-1584 Transportation Reliability and Trip Satisfaction 10/01/2012 SPR-1584-Report.pdf
SPR-1557 Cameras Instead of Sieves for Aggregate Characterization 06/01/2012 SPR-1557-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1557 Feasibility of Digital Imaging to Characterize Earth Materials 06/01/2012 SPR-1557-Report.pdf
SPR-1568 Usage and Impact of the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program 03/01/2012 SPR-1568-Report.pdf
SPR-1554 Reducing Traffic Congestion on a Budget 09/01/2011 SPR-1554-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1588 VII Data Use Analysis and Processing (DUAP) Final Project Report (Phase II) 07/01/2011 SPR-1588-Report.pdf
SPR-1559 Strategies for Improving Traveler Information 01/01/2011 SPR-1559-Report.pdf
SPR-1545 Michigan Ohio University Transportation Center ? Multiple Reports 12/01/2010 SPR-1545-Report.pdf
SPR-1543 Evaluation of Steady-Burn Warning Lights on Channelizing Drums in Work Zones 12/01/2010 SPR-1543-Report.pdf
SPR-1505 Development of a Simple Diagnosis Tool for Detecting Localized Roughness Features 02/01/2009 SPR-1505-Report.pdf
SPR-1500 Evaluation of the Dynamic Late Lane Merge System at Freeway Construction Work Zones 09/01/2007 SPR-1500-Report.pdf
SPR-1500 New Dynamic Signage Makes Lane Merges Smoother and Safer 09/01/2007 SPR-1500-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1513 Evaluation of Economic Impacts of Michigan VII Program (Vehicle Infrastructure Integration) 09/01/2007 SPR-1513-Report.pdf
SPR-1513 Making the Economic Case for IntelliDrive 09/01/2007 SPR-1513-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1472 A Study of the Effectiveness of the Use of Steady Burn Warning Lights on Drums in Construction Work Zones 06/01/2005 SPR-1472-Report.pdf
SPR-1468 Development of a Pavement Marking Management System 12/01/2004 SPR-1468-Report.pdf
SPR-1450 Development of a Computer Program for Dynamic Back Calculation of Flexible Pavement Layer Moduli 06/01/2004 SPR-1450-Report.pdf
SPR-1451 Development and Evaluation of an Advanced Dynamic Lane Merge Traffic Control System for 3 to 2 Lane Transition Areas in Work Zones 01/01/2004 Aggression; Highway safety; Highway traffic control; Merging traffic; Traffic control devices; Work zone traffic control; Work zones SPR-1451-Report.pdf
SPR-1467 Field Test of Variable Speed Limits in Work Zones in Michigan 09/01/2003 Highway traffic control; Speed limits; Tapers (Work zone traffic control); Traffic control; Traffic safety; Traffic speed; Variable speed limits; Work zone traffic control SPR-1467-Report.pdf
SPR-1370 Field Inspection of Traffic Signal Strain Poles 05/01/1999 SPR-1370-Report.pdf
RR-766 An Evaluation and Calibration of MDOT's Work Zone Delay Model: Draft Final Report 05/01/1999 RR-766-Report.pdf
RR-763 Logo Signing Pilot Program 12/01/1998 RR-763-Report.pdf
SPR-1350 Development of a Mobile System for Measuring Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity 08/01/1998 SPR-1350-Report.pdf
RR-56 The Safety Effects of Signalizing Intersections 11/01/1997 RR-756-Report.pdf
SPR-1342 Inspection and Repair of High-Mast Luminaires (HML) 08/01/1996 Corrosion resistance; Cracking; Deterioration by environmental action; High mast lighting; Lighting systems; Luminaires; Night visibility; Street lighting SPR-1342-Report.pdf
RR-752 Field Condition Review of Completed Highway Preventative Maintenance Projects 06/01/1996 RR-752-Report.pdf
RR-751 Roadway Warning System Study for Michigan Department of Transportation - Phase 1 & 2 05/01/1996 RR-751-Report.pdf
SPR-1331 Advance Warning Arrow Panel Evaluation 02/01/1995 SPR-1331-Report.pdf
