Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1572 Sharing the road : optimizing pedestrian and bicycle safety and vehicle mobility John LaPlante Pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, vehicle mobility, sharing the road, best practices SPR-1572-Report.pdf
SPR-1741 Leveraging Crowd-sourced Data in Planning, Design, Analysis, and Evaluation of Pedestrian and Bicycle Traffic Aditi Misra, Krista Nordback, Shubhayan Ukil, Mike Vann, Garrett Fardon, Meghna Chakraborty, Wesley Marshall 11/14/2024 Crowdsourced data, Active transportation volume, SPR-1741-Report.pdf
SPR-1741-Appendix C Appendix C - Python Coding Aditi Misra, Krista Nordback, Shubhayan Ukil, Mike Vann, Garrett Fardon, Meghna Chakraborty, Wesley Marshall 11/14/2024 Crowdsourced data, Active transportation volume, SPR-1741-Python-Coding.pdf
SPR-1651 New Safety Tool Highlights Crash Risks for Pedestrians and Bicyclists Across the State. CTC & Associates 02/01/2021 non-motorized users, bicyclist, pedestrian, risk models, risk score, safety performance functions, highway safety, manual, Empirical Bayes, geographic information systems SPR-1651-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1651 User Manual Developing Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Models - User Manual 07/01/2018 SPR-1651-User-Manual.pdf
SPR-1651 Developing Michigan Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Models Robert C. Hampshire 07/01/2018 non-motorized users, bicyclist, pedestrian, risk models, risk score, safety performance functions, highway safety, manual, Empirical Bayes, geographic information systems SPR-1651-Report.pdf
SPR-1675 Sidepath Application Criteria Development for Bicycle Use Rebecca Sanders 06/29/2018 Bicycles, bikeways, sidepaths, crosswalks, crash analysis, surveys, guidelines SPR-1675-Report.pdf
SPR-1675 Sidepath Application Criteria Development for Bicycle Use 06/29/2018 Bicycles, bikeways, sidepaths, crosswalks, crash analysis, surveys, guidelines SPR-1675-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1603 Development of Performance Measures for Non-Motorized Dynamics Jun-Seok Oh 12/01/2013 Performance Measure, Safety, Non-Motorized Pedestrian, Bicyclist SPR-1603-Report.pdf
SPR-1585 Evaluating Pedestrian Safety Improvements Ron Van Houten, 12/03/2012 Pedestrian Safety, PHB, RRFB, In Street Signs, Pedestrian Countdown timer, gateway treatment SPR-1585-Report.pdf
SPR-1572 Sharing the Road: Optimizing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Vehicle Mobility 04/01/2012 Pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, vehicle mobilit, sharing the road, best practices SPR-1572-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1492 Developing Guidelines for Use of Pedestrian Countdown Traffic Signals Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh 01/01/2007 Countdown pedestrian signals, pedestrian crossing behavior, pedestrian compliance, signalized intersections SPR-1492-Report.pdf
RR-764 Grand River Ave (M-43) Pedestrian Study 01/01/1999 RR-764-Report.pdf
RR-338 An Informational Report on Non-Motorized Transportation as it Applies to Michigan Michigan Dept. of State 08/01/1973 RR-338-Report.pdf
SPR-834 The Effects of Pavement Drainage Gratings on Bicycle Control for Narrow-Tired Bicycles L. T. Oehler 10/04/1972 SPR-834-Report.pdf
RR-188 Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety Studies D. E. Cleveland 01/01/1969 RR-188-Report.pdf