Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1650 UTC: National University Rail Transportation Center (NURail) - Tier I 10/17/2016 Rail Transportation, Life Cycle Analysis, Economic SPR-1650-Report.pdf
SPR-1613 Measuring Michigan Local and Statewide Transit Levels of Service 09/30/2014 Transit, level of service, performance measure SPR-1613-Report.pdf
SPR-1606C Rural Freight Rail and Multimodal Transportation Improvements ? the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 07/18/2014 Freight Rail, Commodity Flows, Upper Peninsula SPR-1606C-Report.pdf
SPR-1608 Synthesis of Methods for Procurement and Developing Transit Vehicle Specifications 06/10/2014 SPR-1608-Report.pdf
SPR-1606B Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing Surface Material Performance 04/30/2014 Highway-Rail Grade Crossing, Surface SPR-1606B-Report.pdf
SPR-1599C Detroit Regional Transit Legal Structures and Governance 03/01/2014 SPR-1599C-Report.pdf
SPR-1599D Social Equity, Mobility, and Access 03/01/2014 SPR-1599D-Report.pdf
SPR-1599E Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599E-Report.pdf
SPR-1599B Regional Transit Stew: Consensus Building and Transit Building in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599B-Report.pdf
SPR-1599G The Role of Media and Public Opinion Efforts in the Transit Field: The Detroit Region Case Study 03/01/2014 SPR-1599G-Report.pdf
SPR-1599F Funding Structures and Competing Priorities for Regional Transit in Metro Detroit 03/01/2014 SPR-1599F-Report.pdf
SPR-1599A Detroit Regional Transit Study: A Study of Factors that Inhibit and Enable Effective Development of Sustainable Regional Transit Systems in Southeastern Michigan 03/01/2014 SPR-1599A-Report.pdf
SPR-1336 Proof Load Test of R01 of 61131 M-37 over CSX Railroad, South of Bailey, Michigan 10/01/1995 SPR-1336-Report.pdf
RR-746 Bus Preemption Signal (BPS): An Application of an Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS) 01/01/1995 RR-746-Report.pdf
RR-745 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase III) 12/01/1994 RR-745-Report.pdf
RR-741 Lansing Transit Coordination Study 08/01/1994 RR-741-Report.pdf
RR-733 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase II) 06/01/1993 RR-733-Report.pdf
RR-727 Michigan-Ontario Railroad Border Crossing Infrastructure: An Evaluation of Modernization Proposal Benefits and Recommendations for Future Action 12/01/1991 RR-727-Report.pdf
RR-726 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: FY 1992 10/01/1991 RR-726-Report.pdf
RR-722 An Investigation of Design, Maintenance and Operating Procedures of Wheelchair Lifts on Transit Buses (Phase I) 03/01/1991 RR-722-Report.pdf
RR-720 A Comparison of Routing Algorithms for Demand Activated Bus Service 01/01/1991 RR-720-Report.pdf
RR-718 1989 Michigan Air Carrier Statistics 08/01/1990 RR-718-Report.pdf
RR-716 Specialized Services Coordinated Plan for Southeast Michigan 06/01/1990 RR-716-Report.pdf
RR-713 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: FY 1991 05/01/1990 RR-713-Report.pdf
RR-714 Value of Capital City Airport to the Greater Lansing/Tri-County Area 05/01/1990 RR-714-Report.pdf
RR-707 UPTRAN Technical Assistance Needs Assessment and Action Plan 01/01/1990 RR-707-Report.pdf
RR-704 Value of Airports to their Communities - Economic Impact of Aviation on Michigan ? Vol 1 & 2 08/01/1989 RR-704-Report.pdf
RR-703 1988 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Operations 08/01/1989 RR-703-Report.pdf
RR-702 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1989-90 05/01/1989 RR-702-Report.pdf
RR-698 Senior and Handicapper Assessment Project: Final Report 01/01/1989 RR-698-Report.pdf
RR-688 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1988-89 05/01/1988 RR-688-Report.pdf