RR-739 Study of Institutional Impacts of New Technology Applications - St. Clair & Detroit Rivers Highway Crossings 05/01/1994 RR-739-Report.pdf
SPR-1323 Development of an Instrumented Vehicle to Measure Roadway Curve and Grade 04/01/1993 SPR-1323-Report.pdf
RR-731 Cell-Probe: An Operational Field Test in Metro Detroit to Evaluate the Mobile Cellular Phone as a Traffic Probe 10/01/1992 RR-731-Report.pdf
SPR-1318 The Lightweight Pavement Profile Instrument Development and Applications 06/01/1992 SPR-1318-Report.pdf
SPR-1316 Evaluation of Ice Detection and Highway Weather Information Services, Final Report 03/01/1992 SPR-1316-Report.pdf
RR-724 Planning the Metropolitan Transportation Center (MTC) 07/01/1991 RR-724-Report.pdf
SPR-1308 Evaluation of Ice Detection and Weather Information Systems, Progress Report 12/01/1990 SPR-1308-Report.pdf
SPR-1299 Battery Operated Strobelights 03/01/1989 SPR-1299-Report.pdf
RR-700 Pavement Marking Management Information System (PM-MIS) & Users Guide 02/01/1989 RR-700-Report.pdf
RR-695 Traffic Signal Installation and Safety 09/01/1988 RR-695-Report.pdf
RR-690 Cost Effectiveness Pavement Markings 06/01/1988 RR-690-Report.pdf
RR-691 An Evaluation of the Detroit Freeway Operations (Scandi) Project 06/01/1988 RR-691-Report.pdf
SPR-1289 Evaluation of Boschung Ice Early Warning System 03/01/1988 SPR-1289-Report.pdf
SPR-1263 Reflectorized Traffic Regulator Vest 08/01/1985 SPR-1263-Report.pdf
RR-644 Efficacy of Jurisdiction Wide Traffic Control Device Upgradings 08/01/1985 RR-644-Report.pdf
SPR-1252 Scan 16 ? Moisture, Frost, Ice Early Warning System, Final Report 10/01/1984 SPR-1252-Report.pdf
SPR-1247 Flexible Delineator Posts 06/01/1984 SPR-1247-Report.pdf
SPR-1229 Scan 16 ? Moisture, Frost, Ice Early Warning System, First Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1229-Report.pdf
SPR-1204 Use of Deflection Basin Characteristics for Flexible Pavement Analysis and Overlay Design 09/01/1982 SPR-1204-Report.pdf
RR-588 An Evaluation of the Effects Traffic Signals Have on Accidents 03/01/1982 RR-588-Report.pdf
RR-584 Metro Module Traffic Signals 12/01/1981 RR-584-Report.pdf
RR-582 An Evaluation of 8-Phase Signal Control 11/01/1981 RR-582-Report.pdf
SPR-1135 Reflectorized Traffic Regulator Vests, Progress Report 04/01/1980 SPR-1135-Report.pdf
SPR-1131 Stimsonite Delineator 12/01/1979 SPR-1131-Report.pdf
SPR-1110 Astro Optics Delineators 03/01/1979 SPR-1110-Report.pdf
SPR-1111 NFS Industries Delineators 03/01/1979 SPR-1111-Report.pdf
SPR-1102 Traffic Signal Dimming Methods 01/01/1979 SPR-1102-Report.pdf
RR-531 Digital Data Communication Features in Public Transit Systems: Technology Assessment 10/01/1978 RR-531-Report.pdf
SPR-1091 A Computer Program for Computing Probabilities and Generating Random Variates for the Gamma, Normal, and Chi-Square Distributions and Its Applications to Highway Technology 07/01/1978 SPR-1091-Report.pdf
SPR-1076 Evaluation of Nuclear Methods for Measuring Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures 12/01/1977 SPR-1076-Report.pdf
SPR-1047 Brightness Study and Specification Compliance Survey of Arrow-Bar Traffic Control Signs 06/01/1977 SPR-1047-Report.pdf
RR-459 The Michigan Photolog System 11/01/1976 RR-459-Report.pdf
SPR-1021 Reflectorized Flagman Vests 09/01/1976 SPR-1021-Report.pdf
RR-454 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in the city of Mount Clemens 09/01/1976 RR-454-Report.pdf
SPR-1001 Development and Evaluation of a Field Drainability Test Method 06/01/1976 SPR-1001-Report.pdf
