Apply for DBE Certification

Thank you for your interest in applying for DBE certification in the State of Michigan.

Please note that all firms seeking Airport Concessionaire Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) certification in the State of Michigan must submit their initial application to Wayne County Human Relations, the certification representative for the Wayne County Airport Authority.

To Apply for the Michigan Department of Transportation DBE Certification follow these steps:

  1. Sign-up for a MIlogin for Third Part account ( Official Website) here
  2. Select the "Request Access" tab at the top of the screen. Once there, search for the "MUCP" application.
  3. Follow the instructions in the DBE Certification Application program. Please note that once your firm has begun its application for certification it will have 60 days to finish before the program deems the application non-viable for processing and deletes it.

If your firm has any questions regarding applying for the MDOT DBE Certification program, please contact our office at 517-335-1708, or by email at [email protected].