RR-684 Southwestern Michigan Employer/Work Commuter Study 02/01/1988 RR-684-Report.pdf
RR-679 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study 09/01/1987 RR-679-Report.pdf
RR-676 Program Review of Local Efforts in Transportation Services 07/01/1987 RR-676-Report.pdf
RR-675 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Statistics 1982-1986 05/01/1987 RR-675-Report.pdf
RR-672 St. Mary's River Ferry System Analysis - Fare Impact and Demand Estimation 03/01/1987 RR-672-Report.pdf
RR-674 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1987-88 03/01/1987 RR-674-Report.pdf
RR-670 Michigan Intercity Bus Terminal / Station Study 03/01/1987 RR-670-Report.pdf
RR-666 Michigan Public Transit - Profiles in Service 12/01/1986 RR-666-Report.pdf
RR-665 Operations Evaluation Study of the Harbor Transit System 12/01/1986 RR-665-Report.pdf
RR-664 UPTRAN State Assistance to Transit Agencies Project Needs Assessment and Organization Study 09/01/1986 RR-664-Report.pdf
RR-662 Analysis of Drummond Island Ferry System 08/01/1986 RR-662-Report.pdf
RR-659 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1986-87 07/01/1986 RR-659-Report.pdf
RR-655 Michigan Air Carrier Airport Statistics 1981-1985 05/01/1986 RR-655-Report.pdf
RR-656 Michigan Control Tower Operations - 1981-1985 05/01/1986 RR-656-Report.pdf
RR-653 Michigan Bus Rapid Transit Demo Program-Phase 1A: Preliminary Design of Bus Rapid Transit in the Southfield/Jefferies Corridor 04/01/1986 RR-653-Report.pdf
RR-648 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - A Comparison of 1985 and 1987 User and Ticket Surveys 12/01/1985 RR-648-Report.pdf
RR-642 Inventory of Intercity Rail Passenger Transportation in Michigan - Report 8 07/01/1985 RR-642-Report.pdf
RR-641 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1985-86 06/01/1985 RR-641-Report.pdf
RR-638 Detroit-Chicago Corridor High Speed Rail Technical Report 06/01/1985 RR-638-Report.pdf
RR-637 Michigan Control Tower Operations - 1980-1984 04/01/1985 RR-637-Report.pdf
RR-636 Cross Lake Michigan Ferry Study 02/01/1985 RR-636-Report.pdf
RR-630 St. Mary's River Ferry Study 09/01/1984 RR-630-Report.pdf
RR-628 Lake Michigan Cross Lake Car Ferry Passenger Demand Market Study-Preliminary Report 06/01/1984 RR-628-Report.pdf
RR-627 MDOT Multi-Modal Program: 1984-85 05/01/1984 RR-627-Report.pdf
SPR-1244 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Seventh Progress Report 04/01/1984 SPR-1244-Report.pdf
RR-625 Basic Ridership / Simulations / Feeder Bus Analysis - Woodward Corridor 03/01/1984 RR-625-Report.pdf
RR-620 Feasibility of Private Sector High-Speed Rail Service in the Detroit-Chicago Corridor 12/01/1983 RR-620-Report.pdf
SPR-1222 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Sixth Progress Report 05/01/1983 SPR-1222-Report.pdf
RR-602 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study 09/01/1982 RR-602-Report.pdf
RR-603 Program Evaluations of Urban Transportation Planning In Michigan 09/01/1982 RR-603-Report.pdf
RR-607 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Kalamazoo Metro Transit 09/01/1982 RR-607-Report.pdf
RR-606 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Grand Rapids Area Transit Authority 09/01/1982 RR-606-Report.pdf
RR-605 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority 09/01/1982 RR-605-Report.pdf
RR-604 Michigan Public Transit Attitude and Awareness Study - Initial and Follow-Up Report for the Capital Area Transportation Authority 09/01/1982 RR-604-Report.pdf
RR-596 Final Report on a Study to Test and Refine an Evaluation Methodology for Mid-Size Transit Systems in Michigan 06/01/1982 RR-596-Report.pdf
