What is a State of Michigan Traffic
Crash Report (UD-10)? |
The State of Michigan Traffic Crash Report
(UD-10) is a form that must be completed by law (MCL 257.622) on
all reportable crashes. The report is completed by all law
enforcement agencies and is forwarded to the Michigan State
Police for analysis for the purpose of furnishing statistical
information and preparing compiled crash data.
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What is the Traffic Crash
Purchasing System (TCPS)? |
The Traffic Crash Purchasing System (TCPS)
is a website for public users or businesses to purchase a
Traffic Crash Report (UD-10).
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How do I purchase a crash report? |
Users can enter the TCPS website, search for the crash,
register (if new to the site), or sign in (if already
registered) to purchase and print the crash report.
Specific crash criteria is required to use the TCPS
website, with two search options available.
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What if I do not have the specific
criteria required in TCPS to find the crash? |
If the specific information required is
not known by the user (e.g. property owner damage, no
information on driver or party involved in the crash), the
crash report may be requested through the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). See "Related Links" above.
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Does it matter what browser or
mobile device I use? |
You should always use a secure
internet browser such as Microsoft Edge,
Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. These browsers utilize the
latest encryption algorithms available, offering the highest
level of protection possible whenever you use credit cards or
make other financial or confidential transactions over the
Whichever browser you use, TCPS requires
that the browser accept session cookies.
Your browser should also be JavaScript
capable and enabled, when accessing TCPS or the website may
not function properly.
The use of your mobile device is not
recommended, as the TCPS website layout and navigation is not
mobile friendly.
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What is a cookie? |
A cookie is a piece of information that a
program (in this case TCPS) stores in your computer's
memory. Some cookies remain on your computer for an extended
period of time. TCPS uses session cookies, which are deleted
when you exit the program or close your internet browser.
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What is a Public User? |
A Public User is a public consumer who uses
TCPS to purchase a State of Michigan Traffic Crash Report
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What is an Approved Business? |
An Approved Business is a company that wishes to make bulk
purchases each month from TCPS and has a direct interest of
an involved party in the crash, e.g. insurance companies.
The Michigan State Police (MSP) adheres to strict
guidelines in granting approvals for business accounts using
TCPS. If you represent a business that would have a high
monthly volume of purchases, please contact the Michigan State Police Traffic
Crash Reporting Unit at the phone number or email at the
bottom of this page, to begin the process.
If you represent a business and intend to only make
occasional purchases, please register as a Public User.
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Why do my search results say, "No
records were found for the selected criteria"? |
The crash report may not have been received yet by the Michigan
State Police. It can take 3 to 30
days after the crash has occurred until the form gets
processed into the TCPS database. If your search attempt was unsuccessful, try
again in a few days. The search criteria
being used might not be correct. Make sure that the
information being entered is free from typographical errors
and is accurate (incident/case number, driver license number,
birth date and crash date).
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Can I reprint crash reports that
I've already purchased through TCPS? |
Yes, crash reports that have been previously purchased via
TCPS can be reprinted at no extra cost. To
reprint: 1. Select the Sign-In / Register link on the
Welcome page. 2. Log into TCPS using the User ID and
password used when the crash report was initially purchased.
3. Acknowledge acceptance of the terms and conditions on the
Certification page. 4. Select the Customer Reprints link in the
Navigation box on the left of the page. 5. Search for previously
purchased crash reports using the available criteria on the
Purchase List page and select the report(s) you wish to print
from a list.
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Does TCPS keep my credit card
information? |
No, TCPS does NOT store any credit card
information. The information is entered directly to the
credit card processing system in order to obtain payment for
the selected crash report(s).
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How do I print or save a crash
report? |
After you have found the crash report and
payment has been approved, select the "Display Image" link on
the UD-10 Image page to display it in your web browser or
Adobe Reader application. Then simply select the Print or
Save option on your browser or Adobe Reader application.
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How do I pay for a crash report? |
Public Users: Credit cards are processed through the
CEPAS Credit Card Processing Payment Module. This process is
a secure means of processing credit card authorizations.
Payment may be made with ONLY a valid Visa, MasterCard,
Discover, or American Express credit card. This payment will
appear on your statement as "State Police CRASH Rpt.".
Approved Business Users: Approved Business Users
submit payments for monthly invoices, according to the
agreement made at the time of registration.
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What if I forgot my password? |
If you forget your password, a new
password can be requested at the Sign In page. TCPS will
generate a new password and send an email to the email
address used when requesting a forgotten password. Due to
some email spam filters, this email may be blocked or routed
to your spam or junk email folder.
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What if I cannot remember the email
I used when I registered? |
Contact the Michigan State Police Traffic
Crash Reporting Unit at the phone number or email at the
bottom of this page, and we will try to assist you with
identifying the email address used during registration.
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What if I forgot to print the
receipt? |
There is no option to reprint the receipt
within TCPS, so please contact the Michigan State Police Traffic Crash
Reporting Unit at the phone number or email at the bottom of
this page. If leaving a message, please provide the date the
crash report was purchased and the email used.
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What if there are inaccuracies
within the report? |
The Michigan State Police Traffic Crash
Reporting Unit is the repository for all traffic crash
reports. However, we cannot make any changes to the reports.
If you have questions or concerns about the contents of the
report, you may contact the law enforcement agency that
completed the report.
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What do the codes on my crash
report represent? |
The traffic crash report codes are described in the Crash
Report Reference Guide found here.
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