SPR-971 Laboratory Calibration of Nuclear Soil Density-Moisture Gages 09/01/1975 SPR-971-Report.pdf
RR-397 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Washtenaw County 01/01/1975 RR-397-Report.pdf
SPR-939 The Housel Model for Slope Stability Analysis 10/01/1974 SPR-939-Report.pdf
SPR-942 Traffic Noise Level Predictor Computer Program 10/01/1974 SPR-942-Report.pdf
RR-385 Operating Manual for Intersection Capacity Analysis Computer Program 10/01/1974 RR-385-Report.pdf
RR-363 Evaluation of a Polycarbonate Vehicular Traffic Signal 03/01/1974 RR-363-Report.pdf
RR-344 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Calhoun County 11/01/1973 RR-344-Report.pdf
SPR-890 Traffic Noise Level Predictor Computer Program 10/01/1973 SPR-890-Report.pdf
RR-331 Effect of Clear Vision Right-of-Way on Traffic Accidents at Urban and Rural Signalized Intersections 07/01/1973 RR-331-Report.pdf
SPR-873 Reflectorization of Fluorescent Flagman Vests 07/01/1973 SPR-873-Report.pdf
SPR-863 Summary of Roadway Luminaire Test Results (1971-72) 06/01/1973 SPR-863-Report.pdf
SPR-850 Preliminary Study of the Constant Dry Weight (No Weighing) Method of Compaction Control 03/01/1973 SPR-850-Report.pdf
RR-321 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Monroe County 03/01/1973 RR-321-Report.pdf
RR-306 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in the city of St Joseph 01/01/1973 RR-306-Report.pdf
RR-308 Data Collection Procedures for Determination and Updating of Highway Needs in Michigan 01/01/1973 RR-308-Report.pdf
RR-304 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Lenawee County 01/01/1973 RR-304-Report.pdf
RR-305 A Traffic Accident Analysis and Traffic Control Devices Inventory in Schoolcraft County 01/01/1973 RR-305-Report.pdf
SPR-836 Evaluation of Catch Basin Grates 10/01/1972 SPR-836-Report.pdf
RR-281 Evaluation of an Operational Change at 17 Locations 04/01/1972 RR-281-Report.pdf
RR-283 Public Transportation Information Reporting System Development 04/01/1972 RR-283-Report.pdf
SPR-797 Experimental Vehicle Traffic Control Signals: A Final Report 12/01/1971 SPR-797-Report.pdf
RR-256 Study of Rural Freeway Emergency Communications for Stranded Motorists 08/01/1971 RR-256-Report.pdf
SPR-744 Application of Instrumental Methods for Evaluating Highway Materials, Use of Infrared Spectrophotometry in Acceptance Testing Membrane Curing Compounds for Concrete 06/01/1971 SPR-744-Report.pdf
RR-237 High Speed Profilometry 01/01/1971 RR-237-Report.pdf
SPR-728 A Coordinated Highway Data System for Michigan, (Development of Computer-Based Storage and Retrieval System for State Highway Road & Bridge Construction Data) 09/01/1970 SPR-728-Report.pdf
SPR-735 Development of Nuclear Methods for Quality Control of Highway Embankment Construction 09/01/1970 SPR-735-Report.pdf
SPR-745 Evaluation of Nuclear Method for Asphalt Testing 07/01/1970 SPR-745-Report.pdf
SPR-732 Spun-Concrete Light Poles, I-96 and I-296 Kent County 03/01/1970 SPR-732-Report.pdf
SPR-724 Propane Warning Lights 12/01/1969 SPR-724-Report.pdf
RR-203 Formation of the Detroit Freeway Operations Unit 06/01/1969 RR-203-Report.pdf
SPR-694 Hot Mix Component-Recordation Evaluation 03/01/1969 SPR-694-Report.pdf
RR-195 A Study of Selection of Yellow Clearance Intervals for Traffic Signals 02/01/1969 RR-195-Report.pdf
RR-192 Detroit Freeway Surveillance & Control Evaluation 01/01/1969 RR-192-Report.pdf
SPR-689 Evaluation of Octopus Safety Marker Model No. OC-5-30-64 11/01/1968 SPR-689-Report.pdf
SPR-665 3M High-Intensity Reflective Sheeting Delineator Failure 02/01/1968 SPR-665-Report.pdf
