Standard Plans


Standard Plans are engineering drawings showing standard details of various construction items, representing the current policies of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), approved for repetitive use where appropriate. The drawings are produced in the Design Standards Unit for statewide use by the Department, counties and cities and are used in conjunction with the Standard Specifications for Construction and other applicable specifications, policies and manuals. Current applicable Standard Plans are listed on the note sheet of a set of construction plans.


The information provided is a product of MDOT and is intended for information only and is not to be sold or otherwise distributed for profit. There are no expressed or implied warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usability of this information. The exclusive purpose of this electronic publication is to provide information as a convenience to those who access it. Any uses of these drawings shall be the responsibility of the user.

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Standard Plans Information

For information regarding the technical content of the Standard Plans contact:

Road Standards: E-mail: [email protected]

Bridge Standards: E-mail: [email protected]