RR-595 Management and Self Evaluation Manual for Public Transit Systems in Michigan 06/01/1982 RR-595-Report.pdf
RR-593 Buspools in Michigan 05/01/1982 RR-593-Report.pdf
SPR-1193 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Fifth Progress Report 04/01/1982 SPR-1193-Report.pdf
RR-590 Michigan Rail System Rationalization Plan - Tier II / Phase 1 - The Ann Arbor Report 03/01/1982 RR-590-Report.pdf
RR-587 Regional Transportation Systems Study - Region 3 - Plan Report 01/01/1982 RR-587-Report.pdf
RR-586 Michigan Rail System Rationalization Plan - Tier I Report 12/01/1981 RR-586-Report.pdf
SPR-1177 Airport Beacon L-801A Photometric Test 08/01/1981 SPR-1177-Report.pdf
SPR-1162 Airport Beacon L-801A Photometric Test 03/01/1981 SPR-1162-Report.pdf
RR-567 Michigan's Scheduled Air Service: An Analysis 06/01/1980 RR-567-Report.pdf
RR-564 Equipment and Maintenance Requirements for Light-Weight Accessible Bus Operations 05/01/1980 RR-564-Report.pdf
SPR-1145 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Fourth Progress Report 05/01/1980 Railroad Crossing SPR-1145-Report.pdf
RR-555 Northwest Michigan Rail System Study 01/01/1980 RR-555-Report.pdf
SPR-1113 Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings, Third Progress Report 04/01/1979 SPR-1113-Report.pdf
RR-539 Phase I Findings: Research and Report on Transit System Evaluation Methodologies 03/01/1979 RR-539-Report.pdf
RR-536 Michigan's Aviation Activity 01/01/1979 RR-536-Report.pdf
RR-525 Roles for the Private Sector in Public Transportation 09/01/1978 RR-525-Report.pdf
RR-524 Level of Service Concepts in Urban Public Transportation 09/01/1978 RR-524-Report.pdf
RR-529 Client Transportation and Services Coordination in Michigan 09/01/1978 RR-529-Report.pdf
RR-528 Digital Data Communication Features in Public Transit Systems: Executive Summary 09/01/1978 RR-528-Report.pdf
RR-526 An Analysis of the Intercity Bus Industry and the Michigan Bus Subsidy Program 09/01/1978 RR-526-Report.pdf
RR-510 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 07/01/1978 RR-510-Report.pdf
RR-508 A Study of the Feasibility of a Proposed Ferry Service Between Detour Village, MI and Meldrum Bay, Manitoulin Island 05/01/1978 RR-508-Report.pdf
RR-507 Michigan Scheduled Air Service Study Summary Report 05/01/1978 RR-507-Report.pdf
RR-503 Michigan Transportation Services for Seniors and Handicappers 03/01/1978 RR-503-Report.pdf
SPR-1079 Second Progress Report on the Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossings 03/01/1978 SPR-1079-Report.pdf
RR-501 Rural Carpool Parking in Michigan 01/01/1978 RR-501-Report.pdf
RR-500 An Operations Evaluation of a Zone Dial-A-Ride in a Mid-Michigan County 01/01/1978 RR-500-Report.pdf
RR-491 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - Phase 2 11/01/1977 RR-491-Report.pdf
RR-489 Michigan Scheduled Air Service Report - Final Technical Report 10/01/1977 RR-489-Report.pdf
RR-488 An Evaluation of the Federal Section 147 Eastern UP Rural Transportation Project 09/01/1977 RR-488-Report.pdf
RR-468 Economic Benefits of Lake Michigan Car Ferry Service - Vol 1 & 2 12/01/1976 RR-468-Report.pdf
SPR-1027 Progress Report on the Evaluation of Various Types of Railroad Crossing 11/01/1976 SPR-1027-Report.pdf
RR-455 General Aviation Activity in the State of Michigan 09/01/1976 RR-455-Report.pdf
RR-446 Study Design for Willow Run Airport 05/01/1976 RR-446-Report.pdf
RR-437 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 02/01/1976 RR-437-Report.pdf
RR-424 Report on Operations of Willow Run Airport and Recommendations for Future Action 11/01/1975 RR-424-Report.pdf
RR-421 Michigan DART Program - Status Report 10/01/1975 RR-421-Report.pdf
RR-422 Report on a Study of Michigan's Aviation Development Program - 1975 Update 10/01/1975 RR-422-Report.pdf