SPR-643 Damaged Impellers for Storm Water Pumps 07/01/1967 SPR-643-Report.pdf
SPR-627 Failure of Center-Mount Delineators: A Summary of Research Laboratory Observations 05/01/1967 SPR-627-Report.pdf
SPR-629 Driving Performance of Aluminum Delineator Posts 03/01/1967 SPR-629-Report.pdf
SPR-568 Development of a Neutron Gage for Determination of Mixing Efficiency of Central Mix Concrete Plants 12/01/1966 SPR-568-Report.pdf
SPR-612 Michigan?s Experience with Nuclear Gages for Measuring Soil Compaction 11/01/1966 SPR-612-Report.pdf
SPR-613 Flashing Arrow-Bar Traffic Control Signs: A Report of Comparison Testing 11/01/1966 SPR-613-Report.pdf
RR-155 Reversible Center Lane Traffic System 07/01/1966 RR-155-Report.pdf
RR-151 Signal Head Color Study 05/01/1966 RR-151-Report.pdf
SPR-540 Aluminum Delineator Posts (Reynolds Metals Co.) 08/01/1965 SPR-540-Report.pdf
SPR-544 Depth of Nuclear Gage Influence in Subbase Testing 08/01/1965 SPR-544-Report.pdf
SPR-494 Further Development and Evaluation of The Michigan Nuclear Gage 04/01/1965 SPR-494-Report.pdf
SPR-495 Field Evaluation of the Ohmart Nuclear Weighing System 03/01/1965 SPR-495-Report.pdf
SPR-500 Operating Manual for the Michigan Nuclear Soil Density-Moisture Gage 03/01/1965 SPR-500-Report.pdf
SPR-489 Progress Report on Evaluation and Application Study of General Motors Corporation Rapid Travel Profilometer 12/01/1964 SPR-489-Report.pdf
SPR-432 Reflectorized Delineator Posts (Mid-States Steel and Wire Company) 10/01/1963 SPR-432-Report.pdf
RR-123 John C Lodge Freeway: Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project 08/01/1963 RR-123-Report.pdf
RR-114B John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Research Activity Progress Report & Proposed Project Program 01/01/1963 RR-114B-Report.pdf
RR-114A John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Research Activity Progress Report 01/01/1963 RR-114A-Report.pdf
SPR-370 A Symposium on the Michigan Nuclear Gage for Soils 10/01/1962 SPR-370-Report.pdf
RR-095C John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Effect of Incidents on Freeway Traffic 01/01/1962 RR-095C-Report.pdf
RR-095A John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Television Equipment for Traffic Surveillance 01/01/1962 RR-095A-Report.pdf
RR-095B John C Lodge Freeway Traffic Surveillance and Control Research Project: Lane Changes on an Urban Freeway 01/01/1962 RR-095B-Report.pdf
SPR-358 Field and Laboratory Evaluation of the Michigan Nuclear Gage 08/01/1961 SPR-358-Report.pdf
RR-780 Michigan Highways and Electronics 01/01/1961 RR-780-Report.pdf
RR-057 Tomorrow's Traffic-Freeway Traffic Surveillance Research Project 01/01/1960 RR-057-Report.pdf
SPR-316 The Michigan Nuclear Combination Density-Moisture Surface Gage 09/01/1959 SPR-316-Report.pdf
SPR-308 Operating Manual for Soil Density and Moisture Measurements by Nuclear Methods 03/01/1959 SPR-308-Report.pdf
SPR-297 Operating Manual for Soil Density and Moisture Measurements by Nuclear Methods 09/01/1958 SPR-297-Report.pdf
SPR-249 Data Summaries on Nuclear Methods Reported on Soils 12/01/1955 SPR-249-Report.pdf
SPR-189A Analysis of Proposed Research Projects involving Work with Radioactive Isotopes 05/01/1953 SPR-189-Report.pdf
SPR-173 Manual for Reflectometer Operation and Maintenance 02/01/1952 SPR-173-Report.pdf
RR-014 Proposed Traffic Signal Improvements - US 10 in the Cities of Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge and Royal Oak 04/01/1946 RR-014-Report.pdf
RR-013 Proposed Traffic Signal Improvements - US 25 and Connecting Streets in the City of Mt. Clemens 04/01/1946 RR-013-Report.pdf