Michigan Department of Transportation
Administration Repository

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.
Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.
SPR-1680 | 3D Highway Design Model: Cost Benefit Analysis | 04/01/2019 | 3D, digital project delivery, risk mitigation, construction, BIM, AMG, LOD, LOV, ROI, risk, benefit cost analysis | SPR-1680-Report.pdf | |
SPR-1680 | 3D Highway Design Model Cost Benefit Analysis | WSP | 04/01/2019 | 3D, digital project delivery, risk mitigation, construction, BIM, AMG, LOD, LOV, ROI, risk, benefit cost analysis | SPR-1680-Spotlight.pdf |
SPR-1674 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assess Highways and Bridges Faster with Reduced Cost and Risk | MTU | 09/01/2018 | Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, transportation, operations, maintenance, asset management, bridges, traffic, GIS, remote sensing | SPR-1674-Spotlight.pdf |
SPR-1674 | Implementation of UAVs for Assessment of Transportation Infrastructure ? Phase II | 09/01/2018 | Unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV, transportation, operations, maintenance, asset management, bridges, traffic, GIS, remote sensing | SPR-1674-Report.pdf | |
SPR-1671 | Enhancing Michigan's Traffic Monitoring Network with Intelligent Transportation Systems Sensors | WMU | 05/01/2018 | Continuous Count Stations (CCS), ITS Site Evaluation, Traffic Monitoring Program | SPR-1671-Spotlight.pdf |
SPR-1671 | An Evaluation of Michigan's Continuous Count Stations (CCS) Distribution | Jun-Seok Oh, Valerian Kwigizile | 05/01/2018 | Continuous Count Stations (CCS), ITS Site Evaluation, Traffic Monitoring Program | SPR-1671-Report.pdf |
SPR-1625 | Infrastructure Monitoring Data Management | A. Benesch | 07/01/2015 | Cut River Bridge, Structural Health Monitoring, Wireless Infrastructure | SPR-1625-Report.pdf |
SPR-1621 | Evaluating Roadway Surface Rating Technologies | U of M | 06/01/2015 | PASER, IRI, road roughness, accelerometer, smartphone, DataProbe | SPR-1621-Report.pdf |
SPR-1579 | Cost Effectiveness of the MDOT Preventive Maintenance Program | Applied Pavement Technologies | 04/01/2013 | preventive maintenance, pavement preservation, surface treatments, cost effectiveness, performance models | SPR-1579-Report.pdf |
SPR-1457A | Determine the impact of the AASHTO LRFD bridge code and transition the department into the use of the AASHTO LRFD design code | A Nowak; A Naaman; G Parra-Montensi | 09/01/2004 | bridges, LRFD, design code, limit states, load and resistance factors | SPR-1457A-Report.pdf |
SPR-1430 | Analytical Design Procedures and Load Rating for Isotropic Bridge Decks | U of M | 05/01/2003 | isotropic bridge deck; stress analysis; restrained shrinkage | SPR-1430-Report.pdf |
SPR-1413 | Investigation of the Adequacy of Current Bridge Design Loads in the State of Michigan | MTU & WSU | 07/01/2002 | structural reliability; design load; bridge design; capacity; resistance; reliability index | SPR-1413-Report.pdf |
SPR-1389B | Michigan Deck Evaluation Guide | U of M, MDOT | 11/01/2000 | bridge slab decks, deterioration, evaluation, degradation | SPR-1389B-Report.pdf |
SPR-1389A | Development of the Procedure for Efficient Evaluation of Bridge Decks | A Nowak; M Szerszen; L Kwasniewski | 11/01/2000 | bridge slab decks; deterioration; field inspection; field tests; material models; failure scenarios; finite element analysis; punching shear | SPR-1389A-Report.pdf |
SPR-1378 | Development of a Guide for Evaluation of Existing Bridges, Phase 2 | A Nowak; A Sanli; J Eom | 01/01/2000 | SPR-1378-Report.pdf | |
