Michigan Department of Transportation
Research Administration Repository

MDOT Research Administration

Research Administration, or RAd, supports transportation research across a variety of different focus areas. Reports, spotlights, and other research related documents are available to search and browse in the online repository. To open any document, a file will need to be downloaded to your device. If you have any problems downloading any documents, please contact Research Administration.

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Note:Select any check box under Report Number, Publication Title, Author, Published Date, Keywords or File Name and enter a text in the Search By text box in the left navigation panel and press find button for Research Administration search results.

SPR-1738 Improving Road Safety with Video Analytics Technology CTC & Associates 09/25/2024 Video analytics, connected vehicles, ITS, technology, technology assessments SPR-1738-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1705 Transportation agencies pool ideas and resources for technology-enabled solutions CTC & Associates 06/26/2024 ENTERPRISE, evaluation, applied research, exploratory research, intelligent transportation systems, ITS, Highway safety; Pooled funds; Research; Technological innovations SPR-1705-Spotlight.pdf
SPR-1738 Utilizing Video Analytics with Connected Vehicles for Improved Safety Amanda Good, Sarah Butler Jeffery Dale, Stacie Phillips 05/31/2024 Video analytics, connected vehicles, ITS, technology, technology assessments SPR-1738-Report.pdf
SPR-1728 Evaluation of Bridge Deck Winter Weather Warning Systems Timothy J. Gates, Sagar Keshari, Jonathan J. Kay, Julie L. Schaffer, Peter T. Savolainen, Dario Babic, Md. Shakir Mahmud, Myles Overall, Deniada Nikollari, Ali Zockaie 04/09/2024 Bridge, weather, icy, warning, system, sign, W8-13 SPR-1728-Report.pdf
SPR-1705 Evaluating New Technologies for Roads Program Initiatives in Safety and Efficiency (ENTERPRISE) - Phase II Dean Deeter, Linda Preisen, Tina Ro 03/22/2022 ENTERPRISE, evaluation, applied research, exploratory research, intelligent transportation systems, ITS, Highway safety; Pooled funds; Research; Technological innovations SPR-1705-Report.pdf