RR-413 Feasibility Study of Reserved Bus-Car Pool Lanes for Jeffries Freeway (I-96) - Vol 1 & 2 06/01/1975 RR-413-Report.pdf
RR-412 Michigan Bus Rapid Transit Demo Program: Phase 1 05/01/1975 RR-412-Report.pdf
RR-411 An Evaluation of the US Railway Association Preliminary System Plan As It Pertains to the Ann Arbor Railroad 04/01/1975 RR-411-Report.pdf
RR-377 Michigan Intercity Bus Study - Phase 1 07/01/1974 RR-377-Report.pdf
SPR-901 Final Report on Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 02/01/1974 Railroad SPR-901-Report.pdf
RR-352 The Lamp Road - A History of the Lansing, Alma, Mt. Pleasant and Northern Railroad 01/01/1974 RR-352-Report.pdf
RR-353 Michigan State Airport System Plan thru 1990 - Final 01/01/1974 RR-353-Report.pdf
RR-324 Ann Arbor DART Pilot Project 04/01/1973 RR-324-Report.pdf
RR-314 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Task Group 5 - General Aviation Plan 01/01/1973 RR-314-Report.pdf
RR-273 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Interim Report - Data Collection and Analysis Methods 01/01/1972 RR-273-Report.pdf
RR-272 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Technical Report 01/01/1972 RR-272-Report.pdf
RR-278 Airline Passenger Survey at Selected Michigan Airports 01/01/1972 RR-278-Report.pdf
RR-274 Michigan State Airport System Plan - Task Group 4 - Proposed System Plan 01/01/1972 RR-274-Report.pdf
RR-262 Michigan Marine Gas Tax Study 11/01/1971 RR-262-Report.pdf
RR-258 Area Economic Significance of Rail Car Ferry Service Across the Straits of Mackinac 09/01/1971 RR-258-Report.pdf
RR-255 Analysis of Alternative Rail Passenger Routings in the Detroit-Chicago Corridor 07/01/1971 RR-255-Report.pdf
RR-252 The Michigan Intercity Passenger Demand Model 06/01/1971 RR-252-Report.pdf
RR-246 Michigan State Airport Plan 1970-1975 04/01/1971 RR-246-Report.pdf
RR-224 Report on a Study of Michigan's Aviation Development Program 10/01/1970 RR-224-Report.pdf
RR-223 Midland Aviation Survey 09/01/1970 RR-223-Report.pdf
RR-222 Grand Haven Airport Study 09/01/1970 RR-222-Report.pdf
SPR-698 Progress Report on Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 04/01/1969 Railroad SPR-698-Report.pdf
RR-199 Aviation and Economic Development 03/01/1969 RR-199-Report.pdf
RR-189 History of the Michigan State Ferries 01/01/1969 RR-189-Report.pdf
RR-177 The Potential for Use of Alternative Fuels in Michigan's Public Transit Systems 07/01/1968 RR-177-Report.pdf
RR-175 Aviation Facilities and Activities Study Tri-County Regional Planning Commission 04/01/1968 Aviation, Air Transportation Facilities RR-175-Report.pdf
RR-166 Tri-County Facts About Aviation Passengers - Clinton, Ingham and Eaton 09/01/1967 RR-166-Report.pdf
RR-158 Forecasting General Aviation Activity in Michigan 09/01/1966 RR-158-Report.pdf
SPR-578 Evaluation of a Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing 04/01/1966 SPR-578-Report.pdf
RR-142 General Aviation Winter Traffic Survey 03/01/1965 RR-142-Report.pdf
SPR-486 Repair of Rubber Pad Railroad Crossing (NYC RR Crossing US-23 South of Dundee) 01/01/1965 SPR-486-Report.pdf
RR-103 Design Maintenance and Performance of Resurfaced Pavements at Willow Run Airfield 01/01/1962 RR-103-Report.pdf
SPR-337 Roughness Evaluation of Railroad Crossings in Battle Creek 07/01/1960 SPR-337-Report.pdf
RR-073 A Background Planning Study of Michigan's Aviation Needs 06/01/1960 Aviation, Planning RR-073-Report.pdf
SPR-066 Concerning Changes in Senate Bill No. 102 Relative to Motorbuses 02/01/1945 SPR-066-Report.pdf
SPR-027 Flight Strips ? Design and Construction 03/01/1942 SPR-027-Report.pdf
SPR-026 Selected Bibliography on Airport Construction for National Defense 02/01/1942 SPR-026-Report.pdf