RR-769 | Parking on the State Trunkline System | U of M | 01/01/2000 | RR-769-Report.pdf | |
SPR-1362 | Development of a Guide for Evaluation of Existing Bridges Part I | A.S. Nowak, S. Kim | 05/01/1998 | bridges; field testing load distribution; proof load; dynamic load | SPR-1362-Report.pdf |
RR-694 | An Analysis of Current and Future Deterioration of Michigan's State, County and City Roads | Michigan Road Builders Association | 08/01/1988 | RR-694-Report.pdf | |
RR-624 | Needs Study Inventory: Highways, Roads & Streets: Exec Summary | Needs Study Committee | 03/01/1984 | RR-624-Report.pdf | |
RR-462 | State of Michigan Comprehensive Public Transportation Inventory | Mass Transportation Planning Sect. | 11/01/1976 | RR-462-Report.pdf | |
RR-369 | The Marking and Signing of Three-Lane,Two-Way Highways TSD-238-74. | Donald J. Mercer | 06/01/1974 | Road markings | RR-369-Report.pdf |
SPR-791 | Studded Tires: Their Effect on Highways and Vehicle Safety in Michigan | F. Copple | 11/01/1971 | SPR-791-Report.pdf | |
SPR-692 | Methods For Evaluating Deterioration of In-Service Reflective Sheeting Signs | M.H. Janson, G.M. Smith | 04/01/1969 | SPR-692-Report.pdf | |
SPR-504 | Effect on Bridges of Proposed Changes in Permissible Truck Loads | L.T. Oehler | 03/01/1965 | SPR-504-Report.pdf | |
RR-132 | Place Classification for Trunkline Selection | Office of Planning | 01/01/1964 | Primary highways | RR-132-Report.pdf |
SPR-278 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal by Radiant Heat, Ninth (Final) Progress Report | E.A. Finney | 04/01/1957 | SPR-278-Report.pdf | |
SPR-274 | Color Patterns for Flagmen?s Vests | C. C. Rhodes, M. H. Janson, D.F. | 02/01/1957 | SPR-274-Report.pdf | |
SPR-246 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat, Eighth Progress Report | E.A. Finney | 01/01/1956 | SPR-246-Report.pdf | |
SPR-243 | Michigan State Highway Department Photometric Test for Reflective Materials | B.W. Preston | 12/01/1955 | SPR-243-Report.pdf | |
SPR-221 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat, 1953-54 Winter Performance and Cost, Report No. 7 | E.A. Finney | 01/01/1955 | SPR-221-Report.pdf | |
SPR-214 | New Impact Tester for Reflector Buttons | B.W. Preston | 08/01/1954 | SPR-214-Report.pdf | |
SPR-192 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat Report #6 | E.A. Finney | 07/01/1953 | SPR-192-Report.pdf | |
SPR-190 | Michigan Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat 1952 #5 | E.A. Finney | 03/01/1953 | SPR-190-Report.pdf | |
SPR-165 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat | E.A. Finney | 12/01/1951 | SPR-165-Report.pdf | |
SPR-158 | Study of 1950 Traffic Paint Operations | B.W. Pocock | 03/01/1951 | SPR-158-Report.pdf | |
SPR-152 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat ? Performance and Cost Information for Winter Season 1949-1950 | E.A. Finney | 08/01/1950 | SPR-152-Report.pdf | |
RR-021 | City Pavement Marking | Traffic and Safety Division | 01/01/1950 | Road markings | RR-021-Report.pdf |
SPR-130 | Performance and Cost Information Relative to Michigan Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal by Radiant Heat | E.A. Finney | 05/01/1949 | SPR-130-Report.pdf | |
SPR-120 | Michigan?s Experiment in Snow and Ice Removal on Highways by Radiant Heat | E.A. Finney | 01/01/1949 | SPR-120-Report.pdf | |
RR-020 | Standards for Pavement Marking | Planning and Traffic Division | 01/01/1949 | Road markings | RR-020-Report.pdf |